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Created November 3, 2020 19:43
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declare module 'figbird' {
import { Application, ServiceMethods } from '@feathersjs/feathers';
import { FC } from 'react';
export interface ProviderProps {
feathers: Application;
idField?: string;
export const Provider: FC<ProviderProps>;
export interface FigbirdContextValue {
actions: any;
atom: any;
config: any;
feathers: Application;
useSelector: any;
export type Realtime = 'merge' | 'refetch' | 'disabled';
export type FetchPolicy = 'swr' | 'cache-first' | 'network-only';
export type Status = 'loading' | 'success' | 'error';
export type MutationStatus = Status | 'idle';
interface BaseParams {
skip?: boolean;
realtime?: boolean;
fetchPolicy?: FetchPolicy;
interface FetchResult<T = any> {
data: null | T;
status: Status;
isFetching?: null | boolean;
error?: null | any;
refetch: () => any;
export const useFigbird: () => FigbirdContextValue;
export const useFeathers: () => Application;
export const useIdField: (field?: string) => any;
export const useUpdatedAtField: (updatedAtField?: string) => any;
export const useQuery: (
serviceName: string,
options: any,
queryHookOptions: any
) => any;
export type UseGetParams = BaseParams;
export type UseGetResult<T = any> = FetchResult<T>;
export const useGet: <T = any>(
serviceName: string,
id: any,
options?: any
) => UseGetResult<T>;
export interface UseFindParams extends BaseParams {
allPages?: boolean;
matcher?: (query: any) => (item: any) => bool;
export interface UseFindResult<T = any> extends FetchResult<T[]> {
total: number;
limit: number;
skip: number;
export const useFind: <T = any>(
serviceName: string,
params: UseFindParams
) => UseFindResult<T>;
export interface UseMutationResult<T = any>
extends Pick<ServiceMethods<T>, 'create' | 'update' | 'patch' | 'remove'> {
status: MutationStatus;
data: null | T | T[];
error: null | any;
export const useMutation: <T = any>(
serviceName: string
) => UseMutationResult<T>;
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