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Last active August 29, 2015 14:00
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  • Save aleks-mariusz/a327bb1017ca3ce68bc2 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save aleks-mariusz/a327bb1017ca3ce68bc2 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
May 4 2006 - You'll come to a point where the tools you're familiar/most comfortable with just aren't enough and you have to learn new ones.. Here i had to configure several dozen APC power strips.. fortunately they had rs232 serial ports, and i had my powerbook with a kensington usb-serial adapter (the one not based on the prolific pl2302 chips…
#!/usr/local/bin/kermit.real +
# Usage: apc-config [ hostname ] [ ip address ]
# written in spring 2006..
# .file := \fcontents(\%1) # Eval one level deep in case of backslashes
#} else while not def file { # Prompt for it if not given
# ask file " Log file name: "
set modem type none # No modem is involved
set flow-control none # Or Xon/Xoff, or None
set carrier-watch off # Uncomment if there is no Carrier signal
set parity none # Or Even, Mark, Space, or Odd as needed
set port /dev/cu.KeySerial1 # Or whatever port you are using
if fail { # Check that port was obtained
exit 1 \m(port): \v(setlinemsg)
set speed 9600 # Or whatever speed is needed
## can only take up to 9 args on the command line, so we will hard code the least changed ones here
.domainname := nydc.fxcorp.prv
.dnsfirst :=
.dnssecond :=
.location := NYDC
.defaultPortName := empty
if = \v(argc) 9 {
.numoutlets := \fcontents(\%1)
.username := \fcontents(\%2)
.password := \fcontents(\%3)
.ipaddress := \fcontents(\%4)
.subnetmask := \fcontents(\%5)
.defgateway := \fcontents(\%6)
.hostname := \fcontents(\%7)
.newpasswd := \fcontents(\%8)
} else {
echo "To run script non-interactively specify the following parameters on command line:"
echo \%0 [num ports] [login] [passwd] [ip] [subnet] [gateway] [hostname] [new passwd]
ask numoutlets "How many outlets does this APC have? "
ask username "What username should I log in as? "
askq password "What password should I use? "
echo "What will be this APC's.."
ask ipaddress " ..IP address? "
ask subnetmask " ..subnet mask? "
ask defgateway " ..default gateway? "
ask hostname " ..hostname? "
# ask domainname " ..domain name? "
# ask dnsfirst " ..primary DNS server? "
# ask dnssecond " ..secondary DNS server? "
# ask location " ..datacenter location? "
askq newpasswd " password? "
echo Now configuring APC with the following parameters:
echo numoutlets = \m(numOutlets)
echo username = \m(username)
echo password = \m(password)
echo ipaddress = \m(ipaddress)
echo subnetmask = \m(subnetmask)
echo defgateway = \m(defgateway)
echo hostname = \m(hostname)
echo domainname = \m(domainname)
echo dnsfirst = \m(dnsfirst)
echo dnssecond = \m(dnssecond)
echo location = \m(location)
echo newpasswd = \m(newpasswd)
set input echo off
clear input
echo "Now logging in.. "
output \13
output \13
output \13
input 2 "User Name :"
if fail { # Catch i/o errors
exit 1 "Did not get login prompt!"
output \m(username)\13
output \m(password)\13
input 10 "Control Console"
if fail {
exit 1 "Did not get menu after login!"
.currNum ::= 1
#while <= \m(currNum) \m(numoutlets) {
# output 1\13
# input 10 "> "
# if fail {
# exit 1 "Did not get into Device Manager"
# }
# sleep 1
# output 3\13\13
# input 10 "> "
# if fail {
# exit 1 "Did not get into Outlet Control/Config"
# }
# echo " Setting port \m(currNum)'s name to '\m(defaultPortName)'"
# input 10 "> "
# if fail {
# exit 1 "Timed out waiting for prompt on port \m(currNum).. "
# }
# output \m(currNum)\13
# output 2\13
# output 1\13
# input 10 "Outlet Name :"
# if fail {
# exit 1 "Could not set port \m(currNum) to \m(defaultPortName).. "
# }
# output \m(defaultPortName)\13
# input 10 "> "
# if fail {
# exit 1 "Timed out waiting for prompt on port \m(currNum).. "
# }
# output 5\13
# input 10 "> "
# if fail {
# exit 1 "Timed out waiting for parent menu after setting port \m(currNum).. "
# }
# output \3\3\3\3
# input 10 "Control Console"
# .currNum ::= \m(currNum)+1
echo " Entering Network Menu.. "
output 2\13
echo " Entering TCP/IP Menu.. "
output 1\13
echo " Selecting to use Manual Configuration.. "
output 1\13
output 4\13
echo " Setting IP.. "
output 1\13
input 10 "System IP :"
if fail {
exit 1 "Did not get prompt for entering system IP"
output \m(ipaddress)\13
echo " Setting Subnet Mask.. "
output 2\13
input 10 "Subnet Mask :"
if fail {
exit 1 "Did not get prompt for entering subnet mask"
output \m(subnetmask)\13
echo " Setting Default Gateway.. "
output 3\13
input 10 "Default Gateway :"
if fail {
exit 1 "Did not get prompt for entering default gateway"
output \m(defgateway)\13
echo " Saving changes so far.. "
output 4\13
output 4\13
sleep 2
output \3\3\3
input 10 "Control Console"
echo " Entering TCP/IP Advanced Menu.. "
output 2\13
output 1\13
output 5\13
echo " Setting Hostname.. "
output 1\13
input 10 "Host Name :"
if fail {
exit 1 "Did not get prompt for entering host name"
output \m(hostname)\13
echo " Settinm Domain.. "
output 2\13
input 10 "Domain Name :"
if fail {
exit 1 "Did not get prompt for entering domain name"
output \m(domainname)\13
echo " Setting Media Auto-Negotiation.. "
output 3\13
output 1\13
echo " Saving changes so far.. "
output 4\13
sleep 2
output \3\3\3
input 10 "Control Console"
echo " Entering DNS menu.."
