/asteroids-2.rkt Secret
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#lang racket | |
;; An Asteroids game in Racket | |
;; Copyright (c) 2021 Alex Harsányi (AlexHarsanyi@gmail.com) | |
;; Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a | |
;; copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), | |
;; to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation | |
;; the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, | |
;; and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the | |
;; Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: | |
;; The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in | |
;; all copies or substantial portions of the Software. | |
(require racket/gui racket/random) | |
;;...................................................... the game engine .... | |
;; A game engine will manage a "scene" of objects. Here is out scene, | |
;; initially empty. We represent the scene as a list of actors. | |
(define the-scene '()) | |
;; Here are some functions to add and remove actors from the scene. Since the | |
;; scene is a list, these functions just use `cons` and `remove` to operate on | |
;; lists. | |
(define (add-actor actor) | |
(set! the-scene (cons actor the-scene))) | |
(define (remove-actor actor) | |
(set! the-scene (remove actor the-scene))) | |
;; Here are some basic operations on the scene itself: paining it onto the | |
;; canvas, updating the scene as time passes and handling keyboard events. | |
;; This is a simple "game engine", so all we do here is simply pass on the | |
;; information to every actor in the scene. | |
(define (paint-scene scene canvas dc) | |
(for ([actor (in-list scene)]) | |
(send actor paint canvas dc))) | |
(define (update-scene scene collision-handlers delta-time) | |
(handle-collisions scene collision-handlers) | |
(for ([actor (in-list scene)]) | |
(send actor update/delta-time delta-time))) | |
(define (handle-keyboard-event scene event) | |
(for ([actor (in-list scene)]) | |
(send actor keyboard-event event))) | |
;; Actors are objects and, while we don't yet know what each actor will do, | |
;; they need to provide some common methods so the game engine can operate on | |
;; them, so we define an `actor<%>` interface. Our actors must provide: | |
;; | |
;; * a way to draw themselves onto the canvas -- a `paint` method | |
;; | |
;; * a way to update their state (e.g. move) -- an `update/delta-time` method | |
;; | |
;; * a way to respond to user input (e.g to move the ship) -- an | |
;; `keyboard-event` method | |
;; | |
;; * a way to check for collisions with other objects -- an | |
;; `maybe-collide-with` method. | |
;; | |
(define actor<%> | |
(interface () | |
[paint (->m (is-a?/c canvas%) (is-a?/c dc<%>) any/c)] | |
[update/delta-time (->m positive? any/c)] | |
[keyboard-event (->m (is-a?/c key-event%) any/c)])) | |
;; Since not all the actors need to supply all methods, we provide a | |
;; convenient parent class providing empty implementations for all methods, so | |
;; each actor can override what it needs. | |
;; | |
;; For example, only the ship will need to handle keyboard events, but | |
;; keyboard events are sent to all actors (see `handle-keyboard-event`), so | |
;; most actors will not need to worry about providing a `keyboard-event` | |
;; method. | |
(define actor% | |
(class* object% (actor<%>) | |
(init) | |
(super-new) | |
(define/public (paint _canvas _dc) (void)) | |
(define/public (update/delta-time _dt) (void)) | |
(define/public (keyboard-event _e) (void)))) | |
;; This is the state of the game and it is used to know when to display the | |
;; game over overlay, and to exit the game loop. | |
(define game-outcome 'not-started) | |
;; We define our own game window, deriving from `frame%` -- this allows us to | |
;; override the on-close method to set the game outcome to 'abandoned -- this | |
;; will cause the game loop to exit. We also intercept keyboard events and | |
;; send them to the objects in the scene. | |
(define game-window% | |
(class frame% | |
(init) | |
(super-new) | |
(define/augride (on-close) | |
(set! game-outcome 'abandoned)) | |
(define/override (on-subwindow-char receiver event) | |
(handle-keyboard-event the-scene event) | |
(super on-subwindow-char receiver event)))) | |
;; The GUI frame showing our game | |
(define the-frame (new game-window% [label "Asteroids"] [width 800] [height 450])) | |
(define transparent-brush (send the-brush-list find-or-create-brush "black" 'transparent)) | |
