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Last active August 29, 2015 14:23
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def test_z_interval(full=False):
send, more, money = '0send', '0more', 'money'
tuples = tuple(zip(send, more, money))
all_chars = ('m', ) + tuple(sorted(set((send + more + money).replace('m', ''))))
firsts = ('m', 's',)
def v2int(t, val):
r = 0
for v in val:
r = r * 10 + t[v]
return r
def rule1(t, a, b, c):
s = t[a] + t[b]
return t[c] in (s, s + 1, s - 10, s - 9)
def rule2(t):
return v2int(t, send) + v2int(t, more) == v2int(t, money)
def walk(depth, t, r):
if depth == 5:
if rule2(t):
yield t
_all = True
for sym in tuples[depth]:
if not sym in t:
_all = False
t_ = t.copy()
for i in sorted(r):
if i == 0 and sym in ('m', 's'):
t_[sym] = i
for res in walk(depth, t_, r - {i}):
yield res
if _all and rule1(t, *tuples[depth]):
for res in walk(depth + 1, t, r):
yield res
if full:
rs = []
for t in walk(0, {'0': 0}, set(range(10))):
rs.append((v2int(t, send), v2int(t, more), v2int(t, money)))
return rs[0]
for t in walk(0, {'0': 0}, set(range(10))):
return v2int(t, send), v2int(t, more), v2int(t, money)
def test_freuser_ft_alex_2(full=False):
def rang(c={1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0}, sendmory=''):
if len(sendmory)<8:
for i in (c):
if i==0 and (len(sendmory)==4 or len(sendmory)==0):
for res in rang(c-{i}, sendmory+str(i)):
yield res
if int(sendmory[0:4])+int(sendmory[4:7]+sendmory[1])==int(sendmory[4:6]+sendmory[2]+sendmory[1]+sendmory[7]):
yield (int(sendmory[0:4]), int(sendmory[4:7]+sendmory[1]), int(sendmory[4:6]+sendmory[2]+sendmory[1]+sendmory[7]))
if full:
rs = []
for res in rang():
return rs[0]
for res in rang():
return res
def test_freuser_ft_alex_2_back(full=False):
def rang(c={0, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1}, sendmory=''):
if len(sendmory)<8:
for i in (c):
if i==0 and (len(sendmory)==4 or len(sendmory)==0):
for res in rang(c-{i}, sendmory+str(i)):
yield res
if int(sendmory[0:4])+int(sendmory[4:7]+sendmory[1])==int(sendmory[4:6]+sendmory[2]+sendmory[1]+sendmory[7]):
yield (int(sendmory[0:4]), int(sendmory[4:7]+sendmory[1]), int(sendmory[4:6]+sendmory[2]+sendmory[1]+sendmory[7]))
if full:
rs = []
for res in rang():
return rs[0]
for res in rang():
return res
def test_freuser_ft_alex_3(full=False):
def rang(c={1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0}, msendory=''):
depth = len(msendory)
if depth == 0:
for res in rang(c-{1}, msendory+str(1)):
yield res
if depth < 8:
for i in (c):
if i==0 and depth < 2:
for res in rang(c-{i}, msendory+str(i)):
yield res
if int(msendory[1:5])+int(msendory[0]+msendory[5:7]+msendory[2])==int(msendory[0]+msendory[5]+msendory[3]+msendory[2]+msendory[7]):
yield (int(msendory[1:5]), int(msendory[0]+msendory[5:7]+msendory[2]), int(msendory[0]+msendory[5]+msendory[3]+msendory[2]+msendory[7]))
if full:
rs = []
for res in rang():
return rs[0]
for res in rang():
return res
def test_freuser_ft_alex_3_back(full=False):
def rang(c={0, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1}, msendory=''):
depth = len(msendory)
if depth == 0:
for res in rang(c-{1}, msendory+str(1)):
yield res
if depth < 8:
for i in (c):
if i==0 and depth < 2:
for res in rang(c-{i}, msendory+str(i)):
yield res
if int(msendory[1:5])+int(msendory[0]+msendory[5:7]+msendory[2])==int(msendory[0]+msendory[5]+msendory[3]+msendory[2]+msendory[7]):
yield (int(msendory[1:5]), int(msendory[0]+msendory[5:7]+msendory[2]), int(msendory[0]+msendory[5]+msendory[3]+msendory[2]+msendory[7]))
if full:
rs = []
for res in rang():
return rs[0]
for res in rang():
return res
def test_dict(full=False):
send, more, money = 'send', 'more', 'money'
all_chars = ('m', ) + tuple(sorted(set((send + more + money).replace('m', ''))))
firsts = ('m', 's',)
def v2int(t, val):
r = 0
for v in val:
r = r * 10 + t[v]
return r
def walk(chars, t):
if not chars:
if v2int(t, money) == v2int(t, send) + v2int(t, more):
yield t
sym, chars = chars[0], chars[1:]
t_ = t.copy()
nums = tuple(t.values())
for i in range(10):
if i in nums or i == 0 and sym in firsts:
t_[sym] = i
for res in walk(chars=chars, t=t_):
yield res
if full:
rs = []
for t in walk(all_chars, dict()):
rs.append((v2int(t, send), v2int(t, more), v2int(t, money)))
return rs[0]
for t in walk(all_chars, dict()):
return v2int(t, send), v2int(t, more), v2int(t, money)
def test_dict_str2int(full=False):
send, more, money = 'send', 'more', 'money'
all_chars = ('m', ) + tuple(sorted(set((send + more + money).replace('m', ''))))
firsts = ('m', 's',)
