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Created March 27, 2016 19:19
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import { reserved-words } from '../util/identifier'
import { get-options } from '../options'
import Tokenizer from '../tokenizer'
export const plugins = {}
export default class Parser extends Tokenizer
(options, @input) ->
options = get-options options
super options, @input
@options = options
@in-module = @options.source-type is 'module'
@is-reserved-word = reserved-words[6]
@input = input
@plugins = @load-plugins @options.plugins
@filename = options.source-filename
# If enabled, skip leading hashbang line.
if @state.pos is 0 and @input.starts-with '#!'
@skip-line-comment 2
has-plugin: (name) ->
Boolean (@plugins['*'] or @plugins[name])
extend: (name, f) ->
@[name] = f @[name]
# load-plugins :: (string[]) -> Object
load-plugins: (plugins) ->
plugin-map = {}
if plugins.includes 'flow'
# ensure flow plugin loads last
plugins .= filter (isnt 'flow')
plugins.push 'flow'
for name in plugins when not plugin-map[name]
plugin-map[name] = true
plugin = plugins[name]
plugin this if plugin
# parse :: -> { type: 'File', program: { type: 'Program', body: Object[] }}
parse: ->
file = @start-node!
program = @start-node!
@parse-top-level file, program
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