;; Handle painting the scene. We do some setup and delegate painting to all | |
;; the actors in the scene. As a special case, if the game state is | |
;; 'game-over, we display the game over overlay (that could have also been | |
;; done as an actor) | |
(define (on-canvas-paint canvas dc) | |
(send dc set-smoothing 'smoothed) | |
(send dc set-brush transparent-brush) | |
(paint-scene the-scene canvas dc)) | |
;; This is the canvas used to draw the actual game scene. | |
(define the-canvas | |
(new canvas% | |
[parent the-frame] | |
[paint-callback on-canvas-paint])) | |
;; This is the main game loop, keeping track of time and sending the actors | |
;; the `update/delta-time` message and refreshing the canvas. The game loop | |
;; runs until the game-outcome is set to abandoned -- which is when the user | |
;; closes the window. | |
(define (run-game-loop #:frame-rate [frame-rate 60]) | |
(collect-garbage 'incremental) | |
(set! game-outcome 'in-progress) | |
(send the-frame show #t) | |
(send the-frame focus) | |
(define frame-time (* (/ 1.0 frame-rate) 1000.0)) | |
(let loop ([last-game-time (current-inexact-milliseconds)] | |
[current-game-time (current-inexact-milliseconds)]) | |
(define dt (- current-game-time last-game-time)) | |
(update-scene the-scene the-collision-handlers dt) | |
(send the-canvas refresh-now) | |
(define update-duration (- (current-inexact-milliseconds) current-game-time)) | |
(define remaining-time (- frame-time update-duration)) | |
(sleep/yield (/ (max 0 remaining-time) 1000.0)) | |
(unless (equal? game-outcome 'abandoned) | |
;; NOTE: current-game-time becomes last-game-time next iteration | |
(loop current-game-time (current-inexact-milliseconds))))) | |
;;.............................................. two dimensional vectors .... | |
;; This is a 2D game and we use vectors to represent positions, velocities and | |
;; acceleration. For example, when expressed as a vector, the velocity does | |
;; not only define how fast an object moves, but also in what direction. This | |
;; representation makes it convenient to express basic operations in 2D space. | |
;; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Euclidean_vector | |
(struct v2 (x y) #:transparent) ; a vector is a 2D item having an x and y component | |
(define vzero (v2 0 0)) ; a convenient "zero vector" | |
(define vright (v2 1 0)) ; the right unit vector -- a vector pointing to the right | |
(define vleft (v2 -1 0)) ; the left unit vector | |
(define vup (v2 0 -1)) ; the up unit vector | |
(define vdown (v2 0 1)) ; the down unit vector | |
(define (vplus a b) ; vector addition | |
(v2 (+ (v2-x a) (v2-x b)) (+ (v2-y a) (v2-y b)))) | |
(define (vminus a b) ; vector subtraction | |
(v2 (- (v2-x a) (v2-x b)) (- (v2-y a) (v2-y b)))) | |
(define (vnegate a) ; vector negation, i.e. (- v) | |
(v2 (- (v2-x a)) (- (v2-y a)))) | |
(define (vscale v s) ; scaling a vector by a number (Scalar) | |
(v2 (* (v2-x v) s) (* (v2-y v) s))) | |
(define (vdot a b) ; dot product (the magic operation) | |
;; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dot_product | |
(+ (* (v2-x a) (v2-x b)) (* (v2-y a) (v2-y b)))) | |
(define (vlength v) ; the length of a vector | |
(match-define (v2 x y) v) | |
(sqrt (+ (* x x) (* y y)))) | |
(define (vnorm v) ; normalize: make a unit vector with the same direction as v | |
(define l (vlength v)) | |
(v2 (/ (v2-x v) l) (/ (v2-y v) l))) | |
(define (vreflect v n) ; reflect a vector around a normal 'n' | |
(vminus (vscale n (* 2 (vdot v n))) v)) | |
(define (vrotate v theta) ; rotate counter clockwise theta radians | |
(define cos-theta (cos theta)) | |
(define sin-theta (sin theta)) | |
(match-define (v2 x y) v) | |
(v2 (- (* cos-theta x) (* (- sin-theta) y)) | |
(+ (* sin-theta x) (* cos-theta y)))) | |
(define (random-direction) ; construct a vector pointing into a random direction | |
(define max 10000) | |
(define (rnd) (/ (- (random 1 (add1 max)) (/ max 2)) (/ max 2))) | |
(vnorm (v2 (rnd) (rnd)))) | |
;; Create a new random number which is around VALUE. For example, this is | |
;; used to create velocities which are not the same, but all vary around a | |
;; value. | |
(define (random-around value #:precision (precision 1e4) #:nudge (nudge 1e-1)) | |
(define n (* value nudge)) | |
(define half-precision (exact-truncate (/ precision 2))) | |
(+ value (* n (/ (random (- half-precision) half-precision) precision)))) | |
;;............................................................... bodies .... | |
