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Last active October 6, 2017 07:44
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A downloader for moodle file submissions. Usage ./ --token {token} --url {assignment_url}
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import argparse
import json
import os
import re
import sys
import urllib.error
import urllib.parse
import urllib.request
from functools import partial
def api_call(token, wsfunction, kwargs):
params = {
'wstoken': token,
'moodlewsrestformat': 'json',
'wsfunction': wsfunction
query_url = MOODLE_URL + 'webservice/rest/server.php?' + urllib.parse.urlencode(params)
res = urllib.request.urlopen(query_url).read()
string = res.decode()
return json.loads(string)
except json.JSONDecodeError:
print("Couldn't convert response to JSON: " + string)
def get_submissions_list(moduleid, token):
bound_api = partial(api_call, token)
res = bound_api('core_course_get_course_module', {'cmid': moduleid})
instanceid = res['cm']['instance']
assignments = bound_api('mod_assign_get_submissions', {'assignmentids[0]': instanceid})
return assignments['assignments'][0]['submissions']
def handle_submission(token, parent_dir, submission):
userid = submission['userid']
user_info = get_user_info(token, userid)
path = [parent_dir]
path.append('%s - %s' % (user_info.get('idnumber', 'moodleid_%s' % user_info.get('id', 'unknown')), user_info['fullname']))
for plugin in submission['plugins']:
if plugin['type'] != 'file':
for filearea in plugin['fileareas']:
if 'files' not in filearea:
for f in filearea['files']:
filepath = path + f['filepath'].split('/') + f['filename'].split('/')
download_file(token, f['fileurl'], filepath)
def get_user_info(token, userid):
users = api_call(token, 'core_user_get_users_by_field', {"field": 'id', 'values[0]': userid}
if not users:
print(('\nCannot retrieve information about user %s, '
'try openning manually') % (userid, userid))
return {'fullname': 'Unknown', 'idnumber': 'moodle_%s' % userid}
return users[0]
def create_path(path):
dirs = path[:-1]
for subpath_idx in range(1, len(dirs) + 1):
subpath = os.path.join(*dirs[:subpath_idx])
if not os.path.exists(subpath):
def download_file(token, url, path):
path_string = os.path.join(*path)
filecontent = urllib.request.urlopen('%s?token=%s' % (url, token)).read()
with open(path_string, 'wb') as target:
except urllib.error.HTTPError:
print('\nCouldnot download file %s into path %s, skipping...' % (url, path_string))
def progress(list_like):
list_length = len(list_like)
bar_length = 20
pos = 0
for el in list_like:
pos += 1
bar_pos = int(pos / list_length * bar_length)
print('\r[' + '#' * bar_pos + '-' * (bar_length - bar_pos) + ']' + ' %s/%s' % (pos, list_length), end='')
yield el
def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Download all file submissions from a moodle assignment')
parser.add_argument('--token', '-t', type=str, help='Moodle API token')
parser.add_argument('--url', '-u', type=str, help='Assignment URL')
args = parser.parse_args()
token = args.token
modulematch = re.match(re.escape(MOODLE_URL) + r'mod/assign/view\.php\?id\=(\d+)', args.url)
if not modulematch:
print('Not a moodle assignment url: ' + args.url)
moduleid =
submissions_list = get_submissions_list(moduleid, token)
dl_dir = 'submissions - %s' % moduleid
for submission in progress(submissions_list):
handle_submission(token, dl_dir, submission)
if __name__ == '__main__':
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