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Last active March 19, 2018 16:30
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AdWords MCC Script: Triple Match
* Title: Triple Match MCC
* Descritpion: Adds the missing match types of each keyword in every ad group
* Author: Wolf+Bär Agency, Aleksandar Vucenovic
* Website:
* License: GNU GPLv3
* Version: 0.4
* URL:
* URL:
/********* START Description ************************************************
* This scripts adds all missing keyword match types to each ad group.
* Eg. If only an exact match keyword has been added to the ad group,
* the script will add the corresponding modified broad match and phrase match
* keywords to the ad group.
* Mark each account that you want to be processed with the
* ACCOUNTS_TO_PROCESS label from the settings below.
* In case one account is very, very large and the script stops because of
* one of the script limitations (eg time limit), this script will continue
* where it left off in the next run.
********** END Description **************************************************/
/********* START Settings **************************************************/
var ACCOUNTS_TO_PROCESS = 'do_triple_match_fix';
// Add this label to every account you want to be processed
var TRIPLE_MATCH_LABEL = 'triple_match_done';
// This label will be added to each keyword that has been processed
// in order to omit them in later runs.
var TRIPLE_MATCH_ADGROUP_PROCESS_LABEL = 'do_adgroup_triple_match_fix';
// All ad groups that need to be processed will be temporarily marked with this label
var TRIPLE_MATCH_CAMPAIGN_OMIT_LABEL = 'omit_campaign_triple_match_fix';
// Tag the campaigns, that you want to omit, with this label.
var keywordOperations = [];
/********* END Settings **************************************************/
// Run the main function
// Get all accounts tagged to be processed
function main() {
// Get all tagged accounts and process them in parallel
function getAccountsByLabel() {
var accountSelector = MccApp.accounts()
.withCondition("LabelNames CONTAINS '" + ACCOUNTS_TO_PROCESS + "'");
accountSelector.executeInParallel('processAccount', 'allFinished');
// Process each account
function processAccount() {
// Select the account to process
var account = AdWordsApp.currentAccount();
Logger.log('account name = ' + account.getName());
// Check if the previous run has not been aborted.
// If not, execute in full,
// otherwise, omit the initialization.
Logger.log('checking if TRIPLE_MATCH_ADGROUP_PROCESS_LABEL exists');
if( checkLabel(TRIPLE_MATCH_ADGROUP_PROCESS_LABEL) == false ){
// We know now that the label doesn't exist yet,
// so create it.
// Check if the keyword label already exists in the account.
// If not create it.
Logger.log('checking if TRIPLE_MATCH_LABEL exists');
if( checkLabel(TRIPLE_MATCH_LABEL) == false ){
Logger.log('creating TRIPLE_MATCH_LABEL');
// Mark all ad groups that need to be processed.
} // end if
// Process all tagged ad grouops.
// Add labels to new keywords
// Finish up, by removing the temporary labels from the ad groups
// Run closing report
function allFinished(){
Logger.log('finished processing all accounts');
// This function tags all ad groups that need to be processed.
// It is slow in the first run, but allows a much faster execution of the entire script
// in each subsequent run.
function markAllAdGroupsForProcessing(){
// A list of all campaigns to omit
var campaignsToOmit = [];
// Get all campaigns that will be omitted
Logger.log('Get all campaigns that will be omitted');
if( checkLabel(TRIPLE_MATCH_CAMPAIGN_OMIT_LABEL) == true ){
var campaignIterator = AdWordsApp
.withCondition("LabelNames CONTAINS_ANY [ '" + TRIPLE_MATCH_CAMPAIGN_OMIT_LABEL + "' ]")
// Push all campaign IDs, that will be omitted, into an array
Logger.log('logging campaigns to omit');
while( campaignIterator.hasNext() ){
var campaignIdToOmit =;
Logger.log('campaignID to omit: ' + campaignIdToOmit );
Logger.log("CampaignId NOT_IN [" + campaignsToOmit.join(",") + "]");
// Select all keywords that have not been processed yet
if(campaignsToOmit.length == 0){
Logger.log('campaignsToOmit = 0');
var keywordIterator = AdWordsApp
.withCondition("CampaignStatus = ENABLED")
.withCondition("AdvertisingChannelType = SEARCH")
.withCondition("AdGroupStatus = ENABLED")
.withCondition("Status = ENABLED")
.withCondition("LabelNames CONTAINS_NONE [ '" + TRIPLE_MATCH_LABEL + "' ]")
} else {
Logger.log('campaignsToOmit > 1');
var keywordIterator = AdWordsApp
.withCondition("CampaignStatus = ENABLED")
.withCondition("CampaignId NOT_IN [" + campaignsToOmit.join(",") + "]")
.withCondition("AdvertisingChannelType = SEARCH")
.withCondition("AdGroupStatus = ENABLED")
.withCondition("Status = ENABLED")
.withCondition("LabelNames CONTAINS_NONE [ '" + TRIPLE_MATCH_LABEL + "' ]")
Logger.log('marking ad groups for processing');
var adGroupsToProcess = [];
// Loop through all keywords
while( keywordIterator.hasNext() ){
// Get the keyword
var keyword =;
// Get the keyword's adGroup ID
var adGroupID = keyword.getAdGroup().getId();
//Logger.log('account name: ' + AdWordsApp.currentAccount().getName() + ' | campaign name: ' + keyword.getCampaign().getName() );
// Look if the adGroup already is marked,
// if not, mark it and add it to the process list.
