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Created July 16, 2015 22:16
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Tic Tac Toe Click Event Scope: State
clicks.onValue((() => {
let states = [ init ]
$(`reset`).click(() => {
states = [ init ]
$(`cell, message`).html(``)
return event => { // observe click stream
const cell = // clicked cell
if (!states[states.length - 1][+cell.x][+cell.y]) {
states.push( // push modified state
states[states.length - 1].map((row, index) => {
if (index === +cell.x) {
return changeListValue(
row, +cell.y, switchPlayer(total(states[states.length - 1]))
else return row
// draw X or O
`<div class="center">
${!total(states[states.length - 1]) ? `O` : `X`}
if (states.length > 5) { // minimum number of moves to win
const last = states[states.length - 1]
if (Math.abs(sumDiagonalLR(last)) === 3
|| Math.abs(sumDiagonalRL(last)) === 3
|| mapReduceSum(last).some(n => Math.abs(n) === 3)
|| sumVertical(last).some(n => Math.abs(n) === 3)) {
${!total(last) ? `O wins!` : `X wins!`}
else if (states.length === 10) {
`<div>Cat's game!</div>`
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