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Created June 30, 2017 00:01
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The mixpanel package allows you to easily track events and
update people properties from your python application.
The Mixpanel class is the primary class for tracking events and
sending people analytics updates.
The Consumer and BufferedConsumer classes allow callers to
customize the IO characteristics of their tracking.
import base64
import datetime
import json
import time
import urllib
import urllib2
__version__ = '4.0.2'
VERSION = __version__ # TODO: remove when bumping major version.
class DatetimeSerializer(json.JSONEncoder):
def default(self, obj):
if isinstance(obj, datetime.datetime):
fmt = '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S'
return obj.strftime(fmt)
return json.JSONEncoder.default(self, obj)
def json_dumps(data):
# Separators are specified to eliminate whitespace.
return json.dumps(data, separators=(',', ':'), cls=DatetimeSerializer)
class Mixpanel(object):
Use instances of Mixpanel to track events and send Mixpanel
profile updates from your python code.
def __init__(self, token, consumer=None):
Creates a new Mixpanel object, which can be used for all tracking.
To use mixpanel, create a new Mixpanel object using your
token. Takes in a user token and an optional Consumer (or
anything else with a send() method). If no consumer is
provided, Mixpanel will use the default Consumer, which
communicates one synchronous request for every message.
self._token = token
self._consumer = consumer or Consumer()
def _now(self):
return time.time()
def track(self, distinct_id, event_name, properties=None, meta=None):
Notes that an event has occurred, along with a distinct_id
representing the source of that event (for example, a user id),
an event name describing the event and a set of properties
describing that event. Properties are provided as a dict with
string keys and strings, numbers or booleans as values.
# Track that user "12345"'s credit card was declined
mp.track("12345", "Credit Card Declined")
# Properties describe the circumstances of the event,
# or aspects of the source or user associated with the event
mp.track("12345", "Welcome Email Sent", {
'Email Template': 'Pretty Pink Welcome',
'User Sign-up Cohort': 'July 2013'
all_properties = {
'token': self._token,
'distinct_id': distinct_id,
'time': int(self._now()),
'mp_lib': 'python',
'$lib_version': __version__,
if properties:
event = {
'event': event_name,
'properties': all_properties,
if meta:
self._consumer.send('events', json_dumps(event))
def import_data(self, api_key, distinct_id, event_name, timestamp,
properties=None, meta=None):
Allows data older than 5 days old to be sent to Mixpanel.
API Notes:
import datetime
mp = Mixpanel(YOUR_TOKEN)
# Django queryset to get an old event
old_event = SomeEvent.objects.get( - datetime.timedelta.days(6))
YOUR_MIXPANEL_API_KEY, # These requests require your API key as an extra layer of security,
'Some Event',
... your custom properties and meta ...
all_properties = {
'token': self._token,
'distinct_id': distinct_id,
'time': int(timestamp),
'mp_lib': 'python',
'$lib_version': __version__,
if properties:
event = {
'event': event_name,
'properties': all_properties,
if meta:
self._consumer.send('imports', json_dumps(event), api_key)
def alias(self, alias_id, original, meta=None):
Gives custom alias to a people record.
Calling this method always results in a synchronous HTTP
request to Mixpanel servers. Unlike other methods, this method
will ignore any consumer object provided to the Mixpanel
object on construction.
Alias sends an update to our servers linking an existing distinct_id
with a new id, so that events and profile updates associated with the
new id will be associated with the existing user's profile and behavior.
mp.alias('', '13793')
sync_consumer = Consumer()
event = {
'event': '$create_alias',
'properties': {
'distinct_id': original,
'alias': alias_id,
'token': self._token,
if meta:
sync_consumer.send('events', json_dumps(event))
def people_set(self, distinct_id, properties, meta=None):
Set properties of a people record.
Sets properties of a people record given in JSON object. If the profile
does not exist, creates new profile with these properties.
mp.people_set('12345', {'Address': '1313 Mockingbird Lane',
'Birthday': '1948-01-01'})
return self.people_update({
'$distinct_id': distinct_id,
'$set': properties,
}, meta=meta or {})
def people_set_once(self, distinct_id, properties, meta=None):
Set immutable properties of a people record.
