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Created September 25, 2016 10:16
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* Application requirement checker script.
* In order to run this script use the following console command:
* php requirements.php
* In order to run this script from the web, you should copy it to the web root.
* If you are using Linux you can create a hard link instead, using the following command:
* ln requirements.php ../requirements.php
// you may need to adjust this path to the correct Yii framework path
define("APP_CONFIG_DIR", realpath(__DIR__ . '/../config'));
define("APP_RUNTIME_DIR", realpath(__DIR__ . '/../runtime'));
define("ROOT_DIR", dirname(dirname(__DIR__)));
$frameworkPath = ROOT_DIR . '/vendor/yiisoft/yii2';
if (!is_dir($frameworkPath)) {
echo '<h1>Error</h1>';
echo '<p><strong>The path to yii framework seems to be incorrect.</strong></p>';
echo '<p>You need to install Yii framework via composer or adjust the framework path in file <abbr title="' . __FILE__ . '">' . basename(__FILE__) . '</abbr>.</p>';
echo '<p>Please refer to the <abbr title="' . dirname(__FILE__) . '/">README</abbr> on how to install Yii.</p>';
require_once($frameworkPath . '/requirements/YiiRequirementChecker.php');
$requirementsChecker = new YiiRequirementChecker();
$gdMemo = $imagickMemo = 'Either GD PHP extension with FreeType support or ImageMagick PHP extension with PNG support is required for image CAPTCHA.';
$gdOK = $imagickOK = false;
if (extension_loaded('imagick')) {
$imagick = new Imagick();
$imagickFormats = $imagick->queryFormats('PNG');
if (in_array('PNG', $imagickFormats)) {
$imagickOK = true;
} else {
$imagickMemo = 'Imagick extension should be installed with PNG support in order to be used for image CAPTCHA.';
if (extension_loaded('gd')) {
$gdInfo = gd_info();
if (!empty($gdInfo['FreeType Support'])) {
$gdOK = true;
} else {
$gdMemo = 'GD extension should be installed with FreeType support in order to be used for image CAPTCHA.';
function wriatableCheck()
$dirs = [
foreach ($dirs as $dirPath)
$dirPath = ROOT_DIR . "/" . $dirPath;
if (!is_dir($dirPath))
return 0;
if (!is_writable($dirPath))
return 0;
return 1;
* Adjust requirements according to your application specifics.
$requirements = array(
// Database :
'name' => 'PDO extension',
'mandatory' => true,
'condition' => extension_loaded('pdo'),
'by' => 'All DB-related classes',
'name' => 'PDO SQLite extension',
'mandatory' => false,
'condition' => extension_loaded('pdo_sqlite'),
'by' => 'All DB-related classes',
'memo' => 'Required for SQLite database.',
'name' => 'PDO MySQL extension',
'mandatory' => false,
'condition' => extension_loaded('pdo_mysql'),
'by' => 'All DB-related classes',
'memo' => 'Required for MySQL database.',
'name' => 'PDO PostgreSQL extension',
'mandatory' => false,
'condition' => extension_loaded('pdo_pgsql'),
'by' => 'All DB-related classes',
'memo' => 'Required for PostgreSQL database.',
// Cache :
'name' => 'Memcache extension',
'mandatory' => false,
'condition' => extension_loaded('memcache') || extension_loaded('memcached'),
'by' => '<a href="">MemCache</a>',
'memo' => extension_loaded('memcached') ? 'To use memcached set <a href="$useMemcached-detail">MemCache::useMemcached</a> to <code>true</code>.' : ''
'name' => 'APC extension',
'mandatory' => false,
'condition' => extension_loaded('apc'),
'by' => '<a href="">ApcCache</a>',
'name' => 'GD PHP extension with FreeType support',
'mandatory' => false,
'condition' => $gdOK,
'by' => '<a href="">Captcha</a>',
'memo' => $gdMemo,
'name' => 'ImageMagick PHP extension with PNG support',
'mandatory' => false,
'condition' => $imagickOK,
'by' => '<a href="">Captcha</a>',
'memo' => $imagickMemo,
// PHP ini :
'phpExposePhp' => array(
'name' => 'Expose PHP',
'mandatory' => false,
'condition' => $requirementsChecker->checkPhpIniOff("expose_php"),
'by' => 'Security reasons',
'memo' => '"expose_php" should be disabled at php.ini',
'phpAllowUrlInclude' => array(
'name' => 'PHP allow url include',
'mandatory' => false,
'condition' => $requirementsChecker->checkPhpIniOff("allow_url_include"),
'by' => 'Security reasons',
'memo' => '"allow_url_include" should be disabled at php.ini',
'phpSmtp' => array(
'name' => 'PHP mail SMTP',
'mandatory' => false,
'condition' => strlen(ini_get('SMTP')) > 0,
'by' => 'Email sending',
'memo' => 'PHP mail SMTP server required',
'short_open_tag' => array(
'name' => 'short_open_tag',
'mandatory' => false,
'condition' => $requirementsChecker->checkPhpIniOn("short_open_tag"),
'by' => 'SkeekS CMS',
'memo' => '"short_open_tag" should be enabled at php.ini',
'writableDirs' => array(
'name' => 'Writable Directories',
'mandatory' => false,
'condition' => wriatableCheck(),
'by' => 'SkeekS CMS',
'memo' => 'Verifying the existence and rights of access to directories',
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