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Created March 18, 2019 06:55
source = """
"item1" "1"
"item2" "abc"
"cell1Name" "99"
"cell2Name" "cdb"
"item4" "valueI"
"item1" "88"
"item2" "tg"
"cell1Name" "99"
"cell2Name" "ujh"
"item4" "valueb"
i = 0
def nextToken():
global i
while i < len(source) and source[i].isspace():
i += 1
if source[i] == '{':
i += 1
return LP
if source[i] == '}':
i += 1
return RP
if source[i] == '"':
start = i
i += 1
while i < len(source) and source[i] != '"':
i += 1
if i < len(source):
i += 1
return source[start+1:i-1]
raise Exception('expect "')
raise Exception('expect {}"')
def parseValue():
nt = nextToken()
if nt == LP:
return parseObject()
if nt == RP:
raise Exception('expect { or string')
return nt
def parseObject():
obj = {}
while True:
nt = nextToken()
if nt == RP:
return obj
if nt == LP:
raise Exception('expect string')
k = nt
v = parseValue()
obj[k] = v
return obj
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