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Forked from kylefritz/
Created October 23, 2015 13:30
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Control Squeezebox Through Hubot [Must be a firmware version pre "UE Smart Radio"; e.g. must work with]
# Description:
# Allows Hubot to control pandora on a squeezebox music player.
# Also plays a generic internet radio station via play.
# Dependencies:
# none
# Configuration:
# Commands:
# hubot pandorame <artist, song, etc> - plays on pandora
# hubot pause|play
# hubot vol <positive or negative #> - changes volume
# hubot crankit|indoor voices - volume presets
# hubot who's playing? - lists station, artist, song
# hubot thumbsup|thumbsdown - relay preferences to pandora
# hubot add station <station name> <station url> - add internet radio station
# hubot stations - list add internet radio stations
# hubot play <station name> - play add internet radio station
# Notes:
# you must:
# have accounts on both & pandora
# have the pandora app installed on squeezebox
# be signed into your pandora account on
# Author:
# kylefritz
Sqzbx = require 'sqzbx'
_ = require 'underscore'
module.exports = (robot) ->
queueup = (msg, what) ->
Sqzbx.playing = true
Sqzbx.lastRequest = what "pandorame #{what}"
Sqzbx.queueup(msg, what, queueupResp(msg,what))
robot.respond /(queue ?up|pandora ?me) (.+)/i, (msg) ->
what = msg.match[2]
robot.respond /pause/i, (msg) ->
Sqzbx.playing = false
Sqzbx.cmd msg, ["pause"]
msg.send "lips are sealed"
robot.respond /play$/i, (msg) ->
Sqzbx.playing = true
Sqzbx.cmd msg, ["play"]
msg.send "resuming jam"
robot.respond /foghorn ?me/i, (msg) ->
soundEffect(msg, "loop://", "Foghorn")
robot.respond /play?me (.*)/i, (msg) ->
Sqzbx.cmd msg, ['playlist','play', msg.match[1], "Custom Station"]
robot.respond /vol \+?(\-?\d+)/i, (msg) ->
msg.send "commencing volume adjustment"
robot.respond /crank ?it/i, (msg) ->
msg.send "oh hell yeah"
robot.respond /indoor voices|quiet|shut ?up|silent|silence/i, (msg) ->
Sqzbx.vol msg,-100, () ->
msg.send "what do you work at a library?"
robot.respond /wh(o|at)'?s ?(playing|this)/i, (msg) ->
Sqzbx.artist(msg, artistResp(msg))
robot.respond /who (th|d)(at|is)( i(s|z))?/i, (msg) ->
Sqzbx.artist(msg, artistResp(msg))
robot.respond /\(?thumbsup\)?/i,(msg) ->
Sqzbx.cmd msg, ["pandora","rate",1]
msg.send "glad you like it"
robot.respond /5 bobs|five bobs|5 bob|5 bobs/i,(msg) ->
Sqzbx.cmd msg, ["pandora","rate",1]
msg.send "glad you like it"
robot.respond /yuck|\(?thumbsdown\)?/i,(msg) ->
Sqzbx.cmd msg, ["pandora","rate",0]
msg.send "seriously! who put that on?"
robot.respond /1 bob|1 bobs|one bob|one bobs/i,(msg) ->
Sqzbx.cmd msg, ["pandora","rate",0]
msg.send "seriously! who put that on?"
robot.respond /stations/i, (msg) ->
msg.send """play phish radio
play dead radio
play floyd radio
let's do acid
talking heads mode
p-funk mode
hipster mode
gangster mode
katy perry mode
jazz mode
chill mode
shake it off
pandorame <whatever>
Create your own!"""
robot.respond /play phish ?radio/i, (msg) ->
stream(msg, '')
msg.send "You're about to blast off!"
robot.respond /play dead ?radio/i, (msg) ->
stream(msg, '')
msg.send "Don't tell me this town ain't got no heart"
robot.respond /play floyd ?radio/i, (msg) ->
stream(msg, '')
msg.send "Shine on you crazy diamond"
robot.respond /let's do acid/i, (msg) ->
stream(msg, '')
msg.send "Yeah man"
robot.respond /talking heads ?mode/i, (msg) ->
queueup(msg, 'the talking heads')
msg.send "Let's stop making sense"
robot.respond /p-?funk ?mode/i, (msg) ->
queueup(msg, 'pfunk')
msg.send "Let's make our funk the p-funk"
robot.respond /hipst(er|a) ?mode/i, (msg) ->
queueup(msg, 'mgmt')
msg.send "Put a bird on it."
robot.respond /gangst(er|a) ?mode/i, (msg) ->
queueup(msg, 'jay-z')
msg.send "You got it."
robot.respond /kat(y|ie) perry ?mode/i, (msg) ->
queueup(msg, 'katy perry')
msg.send "LOL OMG"
robot.respond /jazz ?mode/i, (msg) ->
queueup(msg, 'john coltrane')
msg.send "Right on."
robot.respond /chill ?mode/i, (msg) ->
queueup(msg, 'the xx')
msg.send "I hear ya."
robot.respond /rickroll/i, (msg) ->
queueup(msg, 'rick astley')
msg.send "love that guy."
