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Last active March 24, 2018 22:03
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import java.util.*;
void setup() {
size(800, 600);
static final int OVAL_COUNT = 30;
static final int START_OPACITY = 255;
static final long SPAWN_DELAY = 250;
static final long DURATION = 1000;
List<Mandala> mandalas = new ArrayList<Mandala>();
long lastSpawnTime;
void draw() {
long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
// Lägg till en mandala varje SPAWN_DELAY millisekunder
if (currentTime - lastSpawnTime >= SPAWN_DELAY) {
spawnMandala((int) random(50, width - 50), (int) random(50, height - 50));
lastSpawnTime = currentTime;
Iterator<Mandala> iterator = mandalas.iterator();
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
Mandala mandala =;
translate(mandala.x, mandala.y);
stroke(mandala.shapeColor, mandala.opacity);
float radToRotate = TWO_PI / OVAL_COUNT;
for (int i = 0; i < OVAL_COUNT; i++) {
ellipse(0, 0, mandala.shapeW, mandala.shapeH);
// Gör mandalan mindre opak beroende på hur länge mandalan funnits
long timeSinceAddition = currentTime - mandala.addedTime;
mandala.opacity = (int) (START_OPACITY - timeSinceAddition * START_OPACITY / (float) DURATION);
// Ta bort mandalan om den är 100% transparent
if (mandala.opacity <= 0) {
void spawnMandala(int x, int y) {
int h = round(random(150, 200));
mandalas.add(new Mandala(x, y, 200 - h, h, generateRandomColor()));
color generateRandomColor() {
int r = round(random(0, 255));
int g = round(random(0, 255));
int b = round(random(0, 255));
r = (r + 200) / 2;
g = (g + 200) / 2;
b = (b + 200) / 2;
return color(r, g, b);
void keyPressed() {
// Ta bort alla mandalas när man trycker på space
if (keyCode == 32) {
class Mandala {
final int x;
final int y;
final int shapeW;
final int shapeH;
final color shapeColor;
int opacity = START_OPACITY;
final long addedTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
Mandala(int x, int y,
int shapeW, int shapeH,
color shapeColor) {
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
this.shapeW = shapeW;
this.shapeH = shapeH;
this.shapeColor = shapeColor;
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Very good!

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