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221892782, 159603608, 159603611, 42475065, 143344148, 255439706, 255439706, 255449317, 255449317, 255783071, 255783071, 255783071, 267093975, 199536137, 199536137, 267093975, 255449317, 255439706, 255439706, 255449317, 230170111, 263736517, 254405130, 254405130, 254405130, 263736517, 254405130, 141976976, 190845747, 158091328, 153656131, 292411577, 44076207, 41825966, 225066177, 171370244, 225066180, 242617499, 43334515, 139109341, 139109341, 158253806, 228406709, 158747331, 158747233, 158746813, 158747180, 158747464, 247278941, 44093436, 240210280, 240209275, 240210015, 240210015, 254405130, 254405130, 254405130, 254405130, 287626677, 287626677, 293838848, 293838846, 173338605, 264982424, 264982424, 230170981, 264982411, 264982411, 264853499, 254570002, 102288539, 231423424, 222835458, 222835458, 222835458, 222835458, 254361150, 102288545, 102288545, 102288539, 224427613, 249668153, 262105296, 225600799, 27665144, 257791275, 254405130, 254405140, 254405140, 254405140, 254405130, 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230125547, 31589050, 183465299, 183465299, 228559719, 230125574, 230125574, 291500667, 291500669, 178402168, 178396261, 230170981, 230170981, 293177207, 256472719, 256472719, 256472719, 256472719, 31574903, 119685173, 119685173, 220814227, 250933818, 250933818, 228392481, 228392480, 228392481, 228392480, 31589050, 31589050, 31589050, 135480779, 31574903, 231771899, 231771898, 219680564, 219680564, 219680564, 53195191, 230170111, 119685173, 178402168, 178396261, 53195191, 171673026, 97842982, 97842982, 247500820, 153194886, 247239868, 169172568, 22815250, 22815250, 169172568, 28865949, 257624141, 257623876, 217257341, 247146493, 210245316, 210245306, 222926784, 85631070, 189759277, 189759278, 223353035, 164214498, 126903177, 191810082, 158538316, 126693135, 126693135, 126694476, 126694279, 158232175, 222952959, 201798694, 154858573, 154138187, 164126277, 164126272, 249256828, 249256828, 249256828, 249256828, 271006448, 271006448, 218279090, 136209030, 136209030, 174338065, 174338065, 161133250, 161133258, 208937194, 208937194, 286006706, 236755927, 236755927, 274571457, 32307778, 192109240, 192109240, 126902878, 126902878, 229081950, 229081950, 266137904, 126693358, 126693358, 126902940, 126902940, 242506809, 154137592, 31589933, 172814065, 89448324, 89448324, 90720058, 158410830, 242171945, 158694625, 274893460, 129896865, 157742755, 160065867, 154612299, 126693073, 126693073, 126693485, 126693485, 154612335, 154620343, 97630864, 169240056, 237602874, 223878965, 167797243, 167797243, 167797243, 217189418, 170028254, 170028254, 220189464, 194947130, 116545551, 189776713, 189776703, 189776705, 189776706, 158696110, 258575221, 44972150, 217189418, 171542841, 242286700, 191555362, 191555350, 191555346, 191554201, 191554198, 191554200, 191554207, 191554194, 191554189, 191815111, 238857240, 190664532, 190664528, 190664524, 220189464, 88713700, 168759581, 169240064, 261725290, 238857263, 242286700, 31824229, 186014787, 186014787, 206915588, 206915588, 206916017, 208922770, 208922606, 186014779, 228277795, 129859470, 8035462, 233549536, 233549536, 207906820, 260840126, 135906564, 135906564, 31852260, 228135686, 242270932, 104334689, 159689510, 204737161, 204736598, 204736650, 124545139, 124545139, 252590641, 206916138, 206916138, 206915187, 206915187, 206916260, 206916029, 206916250, 239470875, 214343821, 214343821, 124583207, 124583175, 124583175, 99885626, 99885626, 100977182, 208923365, 208923365, 228524898, 203680937, 203680937, 285029910, 207906275, 207906723, 161631908, 161631908, 233787777, 161631908, 102229100, 214345914, 214344327, 124583207, 214344739, 159257014, 204737161, 204737141, 221293014, 221293264, 242165339, 242165339, 227976298, 227976298, 227976306, 227976306, 227976311, 227976311, 159251947, 206915388, 206916337, 206916337, 214343965, 214343965, 214346236, 214346236, 203656250, 203656250, 203656250, 203656250, 290826012, 290826008, 257040095, 257040210, 257040210, 257040095, 219757763, 219720944, 135952642, 105301365, 285812192, 242762139, 242762138, 242762140, 206265764, 206265764, 206265764, 206265764, 219719850, 182238238, 233690911, 197609196, 197609196, 241964227, 256249492, 256249492, 31588045, 223172545, 31588045, 31588045, 206915970, 206915129, 206915129, 206916170, 206916170, 206915119, 206915119, 206915587, 206915587, 214964534, 206915125, 256778690, 217323366, 234150522, 217323365, 217323365, 217323365, 217323365, 256920519, 256920519, 256787441, 256787441, 256784423, 175355537, 175355537, 223588650, 223588650, 223588650, 223588650, 241964223, 230519777, 35903312, 35903312, 44990215, 241965624, 241965624, 157623007, 157623007, 157623007, 258465837, 258465837, 31588045, 31588045, 257325983, 31985761, 31985761, 31985761, 31985761, 256778690, 256778690, 257040200, 157623007, 157623007, 242419969, 242419969, 167704986, 167704986, 153533672, 30472446, 30472446, 30472446, 30472446, 175355537, 175355537, 214964534, 150998045, 45151664, 169294029, 191777037, 191777037, 169294029, 169294029, 102229100, 135931247, 102229100, 129753210, 227882785, 159256252, 159256254, 159256255, 157623007, 31588716, 31588716, 31588743, 31588743
awk '{ split($8, a, "/"); sub("\)", "", a[6]); printf a[6]", " }' Flares_BRA.txt > Flares_BRA.ids ; sed -i 's/, $//' Flares_BRA.ids
sed -e 's/^.*o5m: //' -e 's/(\([^ ]*\)) /<a href=\"\1\">here<\/a> /' -e 's/(either .*)//' -e 's/(\(http[^ ]*\))/<a href=\"\1\">here<\/a>/' Motorway_exits_BRA.txt | awk 'BEGIN { print "<ol>" } { print "<li>"$0"</li>" } END { print "</ol>" }' > Motorway_exits_BRA.html
<li>Motorway exit 45 <a href="">here</a> has no motorway! </li>
<li>Motorway exit 42 A <a href="">here</a> has no motorway! </li>
<li>Motorway exit 48 <a href="">here</a> has no motorway! </li>
<li>Motorway exit Canaã dos Carajás <a href="">here</a> has no motorway! </li>
<li>Motorway exit 42 B <a href="">here</a> has no motorway! </li>
<li>Motorway exit KM 16 <a href="">here</a> has no motorway! </li>
<li>Motorway exit Serviço de Atendimento ao Usuário <a href="">here</a> has no motorway! </li>
<li>Motorway exit 42 A <a href="">here</a> has no motorway! </li>
<li>Motorway exit 293 B <a href="">here</a> has no motorway! </li>
