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Created August 30, 2012 17:26
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WordPress Capistrano deployment file (On Webfaction)
default_run_options[:pty] = true # Must be set for the password prompt from git to work
# WebFaction user account
# This is the server user account
set :server_user, "<server_username>"
# Server Domain
set :domain, "<domain_name>"
set :user, server_user
# Repository User
set :repo_user, "<repository_username>"
# Repository Name
set :repo_name, "<repository_name>"
# Application directory on the server
set :application, "<application_folder_name>"
# Repository location
set :repository, "<repository_url>"
# Default repository branch to checkout
set :branch, "master"
# We're using submodules [WordPress] & themes:[<theme_name>]
set :git_enable_submodules, 1
# We're using git as our repository
set :scm, :git
# Tell Capistrano to use agent forwarding with this command. uses your local keys instead of keys installed on the server.
ssh_options[:forward_agent] = true
ssh_options[:keys] = [File.join(ENV["HOME"], ".ssh", "<rsa_key_name>")]
# Deploy settings
set :deploy_to, "/home/#{server_user}/webapps-releases/#{application}"
# Fetch only the changes since the last.
set :deploy_via, :remote_cache
# Exclude the following files
set :copy_exclude, [".git", ".DS_Store", ".gitignore", ".gitmodules", "env_local", "env_prod", "env_stage"]
set :copy_compression, :gzip
# Options
set :use_sudo, false
set :keep_releases, 5
set :env, "dev"
# Theme settings
set :theme_path, "<Local_WordPress_theme_path>"
# Timestamp
set :time_stamp,
# Roles & servers
role :app, domain
role :web, domain
role :db, domain, :primary => true
server "#{domain}", :app, :primary => true
# Taskst to perform during with production flag
# When using --`$: cap production deploy`
task :production do
set :application, "<production_application_folder>"
set :deploy_to, "/home/#{server_user}/webapps-releases/#{application}"
set :branch, "master"
set :env, "prod"
task :staging do
set :application, "<staging_application_folder>"
# Deploy Settings
set :deploy_to, "/home/#{server_user}/webapps-releases/#{application}"
set :branch, "master"
set :env, "stage"
# Custom deployment namespace
namespace :customs do
desc "Symlinking files"
task :make_symlink, :roles => :app do
run "ln -nfs #{shared_path}/uploads #{release_path}/application/wp-content/uploads"
run "ln -nfs #{shared_path}/blogs.dir #{release_path}/application/wp-content/blogs.dir"
desc "Set development flag"
task :set_environment, :roles => :app do
if env === "dev" then
run "touch #{release_path}/env_dev"
if env === "stage" then
run "touch #{release_path}/env_stage"
namespace :themes do
desc "Deploy WordPress Theme using Sass/Compass"
task :deploy_theme, :roles => :app do
set :asset_path, "<path_to_assets>"
#compile and upload sass files
run_locally( "cd #{theme_path}/#{asset_path}/<sass_compass_dir>; compass compile" )
upload( "#{theme_path}/#{asset_path}/css", "#{release_path}/<WordPress_theme_path>/#{asset_path}/css" )
desc "Minify Javascript"
task :minify_js, :roles => :app do
set :my_theme, "<theme_name>/assets"
if( env === "prod" || env === "stage" ) then
#Minify the script file
run_locally( "cd #{theme_path}/#{my_theme}/js; juicer merge -i script.js -o script.min.#{time_stamp}.js" )
#Upload the minified script
upload( "#{theme_path}/#{my_theme}/js/script.min.#{time_stamp}.js", "#{release_path}/application/wp-content/themes/#{my_theme}/js/script.min.#{time_stamp}.js" )
#Delete minified local script file
run_locally( "cd #{theme_path}/#{my_theme}/js; rm script.min.#{time_stamp}.js")
desc "Update the server side wp-config file with the new timestamp"
task :update_config, :roles => :app do
# Change to the release path app directory
# Find and replace the <TIMESTAMP> token with the timestamp.
# Remove the wp-config.php.bak file that's generated by the sed command
if( env === "prod" || env === "stage" ) then
run "cd #{release_path}/application/; sed -i.bak 's/<TIMESTAMP>/#{time_stamp}/g' wp-config.php; rm wp-config.php.bak"
after "deploy:finalize_update", "customs:make_symlink"
after "deploy:finalize_update", "customs:set_environment"
after "deploy:finalize_update", "themes:update_config"
after "deploy:update_code", "themes:deploy_theme"
after "deploy:update_code", "themes:minify_js"
after "deploy", "deploy:cleanup"
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menslow commented Aug 30, 2012

Looks good man. Question about excluding env_local, env_prod, and env_stage. Are you excluding them because you're using these files at the root of your site?

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Just updated things to include adding the env_dev flag.

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Note on Timestamp. In the wp-config.php file, I have the following line: define( "WP_TIMESTAMP", );
The string is a token that is replaced with an actual timestamp during deployment. I use it for cache-busting.

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Juicer ( runs JSHint, Yuicompressor and then concatenates all the js dependency files into one script file. It's awesome.

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