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#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# ============================================================================
# HTTP Man In The Middle Logging proxy
# ------------------------------------
# Binds to the proxy server and pass through all the requests.
# Saves all of requests & files (by default) and keep extended log file on the operations done.
# Relies on core distribution (no dependencies), designed to be multi-treaded with
# smallest memory and CPU usage possible.
# Tested & works under Perl 5.8, 5.10, 5.12.
# Copyright 2010 Alexander Potemkin
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
use strict;
use IO::Socket::INET;
use IO::Select;
use Fcntl;
use POSIX qw (:sys_wait_h _exit);
no utf8;
my %proxy = (host => '', port => '8080'); #actual proxy server, might be local.
my $localPortToBind = 2101; #local machine port number, where script mimicry to be a proxy.
my $logFileFQName = 'MIM-Proxy.log'; #log file name - place for all operations recording.
my $storageFQPath = 'storage'; #directory name, where all files matched are saved.
#match file name & extension, check done by applying regexp on the link
#To store most wide spread multimedia files, use the following:
my $filesToDump = '.*';
#do not preserve the original file names to ensure there is no naming conflict
my $doPreserveFileNames => 0;
#duplicate logs on the console or not
my $doConsoleLogging => 1;
#used to keep files handlers
my %streamSaverHandlers;
#script lock file name, to ensure there is only one instance is running at the moment of time
my $referenceFileName = "_http_mim_is_running";
if (-e $referenceFileName) {die "Another instance is running / crashed (please, check '$referenceFileName' lock file).\n";}
if (!-e $storageFQPath) {mkdir $storageFQPath or die "Storage directory was not found, can not be created either $!.\n";}
sysopen(logHandler, $logFileFQName, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT) or die "Can't open log file $!\n";
#Reference file
sysopen(tmpHandler, $referenceFileName, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC) or die "Can't create lock file $!\n";
syswrite(tmpHandler, "PID: ".$$);
$| = 1; #flash the content on the console, as it goes
$SIG{CHLD} = 'IGNORE'; #no zombies
my $forkedChild = 1; #0 is for children / 1 is for unforked server
my %allOfTheChildren = () if ($forkedChild == 1); #first time init
#opening local port
my $serverSocket = IO::Socket::INET->new(
LocalPort => $localPortToBind,
Reuse => 1,
Listen => 20) or die "Can't open server socket: $!";
#a primitive logging
sub logMessage {syswrite(logHandler, $_[0]."\n"); print STDOUT $_[0]."\n";}
#Procedure executed every time process have something to store
#Files are transfered in a parts, so there are three cases when the procedure might be executed:
#- first call: new file transfer initiated - creating and opening file handler, store the reference;
#- second call: file stream continuation, append file content;
#- final call: executed with new arguments (one stream - one file) - new file transfer initiated.
sub storeStream ($$$) {
my ($threadId, $url, $content) = ($_[0], $_[1], $_[2]);
#keeps new file pointer
my $fileHandler;
#first call (with file name on it)
if (defined($url) && $url) {
#skip files we don't care about
if ($url !~ m/$filesToDump/i) {
$streamSaverHandlers{$threadId} = undef;
#Lookup / create a file handler
#Closing old handler, opening a new one in case if it's a new file
if ($url && defined($streamSaverHandlers{$threadId}) && exists($streamSaverHandlers{$threadId}));
#Take the handler from the hash
if (exists($streamSaverHandlers{$threadId}) && defined($streamSaverHandlers{$threadId})) {
die "Incorrect (hashed) handler, can't proceed."
unless ref ($fileHandler = $streamSaverHandlers{$threadId}) eq 'GLOB';
#File name didn't match the regexp specified - do nothing
} elsif (exists($streamSaverHandlers{$threadId}) && !defined($streamSaverHandlers{$threadId})) {
#New file - create a handler & add it to the hash
} elsif (defined($url) && $url) {
$url =~ m|(?:.*)/(.*)|; #file name
my $newName = $1;
$newName =~ s/[\\\/\*?:"<>;%&.=|]/_/g; #remove "invalid" symbols from the filesystem perspective
$newName = substr $newName, 0, 150; #be sure it is not more than 200 symbols long
$newName = $storageFQPath.'/'.$newName; #relative to full-qualified name
#if there is a chance to override an existent file, make a backup first
if ($doPreserveFileNames) {
rename $newName, $newName.'_backupAsOf'.time()
if (-e $newName);
#preserving file extension, if any
} else {
if ($url =~ m|(?:.*)/(?:.*)\.(\w{1,3})|) { #extension found
$newName = $newName.'_'.$$.'_'.time().".$1";
} else {
$newName = $newName.'_'.$$.'_'.time(); #no extension
#Failed to create file (no write access, disk is full, whatever)
die "Can't create '$newName' file for writing: $!"
