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Created February 20, 2018 19:19
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Git patch functions
# For the following patch functions, we assume your liferay-portal,
# liferay-plugins, and bundles folders live in a parent folder named "liferay"
# Git Format Patch
# Usage: fp <# of commits> <Commit Sha>
# Example: `fp 3 34s3446e`
function fp {
local dirPath=`find ~ -maxdepth 3 -type d -name 'liferay' -print -quit`
local fileCount=$(ls $dirPath/patches | wc -l)
if [ "$fileCount" -gt "0" ]; then
echo -e "\033[02;31mPatch folder already contains the following files:\033[01;00m"
ls "$dirPath"/patches | while read -r file; do echo -e "\033[03;33mRemoval required: \033[01;00m$file"; done
echo -e "Clear files before continuing with 'dp'."
return "0"
git format-patch -"$1" "$2" -o "$dirPath"/patches -q || { dp; echo -e "\033[02;33mPatch files were not created. Check arguments and try again... Clearing any old patch files.\033[01;00m"; return; }
echo -e "Patch files created in $dirPath/patches/"
ls "$dirPath"/patches | while read -r file; do echo -e "\033[03;32mCreated: \033[01;00m$file"; done
echo "Navigate to topic branch and run command 'ap' to apply patch."
# Git Apply Patch
# Usage: ap
function ap {
local dirPath=`find ~ -maxdepth 3 -type d -name 'liferay' -print -quit`
ls "$dirPath"/patches | while read -r file; do echo -e "\033[03;33mPending: \033[01;00m$file"; done
while true; do
echo "Would you like to apply these patch files?"
read yn
case $yn in
[Yy]* ) git am -3 /"$dirPath"/patches/*; echo -e "\033[00;33mIf there are merge conflicts, resolve in your text editor and use \033[00;32m'git am --continue', \033[00;31m'git am --abort', \033[00;00mor \033[00;33m'git am --skip'."; break;;
[Nn]* ) echo "Selected No, Exiting."; break;;
* ) echo "Please answer yes or no."; break;;
# Git Delete Patches
# Clean out your old patch files before working with new ones.
# Usage: dp
function dp {
echo "Cleaning patch files."
local dirPath=`find ~ -maxdepth 3 -type d -name 'liferay' -print -quit`
ls "$dirPath"/patches | while read -r file; do echo -e "\033[03;31mRemoving \033[00;32m$file\033[00;00m" && rm -f "$dirPath"/patches/"$file"; done
echo "Patch files removed."
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