<li>Motorway exit 293 B <a href="">here</a> has no motorway! </li>
<li>Motorway exit 44 <a href="">here</a> has no motorway! </li>
<li>Motorway exit 45 <a href="">here</a> has no motorway! </li>
<li>Motorway exit 43 <a href="">here</a> has no motorway! </li>
<li>Motorway exit 42 B <a href="">here</a> has no motorway! </li>
<li>Motorway exit 43 <a href="">here</a> has no motorway! </li>
<li>Motorway exit 445-B <a href="">here</a> has no motorway! </li>
<li>Motorway exit 445-A <a href="">here</a> has no motorway! </li>
<li>Motorway exit Rancharia/SP-284 <a href="">here</a> has no motorway! </li>
<li>Motorway exit null <a href="">here</a> has no motorway! </li>
<li>Motorway exit Sistema de Atendimento ao Usuário <a href="">here</a> has no motorway! </li>
<li>Motorway exit Sistema de Atendimento ao Usuário <a href="">here</a> has no motorway! </li>
<li>Motorway exit null <a href="">here</a> has no motorway! </li>
<li>Motorway exit null <a href="">here</a> has no motorway! </li>
<li>Motorway exit null <a href="">here</a> has no motorway! </li>
<li>Motorway exit Posto Acaray <a href="">here</a> has no motorway! </li>
<li>Motorway exit null <a href="">here</a> has no motorway! </li>
<li>Motorway exit Trevo de Iraí <a href="">here</a> has no motorway! </li>
<li>Motorway exit null <a href="">here</a> has no motorway! </li>
<li>Motorway exit Trevo de Urupema <a href="">here</a> has no motorway! </li>
<li>Motorway exit null is positioned on a motorway that doesn't have a 'ref' tag <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Motorway exit Guaruva;Curitiba <a href="">here</a> has no motorway! </li>
<li>Motorway exit Guaruva;Curitiba <a href="">here</a> has no motorway! </li>
<li>Motorway exit Florianópolis <a href="">here</a> has no motorway! </li>
<li>Motorway exit 42 <a href="">here</a> has no motorway! </li>
<li>Motorway exit Florianópolis <a href="">here</a> has no motorway! </li>
<li>Motorway exit Retorno <a href="">here</a> has no motorway! </li>
<li>Motorway exit Retorno <a href="">here</a> has no motorway! </li>
<li>Motorway exit Florianópolis <a href="">here</a> has no motorway! </li>
<li>Motorway exit Posto Mime <a href="">here</a> has no motorway! </li>
<li>Motorway exit Trevo de Taquaras <a href="">here</a> has no motorway! </li>
<li>Motorway exit Joinville;Curitiba <a href="">here</a> has no motorway! </li>
<li>Motorway exit 41 <a href="">here</a> has no motorway! </li>
<li>Motorway exit Florianópolis <a href="">here</a> has no motorway! </li>
<li>Motorway exit Florianópolis <a href="">here</a> has no motorway! </li>
<li>Motorway exit Guaruva;Curitiba <a href="">here</a> has no motorway! </li>
<li>Motorway exit Trevo de Urubici <a href="">here</a> has no motorway! </li>
<li>Motorway exit Florianópolis <a href="">here</a> has no motorway! </li>
<li>Motorway exit Florianópolis <a href="">here</a> has no motorway! </li>
<li>Motorway exit Florianopoli <a href="">here</a> has no motorway! </li>
<li>Motorway exit Florianópolis <a href="">here</a> has no motorway! </li>
<li>Motorway exit Curitiba <a href="">here</a> has no motorway! </li>
<li>Motorway exit Curitiba <a href="">here</a> has no motorway! </li>
<li>Motorway exit Florianópolis <a href="">here</a> has no motorway! </li>
<li>Motorway exit Joinville;Curitiba <a href="">here</a> has no motorway! </li>
<li>Motorway exit Joinville;Curitiba <a href="">here</a> has no motorway! </li>
<li>Motorway exit Florianópolis <a href="">here</a> has no motorway! </li>
<li>Motorway exit Trevo da Brahma <a href="">here</a> has no motorway! </li>
<li>Motorway exit Joinville;Curitiba <a href="">here</a> has no motorway! </li>
<li>Motorway exit Florianópolis <a href="">here</a> has no motorway! </li>
<li>Motorway exit 120 <a href="">here</a> has no motorway! </li>
<li>Motorway exit Auto Posto Janaína <a href="">here</a> has no motorway! </li>
<li>Motorway exit Trevo de Rio Canoas <a href="">here</a> has no motorway! </li>
<li>Motorway exit Retorno <a href="">here</a> has no motorway! </li>
<li>Motorway exit Distribuidora de GLP <a href="">here</a> has no motorway! </li>
<li>Motorway exit Florianópolis <a href="">here</a> has no motorway! </li>
<li>Motorway exit Guaruva ;Curitiba <a href="">here</a> has no motorway! </li>
<li>Motorway exit Retorno <a href="">here</a> has no motorway! </li>
<li>Motorway exit Florianópolis <a href="">here</a> has no motorway! </li>
<li>Motorway exit Joinville;Curitiba <a href="">here</a> has no motorway! </li>
<li>Motorway exit Florianópolis <a href="">here</a> has no motorway! </li>
<li>Motorway exit Guaruva;Curitiba <a href="">here</a> has no motorway! </li>
<li>Motorway exit null is positioned on a motorway that doesn't have a 'ref' tag <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Motorway exit null is positioned on a motorway that doesn't have a 'ref' tag <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Motorway exit null is positioned on a motorway that doesn't have a 'ref' tag <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Motorway exit null <a href="">here</a> has no motorway! </li>
<li>Motorway exit null <a href="">here</a> has no motorway! </li>
<li>Motorway exit null <a href="">here</a> has no motorway! </li>
<li>Motorway exit Posto Túlio III <a href="">here</a> has no motorway! </li>
<li>Motorway exit Guaratuba <a href="">here</a> has no motorway! </li>
<li>Motorway exit Curitiba <a href="">here</a> has no motorway! </li>
<li>Motorway exit null <a href="">here</a> has no motorway! </li>
<li>Motorway exit Florianópolis <a href="">here</a> has no motorway! </li>
<li>Motorway exit Acesso Bairo Novo <a href="">here</a> has no motorway! </li>
<li>Motorway exit null <a href="">here</a> has no motorway! </li>
<li>Motorway exit Acesso para Ilha do Ferro <a href="">here</a> has no motorway! </li>
