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Last active February 20, 2022 06:05
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# calculates the spectral kurtosis from fast-capture .dada files
# and outputs spectral kurtosis, real and imaginary kurtosis values, and flagging
# information for each window of every channel in all of the antennas.
# Commented out code relates to making histograms, and other junk. I know it's a mess.
# Original code written by Hugh Garsden
# Edited and made a general mess of by Alex Bailey, June 2017
import numpy as np
import os, scipy.stats
import flags, random
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
M = 10320/2
FFT_SIZE = 8192
file_count = 0
def parse_complex(x): # from 8 bit complex
if type(x) == np.int8:
re = np.bitwise_and(x, np.int8(0b11110000)) / 16
im = np.int8(np.left_shift(np.bitwise_and(x, np.int8(0b00001111)), 4)) /16
else: # pretend data
return complex(x[0], x[1])
#print re, im
return complex(im, re)
def kurtosis():
# histogram = np.zeros(15)
auto_corr = np.zeros(M, dtype=np.complex64)
for i in range(M):
auto_corr[i] = kbuff[i]*np.conj(kbuff[i])/FFT_SIZE
# histogram[kbuff[i].real+7] += 1
psd = 2.0*np.real(auto_corr)/FFT_SIZE # Data has been correlated, but these factors need to be added in
S1 = np.sum(psd)
S2 = np.sum(psd**2.0)
#Compute spectral kurtosis estimator
Vk_square = (M+1)/(M-1)*(M*(S2/(S1**2.0))-1) # eqn 8
# and eqn 50
return Vk_square, scipy.stats.kurtosis(np.real(kbuff)), scipy.stats.kurtosis(np.imag(kbuff))
# main loop
directory = "/data2/fc/ledaovro8/one/"
for filename in os.listdir(directory):
file_count += 1
#filename = "/data2/fc/ledaovro10/one/2017-06-07-07:53:21_0000009215016960.000000.dada"
print filename
if not os.path.exists("/home/leda/abailey/datadump8/8_near1_"+str(file_count)+".txt"):
fid=open(str(directory)+str(filename), "rb")
data_all=np.fromfile(fid, dtype=np.int8, count=os.path.getsize(directory+filename)-4096)
goodSK = open("8_near1_"+str(file_count)+".txt", "a")
largeSK = open("8_large_"+str(file_count)+".txt", "a")
smallSK = open("8_small_"+str(file_count)+".txt", "a")
# Array dimensions from C code,want to convert
# [N sequence numbers][16 roaches][4 input groups][2 time samples][109 chans][4 stations][2 pols][2 dims][4 bits]
# dims is real/imag
# Buffer for kurtosis windows
kbuff = np.array([ 0j for i in range(M) ])
kbuff_index = 0
chunk_size = 16*4*2*109*4*2 # in bytes
num_chunks = data_all.shape[0]/chunk_size
print "Num chunks", num_chunks, "Chunk size (bytes)", chunk_size
print "Threshold?", 4.0*M**2/((M-1)*(M+2)*(M+3))
if num_chunks != 10320: #this would throw an error and stop the loop. This error check simply results in an empty output text file
# Python copy of Matlab
data_all = data_all.reshape(num_chunks, 64, 2, 109, 8)
data_all = np.transpose(data_all, (0, 2, 3, 1, 4))
data_all = data_all.reshape((num_chunks*2, 109, 512)) # Data converted into nice form
#if os.path.exists("histograms.html"):
# os.remove("histograms.html")
fl = flags.Flags() # Flag bad ones
for antenna in range(512):
#antenna = 2
for channel in range(4):
chan = 4 + channel*20
stand = antenna//2
if fl.stand_flagged(stand): message = "FLAGGED"
else: message = "NOT_FLAGGED"
print antenna, chan
kbuff = np.array([ 0j for i in range(M) ])
kbuff_index = 0
#best_k = 1e9
#best_sk = 1e9
#best_sk_tester = 1e9
#where_best_k = ()
#where_best_sk = ()
#random_chunk = int(np.floor(random.random()*num_chunks*2))
for i in range(num_chunks*2):
c = parse_complex(data_all[i, chan, antenna])
# if c.real not in [ -8, -7, 7 ] and c.imag not in [ -8, -7, 7 ]: # Clip edge values, we dont trust them
# Add to buffer
kbuff[kbuff_index] = parse_complex(data_all[i, chan, antenna])
kbuff_index += 1
#else: print "Got -8 value"
if kbuff_index == M: # Buffer is full
sk, k1, k2 = kurtosis() # Nita/
# print "K", sk, k1, k2, stand, message
if abs(1-sk) < .08353: #SK value within .08353 of one calculated from
goodSK.write(str(antenna)+" "+str(chan)+" "+str(sk)+" "+str(k1)+" "+str(k2)+" "+str(message)+"\n")
elif sk > 1:
largeSK.write(str(antenna)+" "+str(chan)+" "+str(sk)+" "+str(k1)+" "+str(k2)+" "+str(message)+"\n")
smallSK.write(str(antenna)+" "+str(chan)+" "+str(sk)+" "+str(k1)+" "+str(k2)+" "+str(message)+"\n")
# if abs(1-sk) < best_sk_tester:
# best_sk_tester = (1-abs(sk))
# best_sk = abs(sk)
# where_best_sk = (i, chan, antenna )
# if abs(k1) < best_k:
# best_k = abs(k1)
# where_best_k = ( i, chan, antenna )
# if abs(k2) < best_k:
# best_k = abs(k2)
# where_best_k = ( i, chan, antenna )
# kurtosis_data.write(str(sk) +" " + str(k1) + " " + str(k2) + "\n")
kbuff_index = 0
# print "Res", best_sk, where_best_sk, where_best_k
#kurtosis_data.write(str(best_sk) + " " + str(where_best_sk)+"\n")
# plot(antenna, chan, sk, k1, k2, hist, message)
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