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Created March 26, 2012 10:31
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Some kind of resume


Name of Institution:Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics
Faculty:Computer Systems and Networks
Specialization:Computers, Systems and Networks
Diploma professionsystems engineer
Education Formday’s
Education LevelHigher education
Academic degreeDiploma in Software Engineering
Year of graduation2012

Human languages

Englishupper intermediate(spoken, reading), intermediate (written)
Japaneseelementary (JLPT4 certificate)


Ruby stack:

  • Ruby 1.8, ree, 1.9, jruby
  • Ruby on Rails 2 - 3.2
  • RSpec
  • Cucumber
  • Sinatra
  • Rack
  • Passenger
  • Capistrano


  • Pure JS, DOM
  • jQuery
  • CoffeeScript
  • Akihabara js game engine


  • XHTML1.1/HTML 4.01/HTML5
  • HAML
  • SLIM
  • semantic markup
  • ie8+
  • Canvas
  • HTML5 audio


  • CSS 2.0/CSS3
  • SASS
  • Compass
  • twitter bootstrap
  • css3 animations


  • MySql
  • PostgreSQL
  • Cassandra


  • Arch Linux/Debian/Ubuntu/CentOS
  • Unix internals
  • Proficient with shell scripting and day-to-day work automation
  • Apache web server

Other programming languages/technologies/libraries:

  • ANSI C (pretty good at it)
  • C++ (not that much experience and IMO plain C is much better language)
    • qt4.2 (used during third year course work)
  • ANSI Common Lisp (really like it)
  • Emacs Lisp (used it alot configuring my emacs)
  • sh/bash/zsh, sed, awk, …any kind of shell scripting.
  • Perl(not really good at it)
  • Erlang(old story, not much experience with it)
  • Scheme (used working on SICP course, preffer Common Lisp over it)
  • Haskell(tried some time ago, “Put #Haskell on your resume even if you don’t know it. When asked, say your resume is lazy and you’ll learn it when results are needed.”)

Commercial development experience

PeriodFrom 2/2011 To 7/2011
Project Roles/Job PositionRuby on Rails developer
Projectsocial networking games
CustomerProduct Madness
ParticipationParticipated in development of new features, testing, deployment. Communicated with both local and remote project members. Customized the application interface based on the client’s requirement. Worked with production data backup and restore. Took part in moving project from Rails 2 to Rails 3. Written scripts for automated data movement from production to staging despite tables scheme differences.
Team structure9 Developer(s), 2QA
Used Tools, Technologies, and Databaseree, Rails 2->Rails 3, bundler, mysql/percona, memcached, passenger(apache), capistrano, jquery, rspec;
PeriodFrom 8/2011 To 10/2011
Project Roles/Job PositionRuby on Rails developer
ProjectBasin Holdings corporate portals
CustomerBasin Holdings
ParticipationParticipated in all stages of development including but not limited to designing architecture, repository setup, database and staging server setup, coding, deployment setup, deployment, staging configuration, remote debugging, new team member code review.
Team structure3 Developer(s), 2QA
Used Tools, Technologies, and Databasemri1.9.2, Rails 3, bundler, Refinery CMS, capistrano, passenger(apache), HAML, SCSS, compass, HTML5, CSS3, jquery, mysql
PeriodFrom 11/2011 To 1/2012
CompanyAltoros LLC
Project Roles/Job PositionRuby Developer
Project DescriptionShoeDazzle is a Los Angeles-based online personalized styling and retail service. Members pay $39.95 per month ($479 per year) for which they get one pair of shoes sent per month to own outright. Shoedazzle operates on a style-based membership. People choose items that they like in a survey format, and a stylist will email them back with five suggestions for their month’s pair of shoes. If they don’t like the suggested shoes, they can skip the month (and not get charged) or ask the stylist to suggest more.
ParticipationParticipated in shoedazzle rewrite from scratch with better implementation in mind. Influenced architectural changes from custom multi-site application support to rails 3.1 engines. Made those changes myself. Gemified application core. Participated in feature development, coding implementation, client-side logic implementation, writing specifications and documentation(new way how does migrations, assets, gem dependencies, specs, rake tasks and rails generators work).
Team structure10 Developer(s), 2QA
Used Tools, Technologies, and Databasemri1.9.2, Rails 3.1, bundler, unicorn, SASS, jquery, mysql, coffeescript
PerionFrom 1/2012 To 1/2012
CompanyAltoros LLC
Project Roles/Job PositionRuby Developer
ProjectDMR Index
CustomerDMR Partners
Project DescriptionStartups and digital media companies register and got ranked by agencies/brands.
ParticipationSetup mail sending. Fixed some front-end and backend-related bugs.
Team Structure3 Developer(s)
Used Tools, Technologies, and Databasemri1.9.2, Rails 3.1, bundler, mysql, HAML, rspec, cucumber
PeriodFrom 1/2012 To 2/2012
CompanyAltoros LLC
Project Roles/Job PositionRuby Developer
Project DescriptionRightScale is a web based cloud computing management solution for managing cloud infrastructure from multiple providers. RightScale enables organizations to easily deploy and manage business-critical applications across public, private, and hybrid clouds. The company, which is based in Santa Barbara, California, partners with private cloud providers Citrix CloudStack and Eucalyptus Systems to help enterprises more easily build and manage their private clouds. RightScale also enables users to manage hybrid cloud infrastructure by migrating workloads between their private clouds and public clouds operated by Amazon Web Services (AWS), Rackspace and Tata.
ParticipationParticipated in RightSupport::DB::CasandraModel development. Port some internal sinatra+cassandra services to jruby/mri1.9.2/thrift 0.8
Team StructureLocal - 9 Developer(s)
Used Tools, Technologies, and Databaseree, jruby, mri1.9.2, sinatra, cassandra, rspec, cucumber, bash, amazon ec2, amazon s3
PeriodFrom 2/2012 To 3/2012
CompanyAltoros LLC
Project Roles/Job PositionRuby Developer
ProjectBSE Aware
Project DescriptionWeb application for Breast Self-examination - woman can see how to do it, store examination records, be reminded about next examination and contact doctor if needed.
ParticipationAJAXifying front-end, applying new HTML markup, fixing bugs
Team Structure3 Developer(s), 1QA
Used Tools, Technologies, and Databasemri1.9.2, Rails 3.2, mysql, rspec, cucumber, SLIM, SASS, Compass, jquery, coffeescript, twitter bootstrap
PeriodFrom 3/2012 To Present
CompanyAltoros LLC
Project Roles/Job PositionRuby Developer
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