if (adGroupsToProcess.indexOf(adGroupID) == -1){
// Process all marked adGroups
function goThroughEachAdGroup(){
// Logger.log('getting ad group iterator');
// Select all ad groups that are labeled for processing
var adGroupIterator = AdWordsApp
.withCondition("Status = ENABLED")
.withCondition("CampaignStatus = ENABLED")
.withCondition("AdvertisingChannelType = SEARCH")
.withCondition("LabelNames CONTAINS_ANY ['" + TRIPLE_MATCH_ADGROUP_PROCESS_LABEL + "']")
// Loop through all adGroups
while (adGroupIterator.hasNext()) {
// Logger.log('');
// Logger.log('going through each ad group');
// Get the adGroup
var adGroup =;
// Process the adGroup's keywords
// After finishing processing the adGroup remove the label
} // end while
// Process each keyword from the adGroup
function processKeywordsFromAdGroup(adGroup){
// Logger.log('processing keywords');
// Create keyword arrays for each match type
var broad_match_list = [];
var phrase_match_list = [];
var exact_match_list = [];
// Logger.log('getting keyword iterator');
// Get all keywords of that specific adGroup
var keywordIterator = adGroup.keywords()
.withCondition("Status = ENABLED")
.withCondition("LabelNames CONTAINS_NONE [ " + TRIPLE_MATCH_LABEL + " ]")
// Logger.log('go through each keyword');
// Iterate through the keyword list
while (keywordIterator.hasNext()) {
// Get the next keyword
var keyword =;
// Get the match type of the keyword
var keywordMatchType = keyword.getMatchType();
// Get a version of the keyword withough +, [] and ""
var cleanKeywordText = cleanText(keyword.getText());
//Logger.log('keyword text: ' + keyword.getText());
//Logger.log('keyword match type: ' + keywordMatchType);
// Push each keyword into its corresponding match type array
if( keywordMatchType == 'BROAD' ){
// it could be faster to add all duplicates into the list first and then remove them in one filter action after the while loop:
if(broad_match_list.indexOf(cleanKeywordText) == -1 ){
} else if ( keywordMatchType == 'PHRASE' ){
if(phrase_match_list.indexOf(cleanKeywordText) == -1 ){
} else {
if(exact_match_list.indexOf(cleanKeywordText) == -1 ){
//Logger.log('keyword text: ' + keyword.getText());
//Logger.log('campaign: ' + keyword.getCampaign().getName() + ' | ad group: ' + keyword.getAdGroup().getName() + ' | match type: ' + keyword.getMatchType() + ' | text: ' + keyword.getText());
// Mark the keyword as processed
} // end while
// Logger.log('');
// Logger.log('print broad_match_list');
// showList(broad_match_list);
// Logger.log('');
// Logger.log('print phrase_match_list');
// showList(phrase_match_list);
// Logger.log('');
// Logger.log('print exact_match_list');
// showList(exact_match_list);
// Go through each list, find out if the same keyword is also one of the other match types,
// if not, create the keyword, if yes, delete it from the list. Then delete the keyword from the current list.
