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Forked from DJBen/Emoji.swift
Created October 29, 2015 12:09
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enum Emoji: String {
case Copyright = "\u{00A9}"
case Registered = "\u{00AE}"
case Bangbang = "\u{203C}"
case Interrobang = "\u{2049}"
case Tm = "\u{2122}"
case InformationSource = "\u{2139}"
case LeftRightArrow = "\u{2194}"
case ArrowUpDown = "\u{2195}"
case ArrowUpperLeft = "\u{2196}"
case ArrowUpperRight = "\u{2197}"
case ArrowLowerRight = "\u{2198}"
case ArrowLowerLeft = "\u{2199}"
case LeftwardsArrowWithHook = "\u{21A9}"
case ArrowRightHook = "\u{21AA}"
case Watch = "\u{231A}"
case Hourglass = "\u{231B}"
case FastForward = "\u{23E9}"
case Rewind = "\u{23EA}"
case ArrowDoubleUp = "\u{23EB}"
case ArrowDoubleDown = "\u{23EC}"
case AlarmClock = "\u{23F0}"
case HourglassFlowingSand = "\u{23F3}"
case M = "\u{24C2}"
case BlackSmallSquare = "\u{25AA}"
case WhiteSmallSquare = "\u{25AB}"
case ArrowForward = "\u{25B6}"
case ArrowBackward = "\u{25C0}"
case WhiteMediumSquare = "\u{25FB}"
case BlackMediumSquare = "\u{25FC}"
case WhiteMediumSmallSquare = "\u{25FD}"
case BlackMediumSmallSquare = "\u{25FE}"
case Sunny = "\u{2600}"
case Cloud = "\u{2601}"
case Phone = "\u{260E}"
case BallotBoxWithCheck = "\u{2611}"
case Umbrella = "\u{2614}"
case Coffee = "\u{2615}"
case PointUp = "\u{261D}"
case Relaxed = "\u{263A}"
case Aries = "\u{2648}"
case Taurus = "\u{2649}"
case Gemini = "\u{264A}"
case Cancer = "\u{264B}"
case Leo = "\u{264C}"
case Virgo = "\u{264D}"
case Libra = "\u{264E}"
case Scorpius = "\u{264F}"
case Sagittarius = "\u{2650}"
case Capricorn = "\u{2651}"
case Aquarius = "\u{2652}"
case Pisces = "\u{2653}"
case Spades = "\u{2660}"
case Clubs = "\u{2663}"
case Hearts = "\u{2665}"
case Diamonds = "\u{2666}"
case Hotsprings = "\u{2668}"
case Recycle = "\u{267B}"
case Wheelchair = "\u{267F}"
case Anchor = "\u{2693}"
case Warning = "\u{26A0}"
case Zap = "\u{26A1}"
case WhiteCircle = "\u{26AA}"
case BlackCircle = "\u{26AB}"
case Soccer = "\u{26BD}"
case Baseball = "\u{26BE}"
case Snowman = "\u{26C4}"
case PartlySunny = "\u{26C5}"
case Ophiuchus = "\u{26CE}"
case NoEntry = "\u{26D4}"
case Church = "\u{26EA}"
case Fountain = "\u{26F2}"
case Golf = "\u{26F3}"
case Boat = "\u{26F5}"
case Tent = "\u{26FA}"
case Fuelpump = "\u{26FD}"
case Scissors = "\u{2702}"
case WhiteCheckMark = "\u{2705}"
case Airplane = "\u{2708}"
case Email = "\u{2709}"
case Fist = "\u{270A}"
case Hand = "\u{270B}"
case V = "\u{270C}"
case Pencil2 = "\u{270F}"
case BlackNib = "\u{2712}"
case HeavyCheckMark = "\u{2714}"
case HeavyMultiplicationX = "\u{2716}"
case Sparkles = "\u{2728}"
case EightSpokedAsterisk = "\u{2733}"
case EightPointedBlackStar = "\u{2734}"
case Snowflake = "\u{2744}"
case Sparkle = "\u{2747}"
case X = "\u{274C}"
case NegativeSquaredCrossMark = "\u{274E}"
case Question = "\u{2753}"
case GreyQuestion = "\u{2754}"
case GreyExclamation = "\u{2755}"
case Exclamation = "\u{2757}"
case Heart = "\u{2764}"
case HeavyPlusSign = "\u{2795}"
case HeavyMinusSign = "\u{2796}"
