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Forked from iest/
Last active March 26, 2019 08:54
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Moving from lodash/fp to ramda

Moving from lodash/fp to ramda


Good news is we're only using lodash/fp, which makes it easier to match function signatures.

  1. Find most-used lodash methods, we'll convert these first maybe?
  2. Go through each lodash method, find the ramda equivalent where possible
  3. Write a codemod to rewrite those usages
  4. Who the fuck thought function aliases were a good idea


  • import R from 'ramda'
  • Use as R.X, instead of import { X } from 'ramda'

Currently used lodash methods with usage:

  • 245 x noop
    • No equivalent
  • 62 x flowRight
    • R.compose
  • 26 x identity
  • 16 x curry
    • R.curry
  • 13 x get
    • R.path
    • NOTE: ramda paths use arrays, not strings
    • const myPath = R.useWith(R.path, [R.split('.')]) String -> Object -> Any (source)
  • 13 x debounce
    • No equivalent
  • 12 x find
    • _.find(collection, [predicate=_.identity], [fromIndex=0])
    • R.find (a → Boolean) → [a] → a | undefined
  • 11 x range
    • _.range([start=0], end, [step=1])
    • R.range Number → Number → [Number]
    • Does not support steps
  • 9 x findIndex
    • _.findIndex(predicate, array)
    • R.findIndex (a → Boolean) → [a] → Number
  • 8 x some
    • _.some(predicate, collection)
    • R.anyPass [(*… → Boolean)] → (*… → Boolean)
  • 8 x map
    •, collection)
    • Functor f => (a → b) → f a → f b
  • 7 x flow
    • _.flow(funcs)
    • R.pipe
  • 7 x first
    • Alias of _.head
    • R.head
  • 6 x last
    • _.last(array)
    • R.last
  • 5 x isEqual
    • _.isEqual(value, other)
    • R.equals a → b → Boolean
  • 5 x filter
    • R.filter
  • 5 x every
    • _.every(predicate, collection)
      • predicate called with (value, key|index, collection)
    • R.all
      • predicate called with (value)
  • 4 x pick
    • _.pick(props, object)
    • R.pick [k] → {k: v} → {k: v}
  • 3 x reduce
    • _.reduce(iteratee, accumulator, collection)
      • iteratee is invoked with four arguments: (accumulator, value, index|key, collection)
    • R.reduce ((a, b) → a) → a → [b] → a
      • iterator function receives two values: (acc, value)
  • 3 x rangeStep
    • Lodash FP's 3-arity version of range
    • _.rangeStep(step, start, end)
    • No direct equivalent, closest would be:
        const rangeStep = (start, step, stop) =>
          n => start + step * n,
          R.range(0, (1 + (stop - start) / step) >>> 0)
  • 3 x compose
    • Alias of flowRight
    • R.compose
  • 2 x values
    • _.values(object)
    • R.values {k: v} → [v]
  • 2 x takeRight
    • _.takeRight(array, [n=1])
    • R.takeLast
  • 2 x take
    • R.take
  • 2 x split
    • R.split
  • 2 x merge
    • Deep merge from left to right
    • R.mergeDeepLeft
  • 2 x memoize
    • No equivalent
  • 2 x inRange
    • _.inRange(number, [start=0], end)
    • Checks if n is between start and up to, but not including, end. If end is not specified, it's set to start with start then set to 0. If start is greater than end the params are swapped to support negative ranges.
    • No direct equivalent
    • R.both(R.gte(R.__, start), R.lte(R.__, end))
  • 2 x includes
    • R.contains
  • 2 x groupBy

  • 2 x getOr
  • 2 x concat
    • R.concat
  • 2 x clamp
    • _.clamp(number, [lower], upper)
    • R.clamp Ord a => a → a → a → a
  • 1 x uniqBy
  • 1 x uniq
  • 1 x toPairs
  • 1 x toLower
  • 1 x throttle
  • 1 x spread
  • 1 x sortBy
  • 1 x slice
  • 1 x set
  • 1 x reverse
  • 1 x replace
  • 1 x reject
  • 1 x pluck
  • 1 x pickBy
  • 1 x negate
  • 1 x join
  • 1 x isObject
  • 1 x isEmpty
  • 1 x intersection
  • 1 x fromPairs
  • 1 x flatten
  • 1 x equals
    • Alias of isEquals
    • R.equals
  • 1 x delay
    • No equivalent
    • Use setTimeout
  • 1 x defaultTo
  • 1 x **curryN
    • R.curryN
  • 1 x ceil
    • _.ceil(number, [precision=0])
    • No equivalent
    • Use Math.ceil instead
  • 1 x assign
    • _.assign(object, [sources])
    • R.merge {k: v} → {k: v} → {k: v}
  • **zip with more then two lists **
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