<li>Motorway exit Avenida Brasil is positioned on a motorway that doesn't have a 'ref' tag <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Motorway exit Avenida Brasil is positioned on a motorway that doesn't have a 'ref' tag <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Motorway exit Avenida Leopoldo Bulhões is positioned on a motorway that doesn't have a 'ref' tag <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Motorway exit Estrada do Pau Ferro is positioned on a motorway that doesn't have a 'ref' tag <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Motorway exit Linha Vermelha is positioned on a motorway that doesn't have a 'ref' tag <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Motorway exit Cidade Universitária is positioned on a motorway that doesn't have a 'ref' tag <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Motorway exit Linha Vermelha is positioned on a motorway that doesn't have a 'ref' tag <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Motorway exit Avenida Brasil is positioned on a motorway that doesn't have a 'ref' tag <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Motorway exit Avenida Brasil is positioned on a motorway that doesn't have a 'ref' tag <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Motorway exit Vila do João is positioned on a motorway that doesn't have a 'ref' tag <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Motorway exit Vila do João is positioned on a motorway that doesn't have a 'ref' tag <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Motorway exit Vila dos Pinheiros is positioned on a motorway that doesn't have a 'ref' tag <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Motorway exit Vila dos Pinheiros is positioned on a motorway that doesn't have a 'ref' tag <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Motorway exit Avenida Brasil is positioned on a motorway that doesn't have a 'ref' tag <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Motorway exit Avenida Brasil is positioned on a motorway that doesn't have a 'ref' tag <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Motorway exit Avenida Brasil is positioned on a motorway that doesn't have a 'ref' tag <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Motorway exit Avenida Brasil is positioned on a motorway that doesn't have a 'ref' tag <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Motorway exit Linha Vermelha is positioned on a motorway that doesn't have a 'ref' tag <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Motorway exit Cidade Universitária is positioned on a motorway that doesn't have a 'ref' tag <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Motorway exit Avenida Dom Hélder Câmara is positioned on a motorway that doesn't have a 'ref' tag <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Motorway exit Rua Guilhermina is positioned on a motorway that doesn't have a 'ref' tag <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Motorway exit Rua Guilhermina is positioned on a motorway that doesn't have a 'ref' tag <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Motorway exit Engenho de Dentro is positioned on a motorway that doesn't have a 'ref' tag <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Motorway exit Rua Guineza is positioned on a motorway that doesn't have a 'ref' tag <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Motorway exit Del Castilho is positioned on a motorway that doesn't have a 'ref' tag <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Motorway exit Avenida Dom Hélder Câmara is positioned on a motorway that doesn't have a 'ref' tag <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Motorway exit Cidade de Deus is positioned on a motorway that doesn't have a 'ref' tag <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Motorway exit Jacarepaguá is positioned on a motorway that doesn't have a 'ref' tag <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Motorway exit Jacarepaguá is positioned on a motorway that doesn't have a 'ref' tag <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Motorway exit Avenida dos Democráticos is positioned on a motorway that doesn't have a 'ref' tag <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Motorway exit Estrada Adhemar Bebiano is positioned on a motorway that doesn't have a 'ref' tag <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Motorway exit Estrada Adhemar Bebiano is positioned on a motorway that doesn't have a 'ref' tag <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Motorway exit Bonsucesso is positioned on a motorway that doesn't have a 'ref' tag <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Motorway exit Avenida dos Democráticos is positioned on a motorway that doesn't have a 'ref' tag <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Motorway exit Avenida Leopoldo Bulhões is positioned on a motorway that doesn't have a 'ref' tag <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Motorway exit Morro do Timbau is positioned on a motorway that doesn't have a 'ref' tag <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Motorway exit Morro do Timbau is positioned on a motorway that doesn't have a 'ref' tag <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Motorway exit Estrada do Pau Ferro is positioned on a motorway that doesn't have a 'ref' tag <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Motorway exit Avenida Pastor Martin Luther King Junior is positioned on a motorway that doesn't have a 'ref' tag <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Motorway exit Avenida Pastor Martin Luther King Junior is positioned on a motorway that doesn't have a 'ref' tag <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Motorway exit Avenida Pastor Martin Luther King Junior is positioned on a motorway that doesn't have a 'ref' tag <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Motorway exit Avenida Pastor Martin Luther King Junior is positioned on a motorway that doesn't have a 'ref' tag <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Motorway exit São João de Meriti / Vilar dos Teles / Retorno is positioned on a motorway that doesn't have a 'ref' tag <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Motorway exit Jacarepaguá is positioned on a motorway that doesn't have a 'ref' tag <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Motorway exit Jacarepaguá is positioned on a motorway that doesn't have a 'ref' tag <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Motorway exit Jacarepaguá is positioned on a motorway that doesn't have a 'ref' tag <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Motorway