robot.respond /shake it off/i, (msg) ->
queueup(msg, 'taylor swift')
msg.send "haters gonna hatehatehatehatehate"
anthems = [
"", # luda, 10000ms
"" # bob, 13000ms
robot.respond /stand ?up/i, (msg) ->
soundEffect(msg, msg.random(anthems), "Time for dev stand up meeting", 13000)
msg.send "Let's hangout!"
robot.respond /love you/i, (msg) ->
soundEffect(msg, "", "Love you galpal!", 3000)
robot.respond /enable now playing/i, (msg) -> "enabling now playing"
robot.brain.set('nowPlayingEnabled', true)
# define a function that will call itself again in 60 seconds
updateNowPlaying = -> "Getting now playing info from squeezebox"
Sqzbx.artist msg, (result) ->
t = result.remoteMeta
if t.title and t.artist and t.album
updatedNowPlaying = "Now playing: \"#{t.title}\" by #{t.artist} from #{t.album} on #{result.current_title}"
updatedNowPlaying = "Now playing: #{result.current_title}" "currentNowPlaying: #{robot.brain.get('nowPlaying')}" "updatedNowPlaying: #{updatedNowPlaying}"
if robot.brain.get('nowPlaying') != updatedNowPlaying "now playing has changed, sending msg"
robot.brain.set('nowPlaying', updatedNowPlaying)
msg.send updatedNowPlaying
else "now playing has not changed, not sending msg"
if robot.brain.get('nowPlayingEnabled') "now playing is enabled, will check again in a minute"
setTimeout updateNowPlaying, 60000
else "now playing is enabled, will check again in a minute"
# Let's get this party started
robot.respond /disable now playing/i, (msg) -> "disabling now playing"
robot.brain.set('nowPlayingEnabled', false)
#start the url with loop:// instead of http://
stream = (msg, url) ->
Sqzbx.cmd msg, ['playlist', 'play', url]
soundEffect = (msg, url, name, lengthMilliseconds=10000) ->
Sqzbx.cmd msg, ['playlist', 'play', url, name]
_.delay(resume(msg), lengthMilliseconds)
resume = (msg) ->
() ->
if Sqzbx.playing
Sqzbx.cmd msg, ["pause"]
msg.send "Returning to #{Sqzbx.lastRequest}"
Sqzbx.queueup(msg, Sqzbx.lastRequest, queueupResp(msg, Sqzbx.lastRequest))
artistResp = (msg) ->
(result) ->
t = result.remoteMeta
if t.artist
msg.send "\"#{t.title}\" by #{t.artist} from #{t.album} @ #{result.current_title}"
msg.send "#{t.artwork_url}"
msg.send "playing #{result.current_title}"
queueupResp = (msg,what) ->
(err,res,body) ->
if body.match(/No items found./)
msg.send "no dice. couldn't find \"#{what}\"."
else if body.match(/Max station limit reached/)
msg.send "lux lyke u gawta dlt sum stayshunz furzt dawg"
msg.send ""
hits = body.match(/selectorMarker/g).length
if hits == 1 or what[what.length - 1] == '0'
Sqzbx.artist msg, artistResp(msg)
msg.send "got #{hits} hits for #{what}, trying first"
Sqzbx.queueup msg, "#{what}.0", queueupResp(msg, "#{what}.0")
module.exports =
login: (client, cb) ->
enc = encodeURIComponent
data = "email=#{enc(process.env.SQUEEZE_BOX_EMAIL)}&password=#{enc(process.env.SQUEEZE_BOX_PASSWORD)}"
.post(data) (err,res,body) ->
setString = res.headers['set-cookie'][0]
#dirty split
squeeze_session = setString.split('; ')[0].split('=')[1]
cookie = "Squeezebox-player=#{enc(process.env.SQUEEZE_BOX_PLAYER_ID)}; sdi_squeezenetwork_session=#{squeeze_session}"
auth: () ->
user = process.env.SQUEEZE_BOX_EMAIL
pass = process.env.SQUEEZE_BOX_PASSWORD
auth = 'Basic ' + new Buffer(user + ':' + pass).toString('base64')
cmd: (client, what, cb) ->
data =
"id": 1,
"method": "slim.request",
"params": [process.env.SQUEEZE_BOX_PLAYER_ID,what]
json = JSON.stringify(data)
.headers(Authorization: @auth(), Accept: 'application/json')
.post(json) (err,res,body) ->
cb(err,res,body) if cb?
queueup: (client, what, cb) ->
url = "{encodeURIComponent(what)}&player=00%3A13%3Aef%3A60%3A22%3A63&sess="
.headers(Authorization: @auth(), Accept: 'application/json')
.get() (err,res,body) ->
artist: (client, cb) ->
@cmd client, ["status","-",1,"tags:cgABbehldiqtyrSuoKLN"], (err,res,body) ->
result = JSON.parse(body).result
cb(result) if result
vol: (client, amt, cb) ->
delt = if amt > 0 then "+" else ""
change = "#{delt}#{amt}"
@cmd client, ["mixer","volume",change], cb
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