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Alessandro Saba alessaba

  • Italy
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alessaba /
Last active November 17, 2024 16:08
Starting script to install all basic stuff in my linux installs
# This script installs the necessary packages and sets up the environment for Alessaba's Linux setup.
# Supported distributions: Fedora, Arch, Debian-based systems
# Test if the user is root
if [ "$EUID" -ne 0 ]; then
echo "Please run as root: sudo ./"
alessaba /
Last active May 24, 2024 07:54
PoC DDoS using QUIC ping requests. Usage: python <threads> <url1> [<url2> ...]
import asyncio
import threading
import urllib.parse
import ssl
import sys
from aioquic.asyncio.protocol import QuicConnectionProtocol
from aioquic.asyncio import connect
from aioquic.quic.configuration import QuicConfiguration
from import HandshakeCompleted, PingAcknowledged
alessaba /
Last active November 10, 2024 10:13
Interacts with the DCSD Alex Cable's Status LEDs. This can be adapted to any use case you want.
import pylibftdi
except ImportError:
import os
os.system("brew install libftdi libusb; brew link libusb; pip3 install pylibftdi")
print("Dependencies installed.\n")
alessaba /
Created September 21, 2019 08:58
Simple shell function to allow macOS (10.15+) users with an Apple Watch to authenticate sudo requests using the Apple Watch
function awsudo {
osascript -e "do shell script \"$*\" with administrator privileges"
alessaba / p3comparison.swift
Created December 31, 2017 13:36
import UIKit
import Foundation
import PlaygroundSupport
UIColor(red: 1.2, green: -0.75, blue: 2, alpha: 1) // Using the extended sRGB color values introduced in iOS 10 to display a wider gamut (P3 in this case)
extension UIColor {
convenience init(displayP3Hue hue: CGFloat, saturation: CGFloat, brightness: CGFloat, alpha: CGFloat = 1) {
alessaba /
Last active November 16, 2017 17:17
Pythonista Unlock PDF
# Script made by @ivanmorenoz with a small secure correction from @filippoclaudi #
# Description: this script uses Pythonista Objc Bridging for unlocking the PDF using PDFKit
from objc_util import ObjCClass, nsurl
from appex import get_file_paths, finish, is_running_extension
from os import remove, path
from console import alert, input_alert, quicklook
alessaba / PlaygroundsFrameworks.swift
Last active July 29, 2023 21:47
List of available frameworks in Swift Playgrounds over the years
// Swift Playgrounds Beta 1.0
import AVFoundation
import AVKit
import Accelerate
import Accounts
import AudioToolbox
import AudioUnit
import CFNetwork
import CoreAudio
import CoreAudioKit
alessaba / extract_kernelcache
Created January 22, 2017 13:55
Very simple python script to extract the kernelcache from the device
#Pythonista needed
import console
# coding: utf-8
from objutil import *
import ui
colorpicker = ObjCClass('OMColorPickerViewController').new().autorelease()
clview = colorpicker.view()
clview.frame = CGRect((0, 0), (512, 512))
view = presentUIView(clview, 'Color Picker', 'sheet')
alessaba /
Created March 20, 2016 11:55
# coding: utf-8
from objc_util import NSBundle, ObjCClass, on_main_thread
MPVolumeView = ObjCClass('MPVolumeView')
volume_view =
def set_system_volume(value):
volume_view.subviews()[0].value = value