case HeavyDivisionSign = "\u{2797}"
case ArrowRight = "\u{27A1}"
case CurlyLoop = "\u{27B0}"
case Loop = "\u{27BF}"
case ArrowHeadingUp = "\u{2934}"
case ArrowHeadingDown = "\u{2935}"
case ArrowLeft = "\u{2B05}"
case ArrowUp = "\u{2B06}"
case ArrowDown = "\u{2B07}"
case BlackLargeSquare = "\u{2B1B}"
case WhiteLargeSquare = "\u{2B1C}"
case Star = "\u{2B50}"
case O = "\u{2B55}"
case WavyDash = "\u{3030}"
case PartAlternationMark = "\u{303D}"
case Congratulations = "\u{3297}"
case Secret = "\u{3299}"
case Mahjong = "\u{1F004}"
case BlackJoker = "\u{1F0CF}"
case A = "\u{1F170}"
case B = "\u{1F171}"
case O2 = "\u{1F17E}"
case Parking = "\u{1F17F}"
case Ab = "\u{1F18E}"
case Cl = "\u{1F191}"
case Cool = "\u{1F192}"
case Free = "\u{1F193}"
case Id = "\u{1F194}"
case New = "\u{1F195}"
case Ng = "\u{1F196}"
case Ok = "\u{1F197}"
case Sos = "\u{1F198}"
case Up = "\u{1F199}"
case Vs = "\u{1F19A}"
case Koko = "\u{1F201}"
case Sa = "\u{1F202}"
case U7121 = "\u{1F21A}"
case U6307 = "\u{1F22F}"
case U7981 = "\u{1F232}"
case U7A7A = "\u{1F233}"
case U5408 = "\u{1F234}"
case U6E80 = "\u{1F235}"
case U6709 = "\u{1F236}"
case U6708 = "\u{1F237}"
case U7533 = "\u{1F238}"
case U5272 = "\u{1F239}"
case U55B6 = "\u{1F23A}"
case IdeographAdvantage = "\u{1F250}"
case Accept = "\u{1F251}"
case Cyclone = "\u{1F300}"
case Foggy = "\u{1F301}"
case ClosedUmbrella = "\u{1F302}"
case NightWithStars = "\u{1F303}"
case SunriseOverMountains = "\u{1F304}"
case Sunrise = "\u{1F305}"
case CitySunset = "\u{1F306}"
case CitySunrise = "\u{1F307}"
case Rainbow = "\u{1F308}"
case BridgeAtNight = "\u{1F309}"
case Ocean = "\u{1F30A}"
case Volcano = "\u{1F30B}"
case MilkyWay = "\u{1F30C}"
case EarthAfrica = "\u{1F30D}"
case EarthAmericas = "\u{1F30E}"
case EarthAsia = "\u{1F30F}"
case GlobeWithMeridians = "\u{1F310}"
case NewMoon = "\u{1F311}"
case WaxingCrescentMoon = "\u{1F312}"
case FirstQuarterMoon = "\u{1F313}"
case Moon = "\u{1F314}"
case FullMoon = "\u{1F315}"
case WaningGibbousMoon = "\u{1F316}"
case LastQuarterMoon = "\u{1F317}"
case WaningCrescentMoon = "\u{1F318}"
case CrescentMoon = "\u{1F319}"
case NewMoonWithFace = "\u{1F31A}"
case FirstQuarterMoonWithFace = "\u{1F31B}"
case LastQuarterMoonWithFace = "\u{1F31C}"
case FullMoonWithFace = "\u{1F31D}"
case SunWithFace = "\u{1F31E}"
case Star2 = "\u{1F31F}"
case Stars = "\u{1F320}"
case Chestnut = "\u{1F330}"
case Seedling = "\u{1F331}"
case EvergreenTree = "\u{1F332}"
case DeciduousTree = "\u{1F333}"
case PalmTree = "\u{1F334}"
case Cactus = "\u{1F335}"
case Tulip = "\u{1F337}"
case CherryBlossom = "\u{1F338}"
case Rose = "\u{1F339}"
case Hibiscus = "\u{1F33A}"
case Sunflower = "\u{1F33B}"
case Blossom = "\u{1F33C}"
case Corn = "\u{1F33D}"
case EarOfRice = "\u{1F33E}"
case Herb = "\u{1F33F}"
case FourLeafClover = "\u{1F340}"
case MapleLeaf = "\u{1F341}"
case FallenLeaf = "\u{1F342}"
case Leaves = "\u{1F343}"
case Mushroom = "\u{1F344}"
case Tomato = "\u{1F345}"
case Eggplant = "\u{1F346}"
case Grapes = "\u{1F347}"
case Melon = "\u{1F348}"
case Watermelon = "\u{1F349}"
