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Last active September 10, 2022 15:16
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Guess the gif topic! Nicer demo of The Translation Pattern.
module GifGame exposing (Model, InternalMsg, init, Translator, translator, view, update)
import Html exposing (Html, div, text, p, button, input, br, img)
import Html.App exposing (program)
import Html.Attributes exposing (style, src)
import Html.Events exposing (onClick, onInput)
import Http
import Random
import Task
import Json.Decode as Json
import Random.Extra exposing (constant, choices)
type alias Model =
{ gifUrl : String
, currentTopic : String
, currentGuess : String
, guessesLeft : Int
type InternalMsg
= TextChanged String
| MakeGuess
| GifError Http.Error
| NewTopic String
| NewGif String
type OutMsg
= PlayerWin Int
| PlayerLoss
type Msg
= ForSelf InternalMsg
| ForParent OutMsg
type alias TranslationDictionary parentMsg =
{ onInternalMessage : InternalMsg -> parentMsg
, onPlayerWin : Int -> parentMsg
, onPlayerLose : parentMsg
type alias Translator parentMsg =
Msg -> parentMsg
translator : TranslationDictionary parentMsg -> Translator parentMsg
translator { onInternalMessage, onPlayerWin, onPlayerLose } msg =
case msg of
ForSelf internal ->
onInternalMessage internal
ForParent (PlayerWin score) ->
onPlayerWin score
ForParent PlayerLoss ->
initialModel =
{ gifUrl = "waiting.gif", currentTopic = "", currentGuess = "", guessesLeft = 10 }
init : ( Model, Cmd Msg )
init =
initialModel ! [ getRandomTopic ]
{-| Note the use of composition here to chain the `TextChanged` constructor function with `ForSelf`
view : Model -> Html Msg
view model =
div [ style [ ( "display", "block" ), ( "padding", "20px" ) ] ]
[ img [ src model.gifUrl ] []
, br [] []
, input [ onInput (ForSelf << TextChanged) ] []
, button [ onClick (ForSelf MakeGuess) ] [ text "Guess!" ]
, p [] [ text ("Guesses left: " ++ toString model.guessesLeft) ]
update : InternalMsg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
update msg model =
case msg of
TextChanged newText ->
{ model | currentGuess = newText } ! []
GifError _ ->
( model, getRandomGif model.currentTopic )
NewTopic topic ->
{ model | currentTopic = topic } ! [ getRandomGif topic ]
NewGif gifUrl ->
{ model | gifUrl = gifUrl } ! []
MakeGuess ->
newGame =
{ initialModel | currentGuess = model.currentGuess }
if model.currentGuess == model.currentTopic then
newGame ! [ getRandomTopic, generateParentMsg (PlayerWin model.guessesLeft) ]
else if model.guessesLeft == 1 then
newGame ! [ getRandomTopic, generateParentMsg PlayerLoss ]
{ model | guessesLeft = model.guessesLeft - 1 } ! []
never : Never -> a
never n =
never n
generateParentMsg : OutMsg -> Cmd Msg
generateParentMsg outMsg =
Task.perform never ForParent (Task.succeed outMsg)
getRandomTopic : Cmd Msg
getRandomTopic =
-- Just some things I like...
topics =
[ "cats", "dogs", "orphan black", "elm", "translation", "pets" ]
topicGenerators = constant topics
randomTopicGenerator =
choices topicGenerators
Random.generate (ForSelf << NewTopic) randomTopicGenerator
getRandomGif : String -> Cmd Msg
getRandomGif topic =
decodeGifUrl : Json.Decoder String
decodeGifUrl = [ "data", "image_url" ] Json.string
url =
"" ++ topic
in ForSelf <| Task.perform GifError NewGif (Http.get decodeGifUrl url)
module Main exposing (..)
import GifGame as G
import Html exposing (Html, div, button, text)
import Html.App exposing (program)
import Html.Attributes exposing (style)
import Html.Events exposing (onClick)
-- We have two players playing the game, and keep track
-- of each of their total scores.
type alias Model =
{ p1Game : G.Model
, p2Game : G.Model
, p1Score : Int
, p2Score : Int
type Player
= P1
| P2
{-| We can _increase_ a player's score by a certain (variable) amount when she wins; we can penalize a player when she loses, and we can reset the game for both players at once.
The IncreaseScore and Penalize messages will be generated from within the GifGame component, whereas the Reset message will be generated from Main. The beauty of the Translator pattern is that this doesn't matter: we just list all the messages we will have to handle.
type Msg
= GameMsg Player G.InternalMsg
| IncreaseScore Player Int
| Penalize Player
| Reset
{-| Here we present a slight variation on the pattern described in the article. Since we have two players, and therefore two active instances of the GifGame component, we will provide two different translators, one that translates GifGame messages into messages about player 1, and one that translates them into messages about player 2.
The `translator` function is where this happens -- it takes in a player, and creates a custom translator for that player. Note that the child component doesn't know anything about the Player type, or that it has more than one instance.
translator : Player -> G.Translator Msg
translator pl =
translationDictionary =
{ onInternalMessage = GameMsg pl
, onPlayerWin = IncreaseScore pl
, onPlayerLose = Penalize pl
G.translator translationDictionary
p1Translator =
translator P1
p2Translator =
translator P2
{-| As in any Elm app, we need to get initial state and commands from our component. Note that instead of simply Cmd.mapping a "tag" onto the commands we get back, though, we map the translator.
init : ( Model, Cmd Msg )
init =
( p1Init, p1Commands ) =
( p2Init, p2Commands ) =
{ p1Game = p1Init
, p2Game = p2Init
, p1Score = 0
, p2Score = 0
! [ p1Translator p1Commands
, p2Translator p2Commands
{-| In the view, we calculate the background color based on the scores of the two players, then create a simple div that renders the two child components. Again, we're mapping p1Translator and p2Translator over the child's Html, rather than a simple tag.
view : Model -> Html Msg
view model =
backgroundColor =
if model.p1Score > model.p2Score then
else if model.p2Score > model.p1Score then
bgColorStyle =
style [ ( "background-color", backgroundColor ) ]
div [ bgColorStyle ]
[ p1Translator (G.view model.p1Game)
, p2Translator (G.view model.p2Game)
, button [ onClick Reset ] [ text "Reset everything" ]
update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
update msg model =
case msg of
IncreaseScore P1 amt ->
{ model | p1Score = model.p1Score + amt } ! []
IncreaseScore P2 amt ->
{ model | p2Score = model.p2Score + amt } ! []
Penalize P1 ->
{ model | p1Score = model.p1Score - 5 } ! []
Penalize P2 ->
{ model | p2Score = model.p2Score - 5 } ! []
Reset ->
GameMsg P1 internal ->
( p1Game', cmd ) =
G.update internal model.p1Game
{ model | p1Game = p1Game' } ! [ p1Translator cmd ]
GameMsg P2 internal ->
( p2Game', cmd ) =
G.update internal model.p2Game
{ model | p2Game = p2Game' } ! [ p2Translator cmd ]
main =
program { init = init, view = view, update = update, subscriptions = \_ -> Sub.none }
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