exit Méier is positioned on a motorway that doesn't have a 'ref' tag <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Motorway exit Avenida Pastor Martin Luther King Junior is positioned on a motorway that doesn't have a 'ref' tag <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Motorway exit Avenida Leopoldo Bulhões is positioned on a motorway that doesn't have a 'ref' tag <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Motorway exit Avenida dos Democráticos is positioned on a motorway that doesn't have a 'ref' tag <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Motorway exit Avenida dos Democráticos is positioned on a motorway that doesn't have a 'ref' tag <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Motorway exit Estrada Adhemar Bebiano is positioned on a motorway that doesn't have a 'ref' tag <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Motorway exit Del Castilho is positioned on a motorway that doesn't have a 'ref' tag <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Motorway exit Estrada Adhemar Bebiano is positioned on a motorway that doesn't have a 'ref' tag <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Motorway exit Méier is positioned on a motorway that doesn't have a 'ref' tag <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Motorway exit Linha Vermelha is positioned on a motorway that doesn't have a 'ref' tag <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Motorway exit Pavuna / Acari / Retorno is positioned on a motorway that doesn't have a 'ref' tag <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Motorway exit Rua Borja Reis is positioned on a motorway that doesn't have a 'ref' tag <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Motorway exit Rua Dois de Fevereiro is positioned on a motorway that doesn't have a 'ref' tag <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Motorway exit Vila do João <a href="">here</a> has no motorway! </li>
<li>Motorway exit 6: Estrada Adhemar Bebiano <a href="">here</a> has no motorway! </li>
<li>Motorway exit 168: São João de Meriti / Vilar dos Teles / Retorno <a href="">here</a> has no motorway! </li>
<li>Motorway exit 3: Engenho de Dentro <a href="">here</a> has no motorway! </li>
<li>Motorway exit 2: Rua Borja Reis <a href="">here</a> has no motorway! </li>
<li>Motorway exit 5: Avenida Pastor Martin Luther King Junior <a href="">here</a> has no motorway! </li>
<li>Motorway exit 3: Rua Guineza <a href="">here</a> has no motorway! </li>
<li>Motorway exit 4A: Del Castilho <a href="">here</a> has no motorway! </li>
<li>Motorway exit 3: Rua Guilhermina <a href="">here</a> has no motorway! </li>
<li>Motorway exit Cidade Universitária <a href="">here</a> has no motorway! </li>
<li>Motorway exit 10B: Linha Vermelha <a href="">here</a> has no motorway! </li>
<li>Motorway exit Cidade Universitária <a href="">here</a> has no motorway! </li>
<li>Motorway exit 1B: Jacarepaguá <a href="">here</a> has no motorway! </li>
<li>Motorway exit 2: Rua Dois de Fevereiro <a href="">here</a> has no motorway! </li>
<li>Motorway exit 9B: Avenida Brasil <a href="">here</a> has no motorway! </li>
<li>Motorway exit 8: Avenida Leopoldo Bulhões <a href="">here</a> has no motorway! </li>
<li>Motorway exit 9A: Avenida Brasil <a href="">here</a> has no motorway! </li>
<li>Motorway exit 9C: Avenida Brasil <a href="">here</a> has no motorway! </li>
<li>Motorway exit 9D: Avenida Brasil <a href="">here</a> has no motorway! </li>
<li>Motorway exit 9D: Avenida Brasil <a href="">here</a> has no motorway! </li>
<li>Motorway exit 163C: Vista Alegre / Cordovil / Braz de Pina <a href="">here</a> has no motorway! </li>
<li>Motorway exit 7: Avenida dos Democráticos <a href="">here</a> has no motorway! </li>
<li>Motorway exit 4: Del Castilho <a href="">here</a> has no motorway! </li>
<li>Motorway exit 163B: Niterói / Copacabana / Retorno <a href="">here</a> has no motorway! </li>
<li>Motorway exit 166B: Pavuna / Acari / Retorno <a href="">here</a> has no motorway! </li>
<li>Motorway exit 1A: Estrada do Pau Ferro <a href="">here</a> has no motorway! </li>
<li>Motorway exit 1B: Estrada do Pau Ferro <a href="">here</a> has no motorway! </li>
<li>Motorway exit 2: Méier <a href="">here</a> has no motorway! </li>
<li>Motorway exit 1: Jacarepaguá <a href="">here</a> has no motorway! </li>
<li>Motorway exit Morro do Timbau <a href="">here</a> has no motorway! </li>
<li>Motorway exit Morro do Timbau <a href="">here</a> has no motorway! </li>
<li>Motorway exit 10A: Linha Vermelha <a href="">here</a> has no motorway! </li>
<li>Motorway exit 4: Avenida Dom Hélder Câmara <a href="">here</a> has no motorway! </li>
<li>Motorway exit 1: Jacarepaguá <a href="">here</a> has no motorway! </li>
<li>Motorway exit Cidade de Deus <a href="">here</a> has no motorway! </li>
<li>Motorway exit 1: Jacarepaguá <a href="">here</a> has no motorway! </li>
<li>Motorway exit 1A: Jacarepaguá <a href="">here</a> has no motorway! </li>
<li>Motorway exit 3: Rua Guilhermina <a href="">here</a> has no motorway! </li>
<li>Motorway exit 5: Avenida Pastor Martin Luther King Junior <a href="">here</a> has no motorway! </li>
<li>Motorway exit 5A: Avenida Pastor Martin Luther King Junior <a href="">here</a> has no motorway! </li>
<li>Motorway exit 6: Estrada Adhemar Bebiano <a href="">here</a> has no motorway! </li>
<li>Motorway exit 10A: Linha Vermelha <a href="">here</a> has no motorway! </li>
<li>Motorway exit 9A: Avenida Brasil <a href="">here</a> has no motorway! </li>
<li>Motorway exit 6: Estrada Adhemar Bebiano <a href="">here</a> has no motorway! </li>
<li>Motorway exit 5: Avenida Pastor Martin Luther King Junior <a href="">here</a> has no motorway! </li>
<li>Motorway exit 2: Méier <a href="">here</a> has no motorway! </li>
<li>Motorway exit 4: Avenida Dom Hélder Câmara <a href="">here</a> has no motorway! </li>
<li>Motorway exit 5: Avenida Pastor Martin Luther King Junior <a href="">here</a> has no motorway! </li>
<li>Motorway exit 6: Estrada Adhemar Bebiano <a href="">here</a> has no motorway! </li>
<li>Motorway exit 9B: Avenida Brasil <a href="">here</a> has no motorway! </li>
<li>Motorway exit 7: Avenida dos Democráticos <a href="">here</a> has no motorway! </li>