case Tangerine = "\u{1F34A}"
case Lemon = "\u{1F34B}"
case Banana = "\u{1F34C}"
case Pineapple = "\u{1F34D}"
case Apple = "\u{1F34E}"
case GreenApple = "\u{1F34F}"
case Pear = "\u{1F350}"
case Peach = "\u{1F351}"
case Cherries = "\u{1F352}"
case Strawberry = "\u{1F353}"
case Hamburger = "\u{1F354}"
case Pizza = "\u{1F355}"
case MeatOnBone = "\u{1F356}"
case PoultryLeg = "\u{1F357}"
case RiceCracker = "\u{1F358}"
case RiceBall = "\u{1F359}"
case Rice = "\u{1F35A}"
case Curry = "\u{1F35B}"
case Ramen = "\u{1F35C}"
case Spaghetti = "\u{1F35D}"
case Bread = "\u{1F35E}"
case Fries = "\u{1F35F}"
case SweetPotato = "\u{1F360}"
case Dango = "\u{1F361}"
case Oden = "\u{1F362}"
case Sushi = "\u{1F363}"
case FriedShrimp = "\u{1F364}"
case FishCake = "\u{1F365}"
case Icecream = "\u{1F366}"
case ShavedIce = "\u{1F367}"
case IceCream = "\u{1F368}"
case Doughnut = "\u{1F369}"
case Cookie = "\u{1F36A}"
case ChocolateBar = "\u{1F36B}"
case Candy = "\u{1F36C}"
case Lollipop = "\u{1F36D}"
case Custard = "\u{1F36E}"
case HoneyPot = "\u{1F36F}"
case Cake = "\u{1F370}"
case Bento = "\u{1F371}"
case Stew = "\u{1F372}"
case Egg = "\u{1F373}"
case ForkAndKnife = "\u{1F374}"
case Tea = "\u{1F375}"
case Sake = "\u{1F376}"
case WineGlass = "\u{1F377}"
case Cocktail = "\u{1F378}"
case TropicalDrink = "\u{1F379}"
case Beer = "\u{1F37A}"
case Beers = "\u{1F37B}"
case BabyBottle = "\u{1F37C}"
case Ribbon = "\u{1F380}"
case Gift = "\u{1F381}"
case Birthday = "\u{1F382}"
case JackOLantern = "\u{1F383}"
case ChristmasTree = "\u{1F384}"
case Santa = "\u{1F385}"
case Fireworks = "\u{1F386}"
case Sparkler = "\u{1F387}"
case Balloon = "\u{1F388}"
case Tada = "\u{1F389}"
case ConfettiBall = "\u{1F38A}"
case TanabataTree = "\u{1F38B}"
case CrossedFlags = "\u{1F38C}"
case Bamboo = "\u{1F38D}"
case Dolls = "\u{1F38E}"
case Flags = "\u{1F38F}"
case WindChime = "\u{1F390}"
case RiceScene = "\u{1F391}"
case SchoolSatchel = "\u{1F392}"
case MortarBoard = "\u{1F393}"
case CarouselHorse = "\u{1F3A0}"
case FerrisWheel = "\u{1F3A1}"
case RollerCoaster = "\u{1F3A2}"
case FishingPoleAndFish = "\u{1F3A3}"
case Microphone = "\u{1F3A4}"
case MovieCamera = "\u{1F3A5}"
case Cinema = "\u{1F3A6}"
case Headphones = "\u{1F3A7}"
case Art = "\u{1F3A8}"
case Tophat = "\u{1F3A9}"
case CircusTent = "\u{1F3AA}"
case Ticket = "\u{1F3AB}"
case Clapper = "\u{1F3AC}"
case PerformingArts = "\u{1F3AD}"
case VideoGame = "\u{1F3AE}"
case Dart = "\u{1F3AF}"
case SlotMachine = "\u{1F3B0}"
case EightBall = "\u{1F3B1}"
case GameDie = "\u{1F3B2}"
case Bowling = "\u{1F3B3}"
case FlowerPlayingCards = "\u{1F3B4}"
case MusicalNote = "\u{1F3B5}"
case Notes = "\u{1F3B6}"
case Saxophone = "\u{1F3B7}"
case Guitar = "\u{1F3B8}"
case MusicalKeyboard = "\u{1F3B9}"
case Trumpet = "\u{1F3BA}"
case Violin = "\u{1F3BB}"
case MusicalScore = "\u{1F3BC}"
case RunningShirtWithSash = "\u{1F3BD}"
case Tennis = "\u{1F3BE}"
case Ski = "\u{1F3BF}"
case Basketball = "\u{1F3C0}"
case CheckeredFlag = "\u{1F3C1}"
case Snowboarder = "\u{1F3C2}"
case Runner = "\u{1F3C3}"
case Surfer = "\u{1F3C4}"
case Trophy = "\u{1F3C6}"
