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Created August 7, 2019 20:02
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const { src, dest, series, watch, parallel } = require('gulp');
const sass = require('gulp-sass');
const rename = require("gulp-rename");
const plumber = require("gulp-plumber");
const cleanCSS = require('gulp-clean-css');
const autoprefixer = require("gulp-autoprefixer");
const browserSync = require('browser-sync').create();
const nodemon = require('gulp-nodemon');
var sassOptions = {
errLogToConsole: true,
outputStyle: "expanded",
includePaths: "./node_modules"
path = {
scss: "./public/css",
css: "./public/css",
img: "./public/img"
watched = { scss: path.scss + '/*.scss' }
// Compile CSS
function css(){
return src( watched.scss )
.pipe( plumber() )
.pipe( sass(sassOptions) )
.pipe( autoprefixer({ cascade: false }) )
.pipe( dest(path.css) )
.pipe( rename({ suffix: ".min" }) )
.pipe( cleanCSS() )
.pipe( dest(path.css) )
.pipe( browserSync.reload({ stream: true }) );
// BrowserSync
function bsync(done){
watch: true,
files: [ watched.scss, watched.html ],
proxy: "localhost:3000",
port: "4000"
}); done();
// Nodemon
function nmon(cb){
var started = false;
return nodemon({
script: 'bin/www'
}).on('start', function(){
started = true;
// Watch files
function watchFiles(done){
watch( watched.scss, css );
// Start serve before broserSync task
exports.default = parallel( series(css, watchFiles), nmon, bsync );
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