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Last active February 10, 2022 12:40
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Small script for sending messages in slack.
# How install
1. Go to -> Select workspace -> Create App -> create app from manifest
1.1 Or go to <Workspace> -> Administration -> Manage Apps -> Build -> Create App -> create app from manifest
name: Shell Services
- chat:write
org_deploy_enabled: false
socket_mode_enabled: false
token_rotation_enabled: false
2. Go to "QAuth&Permission" -> "Install to Workspace"
3. Copy "User OAuth Token" to variable $token
4. Set up your settings: workingTime, restingTime, messages...
# How using
- from powershell: `ashamin-tr-send-slack-message.ps1 swt` -> send to channel work time
- from powershell: `ashamin-tr-send-slack-message.ps1 rest` -> send to channel resting up/down
$token = ""
$workingTime = New-TimeSpan -Hours 8 -Minutes 0
$restingTime = New-TimeSpan -Hours 1 -Minutes 0
$messageRestingUp = "Перерыв начался"
$messageRestingDown = "Перерыв закончен"
$tempFileName = ".temp_of_script_send_slack_messages"
$tempFile = Join-Path -Path $env:USERPROFILE -ChildPath $tempFileName
$channelId = "C011LEDV3MH"
function Send-Slack{
# Add the "Incoming WebHooks" integration to get started:
param (
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=0)]$Text,
$Url="", #Put your URL here so you don't have to specify it every time.
# Parameters below are optional and will fall back to the default setting for the webhook.
$Channel # Channel to post message. Can be in the format "@username" or "#channel"
$postSlackMessage = @{token=$token;channel=$Channel; text=$Text}
Invoke-RestMethod -Method Post -Uri "" -Body $postSlackMessage | Out-Null
Function Send-Work-Time{
$currentDateTime = Get-Date
$endDateTime = $currentDateTime + $workingTime + $restingTime
$messageToSlack = $currentDateTime.ToString("HH:mm") + " - " + $endDateTime.ToString("HH:mm")
Send-Slack -Text $messageToSlack -Channel $channelId
Function Send-Rest{
if(Test-Path $tempFile){
Remove-Item -Path $tempFile
$messageToSlack = $messageRestingDown
New-Item -Path $env:USERPROFILE -Name $tempFileName -ItemType "file" | Out-Null
$messageToSlack = $messageRestingUp
Send-Slack -Text $messageToSlack -Channel $channelId
Write-Host "You need set up the script. Read a header in the script."
Write-Host "Input your choice:
- [swt]: send work time to slack
- [rest]: send status of rest up/down"
$userChoice = Read-Host
if([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($userChoice)){ Return }
$userChoice = $args[0]
if($userChoice -eq "swt") { Send-Work-Time; Return }
if($userChoice -eq "rest") { Send-Rest; Return }
"I don't know this command"
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