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%% Mod_vitamin: keeping your presence list healthy
%% Note on use: This module is not persistent. Across restarts of the whole
%% cluster, you'll have to re-add the necessary jids. For that reason, the runtime
%% configuration is discouraged when compared to hard-coding the jids in the configuration
%% file. Any serious change to the jids made at runtime should also be made in the config file.
%% Authors: Dylan Ayrey and Alexander Kyte
-export([start/2, stop/1, on_available/1, on_unavailable/4, runtime_config/1, query_presence_subscribers/0, remove_subscriber/1, web_menu_node/3, web_page_node/5]).
-record(presence, {key, jids=[]}).
start(Host, _Opts) ->
?DEBUG("Mod_vitamin loaded", []),
%%parse configs
[{names, Names_to_notify}] = _Opts,
Jids_to_notify = lists:map(fun jlib:string_to_jid/1, Names_to_notify),
%% Expose a web interface
ejabberd_hooks:add(webadmin_menu_node, ?MODULE, web_menu_node, 50),
ejabberd_hooks:add(webadmin_page_node, ?MODULE, web_page_node, 50),
%% Watch and forward join/parts
ejabberd_hooks:add(user_available_hook, Host, ?MODULE, on_available, 50),
ejabberd_hooks:add(unset_presence_hook, Host, ?MODULE, on_unavailable, 50),
%% Expose an ejabberdctl interface
catch ejabberd_commands:register_commands(commands()),
?DEBUG("Started up okay", []),
init_mnesia(Jids) ->
%% For some reason this always clobbers the existing DB. The exisiting DB is never loaded, even if we
%% include the timeout mnesia call here.
case mnesia:create_table(presence, [{attributes, record_info(fields, presence)}, {disc_only_copies, [node()]}]) of
{aborted, {already_exists, _}} ->
{aborted, Reason} ->
?DEBUG("Mnesia encountered an error ~p", [Reason]);
{atomic, ok} ->
F = fun() ->
?DEBUG("First Run, trashing mnesia", []),
mnesia:write(#presence{key="jids", jids=Jids})
mnesia:activity(transaction, F),
?DEBUG("Successfully inserted. State is now ~p", query_presence_subscribers())
stop(Host) ->
?DEBUG("Mod_vitamin unloaded", []),
ejabberd_hooks:delete(user_available_hook, Host, ?MODULE, on_available, 50),
ejabberd_hooks:delete(unset_presence_hook, Host, ?MODULE, on_unavailable, 50),
ejabberd_hooks:delete(webadmin_menu_node, ?MODULE, web_menu_node, 50),
ejabberd_hooks:delete(webadmin_page_node, ?MODULE, web_page_node, 50),
on_available(FromJid) ->
?DEBUG("On available hit", []),
XmlBody = {xmlelement, "presence", [], []},
process_presence(FromJid, XmlBody).
on_unavailable(User, Server, Resource, _) ->
?DEBUG("On unavailable hit", []),
FromJid = jlib:make_jid(User, Server, Resource),
XmlBody = {xmlelement, "presence", [{"type", "unavailable"}], []},
process_presence(FromJid, XmlBody),
process_presence(FromJid, XmlBody) ->
F = fun() ->
case mnesia:read({presence, "jids"}) of
[#presence{key="jids", jids=Jids_to_notify}] ->
message_jids(FromJid, Jids_to_notify, XmlBody);
[] ->
?DEBUG("No jids in mnesia presence table", [])
mnesia:activity(transaction, F).
message_jids(_, [], _) -> ok;
message_jids(From, [To | ToJids], XmlBody) ->
?DEBUG("Sending to ~p from ~p", [jlib:jid_to_string(From), jlib:jid_to_string(To)]),
ejabberd_router:route(From, To, XmlBody),
message_jids(From, ToJids, XmlBody).
%% We define a runtime ejabberd command to run with ejabberdctl or mod_xmlrpc
%% ejabberd_ctl register_presence_subscriber ""
%% This is an example XML-RPC client in Python, thanks to Diddek:
%% -------
%% import xmlrpclib
%% server_url = '';
%% server = xmlrpclib.Server(server_url);
%% params = {}
%% params["username"] = ""
%% result = server.register_presence_subscriber(params)
%% print result
%% -------
commands() ->
#ejabberd_commands{name = register_presence_subscriber, tags = [mod_vitamin],
desc = "Add a user to the list of presence subscribers at runtime",
module = ?MODULE, function = runtime_config,
args = [{username, string}],
result = {success, string}},
#ejabberd_commands{name = remove_presence_subscriber, tags = [mod_vitamin],
desc = "Add a user to the list of presence subscribers at runtime",
module = ?MODULE, function = remove_subscriber,
args = [{username, string}],
result = {success, string}},
#ejabberd_commands{name = query_presence_subscribers, tags = [mod_vitamin],
desc = "Get the list of presence subscribers",
module = ?MODULE, function = query_presence_subscribers,
args = [],
result = {names, {list, {names, string}}}}
string_to_jid(Str, Fun) ->
case TheJid = jlib:string_to_jid(Str) of
error ->
_ ->
runtime_config(Username) ->
G = fun(NewJid) ->
F = fun() ->
case mnesia:read({presence, "jids"}) of
[#presence{key="jids", jids=OldJids}] ->
%% We use usort to ensure no duplicates
mnesia:write(#presence{key="jids", jids=lists:usort([NewJid | OldJids])}),
[] ->
?DEBUG("No jids in mnesia presence table", [])
mnesia:activity(transaction, F)
string_to_jid(Username, G).