;; a "body" represents an object in a physics engine -- the body has a | |
;; position, velocity and acceleration (all vectors), a radius (all our | |
;; physics bodies are circles. The body also has an orientation and an | |
;; angular velocity, allowing the body to spin around itself. | |
;; | |
;; Finally, the body has a velocity-damping which is used to simulate friction | |
;; -- a body that has a velocity but no acceleration will slow down according | |
;; to this parameter | |
(struct body | |
(position | |
velocity | |
acceleration | |
radius | |
orientation ; orientation for spinning bodies | |
angular-velocity | |
velocity-damping) | |
#:transparent) | |
;; Create a new body representing the evolution of the body B after a period | |
;; of time DT. If the body has acceleration, its velocity will be slightly | |
;; higher, if the body has velocity, its position will be updated. Also, the | |
;; body's orientation will be updated according to its angular velocity. | |
;; | |
;; This body simulates the bodys movement in time. | |
(define (update-body b dt) | |
(match-define (body position velocity acceleration radius orientation angular-velocity velocity-damping) b) | |
(define new-velocity (vscale (vplus velocity (vscale acceleration dt)) velocity-damping)) | |
(define new-position (vplus position (vscale new-velocity dt))) | |
(define new-orientation (+ orientation (* angular-velocity dt))) | |
(body | |
new-position | |
new-velocity | |
acceleration | |
radius | |
new-orientation | |
angular-velocity | |
velocity-damping)) | |
;; Bounce the body around a surface with the normal N. The body's velocity | |
;; will be reflected around the normal and perturbed slightly. This is used | |
;; to implement bouncing of bodies on other objects. | |
(define (bounce-body b n) | |
(define scale | |
(if (< (vdot (vnorm (body-velocity b)) n) 0) -1 1)) | |
(define new-velocity | |
(vrotate | |
(vreflect (vscale (body-velocity b) scale) n) | |
(* (body-angular-velocity b) 16))) | |
(struct-copy body b [velocity new-velocity])) | |
;;........................................................... collisions .... | |
;; This section defines the basic collision handling mechanism -- actual | |
;; handlers are defined elsewhere. | |
;; A list of collision handlers, see `add-collision-handler` | |
(define the-collision-handlers '()) | |
;; Add a new collision HANDLER between objects of type OBJECT-A and OBJECT-B. | |
;; OBJECT-A and OBJECT-B are classes (e.g. asteroid%) and the HADNLER function | |
;; receives two object and it is supposed to detect and handle collisions | |
;; between the two objects. | |
(define (add-collision-handler object-a object-b handler) | |
(set! the-collision-handlers (cons (list object-a object-b handler) the-collision-handlers))) | |
;; Handle collisions between two actors using the COLLISION-HANDLERS list of | |
;; handlers (this is normally THE-COLLISION-HANDLERS), We iterate on the | |
;; collision handlers and check for a valid one depending on the types of the | |
;; objects. | |
(define (handle-collisions-between first-actor second-actor collision-handlers) | |
(for/or ([handler (in-list collision-handlers)]) | |
(match-define (list first-object second-object handler-function) handler) | |
;; NOTE: a handler always wants an object of type OBJECT-A first, but we | |
;; also handle the case when the second actor is of type OBJECT-A by | |
;; swapping the arguments to the handler. | |
(cond ((and (is-a? first-actor first-object) | |
(is-a? second-actor second-object)) | |
(handler-function first-actor second-actor) | |
#t) | |
((and (is-a? first-actor second-object) | |
(is-a? second-actor first-object)) | |
(handler-function second-actor first-actor) | |
#t) | |
(else | |
#f)))) | |
;; Handle collisions in the SCENE (normally THE-SCENE) using | |
;; `handle-collisions-between` for every pair of actors in the scene, taking | |
;; special care to not call the handlers twice for the same pair of objects. | |
(define (handle-collisions scene collision-handlers) | |
(let outer-loop ([scene scene]) | |
(unless (null? scene) | |
(define first-actor (first scene)) | |
;; Only check for collisions between FIRST-ACTOR and the remaining | |
;; actors -- this ensures that we only call collision handling once for | |
;; each pair. | |
(let inner-loop ([remaining-actors (rest scene)]) | |
(unless (null? remaining-actors) | |
(define second-actor (first remaining-actors)) | |