case HorseRacing = "\u{1F3C7}"
case Football = "\u{1F3C8}"
case RugbyFootball = "\u{1F3C9}"
case Swimmer = "\u{1F3CA}"
case House = "\u{1F3E0}"
case HouseWithGarden = "\u{1F3E1}"
case Office = "\u{1F3E2}"
case PostOffice = "\u{1F3E3}"
case EuropeanPostOffice = "\u{1F3E4}"
case Hospital = "\u{1F3E5}"
case Bank = "\u{1F3E6}"
case Atm = "\u{1F3E7}"
case Hotel = "\u{1F3E8}"
case LoveHotel = "\u{1F3E9}"
case ConvenienceStore = "\u{1F3EA}"
case School = "\u{1F3EB}"
case DepartmentStore = "\u{1F3EC}"
case Factory = "\u{1F3ED}"
case IzakayaLantern = "\u{1F3EE}"
case JapaneseCastle = "\u{1F3EF}"
case EuropeanCastle = "\u{1F3F0}"
case Rat = "\u{1F400}"
case Mouse2 = "\u{1F401}"
case Ox = "\u{1F402}"
case WaterBuffalo = "\u{1F403}"
case Cow2 = "\u{1F404}"
case Tiger2 = "\u{1F405}"
case Leopard = "\u{1F406}"
case Rabbit2 = "\u{1F407}"
case Cat2 = "\u{1F408}"
case Dragon = "\u{1F409}"
case Crocodile = "\u{1F40A}"
case Whale2 = "\u{1F40B}"
case Snail = "\u{1F40C}"
case Snake = "\u{1F40D}"
case Racehorse = "\u{1F40E}"
case Ram = "\u{1F40F}"
case Goat = "\u{1F410}"
case Sheep = "\u{1F411}"
case Monkey = "\u{1F412}"
case Rooster = "\u{1F413}"
case Chicken = "\u{1F414}"
case Dog2 = "\u{1F415}"
case Pig2 = "\u{1F416}"
case Boar = "\u{1F417}"
case Elephant = "\u{1F418}"
case Octopus = "\u{1F419}"
case Shell = "\u{1F41A}"
case Bug = "\u{1F41B}"
case Ant = "\u{1F41C}"
case Bee = "\u{1F41D}"
case Beetle = "\u{1F41E}"
case Fish = "\u{1F41F}"
case TropicalFish = "\u{1F420}"
case Blowfish = "\u{1F421}"
case Turtle = "\u{1F422}"
case HatchingChick = "\u{1F423}"
case BabyChick = "\u{1F424}"
case HatchedChick = "\u{1F425}"
case Bird = "\u{1F426}"
case Penguin = "\u{1F427}"
case Koala = "\u{1F428}"
case Poodle = "\u{1F429}"
case DromedaryCamel = "\u{1F42A}"
case Camel = "\u{1F42B}"
case Dolphin = "\u{1F42C}"
case Mouse = "\u{1F42D}"
case Cow = "\u{1F42E}"
case Tiger = "\u{1F42F}"
case Rabbit = "\u{1F430}"
case Cat = "\u{1F431}"
case DragonFace = "\u{1F432}"
case Whale = "\u{1F433}"
case Horse = "\u{1F434}"
case MonkeyFace = "\u{1F435}"
case Dog = "\u{1F436}"
case Pig = "\u{1F437}"
case Frog = "\u{1F438}"
case Hamster = "\u{1F439}"
case Wolf = "\u{1F43A}"
case Bear = "\u{1F43B}"
case PandaFace = "\u{1F43C}"
case PigNose = "\u{1F43D}"
case Feet = "\u{1F43E}"
case Eyes = "\u{1F440}"
case Ear = "\u{1F442}"
case Nose = "\u{1F443}"
case Lips = "\u{1F444}"
case Tongue = "\u{1F445}"
case PointUp2 = "\u{1F446}"
case PointDown = "\u{1F447}"
case PointLeft = "\u{1F448}"
case PointRight = "\u{1F449}"
case Facepunch = "\u{1F44A}"
case Wave = "\u{1F44B}"
case OkHand = "\u{1F44C}"
case PlusOne = "\u{1F44D}"
case MinusOne = "\u{1F44E}"
case Clap = "\u{1F44F}"
case OpenHands = "\u{1F450}"
case Crown = "\u{1F451}"
case WomansHat = "\u{1F452}"
case Eyeglasses = "\u{1F453}"
case Necktie = "\u{1F454}"
case Shirt = "\u{1F455}"
case Jeans = "\u{1F456}"
case Dress = "\u{1F457}"
case Kimono = "\u{1F458}"
case Bikini = "\u{1F459}"
case WomansClothes = "\u{1F45A}"
case Purse = "\u{1F45B}"
case Handbag = "\u{1F45C}"
case Pouch = "\u{1F45D}"
case MansShoe = "\u{1F45E}"
