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Forked from Dimox/dimox_breadcrumbs.php
Last active April 12, 2024 06:21
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A custom WordPress nav walker class to implement the Bootstrap 4 breadcrumbs style in a custom theme using the WordPress.
* WP Bootstrap Breadcrumbs
* @package WP-Bootstrap-Breadcrumbs
* Description: A custom WordPress nav walker class to implement the Bootstrap 4 breadcrumbs style in a custom theme using the WordPress.
* Author: Dimox - @Dimox, Alexsander Vyshnyvetskyy - @alex-wdmg
* Version: 1.1.0
* Author URI:
* Author URI:
* GitHub Gist URI:
* License: MIT
// Exit if accessed directly
if (!defined('ABSPATH')) exit;
function wp_breadcrumbs($args = array())
$defaults = array(
'wrap_before' => '<ol class="breadcrumb" id="breadcrumb" itemscope="" itemtype="">',
'wrap_after' => '</ol><!-- .breadcrumbs -->',
'separator' => '',
'before' => '<li class="breadcrumb-item %s" itemprop="itemListElement" itemscope="" itemtype="">',
'after' => '</li>',
'link' => '<a href="%1$s" title="%2$s" itemscope itemtype="" itemprop="item" itemid="%1$s">%3$s</a>',
'active' => '<span itemscope itemtype="" itemprop="item" itemid="%1$s">%2$s</span>',
'name' => '<span itemprop="name">%1$s</span>',
'position' => '<meta itemprop="position" content="%1$s">',
'show_on_home' => false,
'show_home_link' => true,
'show_current' => true,
'show_last_sep' => true,
'text' => array(
'home' => __('Home'),
'category' => '%s',
'search' => __('Search results for "%s"'),
'tag' => __('Post by tag "%s"'),
'author' => __('Posts by author %s'),
'404' => __('Error 404'),
'page' => __('Page %s'),
'cpage' => __('Comments Page %s')
$args = wp_parse_args(
apply_filters('wp_breadcrumbs_defaults', $defaults)
global $post;
$home_url = home_url('/');
$parent_id = ($post) ? $post->post_parent : '';
$link = $args['before'];
$link .= sprintf($args['link'], $home_url, $args['text']['home'], sprintf($args['name'], $args['text']['home']));
$link .= sprintf($args['position'], 1);
$link .= $args['after'];
$home_link = $link;
if (is_home() || is_front_page()) {
if ($args['show_on_home'])
echo $args['wrap_before'] . $home_link . $args['wrap_after'];
} else {
$position = 0;
echo $args['wrap_before'];
if ($args['show_home_link']) {
echo $home_link;
if (is_category()) {
$parents = get_ancestors(get_query_var('cat'), 'category');
foreach (array_reverse($parents) as $cat) {
if ($position > 1)
echo $args['separator'];
$link = $args['before'];
$link .= sprintf($args['link'], get_category_link($cat), get_cat_name($cat), sprintf($args['name'], get_cat_name($cat)));
$link .= sprintf($args['position'], $position);
$link .= $args['after'];
echo $link;
if (get_query_var('paged')) {
$cat = get_query_var('cat');
$link = $args['before'];
$link .= sprintf($args['link'], get_category_link($cat), get_cat_name($cat), sprintf($args['name'], get_cat_name($cat)));
$link .= sprintf($args['position'], $position);
$link .= $args['after'];
echo $args['separator'] . $link;
echo $args['separator'] . $args['before'] . sprintf($args['text']['page'], get_query_var('paged')) . $args['after'];
} else {
if ($args['show_current']) {
if ($position >= 1)
echo $args['separator'];
echo $args['before'] . sprintf($args['active'], get_permalink(), sprintf($args['name'], sprintf($args['text']['category'], single_cat_title('', false)))) . sprintf($args['position'], $position) . $args['after'];
} else if ($args['show_last_sep']) {
echo $args['separator'];
} else if (is_search()) {
if (get_query_var('paged')) {
if ($args['show_home_link'])
echo $args['separator'];
$link = $args['before'];
$link .= sprintf(
$home_url . '?s=' . get_search_query(),
sprintf($args['text']['search'], get_search_query()),
sprintf($args['name'], sprintf($args['text']['search'], get_search_query()))
$link .= sprintf($args['position'], $position);
$link .= $args['after'];
echo $link;
echo $args['separator'] . $args['before'] . sprintf($args['text']['page'], get_query_var('paged')) . $args['after'];
} else {
if ($args['show_current']) {
if ($position >= 1)
echo $args['separator'];
echo $args['before'] . sprintf($args['active'], get_permalink(), sprintf($args['text']['search'], get_search_query())) . sprintf($args['position'], $position) . $args['after'];
} else if ($args['show_last_sep']) {
echo $args['separator'];