unless open($fileHandler, ">$newName");
#no encodings
#save handler reference
$streamSaverHandlers{$threadId} = $fileHandler;
logMessage "$$ starts catching '$newName' (source: '$url').";
#Should not be there, make a complete dump
} else {
die "$$ @ ".(caller(1))[3].' - call made with no file name specified, neither provided a handler opened.';
#write things down
print $fileHandler $content;
#clean up stuff
sub closeStreamWriter ($) {
close (delete($streamSaverHandlers{$_[0]})) if exists($streamSaverHandlers{$_[0]});
#Gentle handle of the interruption call
sub onExit {
if ($forkedChild) {
print "Server caught close signal.";
logMessage "Server leaving...\n";
rename ($logFileFQName, $logFileFQName.'_'.time());
#Server's graceful cleanup.
#Doesn't work on Windows, consider using a .bat crutch unstead:
#@echo off
#perl -w
#del _forwarder_is_running
#move mim-proxy.log storage\mim-proxy.previous.log
$SIG{INT} = \&onExit;
#$SIG{BREAK} = \&onExit;
logMessage "Server bind on port $localPortToBind done.";
#serving loop
while (my $clientSocket = $serverSocket->opened()?$serverSocket->accept():undef) {
#server's job
if ($forkedChild) {
die "Can't fork: $!" unless defined ($forkedChild = fork());
#Forked child proccess
if ($forkedChild == 0) {
logMessage "$$ serving request from port ".$clientSocket->peerport.".";
$serverSocket->close; #release original connection
#Setting up a new proxy server connection for that child
my $proxyConnectSocket = IO::Socket::INET->new(
PeerAddr => $proxy{host},
PeerPort => $proxy{port},
Proto => 'tcp',
Type => SOCK_STREAM) or die "Couldn't connect to the proxy! $!";
my ($bytesRead, $socketReader, $bytesContent);
my (%forwardedContent);
#sockets switcher
my $select = IO::Select->new($clientSocket, $proxyConnectSocket);
#do the bytes forward job
while (1) {
foreach $socketReader ($select->can_read(10)) {
#network bytes I/O
last LOOP unless (defined($bytesRead = sysread($socketReader, $bytesContent, 4096)));
last LOOP if ($bytesRead == 0);
last LOOP unless (defined(syswrite(((fileno($socketReader) == fileno($clientSocket))? $proxyConnectSocket : $clientSocket ), $bytesContent, $bytesRead)));
#forwarded bytes content
%forwardedContent = (isClient => (fileno($socketReader) == fileno($clientSocket)), content => $bytesContent);
#Client's request
if ($forwardedContent{isClient}) {
#HTTP level information
my ($httpMethod, $targetURL, $httpVersion) = $forwardedContent{content} =~ /^(\w+) +(\S+) +(\S+)/;
#Looks like a regular request (with text on it)
if ($httpMethod && $targetURL) {
#strip headers, dump request content & leave log record
my $content = substr($forwardedContent{content}, index($forwardedContent{content}, "\r\n\r\n") + 4);
storeStream($$, $targetURL, $content);
logMessage "$$ < $httpMethod '$targetURL'";
#Binary data
} else {
#nothing to strip - pure binary data: make a dump, leave a log record on it
storeStream($$, undef, $forwardedContent{content});
logMessage "$$ < binary data send";
#Server answer
} else {
#HTTP variables
my ($protocol, $protoVersion, $answerCode, $answerDescription) =
$forwardedContent{content} =~ /^(.*)\/(\d.\d)\W+(\d+)\W+(.*)/i;
#server reply with a text based information on it
if ($answerCode && $protocol =~ m/(?:.{0,5})HTTP(?:.{0,5})/i) {
$answerDescription =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g; #no extra new line symbols
#strip headers, dump request content & leave log record
my $content = substr($forwardedContent{content}, index($forwardedContent{content}, "\r\n\r\n") + 4);
storeStream($$, undef, $content);
logMessage "$$ > $answerCode [$answerDescription]";
#continuation of the HTTP traffic
} else {
#pure binary data, save it on the disk
#(no loggin to avoid logs flood for big files)
storeStream($$, undef, $forwardedContent{content});
#sockets cleanup
#Dispatching server part of the script
} else {
#child just dup()-ed
#keep track of the children alive...
$allOfTheChildren{$forkedChild} = 1;
#... and killed
my @childsKilled = ();
#new child created, time to walk through "old" children and check them
while (my($childId, $childStatus) = each(%allOfTheChildren)) {
#non-blocking request
$childStatus = waitpid($childId, WNOHANG);
#idle baby, got you
if ($childStatus == -1) {
#store it's number, kill and clean up after
my $killedId = kill ('TERM', $childId);
push (@childsKilled, $childId);
logMessage "+$$: killed ".join(', ', @childsKilled)." idle children." if @childsKilled; #no empty entries
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