def v2int(t, val):
return int(''.join(t[v] for v in val))
all_nums = '1234568790'
def walk(chars, t):
if not chars:
if v2int(t, money) == v2int(t, send) + v2int(t, more):
yield t
sym, chars = chars[0], chars[1:]
t_ = t.copy()
nums = tuple(t.values())
for i in all_nums:
if i in nums or i == '0' and sym in firsts:
t_[sym] = i
for res in walk(chars=chars, t=t_):
yield res
if full:
rs = []
for t in walk(all_chars, dict()):
rs.append((v2int(t, send), v2int(t, more), v2int(t, money)))
return rs[0]
for t in walk(all_chars, dict()):
return v2int(t, send), v2int(t, more), v2int(t, money)
class V():
def __init__(self):
self.v = -1
def test_obj(full=False):
s, e, n, d, m, o, r, y = tuple(V() for _ in range(8))
chars = m, s, e, n, d, o, r, y
send, more, money = (s, e, n, d), (m, o, r, e), (m, o, n, e, y)
def obj2int(val):
res = 0
for v in val:
res = res * 10 + v.v
return res
def walk(depth = 0):
# print('{} :: {}'.format(depth, [v() for v in chars]))
if depth == len(chars):
if obj2int(money) == obj2int(send) + obj2int(more):
yield tuple(obj2int(x) for x in (send, more, money))
char, left_chars = chars[depth], chars[:depth]
for i in range(10):
if i == 0 and depth < 2 or any(i == v.v for v in left_chars):
char.v = i
for res in walk(depth=depth + 1):
yield res
if full:
rs = []
for res in walk():
return rs[0]
for res in walk():
return res
def test_list(full=False):
s, e, n, d, m, o, r, y = tuple([-1] for _ in range(8))
chars = m, s, e, n, d, o, r, y
send = s, e, n, d
more = m, o, r, e
money = m, o, n, e, y
firsts = m, s
def idx2int(val):
res = 0
for v in val:
res = res * 10 + v[0]
return res
def walk(depth = 0):
# print('{} :: {}'.format(depth, [v[0] for v in chars]))
if depth == len(chars):
if idx2int(money) == idx2int(send) + idx2int(more):
yield tuple(idx2int(x) for x in (send, more, money))
char, left_chars = chars[depth], chars[:depth]
for i in range(10):
if i == 0 and depth < 2 or any(i == v[0] for v in left_chars):
char[0] = i
for res in walk(depth=depth + 1):
yield res
if full:
rs = []
for res in walk():
return rs[0]
for res in walk():
return res
def test_list2(full=False):
s, e, n, d, m, o, r, y = tuple([-1] for _ in range(8))
all_chars = m, s, e, n, d, o, r, y
def calc_old():
send = ((s[0] * 10 + e[0]) * 10 + n[0]) * 10 + d[0]
more = ((m[0] * 10 + o[0]) * 10 + r[0]) * 10 + e[0]
money = (((m[0] * 10 + o[0]) * 10 + n[0]) * 10 + e[0]) * 10 + y[0]
return send, more, money
def calc():
send = ((s[0] * 10 + e[0]) * 10 + n[0]) * 10 + d[0]
mo_e = (m[0] * 10 + o[0]) * 100 + e[0]
more = mo_e + r[0] * 10
money = (mo_e + n[0] * 10) * 10 + y[0]
return send, more, money
def walk(chars):
# print('{} :: {}'.format(8 - len(chars), [v[0] for v in all_chars]))
if not chars:
send, more, money = calc()
# print('{}'.format((send, more, money)))
if send + more == money:
yield send, more, money
depth = 8 - len(chars)
char, chars, left_chars = chars[0], chars[1:], all_chars[:depth]
for i in range(10):
if i == 0 and depth < 2 or any(i == v[0] for v in left_chars):
char[0] = i
for res in walk(chars=chars):
yield res
if full:
rs = []
for res in walk(all_chars):
return rs[0]
for res in walk(all_chars):
return res
def do_tests():
import sys
import time
self = sys.modules[__name__]
tests = ((name, getattr(self, name))
for name in sorted(dir(self)) if name.startswith('test_'))
global mn, mx
mn = 999999999., ''
mx = 0., ''
results = []
class Profiler(object):
def __init__(self, name):
self._name = name
def __enter__(self):
self._startTime = time.time()
def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback):
global mn, mx
if type is not None:
delta = time.time() - self._startTime
results.append((delta, self._name))
if mn[0] > delta:
mn = delta, self._name
if mx[0] < delta:
mx = delta, self._name
print("Elapsed time: {:.3f} sec\n".format(delta))
test_times = 1
args = tuple()
print('{:>64}: {}'.format('Task', '{} + {} = {}'.format('send', 'more', 'money')))
print('{:>64}: {}'.format(
'Expected result', '{} + {} = {}'.format(9567, 1085, 10652)))
for name, function in tests:
with Profiler(name):
print('{:<64}: {} + {} = {}'.format(name, *function(full=False)))
print('{:<64}: {}'.format(name, 'FAILED'))
for result in sorted(results, key=lambda x: x[0]):
print('{:>8.3f} sec; {}'.format(*result))
print('{:<16}: {:>8.3f} sec; {}'.format('Fastest', *mn))
print('{:<16}: {:>8.3f} sec; {}'.format('Slowest', *mx))
if __name__ == '__main__':
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Python 2.7.9 (default, Feb 25 2015, 04:49:26) 
[GCC 4.8.3] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.