<li>Motorway exit 7: Avenida dos Democráticos <a href="">here</a> has no motorway! </li>
<li>Motorway exit 9C: Avenida Brasil <a href="">here</a> has no motorway! </li>
<li>Motorway exit 7: Avenida dos Democráticos <a href="">here</a> has no motorway! </li>
<li>Motorway exit Vila do João <a href="">here</a> has no motorway! </li>
<li>Motorway exit 8: Avenida Leopoldo Bulhões <a href="">here</a> has no motorway! </li>
<li>Motorway exit 8: Bonsucesso <a href="">here</a> has no motorway! </li>
<li>Motorway exit 8: Avenida Leopoldo Bulhões <a href="">here</a> has no motorway! </li>
<li>Motorway exit Vila dos Pinheiros <a href="">here</a> has no motorway! </li>
<li>Motorway exit Vila dos Pinheiros <a href="">here</a> has no motorway! </li>
<li>Motorway exit 10B: Linha Vermelha <a href="">here</a> has no motorway! </li>
<li>Motorway exit Base de operações da Autopista Fluminense <a href="">here</a> has no motorway! </li>
<li>Motorway exit Base de operações da Autopista Fluminense <a href="">here</a> has no motorway! </li>
<li>Motorway exit Base de operações da CCR Via Lagos <a href="">here</a> has no motorway! </li>
<li>Motorway exit Serviço de Atendimento ao Usuário 07 <a href="">here</a> has no motorway! </li>
<li>Motorway exit Serviço de Atendimento ao Usuário 08 <a href="">here</a> has no motorway! </li>
<li>Motorway exit null <a href="">here</a> has no motorway! </li>
<li>Motorway exit null <a href="">here</a> has no motorway! </li>
<li>Motorway exit null <a href="">here</a> has no motorway! </li>
<li>Motorway exit null <a href="">here</a> has no motorway! </li>
<li>Motorway exit null <a href="">here</a> has no motorway! </li>
<li>Motorway exit null <a href="">here</a> has no motorway! </li>
<li>Motorway exit Carretão <a href="">here</a> has no motorway! </li>
<li>Motorway exit null <a href="">here</a> has no motorway! </li>
<li>Motorway exit null <a href="">here</a> has no motorway! </li>
<li>Motorway exit null is positioned on a motorway that doesn't have a 'ref' tag <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Motorway exit null <a href="">here</a> has no motorway! </li>
<li>Motorway exit null <a href="">here</a> has no motorway! </li>
<li>Motorway exit Retorno <a href="">here</a> has no motorway! </li>
<li>Motorway exit Saída Rua Pedro Zolcsak <a href="">here</a> has no motorway! </li>
<li>Motorway exit Base de Apoio <a href="">here</a> has no motorway! </li>
<li>Motorway exit Beto Carrero World <a href="">here</a> has no motorway! </li>
<li>Motorway exit null <a href="">here</a> has no motorway! </li>
<li>Motorway exit Fazenda Matinha <a href="">here</a> has no motorway! </li>
<li>Motorway exit Ponte Alta <a href="">here</a> has no motorway! </li>
<li>Motorway exit SPD 110/330: Saída 110 <a href="">here</a> has no motorway! </li>
<li>Motorway exit Serviço de Atendimento ao Usuário <a href="">here</a> has no motorway! </li>
<li>Motorway exit null is positioned on a motorway that doesn't have a 'ref' tag <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Motorway exit null is positioned on a motorway that doesn't have a 'ref' tag <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Motorway exit null <a href="">here</a> has no motorway! </li>
<li>Motorway exit null <a href="">here</a> has no motorway! </li>
<li>Motorway exit null <a href="">here</a> has no motorway! </li>
<li>Motorway exit Bairro dos Pintos <a href="">here</a> has no motorway! </li>
<li>Motorway exit null <a href="">here</a> has no motorway! </li>
<li>Motorway exit null <a href="">here</a> has no motorway! </li>
<li>Motorway exit null <a href="">here</a> has no motorway! </li>
<li>Motorway exit null <a href="">here</a> has no motorway! </li>
<li>Motorway exit null <a href="">here</a> has no motorway! </li>
<li>Motorway exit null <a href="">here</a> has no motorway! </li>
<li>Motorway exit null <a href="">here</a> has no motorway! </li>
<li>Motorway exit null <a href="">here</a> has no motorway! </li>
<li>Motorway exit null <a href="">here</a> has no motorway! </li>
<li>Motorway exit Escritorio da CRR Nova Dutra <a href="">here</a> has no motorway! </li>
<li>Motorway exit null <a href="">here</a> has no motorway! </li>
<li>Motorway exit null <a href="">here</a> has no motorway! </li>
<li>Motorway exit null <a href="">here</a> has no motorway! </li>
252645, 333597, 334443, 334469, 297640, 297756, 336819, 411942, 411943, 1150976, 18262, 298204, 59470, 298489, 59470, 315173, 334400, 334443, 120027, 252645, 272644, 287083, 288247, 2235305, 326287, 404938, 405935, 406273, 406601, 408005, 408006, 421231, 537447, 185579, 1359366, 1385038, 2844750, 3073228, 287082, 287083, 333597, 336750, 336819, 3286045, 1891287, 1891289, 1891295, 1921996, 1921999, 1922002, 1922009, 1994077, 1994081, 1994083, 1994086, 1994138, 1994139, 3603508, 1663787, 1663797, 2269815, 2346720, 2567032, 2567043, 2730910, 3358584, 3360565, 3360778, 3366064, 3366155, 3369462, 3369463, 3369531, 3369824, 3369825, 3418408, 3430824, 3435827, 3436381, 3511814, 3607108, 3763689, 3359944, 3360778, 3538819, 3542560, 2261249, 2261249, 2633925, 3349771, 3359944, 3360565, 3360778, 3394685, 3394685, 3417239, 3417790, 3458539, 3458539
3459320, 3460878, 3526247, 3596932, 3596932, 3630030, 3630030, 3630383, 3630383, 3630886, 3633961, 3633961, 3645898, 3645898, 3645938, 3645938, 3645997, 3658130, 3660847, 3674509, 3674509, 3678671, 3678671, 3684283, 3684283, 3687732, 3692678, 3692678, 3697993, 3698936, 3698936, 3704267, 3706503, 3706503, 3706516, 3706516, 3706884, 3706884, 3710837, 3710837, 3721638, 3730192, 3730192, 3730192, 3730391, 3730391, 3731532, 3731532, 3732012, 3732012, 3748015, 3748015, 3749170, 3749379, 3749379, 3749676, 3749676, 3753760, 3753760, 3776312, 3776312, 3779510, 3779510, 3779923, 3819958, 3819958, 59470, 105913, 105913, 6515, 6515, 59470, 287077, 297640, 334400, 389880, 389881, 389882, 389885, 389888, 411942, 411943, 417131, 417132, 443985, 103773, 105851, 153552, 456940, 286393, 287072, 287077, 297607, 389881, 389888, 389891, 1640982, 1653142, 1656175
