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Last active December 18, 2021 19:29
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Animate NeoPixels and keep total brightness on the same level, make your eyes comfortable by avoiding blinks and flashes. Control with BluefruitConnect app. YouTube:
# NeoPixel animations with constant total brightness.
# Made for Circuit Playground Bluefruit
# Follow this guide to setup the board -
# Can be controlled from Bluefruit LE Connect application -
# In the app:
# 1. Connect to CIRCUITPY device
# 2. In menu Controller => Control Pad:
# - Button 1 - set animation type "loop classic"
# - Button 2 - set animation type "loop chase" (it's set by default)
# - Button 3 - set animation type "scanner"
# - Button 4 - set animation type "fire"
# - Button Up - increase animation speed
# - Button Down - slow down animation speed
# - Button Right - increase speed of changing colors (default is 1 - loop takes about 2 minutes, max 10 - loop takes 1 sec)
# - Button Left - slow down speed of changing colors
# 3. In menu Controller => Color Picker:
# - Select a color and send it - will set the current color (speed of changing colors automatically set to 0)
import board
import neopixel
import time
import math
from adafruit_bluefruit_connect.packet import Packet
from adafruit_bluefruit_connect.color_packet import ColorPacket
from adafruit_bluefruit_connect.button_packet import ButtonPacket
# Other packets are not used, we import them to avoid interruption caused by "unrecognized packet" if the phone sends them.
from adafruit_bluefruit_connect.accelerometer_packet import AccelerometerPacket
from adafruit_bluefruit_connect.gyro_packet import GyroPacket
from adafruit_bluefruit_connect.location_packet import LocationPacket
from adafruit_bluefruit_connect.magnetometer_packet import MagnetometerPacket
from adafruit_bluefruit_connect.quaternion_packet import QuaternionPacket
from adafruit_ble import BLERadio
from adafruit_ble.advertising.standard import ProvideServicesAdvertisement
from import UARTService
ble = BLERadio()
uart_service = UARTService()
advertisement = ProvideServicesAdvertisement(uart_service)
num_pixels = 10
pixels = neopixel.NeoPixel(board.NEOPIXEL, num_pixels, brightness=1, auto_write=False)
num_frames = 6000
min_num_frames = num_frames // 10
max_num_frames = num_frames * 4
frames_per_second = 60
frame_duration = 1 / frames_per_second
current_frame_index = 0
color_change_progress = 0
color_change_step = 1 / (120 * frames_per_second)
color_change_speed = 1
selected_color = (255, 41, 0)
# selected_color = (255, 24, 52)
# selected_color = (255, 41, 0)
current_color = selected_color
activation_values = []
for i in range(num_pixels):
# =============
# Helper functions.
# =============
def my_colorwheel(pos):
# Input value 0 to 255, output is tuple = (red, green, blue).
if pos < 0 or pos > 255:
r = g = b = 0
elif pos < 70:
r = int(pos * 3)
g = int(255 - pos * 3)
b = 0
elif pos < 100:
# This part adds Green and Blue, because it's too dark when Red is alone.
if pos < 85:
r = int(pos * 3)
pos -= 70
g = int(45 - pos * 2)
b = 0
pos -= 85
r = int(255 - pos * 3)
g = int(15 - pos)
b = int(pos * 3)
elif pos < 170:
pos -= 85
r = int(255 - pos * 3)
g = 0
b = int(pos * 3)
pos -= 170
r = 0
g = int(pos * 3)
b = int(255 - pos * 3)
return (r, g, b)
def apply_activation_values(values):
for i in range(num_pixels):
current_pixel = (0, 0, 0)
activation = values[i]
r = sum_component(current_pixel[0], current_color[0] * activation)
g = sum_component(current_pixel[1], current_color[1] * activation)
b = sum_component(current_pixel[2], current_color[2] * activation)
new_pixel = (r, g, b)
pixels[i] = new_pixel
def create_animation(type):
order = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
computer = AnimationComputer(order, num_pixels, activation=ActivationQuadratic(), activation_length=5.2, brightness=1.2, progress_multiplier=100)
return AnimationMixer([computer])
order1 = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
computer1 = AnimationComputer(order1, num_pixels, activation=ActivationQuadratic(), activation_length=6, brightness=0.6, progress_multiplier=62)
order2 = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
computer2 = AnimationComputer(order2, num_pixels, activation=ActivationLinear(), activation_length=3.2, brightness=0.59, progress_multiplier=100)
return AnimationMixer([computer1, computer2])
mult = 100
loop1 = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 3, 2, 1]
tail1 = AnimationComputer(loop1, num_pixels, activation=ActivationQuadratic(), activation_length=6, brightness=0.3, progress_multiplier=mult)
head1 = AnimationComputer(loop1, num_pixels, activation=ActivationConstant(), activation_length=1.2, brightness=0.6, advance=4.8, progress_multiplier=mult)
loop2 = [5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 8, 7, 6]
tail2 = AnimationComputer(loop2, num_pixels, activation=ActivationQuadratic(), activation_length=6, brightness=0.3, progress_multiplier=mult)
head2 = AnimationComputer(loop2, num_pixels, activation=ActivationConstant(), activation_length=1.2, brightness=0.6, advance=4.8, progress_multiplier=mult)
return AnimationMixer([tail1, head1, tail2, head2])
elif type == ANIMATION_FIRE:
# Fire with constant total brightness.
loop1 = [0, 9, 1, 8, 2, 7, 3, 6, 4, 5]
flames1 = AnimationComputer(loop1, num_pixels, activation=ActivationQuadratic(), activation_length=5, brightness=0.55, progress_multiplier=120)
loop2 = [3, 2, 4, 1, 5, 0, 6, 9, 7, 8]
flames2 = AnimationComputer(loop2, num_pixels, activation=ActivationQuadratic(), activation_length=7, brightness=0.6, progress_multiplier=78)
return AnimationMixer([flames1, flames2])
# Fire with jumpy total brightness.
# loop1 = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
# quick_wave = AnimationComputer(loop1, num_pixels, activation=ActivationCosinusKxPlusB(k=6*math.pi, b=math.pi, middle=0.2), activation_length=10, brightness=0.5, progress_multiplier=100)
# loop2 = [9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0]
# slow_wave = AnimationComputer(loop2, num_pixels, activation=ActivationQuadratic(), activation_length=5, brightness=0.6, progress_multiplier=78)
# return AnimationMixer([quick_wave, slow_wave])
return None
def create_indexes_all_pixels(num):
array = []
for i in range(num):
return array
def sum_component(a, b):
result = a + b
if result < 0:
# print("overflow minus", result)
result = 0
elif result > 255:
print("overflow plus", result)
result = 255
return int(result)
def relative_position_in_range(value, my_range):
if value < my_range[0]:
return 0
if value > my_range[1]:
return 1
length = my_range[1] - my_range[0]
return (value - my_range[0]) / length
class ActivationBase(object):
def function(self, x):
return 0
def antiderivative_function(self, x):
return 0
class ActivationConstant(ActivationBase):
def function(self, x):
return 1
def antiderivative_function(self, x):
return x
class ActivationLinear(ActivationBase):
def function(self, x):
return x
def antiderivative_function(self, x):
return x * x / 2
class ActivationQuadratic(ActivationBase):
def function(self, x):
return x * x
def antiderivative_function(self, x):
return x * x * x / 3
class ActivationCosinusKxPlusB(ActivationBase):
def __init__(self, k = 1, b = 0, middle=0.5):
self.k = k
self.b = b
self.middle = middle
def function(self, x):
return self.middle + 0.5 * math.cos(self.k * x + self.b)
def antiderivative_function(self, x):
return self.middle * x + math.sin(self.k * x + self.b) / (2 * self.k)
class AnimationComputer(object):
