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Created November 20, 2017 15:52
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IDAPython string decrytor for variants of Nuclear Bot
import idautils
from cStringIO import StringIO
from collections import Counter
from itertools import cycle
from itertools import product
.text:004020AA push 2 ; size of encoded data
.text:004020AC pop esi ; esi = size
.text:004020AD push esi ; size is pushed to the stack as an argument
.text:004020AE push offset unk_4067C4 ; xor key
.text:004020B3 push offset unk_4067C8 ; encode data
.text:004020B8 mov dword_4081A0, eax ; save off previous decoded data
.text:004020BD call DECODER ; call decoder
.text:004020C2 push 0Eh ; size
.text:004020C4 push offset aMhotcxkqkdpej7 ; "mhOTCXKqkdPEj7" ; key
.text:004020C9 push offset unk_4067DC ; encoded data
.text:004020CE mov dword_4081A4, eax ; save off encoded data from unk_4067C8
.text:004020D3 call DECODER ; call decoded data
.text:004020D8 add esp, 48h ; reset stack
.text:004020DB mov dword_4081A8, eax ; save off decoded data unk_4067DC
.text:004020E0 push 11h ; size
.text:004020E2 push offset aEwhvwgz1e3mqfp ; "EWHVWgz1E3MqFP7p5" ; key
.text:004020E7 push offset unk_406800 ; encoded data
.text:004020EC call DECODER ; call decoder
.text:004020F1 push 7 ; size
.text:004020F3 push offset aUw2atv1 ; "UW2ATV1" ; xor key
.text:004020F8 push offset a6?g?3u ; "6?G/?3U" ; encoded data
.text:004020FD mov dword_4081AC, eax ; save off previous decoded data
def xor_mb(message, key):
"""multi-byte XOR args str1, str2 """
return''.join(chr(ord(m_byte)^ord(k_byte)) for m_byte,k_byte in zip(message, cycle(key)))
def is_offset_data(addr):
"""hack because IdaPython says its an integer"""
for x in idautils.DataRefsTo(addr):
return True
return False
def trace_reg(addr):
"""trace back to find populating of register"""
cur_addr = addr
reg = idc.GetOpnd(cur_addr,0)
cur_addr = idc.PrevHead(cur_addr)
# break infinite loop
if cur_addr == BADADDR:
return False, None
if idc.GetMnem(cur_addr) == "pop" and idc.GetOpnd(cur_addr,0) == reg:
push_addr = cur_addr
push_addr = idc.PrevHead(push_addr)
# break infinite loop
if push_addr == BADADDR:
return False, None
if idc.GetMnem(push_addr) == "push":
if idc.GetOpType(push_addr, 0) == o_imm:
return True, idc.GetOperandValue(push_addr, 0)
return False, None
def get_encoded_data(addr):
"""retrive size, offset_data, key from offset"""
size = None
data_offset = None
key = None
bool_reg = False
cur_addr = addr
for c in range(0, MAX_INSTR):
# ignore mov and add instruct
cur_addr = idc.PrevHead(cur_addr)
cur_mnem = idc.GetMnem(cur_addr)
if "mov" in cur_mnem or "add" in cur_mnem or "pop" in cur_mnem:
if cur_mnem == "push":
op_type = idc.GetOpType(cur_addr,0)
bool_data = is_offset_data(idc.GetOperandValue(cur_addr,0))
# get data offset
if bool_data and data_offset is None:
data_offset = idc.GetOperandValue(cur_addr,0)
# get key string
if key is None and data_offset is not None and bool_data:
key = idc.GetString(idc.GetOperandValue(cur_addr,0))
# check if the size is stored in a register
if op_type == o_reg:
# backtrace and the popped register value
status, size = trace_reg(cur_addr)
# fail to find size via register
if status == False:
return None, None, None
# size is present as argument
elif op_type == o_imm and bool_data == False:
size = idc.GetOperandValue(cur_addr, 0)
if size:
encoded_data = ""
for byte in GetManyBytes(data_offset, size):
encoded_data += byte
return size, encoded_data, key
return None, None, None
def add_comment(addr, comment):
cur_addr = addr
for c in range(0, MAX_INSTR):
cur_addr = idc.NextHead(cur_addr)
cur_mnem = idc.GetMnem(cur_addr)
if "mov" in cur_mnem:
if idc.GetOpType(cur_addr, 0) == o_mem and "eax" in idc.GetOpnd(cur_addr, 1):
comment_addr = idc.GetOperandValue(cur_addr, 0)
idc.MakeRptCmt(comment_addr, comment)
func_addr = idc.LocByName("DECODER") # 004049DF
for addr in idautils.CodeRefsTo(func_addr, 0):
size, offset_data, key, = get_encoded_data(addr)
if size:
decoded = xor_mb(offset_data, key)
add_comment(addr, decoded)
print hex(addr)[:-1]
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