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Last active December 30, 2020 11:42
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mapply for all combinations of arguments or lapply for multiple vectors/lists of arguments
# A more efficient implementation avoiding
# expand.grid which copies the parameters/arguments multiple times,
# which is inefficient for large parameters (e.g. data.frames).
mlapply <- function(.Fun, ..., .Cluster=NULL, .parFun=parallel::parLapply) {
`--List--` <-
names(`--List--`) <-
names(`--List--`) %>%
`if`(is.null(.),"", length(`--List--`)),
.) %>%
ifelse(.=="", # for unnamed args in ...
seq_along(.) %>%
paste0(ifelse(.==1 | .>20 & .%%10==1, 'st', ""),
ifelse(.==2 | .>20 & .%%10==2, 'nd', ""),
ifelse(.==3 | .>20 & .%%10==3, 'rd', ""),
ifelse(.>3 & .<=20 | !(.%%10 %in% 1:3), 'th', "")) %>%
paste("argument in mlapply's ..."),
`--metadata--` <-
data.frame(Name = paste0("`",names(`--List--`),"`"),
Len = lengths(`--List--`),
OriginalOrder = seq_len(length(`--List--`)),
'function(',x,')', previous,'),recursive=FALSE)'),
x =
`--metadata--` %>%
`[`(order(.$Len),) %>%
init =
`--metadata--` %>%
`[`(order(.$OriginalOrder),) %>%
`$`(Name) %>%
ifelse(grepl("argument in mlapply's ...",.,fixed=TRUE),
., paste0(.,'=',.)) %>%
paste(collapse=',') %>%
paste0('list(.Fun(',.,'))')) %>%
ifelse(.Cluster %>% is.null,
., fixed=TRUE)) %>%
# # Example:
# mlapply(function(x,y,z)
# data.frame(x,y,z, sum = x + y + z, row.names="row1"),
# x = 1, y = 1:2, z = 1:3)
# str(RESULT)
# # List of 6
# # $ :'data.frame': 1 obs. of 4 variables:
# # ..$ x : num 1
# # ..$ y : int 1
# # ..$ z : int 1
# # ..$ sum: num 3
# # $ :'data.frame': 1 obs. of 4 variables:
# # ..$ x : num 1
# # ..$ y : int 2
# # ..$ z : int 1
# # ..$ sum: num 4
# # $ :'data.frame': 1 obs. of 4 variables:
# # ..$ x : num 1
# # ..$ y : int 1
# # ..$ z : int 2
# # ..$ sum: num 4
# # $ :'data.frame': 1 obs. of 4 variables:
# # ..$ x : num 1
# # ..$ y : int 2
# # ..$ z : int 2
# # ..$ sum: num 5
# # $ :'data.frame': 1 obs. of 4 variables:
# # ..$ x : num 1
# # ..$ y : int 1
# # ..$ z : int 3
# # ..$ sum: num 5
# # $ :'data.frame': 1 obs. of 4 variables:
# # ..$ x : num 1
# # ..$ y : int 2
# # ..$ z : int 3
# # ..$ sum: num 6
# # Example of using parallel lapply:
# cl <- parallel::makeCluster(parallel::detectCores())
# mlapply(function(x,y,z)
# data.frame(x,y,z, sum = x + y + z, row.names="row1"),
# x = 1, y = 1:2, z = 1:3,
# .Cluster=cl)
# identical(RESULT,
# # [1] TRUE
# RESULT_FROM_PARALLEL_2 <- # load-balancing version:
# mlapply(function(x,y,z)
# data.frame(x,y,z, sum = x + y + z, row.names="row1"),
# x = 1, y = 1:2, z = 1:3,
# .Cluster=cl,
# .parFun=parallel::parLapplyLB)
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