def __init__(self, activation_indexes, num_output_values, activation = ActivationConstant(), brightness = 1, activation_length = 3.5, advance = 0, progress_multiplier=1):
self.activation_indexes = activation_indexes
self.activation = activation
self.brightness = brightness
self.activation_length = activation_length
self.activation_offset = advance
self.num_output_values = num_output_values
self.progress_multiplier = progress_multiplier
num_activation_indexes = len(self.activation_indexes)
self.relative_activation_length = self.activation_length / num_activation_indexes
self.relative_activation_offset = self.activation_offset / num_activation_indexes
self.limit_step = 1 / activation_length
self.antiderivative_function_at_0 = activation.antiderivative_function(0)
self.antiderivative_function_at_1 = activation.antiderivative_function(1)
def compute_activation_values(self, progress, result_values):
num_activation_indexes = len(self.activation_indexes)
relative_start = self.progress_multiplier * progress + self.relative_activation_offset
relative_activation_range = (relative_start, relative_start + self.relative_activation_length)
first_activation_index = int(relative_start * num_activation_indexes)
relative_pixel_length = 1 / num_activation_indexes
relative_first_pixel_end = (first_activation_index + 1) / num_activation_indexes
first_pixel_high_limit = relative_position_in_range(relative_first_pixel_end, relative_activation_range)
antiderivative_function_values = [self.antiderivative_function_at_0]
current_high_limit = first_pixel_high_limit
while current_high_limit < 1:
current_high_limit += self.limit_step
for i in range(len(antiderivative_function_values) - 1):
filled_square = antiderivative_function_values[i + 1] - antiderivative_function_values[i]
activation = self.brightness * filled_square * self.activation_length
destination_index = self.activation_indexes[(first_activation_index + i) % num_activation_indexes]
new_value = result_values[destination_index] + activation
result_values[destination_index] = new_value
class AnimationMixer(object):
def __init__(self, animators):
self.animators = animators
def compute_activation_values(self, progress, cumulative_values):
for animator in self.animators:
animator.compute_activation_values(progress, cumulative_values)
def move_to_next_frame():
global current_frame_index
current_frame_index += 1
if current_frame_index >= num_frames:
current_frame_index = 0
def process_current_frame():
global activation_values
global current_color
global color_change_progress
if color_change_speed > 0:
color_index = int(255 * color_change_progress)
current_color = my_colorwheel(color_index)
color_change_progress += color_change_speed * color_change_speed * color_change_step
if color_change_progress > 1:
color_change_progress -= 1
if num_frames < min_num_frames:
for i in range(num_pixels):
activation_values[i] = 0
progress = current_frame_index / num_frames
mixer.compute_activation_values(progress, activation_values)
# =============
# Main program.
# =============
mixer = create_animation(ANIMATION_LOOP_CHASE)
while True:
# Advertise when not connected.
while not ble.connected:
while ble.connected:
if uart_service.in_waiting:
packet = Packet.from_stream(uart_service)
if isinstance(packet, ColorPacket):
print("New color: ", packet.color)
current_color = packet.color
color_change_speed = 0
elif isinstance(packet, ButtonPacket):
if packet.pressed:
current_progress = current_frame_index / num_frames
percent = 0.25
delta = int(percent * num_frames)
if packet.button == ButtonPacket.UP:
print("Button UP pressed, increasing speed")
if num_frames - delta >= min_num_frames:
num_frames -= delta
current_frame_index = int(current_frame_index * (1 - percent))
elif packet.button == ButtonPacket.DOWN:
print("Button DOWN pressed, decreasing speed")
if num_frames + delta <= max_num_frames:
num_frames += delta
current_frame_index = int(current_frame_index * (1 + percent))
elif packet.button == ButtonPacket.LEFT:
if color_change_speed > 0:
color_change_speed -= 1
elif packet.button == ButtonPacket.RIGHT:
if color_change_speed < 10:
color_change_speed += 1
elif packet.button == ButtonPacket.BUTTON_1:
mixer = create_animation(ANIMATION_LOOP_CLASSIC)
elif packet.button == ButtonPacket.BUTTON_2:
mixer = create_animation(ANIMATION_LOOP_CHASE)
elif packet.button == ButtonPacket.BUTTON_3:
mixer = create_animation(ANIMATION_SCANNER)
elif packet.button == ButtonPacket.BUTTON_4:
mixer = create_animation(ANIMATION_FIRE)
print("Unexpected packet: ", packet)
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