Sets properties of a people record given in JSON object. If the profile
does not exist, creates new profile with these properties. Does not
overwrite existing property values.
mp.people_set_once('12345', {'First Login': "2013-04-01T13:20:00"})
return self.people_update({
'$distinct_id': distinct_id,
'$set_once': properties,
}, meta=meta or {})
def people_increment(self, distinct_id, properties, meta=None):
Increments/decrements numerical properties of people record.
Takes in JSON object with keys and numerical values. Adds numerical
values to current property of profile. If property doesn't exist adds
value to zero. Takes in negative values for subtraction.
mp.people_increment('12345', {'Coins Gathered': 12})
return self.people_update({
'$distinct_id': distinct_id,
'$add': properties,
}, meta=meta or {})
def people_append(self, distinct_id, properties, meta=None):
Appends to the list associated with a property.
Takes a JSON object containing keys and values, and appends each to a
list associated with the corresponding property name. $appending to a
property that doesn't exist will result in assigning a list with one
element to that property.
mp.people_append('12345', { "Power Ups": "Bubble Lead" })
return self.people_update({
'$distinct_id': distinct_id,
'$append': properties,
}, meta=meta or {})
def people_union(self, distinct_id, properties, meta=None):
Merges the values for a list associated with a property.
Takes a JSON object containing keys and list values. The list values in
the request are merged with the existing list on the user profile,
ignoring duplicate list values.
mp.people_union('12345', {"Items purchased": ["socks", "shirts"]})
return self.people_update({
'$distinct_id': distinct_id,
'$union': properties,
}, meta=meta or {})
def people_unset(self, distinct_id, properties, meta=None):
Removes properties from a profile.
Takes a JSON list of string property names, and permanently removes the
properties and their values from a profile.
mp.people_unset('12345', ["Days Overdue"])
return self.people_update({
'$distinct_id': distinct_id,
'$unset': properties,
}, meta=meta)
def people_delete(self, distinct_id, meta=None):
Permanently deletes a profile.
Permanently delete the profile from Mixpanel, along with all of its
return self.people_update({
'$distinct_id': distinct_id,
'$delete': "",
}, meta=meta or None)
def people_track_charge(self, distinct_id, amount,
properties=None, meta=None):
Tracks a charge to a user.
Record that you have charged the current user a certain amount of
money. Charges recorded with track_charge will appear in the Mixpanel
revenue report.
#tracks a charge of $50 to user '1234'
mp.people_track_charge('1234', 50)
#tracks a charge of $50 to user '1234' at a specific time
mp.people_track_charge('1234', 50, {'$time': "2013-04-01T09:02:00"})
properties.update({'$amount': amount})
return self.people_append(
distinct_id, {'$transactions': properties or {}}, meta=meta or {}
def people_clear_charges(self, distinct_id, meta=None):
Clears all charges from a user.
Clears all charges associated with a user profile on Mixpanel.
#clear all charges from user '1234'
return self.people_unset(
distinct_id, ["$transactions"], meta=meta or {},
def people_update(self, message, meta=None):
Send a generic update to Mixpanel people analytics.
Caller is responsible for formatting the update message, as
documented in the Mixpanel HTTP specification, and passing
the message as a dict to update. This
method might be useful if you want to use very new
or experimental features of people analytics from python
The Mixpanel HTTP tracking API is documented at
record = {
'$token': self._token,
'$time': int(self._now() * 1000),
if meta:
self._consumer.send('people', json_dumps(record))
class MixpanelException(Exception):
MixpanelExceptions will be thrown if the server can't receive
our events or updates for some reason- for example, if we can't
connect to the Internet.
class Consumer(object):
The simple consumer sends an HTTP request directly to the Mixpanel service,
with one request for every call. This is the default consumer for Mixpanel
objects- if you don't provide your own, you get one of these.
def __init__(self, events_url=None, people_url=None, import_url=None, request_timeout=None, data_to_my_face=None):
self._endpoints = {
'events': events_url or '',
'people': people_url or '',
'imports': import_url or '',
self.data_to_my_face = data_to_my_face
self._request_timeout = request_timeout
def send(self, endpoint, json_message, api_key=None):
Record an event or a profile update. Send is the only method
associated with consumers. Will raise an exception if the endpoint
doesn't exist, if the server is unreachable or for some reason
can't process the message.
