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Last active November 2, 2021 23:25
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UrT cfg
seta racered "1" // It sets the red team character
seta raceblue "1" // It sets the blue team character
seta funred "ninja" // It sets the red team funstuff
seta funblue "ninja" // It sets the blue team funstuff
seta funfree "ninja" // It sets the blue team funstuff
seta cg_rgb "0 0 0" // It sets the bend color
//Toggle example
//seta toogle_cmd "vstr set_cmd_1"
//seta set_cmd_1 "ut_echo 1; set toogle_cmd vstr set_cmd_2"
//seta set_cmd_2 "ut_echo 2; set toogle_cmd vstr set_cmd_1"
seta lo_sensitivity "sensitivity 2.055"
seta hi_sensitivity "sensitivity 2.17"
seta primary_sensitivity "vstr lo_sensitivity"
seta auto_sensitivity "set primary_sensitivity vstr lo_sensitivity; vstr primary_sensitivity"
seta snip_sensitivity "set primary_sensitivity vstr hi_sensitivity; vstr primary_sensitivity"
bind TAB "+scores"
bind SPACE "+moveup"
bind ` "toggleconsole"
bind F1 "vote yes"
bind F2 "vote no"
bind F3 "ut_radio 1 1 Affermative"
bind F4 "ut_radio 1 2 Negative"
bind F5 "ut_radio 3 3 I need a medic, I'm ^1$hp^7"
bind F6 "ut_radio 2 2 Fallback and regroup!"
bind F7 "seta gear GeAORWA; vstr auto_sensitivity; ut_echo ^1 M4/HE"
bind F8 "seta gear GeAARWV; vstr auto_sensitivity; ut_echo ^1 M4/LASER"
bind F9 "seta gear GeAARWT; vstr auto_sensitivity; ut_echo ^1 M4/MED"
bind F10 "seta gear GihARWA; vstr snip_sensitivity; ut_echo ^1 FR-F1/MAC11"
bind F11 "play sound/misc/kcaction.wav; screenshotjpeg; ut_echo ^1SCREENSHOT TAKEN"
bind F12 "play sound/misc/kcaction.wav; vstr record_demo; ut_echo ^1DEMO STARTED/STOPPED"
bind 1 "ut_weaptoggle knife; vstr lo_sensitivity"
bind 2 "ut_weaptoggle grenade; vstr lo_sensitivity"
bind 3 "ut_weaptoggle sidearm; vstr lo_sensitivity"
bind 4 "ut_weaptoggle secondary; vstr lo_sensitivity"
bind 5 "ut_weaptoggle primary; vstr primary_sensitivity"
bind 6 "ut_weaptoggle bomb; vstr lo_sensitivity"
bind a "+moveleft"
bind b "ut_itemdrop kevlar"
bind c "+movedown"
bind d "+moveright"
bind e "+button8"
bind q "+button6"
bind r "+button5"
bind s "+back"
bind t "messagemode"
bind u "ui_radio"
bind v "+speed"
bind w "+forward"
bind x "ut_itemdrop flag; ut_itemdrop medkit"
bind y "messagemode2"
bind z "ut_itemuse"
bind SHIFT "+movedown"
bind ALT "+button3"
bind CTRL "+button7"
bind MOUSE1 "+attack"
bind MOUSE2 "ut_zoomin; ut_weaptoggle primary; vstr primary_sensitivity"
bind MOUSE3 "ut_weapdrop"
bind MOUSE4 "ut_radio 5 5 Incoming in ^1$location^7"
bind MOUSE5 "ut_radio 5 1 Enemies at ^1$crosshair^7"
//Gear, HUD, etc.
seta gear "GLAORWA" // It sets default weapons
seta cg_skinAlly "7" // It sets teammates skin color
seta cg_skinEnemy "5" // It sets enemies skin color
seta cg_crosshairX "0" // It sets the crosshair position on the X axys
seta cg_crosshairY "-1" // It sets the crosshair position on the Y axys
seta cg_drawcrosshair "2" // It sets the crosshair type
seta cg_crosshairsize "10" // It sets the crosshair size
seta cg_crosshairrgb "0 1 0 1" // It sets the crosshair colors
seta cg_crosshairfriendrgb "1 0 0 1" // It sets the friendly crosshair colors
seta cg_scopesr8 "0" // It sets the SR8 crosshair type
seta cg_scopeg36 "3" // It sets the G36 crosshair type
seta cg_scopePSG "0" // It sets the PSG crosshair type
seta cg_scopeRGB "0 1 0 1" // It sets the scope crosshair colors
seta cg_scopefriendrgb "1 1 0 1" // It sets the friendly scope crosshair colors
seta cg_nvg "6" // It sets the night vision goggles color
seta cg_drawfps "1" // It enables the fps counts
seta cl_drawClock "1" // It enables the clock
seta cl_drawClock12 "1" // It sets the clock 12 hours format
seta cl_drawClockColor "8" // It sets the clock color
seta cl_drawClockFontSize "6" // It sets the clock font size
seta cl_drawClockPosY "42" // It sets the clock position on Y axis
seta cl_drawClockPosX "2" // It sets the clock position on X axis
seta cl_drawClockShowSeconds "0" // It enables the seconds in the clock
seta cg_drawtimer "1" // It enables the timer
seta cg_drawteamscores "1" // It enables the team scores
seta cg_lagometer "1" // It enables network stats
seta cg_drawteamoverlay "3" // It enables the players list
seta cg_drawteamoverlayscores "1" // It enables the players list scores
seta speedo "0" // It shows the speed
seta cg_draw2D "1" // It enables health status, weapon infos etc.
