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Last active June 3, 2021 14:34
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; Binheap priority queue
; Based on 6502 code by MagerValp
; 255 items max, 3 bytes wasted
struct HEAPQ
align 256
tree ds 255, 0
size db 0
indices ds 256, 0
values ds 256*2, 0
module heapq
; Push a 16-bit value with a given priority
; in: hl -> heap, a = priority, de = value
; out: none
push push bc, de, hl
call __push
pop hl, de, bc
; Pop the value with the highest priority
; in: hl -> heap
; out: a = priority, de = value
pop push bc, hl
call __pop
pop hl, bc
__push dec l: inc (hl): ld l, (hl)
; store node
dec l: ld (hl), a
ld c, h
; store index
inc h: ld (hl), l
; store value
inc h: ld (hl), e
inc h: ld (hl), d
ld h, c
ld a, l: or a: ret z
ld d, h: ld e, l
.loop dec e: srl e
; swap nodes
ld c, (hl): ld a, (de)
cp c: ret c
ld (hl), a: ld a, c: ld (de), a
; swap indices
inc h: inc d
ld c, (hl): ld a, (de)
ld (hl), a: ld a, c: ld (de), a
dec h: dec d
ld l, e
ld a, l: or a: jp nz, .loop
__pop ld a, (hl) ; get node
inc h: ld e, (hl)
dec h ; get index
ld d, h
dec l: dec (hl): jr z, .get_value
push af, de
ld b, (hl): inc l
ld e, b
; store node
ld a, (de): ld (hl), a
; store index
inc h: inc d
ld a, (de): ld (hl), a
dec h: dec d
jr .loop
.swap ld e, c
; swap nodes
ld c, (hl): ld a, (de)
ld (hl), a: ld a, c: ld (de), a
; swap indices
inc h: inc d
ld c, (hl): ld a, (de)
ld (hl), a: ld a, c: ld (de), a
dec h: dec d
.loop ld c, l
ld a, l: add a: inc a: ld e, a
cp b: jr nc, .e_gte_sz
ld a, (de): cp (hl): jp nc, $+4: ld l, e
inc e: ld a, e
cp b: jr nc, .e_gte_sz
ld a, (de): cp (hl): jp nc, $+4: ld l, e
.e_gte_sz ld a, l: cp c: jp nz, .swap
pop de, af
.get_value ex de, hl
inc h: inc h
ld e, (hl): inc h: ld d, (hl)
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