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Last active August 29, 2015 14:15
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Customized WTForms widget for Selects with Chosen
import json
from wtforms.widgets import Select, HTMLString
class ChosenSelect(Select):
def __init__(self, multiple=False, renderer=None, options={}):
Initiate the widget. This offers you two general options.
First off it allows you to configure the ChosenSelect to
allow multiple options and it allows you to pass options
to the chosen select (this will produce a json object)
that chosen will get passed as configuration.
:param multiple: whether this is a multiple select
(default to `False`)
:param renderer: If you do not want to use the default
select renderer, you can pass a function that will
get the field and options as arguments so that
you can customize the rendering.
:param options: a dictionary of options that will
influence the chosen behavior. If no options are
given `width: 100%` will be set.
super(ChosenSelect, self).__init__(multiple=multiple)
self.renderer = renderer
options.setdefault('width', '100%')
self.options = options
def __call__(self, field, **kwargs):
Render the actual select.
:param field: the field to render
:param **kwargs: options to pass to the rendering
(i.e. class, data-* and so on)
This will render the select as is and attach a chosen
initiator script for the given id afterwards considering
the options set up in the beginning.
# currently chosen does not reflect the readonly attribute
# we compensate for that by automatically setting disabled,
# if readonly if given
if kwargs.get("readonly"):
kwargs['disabled'] = 'disabled'
html = []
# render the select
if self.renderer:
html.append(self.renderer(self, field, **kwargs))
html.append(super(ChosenSelect, self).__call__(field, **kwargs))
# attach the chosen initiation with options
% (kwargs['id'], json.dumps(self.options))
# return the HTML (as safe markup)
return HTMLString('\n'.join(html))
from wtforms import Form
from wtforms.fields import Select
class ExampleForm(Form):
example = Select("Example", choices=[("1", "1"), ("2", "2")], widget=ChosenSelect())
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