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Created September 19, 2012 17:36
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(ql:quickload "bordeaux-threads")
(defmacro logging (message &rest body)
(format t ,message)
(format t " done.~%")))
(defun current-thread-name ()
(defun parallelize (f seq n)
(let ((len (length seq)))
(loop for i from 0 below n
(lambda ()
(funcall f
(subseq seq
(* len (/ i n))
(* len (/ (1+ i) n)))))))))
(defun all-permutations (list)
(cond ((null list) nil)
((null (cdr list)) (list list))
(t (loop for element in list
append (mapcar (lambda (l) (cons element l))
(all-permutations (remove element list)))))))
(defun permutations (n)
(loop for i from 0 below n collect i)))
(defun encode (word alphabet)
(map 'vector
(lambda (letter)
(elt alphabet letter)) word))
(defvar *alphabet* (concatenate 'list "мицаряту"))
(defvar *library*
(list "армия" "мицар" "мария" "тарту" "рация" "марта" "марат" "тиара"))
(defvar *sequence*)
(setf *sequence* '(#(#b100 #b100 #b000 #b000 #b010)
#(#b100 #b001 #b101 #b000 #b100)
#(#b101 #b100 #b101 #b101 #b111)))
(setf *sequence* '(#(#b111 #b101 #b101 #b001 #b101)
#(#b010 #b110 #b010 #b011 #b001)
#(#b101 #b010 #b010 #b011 #b000)))
(setf *sequence* (reverse (mapcar #'reverse *sequence*)))
(defun humanize (word)
(map 'vector
(lambda (n)
(elt *alphabet* n)) word))
"Translating library"
(defvar *library-translated*
(map 'list
(lambda (word)
(map 'list (lambda (c) (position c *alphabet*)) word))
(defvar *alphabets* (permutations 8))
(defun bruteforce (alphabets)
(loop for alphabet in alphabets
and x = 0 then (1+ x)
initially (format t "Bruteforce over ~A started.~%" (current-thread-name))
do (let ((encoded-words (map 'list
(lambda (word) (encode word alphabet))
(loop for first-word in encoded-words
and w1-pos = 0 then (1+ w1-pos)
do (let*
((noise (map 'vector #'logxor first-word (elt *sequence* 0)))
(w2 (map 'vector #'logxor noise (elt *sequence* 1)))
(w3 (map 'vector #'logxor noise (elt *sequence* 2)))
(w2-pos (position-if (lambda (w) (equalp w2 w))
(w3-pos (position-if (lambda (w) (equalp w3 w))
(if (and w2-pos w3-pos)
(format t "FOUND: ~A ~{ ~A ~}~%"
(humanize (elt *library-translated* w1-pos))
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