2844750, 3134518, 3134519, 3138397, 3138398, 3156447, 3164039, 3164040, 3164041, 3164516, 3173528, 3178832, 3183289, 3195734, 3199543, 3201757, 3203339, 3210790, 3221186, 3221236, 3445389, 3519998, 3638092, 2668493, 2715304, 2844750, 3359944, 3880370, 6515, 6515, 242604, 287072, 558071, 1581763, 1656175, 1706468, 2319475, 2319627, 2390657, 2960965, 3116988, 3117854, 3117855, 3117862, 3117868, 3117882, 3126592, 3168654, 3170149, 3170213, 3172143, 3172144, 3172149, 3172150, 3219188, 3223470, 3350965, 3396483, 3460668, 3638299, 3642360, 3660452, 3660560, 3802103, 242604, 242620, 296584, 558071, 1346384, 3334216, 296584, 296679, 297492, 297640, 298034, 298204, 298489, 1128252, 2844750, 3073228, 3351448, 3366914, 3564480, 3871700, 302635, 302819, 376153, 456939, 912551, 1748224, 2254933, 59470, 2580829, 3217265, 3291988, 334443, 336828, 362477, 362494
3836906, 913876, 1150976, 1150976, 3859607, 3859607, 3859607, 3859607, 3859627, 3859663, 3859663, 3859678, 3859783, 3859821, 59470, 303682, 402875, 1145613, 1464886, 1729058, 2431020, 2438647, 2696206, 2750810, 3330723, 3360429, 3595874, 3609049, 3766948, 3800575, 3800967, 3802298, 3814713, 1862237, 1902927, 3359944, 3614348, 57963, 59470, 1994014, 2435074, 2507962, 2719089, 3073228, 3287641, 3407344, 3430886, 3472523, 3483617, 3491451, 3500280, 3501902, 3502688, 3502689, 3502690, 3502753, 3502754, 3502756, 3503522, 3503523, 3503524, 3503529, 3503530, 3503531, 3503532, 3503533, 3509010, 3509327, 3509328, 3509329, 3509330, 3509331, 3509332, 3509333, 3509340, 3835637, 3896135, 3896710, 3896780, 3896781, 3897001, 3897014, 3898110, 59470, 362413, 362413, 404368, 421189, 421198, 421198, 421201, 421211, 421336, 421346, 447558, 913773, 913775, 913776, 936842
944787, 951364, 955446, 955447, 1843580, 1843594, 1850533, 1918731, 1918742, 1918749, 2834755, 3179075, 3341566, 3341567, 3360429, 3400201, 3558621, 3558621, 3558621, 3558621, 3558621, 3558621, 3558621, 3558621, 3558621, 3558621, 3558621, 3558621, 3880194, 315173, 315425, 1554689, 1825818, 1825818, 1825819, 1843576, 1843580, 1848651, 1849450, 1849450, 1966571, 1985810, 2017839, 2215528, 2217369, 2217371, 2235300, 2235335, 3558978, 3771904, 3856679, 54882, 314837, 315173, 362413, 368812, 1840925, 1843574, 1843576, 1843580, 1844437, 1848651, 1875588, 2235302, 2235335, 2235339, 2902869, 2902883, 3073228, 3073651, 3360429, 3408944, 3462248, 314758, 314837, 315173, 315356, 334443, 1909412, 2235297, 2235366, 59470, 1112368, 1986273, 2428128, 3310015, 3310015, 3073228, 3262474, 3354411, 3359944, 3372096, 3802475, 3802531, 3802536, 3802537, 3850900, 3865180, 298204
298501, 315173, 2235304, 2235368, 2661855, 3244117, 59470, 298204, 298285, 314951, 315173, 2235304, 2235366, 2661855, 2757112, 3049355, 3073228, 3424557, 3769219
180071710, 180071710, 180071710, 180071710, 180071710, 180071739, 180071739, 180071739, 180071739, 180071739, 206785384, 206785289, 276782046, 238981984
180071710, 180071710, 180071710, 180071710, 180071710, 180071739, 180071739, 180071739, 180071739, 180071739, 206785384, 206785289, 276782046, 238981984
grep repeated Multipolygon_BRA.txt | awk '{ printf $10", " }' | sed 's/, $//' > Multipolygon_BRA-repeated-ways.ids
252645, 333597, 334443, 334469, 297640, 297756, 336819, 411942, 411943, 1150976, 18262, 298204, 59470, 298489, 59470, 315173, 334400, 334443, 120027, 252645, 272644, 287083, 288247, 2235305, 326287, 404938, 405935, 406273, 406601, 408005, 408006, 421231, 537447, 185579, 1359366, 1385038, 2844750, 3073228, 287082, 287083, 333597, 336750, 336819, 3286045, 1891287, 1891289, 1891295, 1921996, 1921999, 1922002, 1922009, 1994077, 1994081, 1994083, 1994086, 1994138, 1994139, 3603508, 1663787, 1663797, 2269815, 2346720, 2567032, 2567043, 2730910, 3358584, 3360565, 3360778, 3366064, 3366155, 3369462, 3369463, 3369531, 3369824, 3369825, 3418408, 3430824, 3435827, 3436381, 3511814, 3607108, 3763689, 3359944, 3360778, 3538819, 3542560, 2261249, 2261249, 2633925, 3349771, 3359944, 3360565, 3360778, 3394685, 3394685, 3417239, 3417790, 3458539, 3458539, 3459320, 3459320, 3460878, 3526247, 3596932, 3596932, 3630030, 3630030, 3630383, 3630383, 3630886, 3633961, 3633961, 3645898, 3645898, 3645938, 3645938, 3645997, 3658130, 3660847, 3674509, 3674509, 3678671, 3678671, 3684283, 3684283, 3687732, 3692678, 3692678, 3697993, 3698936, 3698936, 3704267, 3706503, 3706503, 3706516, 3706516, 3706884, 3706884, 3710837, 3710837, 3721638, 3730192, 3730192, 3730192, 3730391, 3730391, 3731532, 3731532, 3732012, 3732012, 3748015, 3748015, 3749170, 3749379, 3749379, 3749676, 3749676, 3753760, 3753760, 3776312, 3776312, 3779510, 3779510, 3779923, 3819958, 3819958, 59470, 105913, 105913, 6515, 6515, 59470, 287077, 297640, 334400, 389880, 389881, 389882, 389885, 389888, 411942, 411943, 417131, 417132, 443985, 103773, 105851, 153552, 456940, 286393, 287072, 287077, 297607, 389881, 389888, 389891, 1640982, 1653142, 1656175, 2748111, 2844750, 3134518, 3134519, 3138397, 3138398, 3156447, 3164039, 3164040, 3164041, 3164516, 3173528, 3178832, 3183289, 3195734, 3199543, 3201757, 3203339, 3210790, 3221186, 3221236, 3445389, 3519998, 3638092, 2668493, 2715304, 2844750, 3359944, 3880370, 6515, 6515, 242604, 287072, 558071, 1581763, 1656175, 1706468, 2319475, 2319627, 2390657, 2960965, 3116988, 3117854, 3117855, 3117862, 3117868, 3117882, 3126592, 3168654, 3170149, 3170213, 3172143, 3172144, 3172149, 3172150, 3219188, 3223470, 3350965, 3396483, 3460668, 3638299, 3642360, 3660452, 3660560, 3802103, 242604, 242620, 296584, 558071, 1346384, 3334216, 296584, 296679, 297492, 297640, 298034, 298204, 298489, 1128252, 2844750, 3073228, 3351448, 3366914, 3564480, 3871700, 302635, 302819, 376153, 456939, 912551, 1748224, 2254933, 59470, 2580829, 3217265, 3291988, 334443, 336828, 362477, 362494, 362504, 3836906, 913876, 1150976, 1150976, 3859607, 3859607, 3859607, 3859607, 3859627, 3859663, 3859663, 3859678, 3859783, 3859821, 59470, 303682, 402875, 1145613, 1464886, 1729058, 2431020, 2438647, 2696206, 2750810, 3330723, 3360429, 3595874, 3609049, 3766948, 3800575, 3800967, 3802298, 3814713, 1862237, 1902927, 3359944, 3614348, 57963, 59470, 1994014, 2435074, 2507962, 2719089, 3073228, 3287641, 3407344, 3430886, 3472523, 3483617, 3491451, 3500280, 3501902, 3502688, 3502689, 3502690, 3502753, 3502754, 3502756, 3503522, 3503523, 3503524, 3503529, 3503530, 3503531, 3503532, 3503533, 3509010, 3509327, 3509328, 3509329, 3509330, 3509331, 3509332, 3509333, 3509340, 3835637, 3896135, 3896710, 3896780, 3896781, 3897001, 3897014, 3898110, 