(handle-collisions-between first-actor second-actor collision-handlers) | |
(inner-loop (rest remaining-actors)))) | |
(outer-loop (rest scene))))) | |
;;............................................................... models .... | |
;; Create a pen for drawing a model. Drawing models is done by scaling up the | |
;; DC coordinates, and this will scale up pen widths. This creates a pen that | |
;; takes scaling into account. | |
(define (make-scaled-pen color width scale) | |
(send the-pen-list find-or-create-pen color (/ width scale) 'solid)) | |
;; Create a dc-path% object from a list of POINTS -- dc-path% objects are | |
;; easier to draw, but lists of points are easier to define, so this function | |
;; glues the two. | |
(define (points->dc-path points) | |
(define path (new dc-path%)) | |
(unless (null? points) | |
(match-define (list x y) (first points)) | |
(send path move-to x y) | |
(for ([point (in-list (rest points))]) | |
(match-define (list x y) point) | |
(send path line-to x y))) | |
path) | |
;; Draw a model (a dc-path%) onto the device context DC using a PEN -- the | |
;; BODY is the physics body and defines the position and size of the model. | |
;; Since dc-path% objects are fixed, we control the position and orientation | |
;; by rotating, scaling and offseting the device context itself. | |
(define (draw-model dc model pen body) | |
;; Save parameters we are about to change | |
(define old-transformation (send dc get-transformation)) | |
(define old-pen (send dc get-pen)) | |
(define position (body-position body)) | |
(define scale (body-radius body)) | |
(define orientation (body-orientation body)) | |
(send dc set-origin (v2-x position) (v2-y position)) | |
(send dc set-scale scale scale) | |
(send dc set-rotation (- orientation)) | |
(send dc set-pen pen) | |
(send dc draw-path model) | |
;; restore old parameters | |
(send dc set-pen old-pen) | |
(send dc set-transformation old-transformation)) | |
;;............................................................ asteroid% .... | |
;; Asteroid `dc-path%` objects, defined around a circle of radius 1. Several | |
;; paths are defined, to make asteroids look different. When instantiated, an | |
;; `asteroid%` object will pick a random path to be its model. | |
(define asteroid-path-1 | |
(points->dc-path | |
'((0/5 5/5) (3/5 4/5) (4/5 3/5) (3/5 1/5) (5/5 0/5) (4/5 -4/5) (1/5 -5/5) | |
(-2/5 -4/5) (-4/5 -4/5) (-5/5 -1/5) (-3/5 -1/5) (-5/5 2/5) (-3/5 3/5) | |
(-2/5 5/5) (0/5 5/5)))) | |
(define asteroid-path-2 | |
(points->dc-path | |
'((0 -6/5) (-2/5 -4/5) (-4/5 -4/5) (-5/5 -1/5) (-4/5 2/5) (-4/5 3/5) | |
(-3/5 3/5) (-1/5 5/5) (4/5 3/5) (4/5 1/5) (5/5 0) (4/5 -3/5) | |
(2/5 -4/5) (0 -6/5)))) | |
(define asteroid-path-3 | |
(points->dc-path | |
'((1/5 -4/5) (-2/5 -5/5) (-2/5 -3/5) (-4/5 -4/5) (-4/5 -2/5) (-5/5 0/5) | |
(-5/5 3/5) (-3/5 4/5) (-2/5 3/5) (0/5 5/5) (4/5 3/5) | |
(3/5 2/5) (3/5 1/5) (5/5 1/5) (4/5 -3/5) (3/5 -5/5) | |
(1/5 -4/5)))) | |
(define asteroid-path-4 | |
(points->dc-path | |
'((0/5 -5/5) (-2/5 -4/5) (-4/5 -4/5) (-4/5 -1/5) (-5/5 1/5) (-3/5 4/5) | |
(-1/5 5/5) (2/5 5/5) (1/5 3/5) (3/5 4/5) (5/5 1/5) | |
(3/5 -2/5) (3/5 -4/5) (0/5 -5/5)))) | |
(define asteroid-paths | |
(list asteroid-path-1 asteroid-path-2 asteroid-path-3 asteroid-path-4)) | |
;; The "asteroid%" actor represents asteroids on the screen. They move | |
;; around, bounce around other asteroids and walls and are hit by laser shots | |
;; -- when hit by laser shot, new smaller asteroids are created in their | |
;; place. | |
(define asteroid% | |
(class actor% | |
(init-field [initial-position #f] | |
[initial-direction (random-direction)] | |
[initial-speed (random-around 0.05)] | |
[initial-angular-velocity (random-around 0.0005)] | |
[model (random-ref asteroid-paths)] | |
[size (random 60 90)]) | |
(super-new) | |
(unless initial-position | |
(error "asteroid%: initial position must be specified")) | |
(define the-body | |
(body | |
initial-position | |
(vscale initial-direction initial-speed) | |
vzero ; no acceleration | |
size ; radius | |
0 ; orientation | |
initial-angular-velocity | |
1.0 ; no velocity damping | |
)) | |
(define/public (get-body) the-body) | |
;; Handle hitting a wall -- bounce the body around the normal of the wall | |
(define/public (reflect-by-normal normal) | |
(set! the-body (bounce-body the-body normal))) | |
;; Updating an asteroid means simply updating its physics body | |
(define/override (update/delta-time dt) | |
(set! the-body (update-body the-body dt))) | |
