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Last active October 21, 2020 13:53
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Visualization of "Facility Location" problem datasets
# Return full path to problem data file.
dataFileFullPath <- function(fname) {
paste("data", fname, sep="/")
# Returns solution for a given problem.
computeSolutionFor <- function(fname) {
# This is for the standard, python solver
#sol <- system(paste('python', dataFileFullPath(fname)), intern=T)
sol <- system(paste('./facility', dataFileFullPath(fname)), intern=T)
cost <- as.numeric(substr(sol[1], 1, nchar(sol[1])-1))
solution <- as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(sol[2], " ")))
list(cost=cost, solution=solution)
# Create a color mapping function between the given vector (which may contain duplicate values)
# and a color for each unique value in the vector.
makeColorMapper <- function(vals) {
uniq <- sort(unique(vals))
colors <- rainbow(length(uniq))
function(val) {
colors[which(uniq == val)]
# Loads one data file and returns a list with facilities (fx) and customers (cx).
loadDataFile <- function(fname) {
rawData <- read.csv(dataFileFullPath(fname), header=F, sep=' ')
facCount <- rawData$V1[1]; custCount <-rawData$V2[1]
facilities <- rawData[2:(1+facCount), 1:4]
colnames(facilities) <- c('setupCost', 'capacity', 'x', 'y')
customers <- rawData[(2+facCount):(1+facCount+custCount), 1:3]
colnames(customers) <- c('demand', 'x', 'y')
list(fx = facilities, cx = customers)
# Plots one instance of the Facility Location problem defined in fname, including
# the solution (obtained via python fname).
plotInstance <- function(fname, plotLegend=F, plotSol=T) {
z <- loadDataFile(fname)
facilities <- z$fx
customers <- z$cx
plot(customers$y ~ customers$x, col="red", main=paste("Facility Location",fname), xlab="x", ylab="y",
xlim=c(min(c(min(customers$x), min(facilities$x))),max(c(max(customers$x), max(facilities$x)))),
ylim=c(min(c(min(customers$y), min(facilities$y))),max(c(max(customers$y), max(facilities$y)))))
points(facilities$y ~ facilities$x, col="blue")
if (plotLegend) {
colors <- c("red", "blue", "blue")
legend("topleft", legend=c("customer", "facility", "facility open"), col=colors,
text.col=colors, y.intersp=0.85, pch=c(1,1,16))
if (plotSol) {
plotSolution(fname, customers, facilities)
# Plots solution for one instance of the problem, defined in fname.
plotSolution <- function(fname, customers=NULL, facilities=NULL) {
# Lazy load customers & facilities
if (is.null(customers) || is.null(facilities)) {
z <- loadDataFile(fname)
facilities <- z$fx
customers <- z$cx
z <- computeSolutionFor(fname)
# converting from 0 based arrays of the output to 1 based arrays of R
z$solution <- z$solution + rep(1,length(z$solution))
facSel <- facilities[sort(unique(z$solution)),]
colors <- makeColorMapper(z$solution)
mtext(formatC(z$cost, format="d", big.mark=","), line=0.2, outer=F, col="#CC2211")
points(facSel$y ~ facSel$x, col="blue", pch=16)
ci <- 0
for (fi in z$solution) {
ci <- ci + 1
f <- facilities[fi,]
c <- customers[ci, ]
segments(f$x, f$y, c$x, c$y, col=colors(fi))
# Plots multiple data instances (all found in _metadata by default).
# If only specific instances need to be plotted, then limit can be passed a vector
# of their IDs (e.g. c(1,3,5) would only plot problems #1, #3 and #5).
plotMulti <- function(limit=NULL, plotSol=T, fname = './_metadata') {
z <- read.table(fname, header=F, sep=' ', skip=3)
names <- lapply(as.character(z$V2), function (a) substr(a,8,nchar(a)-1))
if (!is.null(limit)) {
names <- names[limit]
if (length(names) > 1) {
} else {
lapply(names, function (a) plotInstance(a, a == names[[1]], plotSol))
png(width=1600, height=900, res=96, antialias="subpixel", filename="out.png")
# Manually plotting selected problems:
View raw

(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)

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