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Created July 19, 2015 11:58
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numbers - weighted quick union
; attempt 4 - using weighted quick union, always puts the smaller tree under the bigger tree to reduce depth
(def nodes (atom {}))
(def sizes (atom {}))
(defn find-root [i]
(let [v (get @nodes i)]
(loop [i v]
(if (= i v)
(recur v)))))
(defn values-not-nil? [x y]
(and (not (nil? x)) (not (nil? y))))
(defn connected? [x y]
(let [n @nodes
xv (get n x)
yv (get n y)]
(and (values-not-nil? xv yv) (= xv yv))))
(defn connect! [x y]
(let [n @nodes
xv (get n x)
yv (get n y)]
(when (values-not-nil? xv yv)
(let [sx (get @sizes x)
sy (get @sizes y)]
(if (> sx sy)
((swap! nodes assoc x yv)
(swap! sizes assoc x (+ sx sy)))
((swap! nodes assoc y xv)
(swap! sizes assoc y (+ sy sx))))))))
(defn connect-roots! [x y]
(let [root-x (find-root x)
root-y (find-root y)]
(connect! root-y root-x)))
(defn roots-connected? [x y]
(let [root-x (find-root x)
root-y (find-root y)]
(connected? root-x root-y)))
(defn add-node-to-map! [x]
(swap! nodes assoc x x)
(swap! sizes assoc x 1))
(defn add-node! [x]
(add-node-to-map! x)
(connect-roots! x (- x 1))
(connect-roots! x (+ x 1))
(roots-connected? 1 x))
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; reset the state before running a test
((reset! nodes {}) (reset! sizes {}))
; test for 1 million entries
(map add-node! (shuffle (range 1 1000000)))
; timing functions

(defn tidy-output [x]
  (let [output (clojure.string/replace x "\"Elapsed time: " "")
        output (clojure.string/replace output " msecs\"\n" "")]
    (Double/parseDouble output)))

 (defn time-for-entries [num-entries] 
  (tidy-output (with-out-str (time (doall (for [x (shuffle (range 1 num-entries))] (add-node! x)))))))

; example of running timing function
(time-for-entries 50000)

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