case AthleticShoe = "\u{1F45F}"
case HighHeel = "\u{1F460}"
case Sandal = "\u{1F461}"
case Boot = "\u{1F462}"
case Footprints = "\u{1F463}"
case BustInSilhouette = "\u{1F464}"
case BustsInSilhouette = "\u{1F465}"
case Boy = "\u{1F466}"
case Girl = "\u{1F467}"
case Man = "\u{1F468}"
case Woman = "\u{1F469}"
case Family = "\u{1F46A}"
case Couple = "\u{1F46B}"
case TwoMenHoldingHands = "\u{1F46C}"
case TwoWomenHoldingHands = "\u{1F46D}"
case Cop = "\u{1F46E}"
case Dancers = "\u{1F46F}"
case BrideWithVeil = "\u{1F470}"
case PersonWithBlondHair = "\u{1F471}"
case ManWithGuaPiMao = "\u{1F472}"
case ManWithTurban = "\u{1F473}"
case OlderMan = "\u{1F474}"
case OlderWoman = "\u{1F475}"
case Baby = "\u{1F476}"
case ConstructionWorker = "\u{1F477}"
case Princess = "\u{1F478}"
case JapaneseOgre = "\u{1F479}"
case JapaneseGoblin = "\u{1F47A}"
case Ghost = "\u{1F47B}"
case Angel = "\u{1F47C}"
case Alien = "\u{1F47D}"
case SpaceInvader = "\u{1F47E}"
case Imp = "\u{1F47F}"
case Skull = "\u{1F480}"
case InformationDeskPerson = "\u{1F481}"
case Guardsman = "\u{1F482}"
case Dancer = "\u{1F483}"
case Lipstick = "\u{1F484}"
case NailCare = "\u{1F485}"
case Massage = "\u{1F486}"
case Haircut = "\u{1F487}"
case Barber = "\u{1F488}"
case Syringe = "\u{1F489}"
case Pill = "\u{1F48A}"
case Kiss = "\u{1F48B}"
case LoveLetter = "\u{1F48C}"
case Ring = "\u{1F48D}"
case Gem = "\u{1F48E}"
case Couplekiss = "\u{1F48F}"
case Bouquet = "\u{1F490}"
case CoupleWithHeart = "\u{1F491}"
case Wedding = "\u{1F492}"
case Heartbeat = "\u{1F493}"
case BrokenHeart = "\u{1F494}"
case TwoHearts = "\u{1F495}"
case SparklingHeart = "\u{1F496}"
case Heartpulse = "\u{1F497}"
case Cupid = "\u{1F498}"
case BlueHeart = "\u{1F499}"
case GreenHeart = "\u{1F49A}"
case YellowHeart = "\u{1F49B}"
case PurpleHeart = "\u{1F49C}"
case GiftHeart = "\u{1F49D}"
case RevolvingHearts = "\u{1F49E}"
case HeartDecoration = "\u{1F49F}"
case DiamondShapeWithADotInside = "\u{1F4A0}"
case Bulb = "\u{1F4A1}"
case Anger = "\u{1F4A2}"
case Bomb = "\u{1F4A3}"
case Zzz = "\u{1F4A4}"
case Boom = "\u{1F4A5}"
case SweatDrops = "\u{1F4A6}"
case Droplet = "\u{1F4A7}"
case Dash = "\u{1F4A8}"
case Hankey = "\u{1F4A9}"
case Muscle = "\u{1F4AA}"
case Dizzy = "\u{1F4AB}"
case SpeechBalloon = "\u{1F4AC}"
case ThoughtBalloon = "\u{1F4AD}"
case WhiteFlower = "\u{1F4AE}"
case Hundred = "\u{1F4AF}"
case Moneybag = "\u{1F4B0}"
case CurrencyExchange = "\u{1F4B1}"
case HeavyDollarSign = "\u{1F4B2}"
case CreditCard = "\u{1F4B3}"
case Yen = "\u{1F4B4}"
case Dollar = "\u{1F4B5}"
case Euro = "\u{1F4B6}"
case Pound = "\u{1F4B7}"
case MoneyWithWings = "\u{1F4B8}"
case Chart = "\u{1F4B9}"
case Seat = "\u{1F4BA}"
case Computer = "\u{1F4BB}"
case Briefcase = "\u{1F4BC}"
case Minidisc = "\u{1F4BD}"
case FloppyDisk = "\u{1F4BE}"
case Cd = "\u{1F4BF}"
case Dvd = "\u{1F4C0}"
case FileFolder = "\u{1F4C1}"
case OpenFileFolder = "\u{1F4C2}"
case PageWithCurl = "\u{1F4C3}"
case PageFacingUp = "\u{1F4C4}"
case Date = "\u{1F4C5}"
case Calendar = "\u{1F4C6}"
case CardIndex = "\u{1F4C7}"
case ChartWithUpwardsTrend = "\u{1F4C8}"
