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Created November 23, 2019 19:05
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* A Canvas2D + SVG Pen Plotter example of "Cubic Disarray"
* (a recreation of an artwork by Georg Nees in 1968-71).
* @author Stephane Tombeur (
const canvasSketch = require("canvas-sketch");
const { polylinesToSVG } = require("canvas-sketch-util/penplot");
const pickRandom = require("canvas-sketch-util/random");
const palettes = require("nice-color-palettes");
const lines = [];
const settings = {
dimensions: "A4",
orientation: "portrait",
pixelsPerInch: 300,
scaleToView: true,
units: "cm"
let columns = 8;
let rows = 14;
// function to generate a random number between min and max
const random = (min, max) => Math.random() * (max - min) + min;
const palette = pickRandom.pick(palettes);
const generatePosition = position => {
const [row, col] = position;
return row * columns + col;
var size = columns * rows;
var rainbow = new Array(size);
for (var i = 0; i < size; i++) {
var red = sin_to_hex(i, (0 * Math.PI * 2) / 3); // 0 deg
var blue = sin_to_hex(i, (1 * Math.PI * 2) / 3); // 120 deg
var green = sin_to_hex(i, (2 * Math.PI * 2) / 3); // 240 deg
rainbow[i] = "#" + red + green + blue;
function sin_to_hex(i, phase = 120) {
var sin = Math.sin((Math.PI / size) * 2 * i + phase);
var int = Math.floor(sin * 127) + 128;
var hex = int.toString(16);
return hex.length === 1 ? "0" + hex : hex;
const sketch = context => {
let marginBetweenElements = 0.05;
let elementWidth = 1.5;
let elementHeight = 1.5;
// position drawing in center of page
let drawingWidth =
columns * (elementWidth + marginBetweenElements) - marginBetweenElements;
let drawingHeight =
rows * (elementHeight + marginBetweenElements) - marginBetweenElements;
let marginPageLeft = (context.width - drawingWidth) / 2;
let marginPageTop = (context.height - drawingHeight) / 2;
let o = [];
for (let r = 0; r < rows; r++) {
o[r] = [];
for (let i = 0; i < columns; i++) {
let angle = 0;
let move = 0;
if (r >= 2) {
angle = random(-r, r); // introduce a random rotation
move = random(0, r * 0.1); // introduce a random movement
o[r].push({ angle, move });
return ({ context, width, height, units }) => {
// white background
context.fillStyle = "black";
context.fillRect(0, 0, width, height);
let posX = marginPageLeft;
let posY = marginPageTop;
for (let r = 0; r < rows; r++) {
for (let i = 0; i < columns; i++) {
posY + o[r][i].move,
[r, i]
posX = posX + elementWidth + marginBetweenElements;
posX = marginPageLeft;
posY = posY + elementHeight + marginBetweenElements;
return [
data: polylinesToSVG(lines, {
extension: ".svg"
// rotate [x,y] around the center [cx, cy] with angle in degrees
// and y-axis moving downward
function rotate(cx, cy, x, y, angle) {
if (angle === 0) return [x, y];
var radians = (Math.PI / 180) * angle,
cos = Math.cos(radians),
sin = Math.sin(radians),
nx = cos * (x - cx) - sin * (y - cy) + cx,
ny = cos * (y - cy) + sin * (x - cx) + cy;
return [nx, ny];
// draw a square in a single line
// and rotate it if needed
function drawSquare(context, cx, cy, width, angle, position) {
// console.log(rainbow);
// calculate rotated coordinates
let xy1 = rotate(cx, cy, cx, cy, angle);
let xy2 = rotate(cx, cy, cx + width, cy, angle);
let xy3 = rotate(cx, cy, cx + width, cy + width, angle);
let xy4 = rotate(cx, cy, cx, cy + width, angle);
const getPosition = generatePosition(position);
// context.strokeStyle = palette[Math.floor(random(1, 4))];
context.strokeStyle = rainbow[getPosition];
context.lineWidth = 0.04;
context.lineCap = "square";
context.lineJoin = "miter";
// draw square on context
// draw square for svg polylines
lines.push([xy1, xy2]);
lines.push([xy2, xy3]);
lines.push([xy3, xy4]);
lines.push([xy4, xy1]);
canvasSketch(sketch, settings);
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