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Forked from skensell/ScottsSnake.elm
Created June 10, 2014 13:49
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--- module ScottsSnake where
import Keyboard
import Random
import String
import Set
type Position = {x: Int, y: Int }
type Board = {w: Int, h: Int, wall: [Position]}
type Apple = Position
type Snake = { cells: [Position], direction:Direction}
type Score = Int
data Direction = Up | Down | Left | Right
data GameState = GameOn Snake Apple | GameOver Score
board = makeBoard 20 20
startApple = {x = 4, y = 6}
startSnake = { cells = [{x = 4, y = 3}], direction=startDirection}
difficulty = 7
renderInterval = 550 - 50*difficulty -- in ms
makeBoard w h =
{w = w, h = h,
wall = concat [ map (\s -> {x=0,y=s}) [0..h-1],
map (\s -> {x=w-1,y=s}) [0..h-1],
map (\s -> {x=s,y=0}) [0..w-1],
map (\s -> {x=s,y=h-1}) [0..w-1]]}
sameCell: Position -> Position -> Bool
sameCell c d = c.x == d.x && c.y == d.y
cartesianProduct: [a] -> [b] -> [(a,b)]
cartesianProduct l1 l2 =
let allXs = concat (map (repeat (length l2)) l1)
allYs = concat (repeat (length l1) l2)
in zip allXs allYs
freeCells:Board -> Snake -> [Position]
freeCells board snake =
let boardCells = Set.fromList (cartesianProduct [1..(board.w-2)] [1..(board.h-2)])
snakeCells = Set.fromList (map (\c -> (c.x, c.y)) (snake.cells))
in map (\(cx,cy) -> {x=cx,y=cy}) (Set.toList (Set.diff boardCells snakeCells))
pickCell : Int -> [Position] -> Position
pickCell i l = head (drop (mod i (length l)) l)
containsCell : Position -> [Position] -> Bool
containsCell c cells = length (filter (\cell -> sameCell c cell) cells) >= 1
adjacentCell : Position -> Direction -> Position
adjacentCell cell direction =
case direction of
Left -> { x = cell.x-1, y = cell.y }
Right -> { x = cell.x+1, y = cell.y }
Down -> { x = cell.x, y = cell.y-1 }
Up -> { x = cell.x, y = cell.y+1 }
cutTheLast : [Position] -> [Position]
cutTheLast l = take ((length l)-1) l
---------- GAME LOGIC
nextState:Board -> (Direction, Int) -> GameState -> GameState
nextState board (direction,rand) gameState =
case gameState of
GameOver score -> gameState
GameOn snake apple ->
let nextHead = adjacentCell (head snake.cells) direction
if | containsCell nextHead board.wall -> GameOver (length snake.cells)
| containsCell nextHead (tail snake.cells) -> GameOver (length snake.cells)
| not (sameCell nextHead apple)
-> GameOn { snake | cells <- nextHead :: cutTheLast snake.cells } apple
| otherwise
-> GameOn { snake | cells <- nextHead :: snake.cells } (pickCell rand (freeCells board snake))
------------ SIGNAL HELPERS
directionFromArrows:{x:Int, y:Int} -> Direction -> Direction
directionFromArrows arrows direction =
if | arrows.x < 0 -> Left
| arrows.x > 0 -> Right
| arrows.y > 0 -> Up
| arrows.y < 0 -> Down
| otherwise -> direction
flipDirection : Direction -> Direction
flipDirection direction =
case direction of
Up -> Down
Down -> Up
Left -> Right
Right -> Left
noBackwards : Direction -> Direction -> Direction
noBackwards new old = if new == flipDirection old then old else new
------------- SIGNALS
main = lift render gameStateSignal
gameStateSignal : Signal GameState
gameStateSignal = foldp (nextState board) (GameOn startSnake startApple) wrappedSignal
wrappedSignal : Signal (Direction, Int)
wrappedSignal = lift2 (\dir rand -> (dir, rand)) timedDirectionSignal randomSignal
randomSignal : Signal Int
randomSignal = Random.range 0 (board.w*board.h) timedDirectionSignal
timedDirectionSignal : Signal Direction
timedDirectionSignal = foldp noBackwards startDirection (sampleOn (every renderInterval) requestedDirectionSignal)
requestedDirectionSignal : Signal Direction
requestedDirectionSignal = foldp directionFromArrows startDirection (Keyboard.arrows)
--port log : Signal String
--port log = lift show gameStateSignal
drawCell: Color -> Position -> Form
drawCell color cell = rect 10 10 |> filled color
|> move (toFloat cell.x*10, toFloat cell.y*10)
|> move (-92,0)
drawCells snakeCells apple =
collage 400 400 (concat [ map (drawCell red) [apple],
map (drawCell green) snakeCells,
map (drawCell black) board.wall ])
render:GameState -> Element
render state = case state of
GameOn snake apple -> drawCells snake.cells apple
GameOver score -> asText ("GameOver. Snake Length: " ++ (show score))
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