} else if (is_year()) {
if ($args['show_home_link'] && $args['show_current'])
echo $args['separator'];
if ($args['show_current']) {
echo $args['before'] . sprintf($args['active'], get_permalink(), get_the_time('Y')) . sprintf($args['position'], $position) . $args['after'];
} else if ($args['show_home_link'] && $args['show_last_sep']) {
echo $args['separator'];
} else if (is_month()) {
if ($args['show_home_link'])
echo $args['separator'];
$link = $args['before'];
$link .= sprintf(
sprintf($args['name'], get_the_time('Y'))
$link .= sprintf($args['position'], $position);
$link .= $args['after'];
echo $link;
if ($args['show_current']) {
echo $args['separator'] . $args['before'] . sprintf($args['active'], get_permalink(), get_the_time('F')) . sprintf($args['position'], $position) . $args['after'];
} else if ($args['show_last_sep']) {
echo $args['separator'];
} else if (is_day()) {
if ($args['show_home_link'])
echo $args['separator'];
$link = $args['before'];
$link .= sprintf(
sprintf($args['name'], get_the_time('Y'))
$link .= sprintf($args['position'], $position);
$link .= $args['after'];
echo $link;
$link = $args['before'];
$link .= sprintf(
get_month_link(get_the_time('Y'), get_the_time('m')),
sprintf($args['name'], get_the_time('F'))
$link .= sprintf($args['position'], $position);
$link .= $args['after'];
echo $link;
if ($args['show_current']) {
echo $args['separator'] . $args['before'] . sprintf($args['active'], get_permalink(), get_the_time('d')) . sprintf($args['position'], $position) . $args['after'];
} else if ($args['show_last_sep']) {
echo $args['separator'];
} else if (is_single() && !is_attachment()) {
if (get_post_type() != 'post') {
$post_type = get_post_type_object(get_post_type());
if ($position > 1)
echo $args['separator'];
$link = $args['before'];
$link .= sprintf(
sprintf($args['name'], $post_type->labels->name)
$link .= sprintf($args['position'], $position);
$link .= $args['after'];
echo $link;
if ($args['show_current']) {
echo $args['separator'] . $args['before'] . sprintf($args['active'], get_permalink(), get_the_title()) . sprintf($args['position'], $position) . $args['after'];
} else if ($args['show_last_sep']) {
echo $args['separator'];
} else {
$cat = get_the_category();
$catID = $cat[0]->cat_ID;
$parents = get_ancestors($catID, 'category');
$parents = array_reverse($parents);
$parents[] = $catID;
foreach ($parents as $cat) {
if ($position > 1)
echo $args['separator'];
$link = $args['before'];
$link .= sprintf(
sprintf($args['name'], get_cat_name($cat))
$link .= sprintf($args['position'], $position);
$link .= $args['after'];
echo $link;
if (get_query_var('cpage')) {
$link = $args['before'];
$link .= sprintf(
sprintf($args['name'], get_the_title())
$link .= sprintf($args['position'], $position);
$link .= $args['after'];
echo $args['separator'] . $link;
echo $args['separator'] . $args['before'] . sprintf($args['active'], get_permalink(), sprintf($args['text']['cpage'], get_query_var('cpage'))) . sprintf($args['position'], $position) . $args['after'];
} else {
if ($args['show_current'])
echo $args['separator'] . $args['before'] . sprintf($args['active'], get_permalink(), sprintf($args['name'], get_the_title())) . sprintf($args['position'], $position) . $args['after'];
else if ($args['show_last_sep'])
echo $args['separator'];
} else if (is_post_type_archive()) {
$post_type = get_post_type_object(get_post_type());
if (get_query_var('paged')) {
if ($position > 1)
echo $args['separator'];
$link = $args['before'];
$link .= sprintf(
sprintf($args['name'], $post_type->label)
$link .= sprintf($args['position'], $position);
$link .= $args['after'];
echo $link;
echo $args['separator'] . $args['before'] . sprintf($args['active'], get_permalink(), sprintf($args['text']['page'], get_query_var('paged'))) . sprintf($args['position'], $position) . $args['after'];
} else {
if ($args['show_home_link'] && $args['show_current'])
echo $args['separator'];
if ($args['show_current']) {
echo $args['before'] . sprintf($args['active'], get_permalink(), $post_type->label) . sprintf($args['position'], $position) . $args['after'];
} else if ($args['show_home_link'] && $args['show_last_sep']) {
echo $args['separator'];
} else if (is_attachment()) {
$parent = get_post($parent_id);
$cat = get_the_category($parent->ID);
$catID = $cat[0]->cat_ID;
