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Created July 14, 2017 16:33
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Demonstrating AutoMapper.Collection issue
namespace TruckTech.Data.Config
internal class EventConfig : EntityTypeConfiguration<Event>
public EventConfig()
// Primary key is part of identifying relationship
HasKey(e => new { e.LogId, e.Id });
Property(e => e.Id)
Property(e => e.LogId)
HasRequired(e => e.Log)
.WithMany(l => l.Events)
.HasForeignKey(e => e.LogId)
public void SimplifiedExampleOfUnwantedBehavior()
var desiredDate = DateTime.Parse("7/12/2017");
// This is just the API wrapper. It doesn't use AutoMapper so I'm not including that code.
var fetcher = CreateRawFetcher().ConfigureDateRange(desiredDate, desiredDate);
var rawLogs = fetcher.GetUnmappedList();
// Get a raw Log entry from the list, one that has events, since we're testing how the Event objects are handled.
var rawLogWithEvents = rawLogs.First(log => log.Events != null && log.Events.Any());
// Verify this log entry is already in the database.
var context = new TruckTechContext();
var matchingLog = context.Logs.Find(rawLogWithEvents.Id);
// OK, we don't need the matchingLog object anymore.
// get ready to map
var mapper = mappingConfig.CreateMapper();
var persistence = context.Logs.Persist<Db.Log>(mapper);
// Check what happened in the DbContext:
var eventEntries = context.ChangeTracker.Entries<Db.Event>();
var addedEntries = eventEntries.Where(entry => entry.State == EntityState.Added);
var deletedEntries = eventEntries.Where(entry => entry.State == EntityState.Deleted);
var modifiedEntries = eventEntries.Where(entry => entry.State == EntityState.Modified);
// Based on the behavior I saw, I would expect one Event deleted and one Event added for every
// Event object belonging to the matching Log in the database.
Assert.AreEqual(matchingLog.Events.Count, addedEntries.Count() );
Assert.AreEqual(matchingLog.Events.Count, deletedEntries.Count() );
// I would expect 0 modified entries.
Assert.AreEqual(0, modifiedEntries.Count());
public static MapperConfiguration CreateConfiguration()
return new MapperConfiguration(cfg =>
// Profile has all the mapping specifics.
cfg.AddProfile(new TruckTechMappingProfile());
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