output 2\13
output 2\13
echo " Setting Primary DNS.. "
output 1\13
input 10 "Primary DNS Server IP :"
if fail {
exit 1 "Did not get prompt for primary DNS"
output \m(dnsfirst)\13
echo " Setting Secondary DNS.. "
output 2\13
input 10 "Secondary DNS Server IP :"
if fail {
exit 1 "Did not get prompt for Secondary DNS"
output \m(dnssecond)\13
echo " Disabling Reverse DNS Lookups.. "
output 3\13
output 1\13
echo " Saving changes so far.. "
output 4\13
output \3\3\3
echo " Entering FTP menu.. "
output 2\13
output 4\13
input 32 "------- FTP Server --------"
if fail {
exit 1 "Did not reach the FTP Menu"
output 1\13
echo " Disabling FTPd.. "
output 1\13
echo " Saving changes so far.. "
output 3\13
output \3\3\3
echo " Entering Telnet/SSH menu.. "
output 2\13
output 5\13
input 32 "------- Telnet/SSH ------------"
if fail {
exit 1 "Did not reach the Telnet/SSH Menu"
output 1\13
echo " Enabling Logging capability.."
output 2\13
output 2\13
echo " Allowing only SSHv2.."
output 4\13
echo " Saving changes so far.. "
output 6\13
output \13
echo " Confirming Export License.."
output YES\13
output \3\3\3
echo " Entering Web/SSL/TLS menu.. "
output 2\13
output 6\13
input 32 "------- Web/SSL/TLS --------------"
if fail {
exit 1 "Did not reach the Web/SSL/TLS Menu"
output 1\13
echo " Enabling Web Access.. "
output 2\13
echo " Enabling TLS abilities.. "
output 2\13
output 2\13
echo " Saving changes so far.. "
output 6\13
output \13
output YES\13
output \3\3\3
echo " Entering WAP menu.. "
output 2\13
output 7\13
input 32 "------- WAP ----------"
if fail {
exit 1 "Did not reach the WAP Menu"
output 1\13
echo " Disabling WAP Access.. "
output 1\13
echo " Saving changes so far.. "
output 2\13
output \3
output \3\3\3
echo " Entering SNMP Menu"
output 2\13
output 8\13
input 32 "------- SNMP ---------"
if fail {
exit 1 "Did not reach the SNMP Menu"
output 3\13
output 2\13
echo " Disabling private Write community.. "
output 3\13
echo " Saving changes so far.. "
output 4\13
output \3\3
output \3\3\3
echo " Entering ISX Protocol menu.. "
output 2\13
output 11\13
input 32 "------- ISX Protocol ----------"
if fail {
exit 1 "Did not reach the ISX Menu"
output 1\13
echo " Enabling ISX Protocol.. "
output 2\13
echo " Saving changes so far.. "
output 2\13
output \3
output \3\3\3
echo " Setting APC's Name.. "
output 3\13
output 2\13
output 1\13
input 60 "Name :"
if fail {
exit 1 "Did not get prompt for Name"
output \m(hostname)\13
echo " ...and Location.. "
output 3\13
input 10 "Location :"
if fail {
exit 1 "Did not get prompt for Location"
output \m(location)\13
output 4\13
output \3\3\3
echo " Setting APC's NTP.. "
output 3\13
output 3\13
input 32 "------- Date/Time -----------"
if fail {
exit 1 "Did not reach the Date/Time Menu"
output 2\13
echo " Setting primary NTP server.."
output 1\13
input 10 "Primary NTP Server :"
output \m(dnssecond)\13
echo " Setting secondary NTP server.."
output 2\13
input 10 "Secondary NTP Server :"
output \m(dnsfirst)\13
echo " Enabling NTP client.. "
output 5\13
output 2\13
echo " Saving changes so far.. "
output 6\13
sleep 2
output \3\3\3
echo "Setting APC's new device manager password.. "
output 3\13
output 1\13
input 32 "------- User Manager ----------"
if fail {
exit 1 "Did not reach the User Mgmt Menu"
output 2\13
input 60 "Enter current Administrator password :"
output \m(password)\13
input 10 "<ENTER> to skip :"
output \13
input 10 "<ENTER> to skip :"
output \m(newpasswd)\13
input 10 "Confirm new Administrator password :"
output \m(newpasswd)\13
output \13
output 5\13
sleep 2
output \3\3\3
input 32 "Control Console"
echo "Setting APC's new administrative password.. "
output 3\13
output 1\13
input 32 "------- User Manager ----------"
if fail {
exit 1 "Did not reach the User Mgmt Menu"
output 1\13
input 60 "Enter current Administrator password :"
output \m(password)\13
input 10 "<ENTER> to skip :"
output \13
input 10 "<ENTER> to skip :"
output \m(newpasswd)\13
input 10 "Confirm new Administrator password :"
output \m(newpasswd)\13
output \13
output 5\13
output \3\3\3\3
echo "Logging out.. "
output 4\13
input -1 "You are now in passthru mode."
if fail {
exit 1 "Problem logging out.. "
exit 0
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