$parents = get_ancestors($catID, 'category');
$parents = array_reverse($parents);
$parents[] = $catID;
foreach ($parents as $cat) {
if ($position > 1)
echo $args['separator'];
$link = $args['before'];
$link .= sprintf(
sprintf($args['name'], get_cat_name($cat))
$link .= sprintf($args['position'], $position);
$link .= $args['after'];
echo $link;
$link = $args['before'];
$link .= sprintf(
sprintf($args['name'], $parent->post_title)
$link .= sprintf($args['position'], $position);
$link .= $args['after'];
echo $args['separator'] . $link;
if ($args['show_current']) {
echo $args['separator'] . $args['before'] . sprintf($args['active'], get_permalink(), get_the_title()) . sprintf($args['position'], $position) . $args['after'];
} else if ($args['show_last_sep']) {
echo $args['separator'];
} else if (is_page() && !$parent_id) {
if ($args['show_home_link'] && $args['show_current'])
echo $args['separator'];
if ($args['show_current']) {
echo $args['before'] . sprintf($args['active'], get_permalink(), get_the_title()) . sprintf($args['position'], $position) . $args['after'];
} else if ($args['show_home_link'] && $args['show_last_sep']) {
echo $args['separator'];
} else if (is_page() && $parent_id) {
$parents = get_post_ancestors(get_the_ID());
foreach (array_reverse($parents) as $pageID) {
if ($position > 1)
echo $args['separator'];
$link = $args['before'];
$link .= sprintf(
sprintf($args['name'], get_the_title($pageID))
$link .= sprintf($args['position'], $position);
$link .= $args['after'];
echo $link;
if ($args['show_current']) {
echo $args['separator'] . $args['before'] . sprintf($args['active'], get_permalink(), get_the_title()) . sprintf($args['position'], $position) . $args['after'];
} else if ($args['show_last_sep']) {
echo $args['separator'];
} else if (is_tag()) {
if (get_query_var('paged')) {
$tagID = get_query_var('tag_id');
$link = $args['before'];
$link .= sprintf(
single_tag_title('', false),
sprintf($args['name'], single_tag_title('', false))
$link .= sprintf($args['position'], $position);
$link .= $args['after'];
echo $args['separator'] . $link;
echo $args['separator'] . $args['before'] . sprintf($args['active'], get_permalink(), sprintf($args['text']['page'], get_query_var('paged'))) . sprintf($args['position'], $position) . $args['after'];
} else {
if ($args['show_home_link'] && $args['show_current'])
echo $args['separator'];
if ($args['show_current']) {
echo $args['before'] . sprintf($args['active'], get_permalink(), sprintf($args['text']['tag'], single_tag_title('', false))) . sprintf($args['position'], $position) . $args['after'];
} else if ($args['show_home_link'] && $args['show_last_sep']) {
echo $args['separator'];
} else if (is_author()) {
$author = get_userdata(get_query_var('author'));
if (get_query_var('paged')) {
$link = $args['before'];
$link .= sprintf(
sprintf($args['name'], sprintf($args['text']['author'], $author->display_name))
$link .= sprintf($args['position'], $position);
$link .= $args['after'];
echo $args['separator'] . $link;
echo $args['separator'] . $args['before'] . sprintf($args['active'], get_permalink(), sprintf($args['text']['page'], get_query_var('paged'))) . sprintf($args['position'], $position) . $args['after'];
} else {
if ($args['show_home_link'] && $args['show_current'])
echo $args['separator'];
if ($args['show_current']) {
echo $args['before'] . sprintf($args['active'], get_permalink(), sprintf($args['text']['author'], $author->display_name)) . sprintf($args['position'], $position) . $args['after'];
} else if ($args['show_home_link'] && $args['show_last_sep']) {
echo $args['separator'];
} else if (is_404()) {
if ($args['show_home_link'] && $args['show_current'])
echo $args['separator'];
if ($args['show_current']) {
echo $args['before'] . sprintf($args['active'], get_permalink(), $args['text']['404']) . sprintf($args['position'], $position) . $args['after'];
} else if ($args['show_last_sep']) {
echo $args['separator'];
} else if (has_post_format() && !is_singular()) {
if ($args['show_home_link'] && $args['show_current'])
echo $args['separator'];
echo get_post_format_string(get_post_format());
echo $args['wrap_after'];
Copy link

<?php if (function_exists('wp_breadcrumbs')) : ?> <nav aria-label="breadcrumb"> <?php wp_breadcrumbs(); ?> </nav> <?php endif; ?>

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