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Last active April 6, 2020 10:10
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  • Save aleskiontherun/c311906f55b94c384107ff65823f5082 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save aleskiontherun/c311906f55b94c384107ff65823f5082 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Groovy script to delete old disabled Jenkins jobs.
/*** BEGIN META {"name" : "Bulk Delete Jobs",
"comment" : "Delete jobs disabled and where last build is older than specified param",
"parameters" : [ 'dryRun', 'numberOfDays', 'excludeRegexp' ],
"core": "2.0",
"authors" : [{ name : "Benjamin Francisoud" }, { name : "Aleksei Vesnin" }]} END META**/
import jenkins.model.*
import java.util.regex.Pattern
dryRun = false
numberOfDays = 20
excludeRegexp = null
jenkins = Jenkins.instance
dryRun = dryRun.toBoolean()
println "Dry mode: $dryRun"
numberOfDays = numberOfDays.toInteger() ?: 365
println "numberOfDays: $numberOfDays"
excludeRegexp = excludeRegexp ?: '(Template).*'
println "excludeRegexp: ${excludeRegexp}"
pattern = Pattern.compile(excludeRegexp)
count = 0
now = new Date()
xDaysAgo = new Date(((long) now.time - (1000L * 60 * 60 * 24 * numberOfDays)))
println "\nNow: ${now}"
println "X days ago: ${xDaysAgo}\n"
def getJobs(items, prefix = '') {
items.each {
if (it instanceof com.cloudbees.hudson.plugins.folder.Folder) {
getJobs(it.items, prefix + + '/')
} else if (it instanceof hudson.model.AbstractProject) {
def jobName = prefix +
if (it.disabled == true && (it.lastSuccessfulBuild?.time?.before(xDaysAgo) || it.lastSuccessfulBuild == null) && !pattern.matcher(jobName).matches()) {
if (it.firstBuild?.time?.after(xDaysAgo)) {
println "No successful builds for ${jobName}, but we won't disable it yet as it's less than ${numberOfDays} days old; first build was at ${it.firstBuild?.time}"
} else {
println "Deleting ${jobName.padRight(52, ' _')} at ${now}. lastSuccessfulBuild ${it.lastSuccessfulBuild?.time}"
if (!dryRun) {
println "\nDeleted ${count} jobs.\n"
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