All you need to do to write your own consumer is to implement
a send method of your own.
:param endpoint: One of 'events' or 'people', the Mixpanel endpoint for sending the data
:type endpoint: str (one of 'events' or 'people')
:param json_message: A json message formatted for the endpoint.
:type json_message: str
:raises: MixpanelException
if endpoint in self._endpoints:
self._write_request(self._endpoints[endpoint], json_message, api_key, self.data_to_my_face)
raise MixpanelException('No such endpoint "{0}". Valid endpoints are one of {1}'.format(self._endpoints.keys()))
def _write_request(self, request_url, json_message, api_key=None, extra_data=None):
data = {
'data': base64.b64encode(json_message),
'verbose': 1,
'ip': 0,
if extra_data is not None:
if api_key:
data.update({'api_key': api_key})
encoded_data = urllib.urlencode(data)
request = urllib2.Request(request_url, encoded_data)
# Note: We don't send timeout=None here, because the timeout in urllib2 defaults to
# an internal socket timeout, not None.
if self._request_timeout is not None:
response = urllib2.urlopen(request, timeout=self._request_timeout).read()
response = urllib2.urlopen(request).read()
except urllib2.HTTPError as e:
raise MixpanelException(e)
response = json.loads(response)
except ValueError:
raise MixpanelException('Cannot interpret Mixpanel server response: {0}'.format(response))
if response['status'] != 1:
raise MixpanelException('Mixpanel error: {0}'.format(response['error']))
return True
class BufferedConsumer(object):
BufferedConsumer works just like Consumer, but holds messages in
memory and sends them in batches. This can save bandwidth and
reduce the total amount of time required to post your events.
Because BufferedConsumers hold events, you need to call flush()
when you're sure you're done sending them. calls to flush() will
send all remaining unsent events being held by the BufferedConsumer.
def __init__(self, max_size=50, events_url=None, people_url=None, import_url=None, request_timeout=None):
self._consumer = Consumer(events_url, people_url, import_url, request_timeout)
self._buffers = {
'events': [],
'people': [],
'imports': [],
self._max_size = min(50, max_size)
def send(self, endpoint, json_message):
Record an event or a profile update. Calls to send() will store
the given message in memory, and (when enough messages have been stored)
may trigger a request to Mixpanel's servers.
Calls to send() may throw an exception, but the exception may be
associated with the message given in an earlier call. If this is the case,
the resulting MixpanelException e will have members e.message and e.endpoint
:param endpoint: One of 'events' or 'people', the Mixpanel endpoint for sending the data
:type endpoint: str (one of 'events' or 'people')
:param json_message: A json message formatted for the endpoint.
:type json_message: str
:raises: MixpanelException
if endpoint not in self._buffers:
raise MixpanelException('No such endpoint "{0}". Valid endpoints are one of {1}'.format(self._buffers.keys()))
buf = self._buffers[endpoint]
if len(buf) >= self._max_size:
def flush(self):
Send all remaining messages to Mixpanel.
BufferedConsumers will flush automatically when you call send(), but
you will need to call flush() when you are completely done using the
consumer (for example, when your application exits) to ensure there are
no messages remaining in memory.
Calls to flush() may raise a MixpanelException if there is a problem
communicating with the Mixpanel servers. In this case, the exception
thrown will have a message property, containing the text of the message,
and an endpoint property containing the endpoint that failed.
:raises: MixpanelException
for endpoint in self._buffers.keys():
def _flush_endpoint(self, endpoint):
buf = self._buffers[endpoint]
while buf:
batch = buf[:self._max_size]
batch_json = '[{0}]'.format(','.join(batch))
self._consumer.send(endpoint, batch_json)
except MixpanelException as e:
e.message = 'batch_json'
e.endpoint = endpoint
buf = buf[self._max_size:]
self._buffers[endpoint] = buf
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