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Created August 6, 2020 22:10
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[medium] websockets, two
import json
import typing as t
from urllib import parse
class State:
class SendEvent:
"""Lists events that application can send.
ACCEPT - Sent by the application when it wishes to accept an incoming connection.
SEND - Sent by the application to send a data message to the client.
CLOSE - Sent by the application to tell the server to close the connection.
If this is sent before the socket is accepted, the server must close
the connection with a HTTP 403 error code (Forbidden), and not complete
the WebSocket handshake; this may present on some browsers as
a different WebSocket error code (such as 1006, Abnormal Closure).
ACCEPT = "websocket.accept"
SEND = "websocket.send"
CLOSE = "websocket.close"
class ReceiveEvent:
"""Enumerates events that application can receive from protocol server.
CONNECT - Sent to the application when the client initially
opens a connection and is about to finish the WebSocket handshake.
This message must be responded to with either an Accept message or a Close message
before the socket will pass websocket.receive messages.
RECEIVE - Sent to the application when a data message is received from the client.
DISCONNECT - Sent to the application when either connection to the client is lost,
either from the client closing the connection,
the server closing the connection, or loss of the socket.
CONNECT = "websocket.connect"
RECEIVE = "websocket.receive"
DISCONNECT = "websocket.disconnect"
class Headers:
def __init__(self, scope):
self._scope = scope
def keys(self):
return [header[0].decode() for header in self._scope["headers"]]
def as_dict(self) -> dict:
return {h[0].decode(): h[1].decode() for h in self._scope["headers"]}
def __getitem__(self, item: str) -> str:
return self.as_dict()[item.lower()]
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return str(dict(self))
class QueryParams:
def __init__(self, query_string: str):
self._dict = dict(parse.parse_qsl(query_string))
def keys(self):
return self._dict.keys()
def get(self, item, default=None):
return self._dict.get(item, default)
def __getitem__(self, item: str):
return self._dict[item]
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return str(dict(self))
class WebSocket:
def __init__(self, scope, receive, send):
self._scope = scope
self._receive = receive
self._send = send
self._client_state = State.CONNECTING
self._app_state = State.CONNECTING
def headers(self):
return Headers(self._scope)
def scheme(self):
return self._scope["scheme"]
def path(self):
return self._scope["path"]
def query_params(self):
return QueryParams(self._scope["query_string"].decode())
def query_string(self) -> str:
return self._scope["query_string"]
def scope(self):
return self._scope
async def accept(self, subprotocol: str = None):
"""Accept connection.
:param subprotocol: The subprotocol the server wishes to accept.
:type subprotocol: str, optional
if self._client_state == State.CONNECTING:
await self.receive()
await self.send({"type": SendEvent.ACCEPT, "subprotocol": subprotocol})
async def close(self, code: int = 1000):
await self.send({"type": SendEvent.CLOSE, "code": code})
async def send(self, message: t.Mapping):
if self._app_state == State.DISCONNECTED:
raise RuntimeError("WebSocket is disconnected.")
if self._app_state == State.CONNECTING:
assert message["type"] in {SendEvent.ACCEPT, SendEvent.CLOSE}, (
'Could not write event "%s" into socket in connecting state.'
% message["type"]
if message["type"] == SendEvent.CLOSE:
self._app_state = State.DISCONNECTED
self._app_state = State.CONNECTED
elif self._app_state == State.CONNECTED:
assert message["type"] in {SendEvent.SEND, SendEvent.CLOSE}, (
'Connected socket can send "%s" and "%s" events, not "%s"'
% (SendEvent.SEND, SendEvent.CLOSE, message["type"])
if message["type"] == SendEvent.CLOSE:
self._app_state = State.DISCONNECTED
await self._send(message)
async def receive(self):
if self._client_state == State.DISCONNECTED:
raise RuntimeError("WebSocket is disconnected.")
message = await self._receive()
if self._client_state == State.CONNECTING:
assert message["type"] == ReceiveEvent.CONNECT, (
'WebSocket is in connecting state but received "%s" event'
% message["type"]
self._client_state = State.CONNECTED
elif self._client_state == State.CONNECTED:
assert message["type"] in {ReceiveEvent.RECEIVE, ReceiveEvent.DISCONNECT}, (
'WebSocket is connected but received invalid event "%s".'
% message["type"]
if message["type"] == ReceiveEvent.DISCONNECT:
self._client_state = State.DISCONNECTED
return message
async def receive_json(self) -> t.Any:
message = await self.receive()
return json.loads(message["text"])
async def receive_jsonb(self) -> t.Any:
message = await self.receive()
return json.loads(message["bytes"].decode())
async def receive_text(self) -> str:
message = await self.receive()
return message["text"]
async def receive_bytes(self) -> bytes:
message = await self.receive()
return message["bytes"]
async def send_json(self, data: t.Any, **dump_kwargs):
data = json.dumps(data, **dump_kwargs)
await self.send({"type": SendEvent.SEND, "text": data})
async def send_jsonb(self, data: t.Any, **dump_kwargs):
data = json.dumps(data, **dump_kwargs)
await self.send({"type": SendEvent.SEND, "bytes": data.encode()})
async def send_text(self, text: str):
await self.send({"type": SendEvent.SEND, "text": text})
async def send_bytes(self, text: t.Union[str, bytes]):
if isinstance(text, str):
text = text.encode()
await self.send({"type": SendEvent.SEND, "bytes": text})
def _test_if_can_receive(self, message: t.Mapping):
assert message["type"] == ReceiveEvent.RECEIVE, (
'Invalid message type "%s". Was connection accepted?' % message["type"]
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