59470, 362413, 362413, 404368, 421189, 421198, 421198, 421201, 421211, 421336, 421346, 447558, 913773, 913775, 913776, 936842, 936844, 944787, 951364, 955446, 955447, 1843580, 1843594, 1850533, 1918731, 1918742, 1918749, 2834755, 3179075, 3341566, 3341567, 3360429, 3400201, 3558621, 3558621, 3558621, 3558621, 3558621, 3558621, 3558621, 3558621, 3558621, 3558621, 3558621, 3558621, 3880194, 315173, 315425, 1554689, 1825818, 1825818, 1825819, 1843576, 1843580, 1848651, 1849450, 1849450, 1966571, 1985810, 2017839, 2215528, 2217369, 2217371, 2235300, 2235335, 3558978, 3771904, 3856679, 54882, 314837, 315173, 362413, 368812, 1840925, 1843574, 1843576, 1843580, 1844437, 1848651, 1875588, 2235302, 2235335, 2235339, 2902869, 2902883, 3073228, 3073651, 3360429, 3408944, 3462248, 314758, 314837, 315173, 315356, 334443, 1909412, 2235297, 2235366, 59470, 1112368, 1986273, 2428128, 3310015, 3310015, 3073228, 3262474, 3354411, 3359944, 3372096, 3802475, 3802531, 3802536, 3802537, 3850900, 3865180, 298204, 298285, 298501, 315173, 2235304, 2235368, 2661855, 3244117, 59470, 298204, 298285, 314951, 315173, 2235304, 2235366, 2661855, 2757112, 3049355, 3073228, 3424557, 3769219
grep relation Multipolygon_BRA.txt | sed 's/^.*\(http[^ ]*\).*$/\1/' | grep ^http | awk '{FS="/"}{ printf $6", " }' | sed -e 's/^, //' -e 's/, $//' > Multipolygon_BRA.ids
248482159, 153886019, 148132866, 140483324, 116196719, 140346788, 116199417, 116199411, 289897668, 289897692, 249796407, 155224269, 127063777, 127063783, 127063771, 127063775, 127064699, 127064732, 127064729, 255718434, 282404969, 228392082, 85529904, 282397570, 282397660, 127321320, 127321309, 127320874, 127320243, 198099026, 247426028, 152584038, 152584031, 152583358, 232787628, 194375889, 194375888, 144640037, 144640012, 144640013, 144640015, 144640017, 129304644, 91033314, 163736984, 163736985, 285239348, 49922812, 49922811, 232600049, 232600053, 116877380, 163175667, 163175667, 116182850, 181788856, 181788853, 181791345, 162882739, 282344089, 145115091, 140253565, 285838197, 293230509, 293230511, 285838862, 285839701, 285839698, 285840189, 293227244, 184213640, 157869168, 219411193, 219411195, 167550212, 193430556, 141350582, 160492075, 43386826, 43386826, 241329034, 241328983, 43303873, 160008987, 43032223, 241703465, 28994244, 232892611, 243217186, 243217161, 279730607, 240515731, 28959941, 167617358, 167617358, 240518100, 168150059, 168150061, 186755996
182188471, 223918419, 234303208, 161928736, 161928779, 241817557, 255642632, 255642637, 184361001, 43224567, 43224568, 43224547, 43224552, 68323559, 157802812, 250737771, 32316903, 253704594, 131260997, 115575838, 239339118, 286962602, 288382130, 288381707, 286418055, 286418057, 285982904, 285989310, 285989183, 167828893, 142603414, 156965827, 156965834, 239381674, 239381675, 277140824, 277140545, 292582996, 32344835, 223218079, 194400035, 194400032, 288679139, 288679137, 288895366, 288895348, 288678317, 288678318, 288681718, 288680958, 288680959, 285709448, 285709449, 288890378, 199820433, 259282431, 247424448, 171851154, 154927738, 154927694, 199806239, 161543212, 161543170, 161543135, 253629103, 225718281, 129306533, 287314335, 212494230, 212494231, 287314457, 284608168, 242615227, 212486988, 212486979, 283837871, 283837871, 283837873, 283837873, 288986345, 283837552, 250826187, 283837551, 259804833, 259804832, 288980024, 288980004, 288980075, 253671074, 253671073, 278399228, 278399226, 165144684, 194214696, 286755706, 286755705, 287011628, 247782217, 247782121
269750530, 129005355, 215517578, 243371260, 243371260, 243371281, 176521783, 265985521, 269750026, 197912409, 197912418, 193416193, 193416195, 194962753, 287430976, 211035948, 28620672, 207795204, 181941446, 283511805, 283511805, 283511803, 283511803, 283511850, 168043496, 259113288, 259113291, 259113283, 259113278, 288399549, 220776552, 293122614, 191656744, 191656745, 293120800, 293120799, 30141688, 293797261, 293797262, 165785142, 165785141, 237136953, 237136953, 254577136, 254577132, 254577133, 254577135, 282395574, 290614650, 290614650, 150610034, 288674972, 288674970, 134803011, 291178862, 70947519, 70947518, 168654489, 235503025, 287584061, 276281176, 276281175, 235992854, 235992855, 292055998, 131313385, 159825801, 160065623, 223480037, 223480037, 223480035, 221553269, 221551735, 214758001, 276916434, 276916437, 48691836, 126532887, 292649278, 292649770, 292649789, 103486373, 103486384, 103486351, 103486347, 103486353, 284327239, 284327239, 27574170, 236760091, 236760089, 236760092, 282910602, 282910600, 28068761, 28068764, 189241369, 266015271, 266015271
253123121, 92936245, 92936251, 281912737, 281912736, 292009398, 92358151, 96837425, 96837429, 132635663, 258642801, 37922860, 70057086, 70057088, 92612617, 92612636, 150213230, 150213235, 236661009, 236661008, 279479865, 279479870, 222583675, 241170896, 241170877, 48622597, 91966101, 281453812, 281453813, 287517208, 292017158, 292017157, 261629897, 261629898, 195554885, 126450378, 131340358, 209548533, 265099373, 183061129, 183061120, 212724063, 212724058, 265099186, 49555554, 49555552, 211480207, 211480204, 212727077, 212727079, 282279357, 282279356, 282279358, 282279355, 200236721, 293245908, 253330878, 253331590, 237806066, 212706571, 142428941, 260672343, 211186883, 290059710, 223623892, 223623894, 97892486, 276390098, 276390100, 285498067, 30174449, 30174443, 30176038, 230158815, 230158820, 230158816, 30176383, 204028362, 204025941, 292173767, 263062753, 263062754, 240548208, 240548198, 88465002, 88464849, 286353624, 286353623, 168524160, 275303360, 275303360, 275303416, 203497459, 275303486, 275303486, 275303481, 275303481, 239572016, 239572017
98709286, 138929184, 222420364, 239567027, 239567009, 29064487, 29064498, 237885904, 237885916, 281222103, 230993821, 99279571, 255213436, 161904174, 146668463, 146668461, 293312077, 293312079, 293312078, 293312080, 293312081, 293312083, 219006065, 283028185, 289366891, 244250764, 122263450, 122263474, 122263467, 122263462, 237063075, 183886985, 260047331, 260047331, 260047333, 260047333, 209297726, 209297725, 209297725, 224674926, 224674927, 268506766, 268506763, 263228207, 263228234, 162588036, 29465199, 148689378, 148689377, 283423574, 283423575, 259632797, 261269512, 261269498, 261269498, 95441795, 95441796, 259460582, 259460588, 259460584, 224389148, 224389148, 224389410, 224388979, 224388979, 148015715, 214275238, 90184745, 180464963, 227566961, 227564710, 227565422, 133433561, 276751098, 276751099, 202582386, 202582386, 88827826, 279564124, 279564144, 286331820, 261590750, 271661031, 282743761, 147608057, 231481009, 161884100, 231617684, 261309929, 261309398, 292460620, 222918220, 231489293, 231489299, 187691599, 187691604, 272172252, 225517904, 54117741
