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Last active August 2, 2019 23:21
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  • Save alex-ross/49022b92a7ea975d63e58fa243319e8b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Create a Bootable macOSHighSierra.iso for installing macOS High Sierra in Virtualbox or VMware with macOS High
# Create a Bootable macOSHighSierra.iso for installing macOS High Sierra in Virtualbox or VMware with macOS High
# Create a "virtual USB flash drive"/disk image:
hdiutil create -o /tmp/HighSierra -size 8G -layout SPUD -fs HFS+J -type SPARSE
# Mount it:
hdiutil attach /tmp/HighSierra.sparseimage -noverify -mountpoint /Volumes/install_build
# Write the installer files into this new disk image:
/Applications/Install\ macOS\ High\ --volume /Volumes/install_build
# Unmount the disk image, so that the resource will not be busy for the next step:
hdiutil detach /Volumes/Install\ macOS\ High\ Sierra/
# Convert the disk image into an ISO file (VirtualBox is not capable of booting from a .dmg or .sparseimage file):
hdiutil convert /tmp/HighSierra.sparseimage -format UDTO -o /tmp/HighSierra.iso
# Move it to the desktop folder and rename the extension of the file to .iso:
mv /tmp/HighSierra.iso.cdr ~/Desktop/HighSierra.iso
# Remove the sparseimage file from the tmp folder:
rm /tmp/HighSierra.sparseimage
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You will need High Sierra installation application installed.
Here is a direct link to it on App Store

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