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Last active October 12, 2017 19:51
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Spree application specs based on native factories.

Testing Spree with RSpec

Spree has a lot of native factories, that could help you to test your spree-based application, creating "testing infrastructure". The first thing you should do (if it is not done yet) is to load Spree factories in your app.

  require 'spree/testing_support/factories'

  #As well you might want to add more spree testing stuff such as preferences:
  require 'spree/testing_support/preferences'
  #One more thing we should add here- Devise test helpers to simulate user authentication
  RSpec.configure do |config|
    config.include Devise::TestHelpers, type: :controller


Often you add some new attributes to existing Spree:: or modify/add it's validations. In this case the valid Spree factory for this model could become invalid. Lets try to make new factory based on the old one.

#spree_users.rb adding new attribute 'rut'
  FactoryGirl.define do
    factory :user_with_rut, parent: :user do
      rut '11.111.111-1'
#spree_addresses.rb suddenly we've changed the phone format for our Spree::Address model and old factory became invalid 
  FactoryGirl.define do
    factory :address_new_format, parent: :address do
      phone '64837921'
      alternative_phone '64837921'

#spree_orders.rb and make our Spree::Order model to deal with new factories
  FactoryGirl.define do
    factory :order_new, parent: :order do
      association :user, factory: :user_with_rut
      association :bill_address, factory: :address_new
      association :ship_address, factory: :address_new
      completed_at nil
      email { }
      order_rut '11.111.111-1' #new one
      seller_rut '28.556.792-0' #new one

Controller specs

In some cases we need to have a logged in user to be able to test some controller method Use Devise helpers

  describe 'some action' do
  	before(:each) do
  		#integrating spree routes if necessary
  		@routes = Spree::Core::Engine.routes
  		#sign in user
  		@user 	= FactoryGirl.create(:user_with_rut)
  		sign_in @user

If your application is a bit more complicated that you use a gem 'multi_domain' I found useful to stub current store in controller


  describe 'some action' do 
    #setting current store
  	store   = FactoryGirl.create(:store)
  	controller.stub(:current_store => store)

Some day you might wish to update the spree version on your application than you'd better have a strong net of specs, to be sure that new version code won't break your's one.

Take care

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