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Last active October 13, 2023 15:17
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Python script to generate WAV "beep" tones with different musical notes & octaves, includes a simple ADSR & fader filter
# File:
# Author: Alex Spataru <>
# Date: 2023-Oct-12
# Description:
# Python script to generate WAV "beep" tones with different
# musical notes & octaves, includes a simple ADSR envelope
# and a fade in / fade out filter to avoid blowing up
# your innocent laptop speakers.
import os
import numpy as np
from import wavfile
# Directory where the generated WAV files will be saved
OUTPUT_DIR = 'beeps'
# List of musical notes for which beeps will be generated
NOTES = ["C", "C#", "D", "D#", "E", "F", "F#", "G", "G#", "A", "A#", "B"]
def generate_tone(frequency, duration_ms=50, sample_rate=44100):
Generate a tone with ADSR envelope
@param frequency Frequency of the tone in Hz
@param duration_ms Duration of the tone in milliseconds
@param sample_rate Sample rate for generating the tone (default is 44.1 kHz)
@return NumPy array containing the tone samples
# Generate sine wave for the whole audio
t = np.linspace(0, duration_ms / 1000.0, int(sample_rate * (duration_ms / 1000.0)), endpoint=False)
wave = np.sin(2 * np.pi * frequency * t)
# Apply ADSR envelope
total_samples = len(wave)
attack_samples = int(total_samples * 0.1)
decay_samples = int(total_samples * 0.1)
sustain_samples = int(total_samples * 0.5)
release_samples = total_samples - (attack_samples + decay_samples + sustain_samples)
# Construct ADSR envelope
attack = np.linspace(0, 1, attack_samples)
decay = np.linspace(1, 0.7, decay_samples)
sustain = np.ones(sustain_samples) * 0.7
release = np.linspace(0.7, 0, release_samples)
# Apply the envelope to the sine wave
envelope = np.concatenate([attack, decay, sustain, release])
return wave * envelope
def calculate_frequency(note, octave):
Calculate the frequency for a given note and octave
@param note The note for which to calculate the frequency (e.g., "A", "C#", etc.)
@param octave The octave of the note
@return The frequency of the note in Hz
reference_note = "A"
reference_frequency = 440.0
reference_octave = 4
note_number = NOTES.index(note)
reference_note_number = NOTES.index(reference_note)
frequency = reference_frequency * 2 ** (octave - reference_octave + (note_number - reference_note_number) / 12)
return frequency
# Generate WAV files for each note in each octave
if __name__ == '__main__':
for octave in range(1, 5):
os.makedirs(OUTPUT_DIR, exist_ok=True)
for note in NOTES:
frequency = calculate_frequency(note, octave)
tone = generate_tone(frequency)
wavfile.write(f"{OUTPUT_DIR}/{note}_{octave}.wav", 44100, np.int16(tone * 32767))
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