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Last active May 30, 2019 17:57
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Save alenthomas/5977dbe30cb6434ce3391fda70bafddb to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import 'intersection-observer'; // optional polyfill
import Observer from '@researchgate/react-intersection-observer';
import ReactResizeDetector from 'react-resize-detector';
import './styles.scss';
let data = ['1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9'];
let heights = [184,58,96,144,68,98,150,200,240];
const SPEED = 5.91;
export class Intersection extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.myRef1 = React.createRef();
this.myRef2 = React.createRef();
this.state = {showOne: true, showTwo: false, heights, heightOne: 0, heightTwo:0};
// randomHeight = () => {
// let rand = Math.random()*150;
// console.log(rand);
// if(rand < 10) {
// return `100px`
// }
// return `${rand}px`
// }
onResize = (w, h, ref) => {
if(ref.current['id'] === 'one') {
this.setState({heightOne: h});
if(ref.current['id'] === 'two') {
this.setState({heightTwo: h});
animation = (refId) => {
if(refId === 'one') {
let time = this.state.heightOne/SPEED;
return {animation: `scroll ${time}s linear`}
if(refId === 'two') {
let time = this.state.heightTwo/SPEED;
return {animation: `scroll ${time}s linear`}
manageRef = (currentRefId, ratio) => {
if(currentRefId === 'one') {
if(this.state.showOne) {
if(ratio > 0 && ratio < 0.2 && this.state.oneInView) {
// div in exit
this.setState({showTwo: true, showOne: false, oneInView: false});
if(ratio > 0.8 && ratio <1.1) {
// div in full view
this.setState({showTwo: true, showOne: true, oneInView: true});
if(currentRefId === 'two') {
if(this.state.showTwo) {
if(ratio > 0 && ratio < 0.2 && this.state.twoInView) {
// div in exit
this.setState({showTwo: false, showOne: true, twoInView: false});
if(ratio > 0.8 && ratio <1.1) {
// div in full view
this.setState({showTwo: true, showOne: true, twoInView: true});
handleChange = (e, x, ref) => {
// console.log('current_node', y.current['id'], e.intersectionRatio);
this.manageRef(ref.current['id'], e.intersectionRatio)
render() {
let styleOne = this.animation('one');
let styleTwo = this.animation('two');
return (
<div className='parent' style={{height: '100vh', overflow: 'scroll', border: '5px solid goldenrod', }}>
<div id='one' className={`one ${this.state.showOne? '': 'hide'}`} ref={this.myRef1} style={this.state.showOne ? styleOne: {}}>
Div One
<ReactResizeDetector handleWidth={false} handleHeight={true} onResize={(w,h)=>this.onResize(w,h,this.myRef1)} />
{,i) => <Content key= {e} height={this.state.heights[i]} data={e} />)}
<Observer onChange={(e, x, y) => this.handleChange(e, x, this.myRef1)} triggerOnce={false} threshold={[0.1, 1.0, 0.1, 1.0]}>
<div><Content height={100} data={'Call to action card'} /></div>
<div id='two' className={`two ${this.state.showTwo? '': 'hide'}`} ref={this.myRef2} style={this.state.showTwo? styleTwo: {}}>
Div Two
<ReactResizeDetector handleWidth={false} handleHeight={true} onResize={(w, h) => this.onResize(w, h, this.myRef2)} />
{,i) => <Content key= {e} height={this.state.heights[i]} data={e} />)}
<Observer onChange={(e, x, y) => this.handleChange(e, x, this.myRef2)} triggerOnce={false} threshold={[0.1, 1.0, 0.1, 1.0]}>
<div><Content height={100} data={'Call to action card'} /></div>
const Content = (props) => {
return (
<div className='boxparent' style={{border: '2px solid salmon', width: '100px', height: `${props.height}px`}}>
<div className='box'>{}</div>
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