case ChartWithDownwardsTrend = "\u{1F4C9}"
case BarChart = "\u{1F4CA}"
case Clipboard = "\u{1F4CB}"
case Pushpin = "\u{1F4CC}"
case RoundPushpin = "\u{1F4CD}"
case Paperclip = "\u{1F4CE}"
case StraightRuler = "\u{1F4CF}"
case TriangularRuler = "\u{1F4D0}"
case BookmarkTabs = "\u{1F4D1}"
case Ledger = "\u{1F4D2}"
case Notebook = "\u{1F4D3}"
case NotebookWithDecorativeCover = "\u{1F4D4}"
case ClosedBook = "\u{1F4D5}"
case Book = "\u{1F4D6}"
case GreenBook = "\u{1F4D7}"
case BlueBook = "\u{1F4D8}"
case OrangeBook = "\u{1F4D9}"
case Books = "\u{1F4DA}"
case NameBadge = "\u{1F4DB}"
case Scroll = "\u{1F4DC}"
case Memo = "\u{1F4DD}"
case TelephoneReceiver = "\u{1F4DE}"
case Pager = "\u{1F4DF}"
case Fax = "\u{1F4E0}"
case Satellite = "\u{1F4E1}"
case Loudspeaker = "\u{1F4E2}"
case Mega = "\u{1F4E3}"
case OutboxTray = "\u{1F4E4}"
case InboxTray = "\u{1F4E5}"
case Package = "\u{1F4E6}"
case E_Mail = "\u{1F4E7}"
case IncomingEnvelope = "\u{1F4E8}"
case EnvelopeWithArrow = "\u{1F4E9}"
case MailboxClosed = "\u{1F4EA}"
case Mailbox = "\u{1F4EB}"
case MailboxWithMail = "\u{1F4EC}"
case MailboxWithNoMail = "\u{1F4ED}"
case Postbox = "\u{1F4EE}"
case PostalHorn = "\u{1F4EF}"
case Newspaper = "\u{1F4F0}"
case Iphone = "\u{1F4F1}"
case Calling = "\u{1F4F2}"
case VibrationMode = "\u{1F4F3}"
case MobilePhoneOff = "\u{1F4F4}"
case NoMobilePhones = "\u{1F4F5}"
case SignalStrength = "\u{1F4F6}"
case Camera = "\u{1F4F7}"
case VideoCamera = "\u{1F4F9}"
case Tv = "\u{1F4FA}"
case Radio = "\u{1F4FB}"
case Vhs = "\u{1F4FC}"
case TwistedRightwardsArrows = "\u{1F500}"
case Repeat = "\u{1F501}"
case RepeatOne = "\u{1F502}"
case ArrowsClockwise = "\u{1F503}"
case ArrowsCounterclockwise = "\u{1F504}"
case LowBrightness = "\u{1F505}"
case HighBrightness = "\u{1F506}"
case Mute = "\u{1F507}"
case Speaker = "\u{1F508}"
case Sound = "\u{1F509}"
case LoudSound = "\u{1F50A}"
case Battery = "\u{1F50B}"
case ElectricPlug = "\u{1F50C}"
case Mag = "\u{1F50D}"
case MagRight = "\u{1F50E}"
case LockWithInkPen = "\u{1F50F}"
case ClosedLockWithKey = "\u{1F510}"
case Key = "\u{1F511}"
case Lock = "\u{1F512}"
case Unlock = "\u{1F513}"
case Bell = "\u{1F514}"
case NoBell = "\u{1F515}"
case Bookmark = "\u{1F516}"
case Link = "\u{1F517}"
case RadioButton = "\u{1F518}"
case Back = "\u{1F519}"
case End = "\u{1F51A}"
case On = "\u{1F51B}"
case Soon = "\u{1F51C}"
case Top = "\u{1F51D}"
case Underage = "\u{1F51E}"
case KeycapTen = "\u{1F51F}"
case CapitalAbcd = "\u{1F520}"
case Abcd = "\u{1F521}"
case OneTwoThreeFour = "\u{1F522}"
case Symbols = "\u{1F523}"
case Abc = "\u{1F524}"
case Fire = "\u{1F525}"
case Flashlight = "\u{1F526}"
case Wrench = "\u{1F527}"
case Hammer = "\u{1F528}"
case NutAndBolt = "\u{1F529}"
case Hocho = "\u{1F52A}"
case Gun = "\u{1F52B}"
case Microscope = "\u{1F52C}"
case Telescope = "\u{1F52D}"
case CrystalBall = "\u{1F52E}"
case SixPointedStar = "\u{1F52F}"
case Beginner = "\u{1F530}"
case Trident = "\u{1F531}"
case BlackSquareButton = "\u{1F532}"
case WhiteSquareButton = "\u{1F533}"
case RedCircle = "\u{1F534}"
