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Created November 8, 2011 04:18
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Ruptime CGI-Script
#!/usr/bin/env python
import cgi
import os
from collections import namedtuple
uptime_tuple= namedtuple('uptime','up time users load_1 load_5 load_15')
hosts = ['ept','dain','heveled','kempt','gruntled']
def uptime_processor(str, hosts=hosts):
st = [ x.rstrip(',') for x in str.split() ]
#e.g. ['kempt', 'up', '157+01:29', '0', 'users', 'load', '7.17', '7.07', '7.02']
#inds 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
tup = uptime_tuple( st[1] , st[2], int(st[3]), float(st[6]), float(st[7]), float(st[8]) )
if st[0] in hosts:
return (st[0], tup )
except IndexError:
rupres = os.popen('ruptime')
rupgood = dict(filter(None,[ uptime_processor(line) for line in rupres ]))
num_processors = { 'dain': 16, 'kempt': 16, 'heveled': 16, 'ept': 16 , 'gruntled': 8, 'Cerbo': 4 }
def rupcmp(one,two):
val_one = one[1].load_15/num_processors[one[0]]
val_two = two[1].load_15/num_processors[one[0]]
return cmp( val_one, val_two )
def load_to_percent(host,tup):
mn = 0
mx = 100
val = comp[1].load_15*1.0/num_processors[host]*mx
if val > mx:
return mx
elif val < mn:
return mn
return val
def load_to_color(host,tup):
mn = 0
mx = 256
val = min( int( tup.load_15*1.0/num_processors[host]*mx), 255 )
colints = ( val, 0 , 256 - val )
colstring = "%02x%02x%02x" % colints
return colstring
sorted_rup_result = sorted( rupgood.iteritems() , cmp=rupcmp )
print "Content-Type: text/html"
print "<html> <head> <title> Sethna ruptime </title> </head> <link href='../style.css' rel='stylesheet' type='text$
print "<p> Status of the Sethna machines </p> "
print "<center><table cellpadding='10' cellspacing='10'><tr id='head'> <td> Host <td> Status <td> Uptime <td> User$
for comp in sorted_rup_result:
print "<tr><td> {host} <td> {t.up} <td> {t.time} <td> {t.users} <td> {t.load_1} <td> {t.load_5} <td> {t.load_1$
print "<tr><td colspan=7> <div style='border: 1px solid grey;'> <div style='background-color: #{color}; width$
print "</table>"
print "<p>The above represents the status of the CCMR machines. Shows the status, how long the computer has been $
print "</center>"
print "</body></html>"
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