var updatedLists;
updatedLists = tripleMatchMagic(adGroup, broad_match_list, phrase_match_list, 'PHRASE', exact_match_list, 'EXACT');
broad_match_list = updatedLists[0];
phrase_match_list = updatedLists[1];
exact_match_list = updatedLists[2];
updatedLists = tripleMatchMagic(adGroup, phrase_match_list, exact_match_list, 'EXACT', broad_match_list, 'BROAD');
phrase_match_list = updatedLists[0];
exact_match_list = updatedLists[1];
broad_match_list = updatedLists[2];
updatedLists = tripleMatchMagic(adGroup, exact_match_list, broad_match_list, 'BROAD', phrase_match_list, 'PHRASE');
// Add labels to new keywords
// This is sperated into an operations list for performance reasons
function addLabelsToNewKeywords(){
// Logger.log('keywordOperations.length: ' + keywordOperations.length);
// Loop through all keywordOperations and add a label
for (var i = keywordOperations.length - 1; i > -1; i-- ) {
var newKeyword = keywordOperations[i].getResult();
// This is the magic function that finds all missing keyword match types efficiently
// and creates new ones if necessary
function tripleMatchMagic(adGroup, a, b, bb, c, cc){
//Logger.log('text in: ' + a[0]);
for( i = a.length - 1; i > -1; i--){
var indexOnBlist = b.indexOf(a[0]);
if( indexOnBlist > -1 ){
b.splice(indexOnBlist, 1);
} else {
createNewKeyword(adGroup, a[0], bb);
var indexOnClist = c.indexOf(a[0]);
if( indexOnClist > -1 ){
c.splice(indexOnClist, 1);
} else {
createNewKeyword(adGroup, a[0], cc);
// Since this keyword now has been processed in all lists
// we can delete it from this one too.
} // end of index list loop
var updatedLists = [a, b, c];
return updatedLists;
// Create the new keyword
function createNewKeyword(adGroup, keywordText, matchType){
// Logger.log('keywordText before modification: ' + keywordText);
// Merge the keywordText with the match type operators
keywordText = combineKeywordTextAndMatchType(keywordText, matchType);
// Logger.log('keywordText to be created: ' + keywordText);
//Only create the keyword if it is less than, or equal to, 80 charachters
if( keywordText.length <= 80 ){
// Build the new keyword
var keywordOperation = adGroup.newKeywordBuilder()
// Push the keyword operation into an array
// We will use it to a add labels to all of them
} // end if
// Change the broad match keyword into a modified broad match keyword
function combineKeywordTextAndMatchType(keywordText, matchType){
if( matchType == 'BROAD'){
// add a plus at the beginning of the keyword
keywordText = "+" + keywordText;
// change all spaces into space_pluses
keywordText = keywordText.replace(/ /g, " +");
} else if (matchType == 'PHRASE'){
// Add the quotes for phrase match
keywordText = "\"" + keywordText + "\"";
} else {
// Add the square brackets for exact match
keywordText = "[" + keywordText + "]";
} // end if
return keywordText;
// Print the list
// This is a debugging function
function showList(listArray){
for ( i = listArray.length - 1; i > -1; i-- ){
// Remove all match type operators from the keyword
function cleanText(keywordText){
//Logger.log("TextToFix = " + keywordText);
var cleanKeywordText;
// replace all pluses with spaces
cleanKeywordText = keywordText.replace(/\+/g, " ");
// replace all left square brackets with nothing
cleanKeywordText = cleanKeywordText.replace(/\[/g, "");
// replace all right square brackets with nothing
cleanKeywordText = cleanKeywordText.replace(/\]/g, "");
// replace all quotes with nothing
cleanKeywordText = cleanKeywordText.replace(/\"/g, "");
// replace all multiple spaces with a single space
cleanKeywordText = cleanKeywordText.replace(/\s\s+/g, ' ');;
// remove all spaces in front of the keyword
cleanKeywordText = cleanKeywordText.replace(/^ /g, "");
// remove all spaces at the end of the keyword
cleanKeywordText = cleanKeywordText.replace(/ $/g, "");
// Logger.log("cleaned text: " + cleanKeywordText);
return cleanKeywordText;
// Check if the label exists in the account.
// If not, create it
function checkLabel(label_to_check) {
// Logger.log("check if label exists");
// Get a list of all labels with the set label name
var labelIterator = AdWordsApp.labels()
.withCondition('Name = ' + label_to_check)
// Logger.log( " = " + labelIterator.totalNumEntities());
// Check if the label name is in the list
if ( labelIterator.totalNumEntities() == 0 ) {
return false;
} else {
return true;
// Create the label
function createLabel(label_to_create){
// Logger.log("creating label: " + label_to_create);
// Logger.log("label created");
// Remove a label
function removeTheLabel(labelToRemove){
var labelIterator = AdWordsApp.labels()
.withCondition("Name CONTAINS '" + labelToRemove + "'")
while (labelIterator.hasNext()) {
var label =;
// Logger.log('');
// Logger.log('removing label: ' + label.getName());
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