seta cg_fov "110" // It sets the field of view
seta cg_hudWeaponInfo "0" // It enable to show the ammo and weapon state
seta cg_maparrowscale "2.4" // It sets the size of the arrows representing you and your team mates on the minimap
seta cg_mapalpha "0.3" // It sets the minimap transparency
seta cg_mappos "4" // It sets the minimap position
seta cg_mapsize "150" // It sets the minimap size
seta cg_maptoggle "1" // It enables the minimap
seta com_zoneMegs "48" // It sets the map memory size [32 for default]
seta cg_gunsize "1" // It sets the weapon size
seta cg_chatHeight "4" // It sets the chat height in lines
seta cg_teamChatHeight "4" // It sets the team chat height in lines
seta cg_showBulletHits "2" // It enables damage and hit informations
seta cg_autoScreenshot "2" // It enables the automatic screenshot at the end of each match
seta weapmodes_save "0000011022000002000200000000" // It selects the default weapon modes
seta r_mode "16" // It sets the resolution mode [-1 for custom]
seta r_customwidth "1920" // It sets the resolution width
seta r_customheight "1080" // It sets the resolution height
seta r_fullscreen "1" // It enables the fullscreen
seta r_gamma "2" // It sets the brightness
seta com_maxfps "150" // It sets the max fps amount
seta com_hunkmegs "1024" // It sets the game memory size
seta r_picmip "1" // It sets the textures compression level
seta r_ext_compressed_textures "0" // It enables the textures compression
seta r_texturebits "32" // It sets textures quality
seta r_colorbits "32" // It sets the number of the bits used to represent colors
seta r_vertexLight "0" // It sets the textures to be illuminated
seta r_simpleMipMaps "1" // It makes items look sharper
seta r_lodbias "0" // It sets the geometric detail level
seta r_overbrightbits "0" // It sets the brightness level of the map
seta r_texturemode "GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR" // It sets the texture interpolation by the graphics card [GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST for bilinear, GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR for trilinear]
seta r_displayrefresh "165" // It sets the display refresh rate [0 for default]
seta r_swapinterval "0" // It enables the vertical sync
seta r_detailtextures "0" // It sets the textures detail
seta cg_optimize "1" // It optimizes client code to reduce number of calculations that predict interaction with world between server updates
vstr lo_sensitivity // It sets the mouse sensitivity
seta cl_mouseAccel "0" // It sets the mouse acceleration
seta in_mouse "2" // It sets mouse input [-1 for Windows input, 0 for no input, 1 for DirectInput, 2 for Raw input]
seta m_pitch "0.017" // It sets the mouse sensitivity on Y axis
seta m_yaw "0.022" // It sets the mouse sensitivity on X axis
seta cl_pitchspeed "140" // It sets the mouse acceleration on Y axis
seta cl_yawspeed "140" // It sets the mouse acceleration on X axis
seta m_forward "0.25" // It sets the mouse scale for applying Y axis mouse motion to character forward movement
seta m_side "0.25" // It sets the mouse scale for applying X axis mouse motion to character forward movement
seta m_filter "0" // It enables the mouse smoothing
seta rate "32000" // It sets the transfer rate in B/s from the server to the client
seta cl_maxpackets "125" // It sets the max packets amount in seconds to send to the server
seta cl_packetdup "1" // It enables the duplication of the information transferred from the client to the server
seta ut_timenudge "0" // It modifies timestamps on packets to make things appear they arrived later than they really did
seta cl_lanForcePackets "1" // It makes antilag more efficient
seta s_khz "22" // It sets the audio quality [11 for low, 22 for high]
seta dmaHD_enable "1" // It enables dmaHD [1 for yes, 0 for no]
seta dmaHD_interpolation "3" // It sets the dmaHD interpolation level [0 for very low, 1 for low, 2 for medium, 3 for high]
seta dmaHD_mixer "10" // It set the dmaHD mixer type [10 for full 3D, 11 for planar 3D]
seta s_doppler "1" // It enables Doppler sound [1 for yes, 0 for no]
seta s_volume "0.7" // It sets the game audio volume
seta s_musicvolume "0" // It sets the music volume
seta cg_hitsound "1" // It enables the sound when hitting the opponent
seta cg_killsound "1" // It enables the sound when killing the opponent
seta cg_autoradio "0" // It enables the radio automatic messages
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