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Last active August 20, 2019 03:01
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World Map, standard-fish competition 2019
#lang racket
(require json racket/draw math/base)
(define (lat-lon->map-point coordinates)
(match-define (list lon lat _ ...) coordinates)
(define-values (x y) (values (degrees->radians lon) (asinh (tan (degrees->radians lat)))))
(list (/ (+ 1 (/ x pi)) 2) (/ (- 1 (/ y pi)) 2)))
(define (draw-polygon dc polygons)
(define path
(for/fold ([path #f]) ([polygon (in-list polygons)] #:unless (null? polygon))
(define sub-path (new dc-path%))
(send/apply sub-path move-to (lat-lon->map-point (car polygon)))
(for ([point (in-list (cdr polygon))])
(send/apply sub-path line-to (lat-lon->map-point point)))
(send sub-path close)
(if path (begin (send path append sub-path) path) sub-path)))
(and path (send dc draw-path path 0 0)))
(define (make-geojson-bitmap gjdata width height)
(define dc (new bitmap-dc% [bitmap (make-object bitmap% width height)]))
(send* dc
(set-scale width height)
(set-smoothing 'smoothed)
(set-pen (send the-pen-list find-or-create-pen "black" (* 0.5 (/ 1 width)) 'solid)))
;; Iterate over each feature (timezone) and render it
(for ([feature (in-list (hash-ref gjdata 'features))])
(send dc set-brush (send the-brush-list find-or-create-brush "black" 'transparent))
(let* ([geometry (hash-ref feature 'geometry (lambda () (hash)))]
[data (hash-ref geometry 'coordinates (lambda () null))])
(case (hash-ref geometry 'type #f)
(("Polygon") (draw-polygon dc data))
(("MultiPolygon") (for ([polygon (in-list data)]) (draw-polygon dc polygon)))
(else (printf "Skipping ~a geometry" (hash-ref geometry 'type #f))))))
(send dc get-bitmap))
(define world-data (call-with-input-file "./data/world-map.json" read-json))
(define bm (make-geojson-bitmap world-data 800 500))
(send bm save-file "world.png" 'png 100 #:unscaled? #t)
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