case LargeBlueCircle = "\u{1F535}"
case LargeOrangeDiamond = "\u{1F536}"
case LargeBlueDiamond = "\u{1F537}"
case SmallOrangeDiamond = "\u{1F538}"
case SmallBlueDiamond = "\u{1F539}"
case SmallRedTriangle = "\u{1F53A}"
case SmallRedTriangleDown = "\u{1F53B}"
case ArrowUpSmall = "\u{1F53C}"
case ArrowDownSmall = "\u{1F53D}"
case Clock1 = "\u{1F550}"
case Clock2 = "\u{1F551}"
case Clock3 = "\u{1F552}"
case Clock4 = "\u{1F553}"
case Clock5 = "\u{1F554}"
case Clock6 = "\u{1F555}"
case Clock7 = "\u{1F556}"
case Clock8 = "\u{1F557}"
case Clock9 = "\u{1F558}"
case Clock10 = "\u{1F559}"
case Clock11 = "\u{1F55A}"
case Clock12 = "\u{1F55B}"
case Clock130 = "\u{1F55C}"
case Clock230 = "\u{1F55D}"
case Clock330 = "\u{1F55E}"
case Clock430 = "\u{1F55F}"
case Clock530 = "\u{1F560}"
case Clock630 = "\u{1F561}"
case Clock730 = "\u{1F562}"
case Clock830 = "\u{1F563}"
case Clock930 = "\u{1F564}"
case Clock1030 = "\u{1F565}"
case Clock1130 = "\u{1F566}"
case Clock1230 = "\u{1F567}"
case MountFuji = "\u{1F5FB}"
case TokyoTower = "\u{1F5FC}"
case StatueOfLiberty = "\u{1F5FD}"
case Japan = "\u{1F5FE}"
case Moyai = "\u{1F5FF}"
case Grinning = "\u{1F600}"
case Grin = "\u{1F601}"
case Joy = "\u{1F602}"
case Smiley = "\u{1F603}"
case Smile = "\u{1F604}"
case SweatSmile = "\u{1F605}"
case Laughing = "\u{1F606}"
case Innocent = "\u{1F607}"
case SmilingImp = "\u{1F608}"
case Wink = "\u{1F609}"
case Blush = "\u{1F60A}"
case Yum = "\u{1F60B}"
case Relieved = "\u{1F60C}"
case HeartEyes = "\u{1F60D}"
case Sunglasses = "\u{1F60E}"
case Smirk = "\u{1F60F}"
case NeutralFace = "\u{1F610}"
case Expressionless = "\u{1F611}"
case Unamused = "\u{1F612}"
case Sweat = "\u{1F613}"
case Pensive = "\u{1F614}"
case Confused = "\u{1F615}"
case Confounded = "\u{1F616}"
case Kissing = "\u{1F617}"
case KissingHeart = "\u{1F618}"
case KissingSmilingEyes = "\u{1F619}"
case KissingClosedEyes = "\u{1F61A}"
case StuckOutTongue = "\u{1F61B}"
case StuckOutTongueWinkingEye = "\u{1F61C}"
case StuckOutTongueClosedEyes = "\u{1F61D}"
case Disappointed = "\u{1F61E}"
case Worried = "\u{1F61F}"
case Angry = "\u{1F620}"
case Rage = "\u{1F621}"
case Cry = "\u{1F622}"
case Persevere = "\u{1F623}"
case Triumph = "\u{1F624}"
case DisappointedRelieved = "\u{1F625}"
case Frowning = "\u{1F626}"
case Anguished = "\u{1F627}"
case Fearful = "\u{1F628}"
case Weary = "\u{1F629}"
case Sleepy = "\u{1F62A}"
case TiredFace = "\u{1F62B}"
case Grimacing = "\u{1F62C}"
case Sob = "\u{1F62D}"
case OpenMouth = "\u{1F62E}"
case Hushed = "\u{1F62F}"
case ColdSweat = "\u{1F630}"
case Scream = "\u{1F631}"
case Astonished = "\u{1F632}"
case Flushed = "\u{1F633}"
case Sleeping = "\u{1F634}"
case DizzyFace = "\u{1F635}"
case NoMouth = "\u{1F636}"
case Mask = "\u{1F637}"
case SmileCat = "\u{1F638}"
case JoyCat = "\u{1F639}"
case SmileyCat = "\u{1F63A}"
case HeartEyesCat = "\u{1F63B}"
case SmirkCat = "\u{1F63C}"
case KissingCat = "\u{1F63D}"
case PoutingCat = "\u{1F63E}"
case CryingCatFace = "\u{1F63F}"
case ScreamCat = "\u{1F640}"
case NoGood = "\u{1F645}"
case OkWoman = "\u{1F646}"
case Bow = "\u{1F647}"