   0.031 sec;   test_z_interval
   0.684 sec;   test_dict
   0.792 sec;   test_freuser_ft_alex_3_back
   0.817 sec;   test_freuser_ft_alex_3
   1.121 sec;   test_dict_str2int
   1.428 sec;   test_list2
   1.658 sec;   test_list
   1.817 sec;   test_obj
   7.049 sec;   test_freuser_ft_alex_2
   7.068 sec;   test_freuser_ft_alex_2_back

Python 3.4.1 (default, Feb 25 2015, 05:17:45) 
[GCC 4.8.3] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.

   0.030 sec;   test_z_interval
   0.666 sec;   test_dict
   0.793 sec;   test_freuser_ft_alex_3_back
   0.809 sec;   test_freuser_ft_alex_3
   1.134 sec;   test_dict_str2int
   1.443 sec;   test_list2
   1.683 sec;   test_list
   1.794 sec;   test_obj
   6.911 sec;   test_freuser_ft_alex_2
   6.976 sec;   test_freuser_ft_alex_2_back

Python 2.7.9 (9c4588d731b7fe0b08669bd732c2b676cb0a8233, Apr 13 2015, 04:29:31)
[PyPy 2.5.1] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.

   0.049 sec;   test_freuser_ft_alex_3
   0.115 sec;   test_z_interval
   0.122 sec;   test_freuser_ft_alex_2
   0.182 sec;   test_freuser_ft_alex_3_back
   0.294 sec;   test_dict
   0.319 sec;   test_list
   0.341 sec;   test_list2
   0.359 sec;   test_obj
   0.568 sec;   test_dict_str2int
   1.434 sec;   test_freuser_ft_alex_2_back

Python 3.2.5 (b2091e973da69152b3f928bfaabd5d2347e6df46, Feb 25 2015, 03:26:57)
[PyPy 2.4.0] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.

   0.118 sec;   test_z_interval
   0.299 sec;   test_freuser_ft_alex_3
   0.305 sec;   test_freuser_ft_alex_3_back
   0.351 sec;   test_dict
   0.374 sec;   test_list2
   0.418 sec;   test_list
   0.463 sec;   test_obj
   0.662 sec;   test_dict_str2int
   2.312 sec;   test_freuser_ft_alex_2
   2.346 sec;   test_freuser_ft_alex_2_back

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