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Created February 3, 2020 11:57
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An execution plan has been generated and is shown below.
Resource actions are indicated with the following symbols:
~ update in-place
Terraform will perform the following actions:
# module.cognito.aws_cognito_user_pool.this will be updated in-place
~ resource "aws_cognito_user_pool" "this" {
arn = "arn:aws:cognito-idp:eu-west-1:*****:userpool/*****"
auto_verified_attributes = []
creation_date = "2019-08-06T07:22:26Z"
endpoint = "****"
id = "***"
last_modified_date = "2020-02-03T11:46:21Z"
mfa_configuration = "OFF"
name = "ek-pool"
tags = {
"Owner" = "ek"
~ admin_create_user_config {
allow_admin_create_user_only = true
- unused_account_validity_days = 90 -> null
email_configuration {
email_sending_account = "COGNITO_DEFAULT"
password_policy {
minimum_length = 8
require_lowercase = true
require_numbers = true
require_symbols = true
require_uppercase = true
temporary_password_validity_days = 90
schema {
attribute_data_type = "String"
developer_only_attribute = false
mutable = true
name = "email"
required = true
string_attribute_constraints {
max_length = "2048"
min_length = "0"
schema {
attribute_data_type = "String"
developer_only_attribute = false
mutable = true
name = "family_name"
required = true
string_attribute_constraints {
max_length = "2048"
min_length = "0"
schema {
attribute_data_type = "String"
developer_only_attribute = false
mutable = true
name = "name"
required = true
string_attribute_constraints {
max_length = "2048"
min_length = "0"
schema {
attribute_data_type = "String"
developer_only_attribute = false
mutable = true
name = "profile"
required = false
string_attribute_constraints {
max_length = "2048"
min_length = "0"
verification_message_template {
default_email_option = "CONFIRM_WITH_CODE"
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