case SeeNoEvil = "\u{1F648}"
case HearNoEvil = "\u{1F649}"
case SpeakNoEvil = "\u{1F64A}"
case RaisingHand = "\u{1F64B}"
case RaisedHands = "\u{1F64C}"
case PersonFrowning = "\u{1F64D}"
case PersonWithPoutingFace = "\u{1F64E}"
case Pray = "\u{1F64F}"
case Rocket = "\u{1F680}"
case Helicopter = "\u{1F681}"
case SteamLocomotive = "\u{1F682}"
case RailwayCar = "\u{1F683}"
case BullettrainSide = "\u{1F684}"
case BullettrainFront = "\u{1F685}"
case Train2 = "\u{1F686}"
case Metro = "\u{1F687}"
case LightRail = "\u{1F688}"
case Station = "\u{1F689}"
case Tram = "\u{1F68A}"
case Train = "\u{1F68B}"
case Bus = "\u{1F68C}"
case OncomingBus = "\u{1F68D}"
case Trolleybus = "\u{1F68E}"
case Busstop = "\u{1F68F}"
case Minibus = "\u{1F690}"
case Ambulance = "\u{1F691}"
case FireEngine = "\u{1F692}"
case PoliceCar = "\u{1F693}"
case OncomingPoliceCar = "\u{1F694}"
case Taxi = "\u{1F695}"
case OncomingTaxi = "\u{1F696}"
case Car = "\u{1F697}"
case OncomingAutomobile = "\u{1F698}"
case BlueCar = "\u{1F699}"
case Truck = "\u{1F69A}"
case ArticulatedLorry = "\u{1F69B}"
case Tractor = "\u{1F69C}"
case Monorail = "\u{1F69D}"
case MountainRailway = "\u{1F69E}"
case SuspensionRailway = "\u{1F69F}"
case MountainCableway = "\u{1F6A0}"
case AerialTramway = "\u{1F6A1}"
case Ship = "\u{1F6A2}"
case Rowboat = "\u{1F6A3}"
case Speedboat = "\u{1F6A4}"
case TrafficLight = "\u{1F6A5}"
case VerticalTrafficLight = "\u{1F6A6}"
case Construction = "\u{1F6A7}"
case RotatingLight = "\u{1F6A8}"
case TriangularFlagOnPost = "\u{1F6A9}"
case Door = "\u{1F6AA}"
case NoEntrySign = "\u{1F6AB}"
case Smoking = "\u{1F6AC}"
case NoSmoking = "\u{1F6AD}"
case PutLitterInItsPlace = "\u{1F6AE}"
case DoNotLitter = "\u{1F6AF}"
case PotableWater = "\u{1F6B0}"
case Non_PotableWater = "\u{1F6B1}"
case Bike = "\u{1F6B2}"
case NoBicycles = "\u{1F6B3}"
case Bicyclist = "\u{1F6B4}"
case MountainBicyclist = "\u{1F6B5}"
case Walking = "\u{1F6B6}"
case NoPedestrians = "\u{1F6B7}"
case ChildrenCrossing = "\u{1F6B8}"
case Mens = "\u{1F6B9}"
case Womens = "\u{1F6BA}"
case Restroom = "\u{1F6BB}"
case BabySymbol = "\u{1F6BC}"
case Toilet = "\u{1F6BD}"
case Wc = "\u{1F6BE}"
case Shower = "\u{1F6BF}"
case Bath = "\u{1F6C0}"
case Bathtub = "\u{1F6C1}"
case PassportControl = "\u{1F6C2}"
case Customs = "\u{1F6C3}"
case BaggageClaim = "\u{1F6C4}"
case LeftLuggage = "\u{1F6C5}"
case Hash = "\u{0023}\u{20E3}"
case Zero = "\u{0030}\u{20E3}"
case One = "\u{0031}\u{20E3}"
case Two = "\u{0032}\u{20E3}"
case Three = "\u{0033}\u{20E3}"
case Four = "\u{0034}\u{20E3}"
case Five = "\u{0035}\u{20E3}"
case Six = "\u{0036}\u{20E3}"
case Seven = "\u{0037}\u{20E3}"
case Eight = "\u{0038}\u{20E3}"
case Nine = "\u{0039}\u{20E3}"
case Cn = "\u{1F1E8}\u{1F1F3}"
case De = "\u{1F1E9}\u{1F1EA}"
case Es = "\u{1F1EA}\u{1F1F8}"
case Fr = "\u{1F1EB}\u{1F1F7}"
case Gb = "\u{1F1EC}\u{1F1E7}"
case It = "\u{1F1EE}\u{1F1F9}"
case Jp = "\u{1F1EF}\u{1F1F5}"
case Kr = "\u{1F1F0}\u{1F1F7}"
case Ru = "\u{1F1F7}\u{1F1FA}"
case Us = "\u{1F1FA}\u{1F1F8}"
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