(define pen (make-scaled-pen "firebrick" 3 size)) | |
;; Painting an asteroid means simply paining the model. | |
(define/override (paint _canvas dc) | |
(draw-model dc model pen the-body)))) | |
;;................................................................ wall% .... | |
;; A "wall%" is a simple actor which serves to as a collision body to keep | |
;; objects in the scene. It does not draw itself anything (i.e. the wall is | |
;; invisible) and does not update itself, i.e. it is not moving anywhere. | |
;; | |
;; A wall is a line, which is defined as a normal and a distance from origin. | |
;; This form is useful in quickly determining how far away a point is from a | |
;; line. | |
(define wall% | |
(class actor% | |
(init-field normal distance) | |
(super-new) | |
(define/public (get-normal) normal) | |
(define/public (get-distance) distance) | |
)) | |
;;................................................... collision-handling .... | |
;; Determine if a body and a wall collide, i.e the distance from the center of | |
;; the body to the wall is less than the body radius. | |
(define (body-wall-collision? b wall-normal wall-distance) | |
(define centre-to-wall-distance | |
(+ (vdot wall-normal (body-position b)) wall-distance)) | |
(< centre-to-wall-distance (body-radius b))) | |
;; Handle an asteroid - wall collision -- if they collide, reflect the | |
;; asteroid. | |
(define (handle-asteroid-wall-collision a w) | |
(when (body-wall-collision? (send a get-body) (send w get-normal) (send w get-distance)) | |
(send a reflect-by-normal (send w get-normal)))) | |
;; Add the handler for the asteroid - wall collision | |
(add-collision-handler asteroid% wall% handle-asteroid-wall-collision) | |
;; Determine if two bodies collide -- i.e. the distance between their centers | |
;; is smaller than the sum of their radii. | |
(define (bodies-collide? b1 b2) | |
(define center-direction (vminus (body-position b1) (body-position b2))) | |
(define distance-between-centres (vlength center-direction)) | |
(< distance-between-centres (+ (body-radius b1) (body-radius b2)))) | |
;; Handle an asteroid - asteroid collision -- if they collide, reflect both of | |
;; them on the collision normal | |
(define (handle-asteroid-asteroid-collision a b) | |
(define a-body (send a get-body)) | |
(define b-body (send b get-body)) | |
(when (bodies-collide? a-body b-body) | |
(define collision-direction | |
(vnorm (vminus (body-position a-body) (body-position b-body)))) | |
(send a reflect-by-normal collision-direction) | |
(send b reflect-by-normal (vscale collision-direction -1)))) | |
(add-collision-handler asteroid% asteroid% handle-asteroid-asteroid-collision) | |
;;...................................................... setup the scene .... | |
;; To place actors correctly in the scene we need to know the scene size - the | |
;; size specified to the frame% object are the outside dimensions, so we need | |
;; to ask the canvas for its size. However, GUI widget sizes are only | |
;; computed when the frame is shown to the user, so we have to call | |
;; reflow-container before we have valid values for the canvas size. | |
;; | |
;; The game uses a fixed canvas size -- we could also have accommodated | |
;; dynamic sizes by intercepting the on-size method in the canvas and | |
;; informing all actors of size changes -- this is done in the space invaders | |
;; implementation, see | |
;; | |
;; https://gist.github.com/alex-hhh/da11a5e937960e69dc473be131be732d | |
;; https://alex-hhh.github.io/2020/11/space-invaders.html | |
;; | |
(send the-frame reflow-container) | |
(define-values (canvas-width canvas-height) (send the-canvas get-size)) | |
;; These are the walls making up the scene, everything bounces inside these | |
;; walls. | |
(add-actor (new wall% [normal vright] [distance 0])) | |
(add-actor (new wall% [normal vleft] [distance canvas-width])) | |
(add-actor (new wall% [normal vdown] [distance 0])) | |
(add-actor (new wall% [normal vup] [distance canvas-height])) | |
(add-actor (new asteroid% | |
[initial-position (v2 150 200)] | |
[initial-direction (random-direction)] | |
[initial-speed 0.05])) | |
(add-actor (new asteroid% | |
[initial-position (v2 350 200)] | |
[initial-direction (random-direction)] | |
[initial-speed 0.05])) | |
(add-actor (new asteroid% | |
[initial-position (v2 550 200)] | |
[initial-direction (random-direction)] | |
[initial-speed 0.05])) | |
(run-game-loop) |
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