remove_subscriber(Username) ->
G = fun(BadJid) ->
?DEBUG("Removing subscriber: ~p, with jid ~p", [Username, BadJid]),
F = fun() ->
case mnesia:read({presence, "jids"}) of
[#presence{key="jids", jids=OldJids}] ->
mnesia:write(#presence{key="jids", jids=lists:delete(BadJid, OldJids)}),
?DEBUG("Successfully removed ~p from ~p", [BadJid, OldJids]),
[] ->
?DEBUG("No jids in mnesia presence table", [])
mnesia:activity(transaction, F)
string_to_jid(Username, G).
query_presence_subscribers() ->
F = fun() ->
case mnesia:read({presence, "jids"}) of
[#presence{key="jids", jids=Jids}] ->
lists:map(fun jlib:jid_to_string/1, Jids);
[] ->
?DEBUG("No jids in mnesia presence table", []),
mnesia:activity(transaction, F).
web_menu_node(Acc, _Node, Lang) ->
Acc ++ [{"Mod_Vitamin", ?T("Presence Subscriptions")}].
web_page_node(_, Node, ["Mod_Vitamin"], Query, Lang) ->
Res = [?XC("h1", "Presence Subscription As a Service") | content_generation(Node, Query, Lang)],
{stop, Res};
web_page_node(Acc, _, _, _, _) -> Acc.
content_generation(Node, Query, Lang) ->
process_post(Query, Node),
Static_title =
[?XC("p", ?T("Mod Vitamin:"))],
Jid_to_remove_form = fun(Jid) ->
?XCT("td", Jid),
?XE("td", [?INPUTS("checkbox", "delete_subscriber", Jid, "70")])
Static_form = [?XAE("form", [{"method", "post"}],
[?XAE("table", [],
lists:map(Jid_to_remove_form, query_presence_subscribers()) ++
?XCT("td", "Add a subscriber"),
?XE("td", [?INPUTS("text", "new_subscriber", "", "70")])
?XCT("td", "Submit"),
?XE("td", [?INPUTT("submit", "Submit-button", "Execute")])
Static_title ++ Static_form.
process_post(Query, _Node) ->
fun({"new_subscriber", ""}) -> ok;
({"new_subscriber", X}) -> runtime_config(X), ok;
({"delete_subscriber", X}) -> remove_subscriber(X), ok;
(_) -> ok
%% So we're having this bug. Whenever we need to take the cluster down to change
%% ejabberd settings that need a restart to change, we have a ~50% chance of the
%% presences table getting corrupt. Namely, on start we see this error message:
%% =ERROR REPORT==== 10-Feb-2014::14:49:21 ===
Mnesia('ejabberd@*this node's hostname*'): ** ERROR ** (core dumped to file: "/opt/ejabberd-2.1.5/bin/MnesiaCore.ejabberd@*this node's hostname*_1392_43761_551172")
** FATAL ** Failed to merge schema: Bad cookie in table definition presence: 'ejabberd@*this node's hostname*' = {cstruct,presence,set,[],[],['ejabberd@*other node's hostname*'],0,read_write,[],[],false,presence,[key,jids],[],[],{{1391,807862,776322},'ejabberd@*other node's hostname*'},{{2,0},[]}}, 'ejabberd@*other/master node's hostname*' = {cstruct,presence,set,[],[],['ejabberd@*other/master node's hostname*'],0,read_write,[],[],false,presence,[key,jids],[],[],{{1391,807891,609438},'ejabberd@*other/master node's hostname*'},{{2,0},[]}}
%% Most of the time we can do the temporary fix if it only happens on one node,
%% but we've had to completely rebuild our testing server once already. Simply
%% removing the corrupted files constantly isn't tenable. It only seems to be happening
%% to our table, so it sounds like an issue with our use. That said, I've seen a similar
%% error message all over the rabbitmq help lists and the response is always the temporary fix
%% of removing and remaking the tables. What are we doing wrong?
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