245877874, 245877869, 230176972, 190858384, 190858383, 190858807, 190858806, 129549792, 129549762, 197595774, 197595774, 243249823, 186582987, 243230566, 260818426, 180019563, 224100183, 249312068, 249312068, 249312067, 249312067, 186665021, 282971205, 282971207, 186664436, 200833303, 286442994, 240516896, 240516520, 256797249, 256797248, 256797244, 256797246, 122885852, 165665647, 31514492, 165665648, 158611860, 283861258, 171846638, 171846638, 171846482, 171846483, 171846487, 171846490, 24419365, 227411211, 227411211, 227411215, 227411215, 194714599, 238682167, 238682168, 249138238, 249138237, 249138254, 249138254, 249138255, 249138255, 249138257, 249138256, 282620838, 282620836, 282620834, 282620835, 282620843, 282620840, 282620841, 153682555, 256897041, 256897044, 202905265, 202905265, 202905278, 202905253, 202905253, 202905191, 283629893, 215331274, 215331273, 239451188, 239451186, 239451187, 239451185, 239205135, 239205123, 261564087, 239697687, 239695763, 239695766, 239695767, 239695767, 201130457, 132968670, 263551749, 40067673, 271839266, 256082670, 256082678
190721576, 24407309, 24407312, 184503045, 85392462, 276571557, 276571565, 261642279, 261642288, 129663479, 291266531, 291266530, 285017747, 158240843, 176413195, 227365667, 250877578, 250877576, 276580863, 276580861, 204840317, 204840316, 161219990, 170678827, 170678824, 189007050, 159378676, 248650827, 243508949, 276362723, 159330869, 39830891, 198994028, 159330809, 48568713, 48568712, 285599534, 239759234, 239759234, 258125573, 178172106, 178172110, 92376756, 203132560, 203132563, 115437649, 258133025, 238680055, 268064805, 161960364, 268064791, 240020023, 158068879, 262312110, 179674234, 179674234, 261950599, 261950591, 246792321, 261949977, 261949978, 240517819, 246805690, 246805691, 240517994, 48530472, 197970265, 197970263, 197970235, 197970228, 197970224, 183027179, 183027184, 174393788, 243931023, 49052426, 243931308, 276657920, 276657918, 261698632, 171238321, 189074208, 189074192, 276366813, 276366812, 276366808, 221936139, 293941191, 293941187, 293941186, 199661049, 199661048, 140874353, 49065083, 27452422, 240062803, 240062800, 199425953, 196861866
264295806, 266149907, 266149922, 284457139, 284457140, 284458060, 256934151, 210139982, 210139981, 194872582, 197437876, 197438311, 197438303, 260052925, 239807654, 228165138, 255679230, 255679231, 209699901, 209699901, 209699896, 209699896, 209699893, 209699893, 209699892, 209699892, 209699894, 209699888, 209699888, 209699891, 209699891, 254294637, 40520841, 40533019, 40777607, 40532315, 205527817, 238522431, 238522302, 158959951, 158959951, 247837634, 255711982, 46218249, 237388195, 251268580, 280473619, 282395766, 282394780, 236563493, 274928647, 237386365, 46677206, 274917950, 274918028, 200931090, 200931092, 228045605, 254845714, 254845712, 286468985, 286468986, 256877368, 256877289, 286468158, 286468159, 259265475, 259265474, 138743101, 138743086, 289273925, 289273924, 235973880, 235973881, 46125704, 207405605, 130177772, 207121297, 207121305, 207117500, 228021291, 262167611, 161490897, 140540574, 140540544, 289075048, 289075043, 260651087, 260651089, 255864743, 255864744, 83631730, 31965749, 31965745, 31965745, 290040128, 290040273, 255282914, 255282913
255557691, 255557689, 227389230, 227389229, 227389226, 286299437, 32922500, 279726505, 239525865, 140449379, 140449324, 140449343, 140449340, 140449337, 140449292, 140449294, 140449420, 140449145, 140449072, 140449079, 140449237, 140449159, 140449211, 218397262, 218397262, 218397261, 218397261, 218397260, 218397260, 218397259, 218397259, 218397258, 218397258, 218397257, 218397257, 255581693, 255581693, 283403766, 207526139, 207526908, 207526902, 25171540, 290224397, 290224396, 187880999, 31004786, 84537898, 288581935, 253509508, 253509505, 223361764, 178302231, 84511770, 47442979, 287146678, 289122892, 289122942, 48174164, 48174268, 48174228, 255728668, 255728667, 241561697, 255981657, 240304245, 254243140, 254243141, 252570007, 206039842, 289430496, 24261929, 283469767, 283469460, 283469460, 283469834, 40751424, 40751447, 223560628, 245109664, 227239255, 135653094, 135653099, 247357826, 238750144, 238750144, 174222302, 239340754, 180701242, 247352885, 273509428, 273509426, 240215679, 240215494, 240215495, 163342734, 178979042, 178979039, 260558992, 260558992
170538887, 136121909, 226085891, 226085928, 239071128, 239071127, 239071074, 239071083, 117625168, 117625168, 117625188, 287200618, 287200619, 284935474, 278263752, 278263758, 85929619, 271769842, 219059065, 95972780, 95972780, 261791769, 261791755, 151154847, 100986433, 220229902, 220229902, 243210003, 188604667, 142292827, 188604671, 35168023, 138285454, 280927283, 280927284, 186050414, 150420250, 162031065, 162031060, 252655950, 252655947, 263798595, 263798592, 258020335, 221561610, 95513311, 95513311, 174546653, 179549082, 188964855, 226278494, 226939069, 226939068, 162014978, 86877807, 86877808, 200912496, 76613530, 179535949, 180400034, 180400039, 247459323, 247459466, 129078897, 247461330, 247463057, 255085944, 113524394, 163175459, 102514531, 128450850, 226254523, 226254537, 129088900, 247455511, 179218865, 179218866, 106469848, 129089716, 238744963, 238744962, 81096931, 254822473, 254822472, 247512477, 86106027, 180417309, 238736585, 238736587, 238736586, 191437130, 292626080, 292626386, 292625262, 235790115, 198062829, 227604852, 227604848, 239470980
208457020, 239229346, 208457053, 162229381, 81177745, 95846158, 242552974, 242553038, 211935106, 170687486, 170687484, 285541422, 285541423, 242551925, 242551925, 48826786, 48826792, 170401553, 249485966, 249485653, 212430447, 37054882, 245730591, 136017211, 136017207, 48828679, 285593899, 285593899, 171560251, 171560250, 288790128, 288790127, 82695283, 285592057, 291021631, 137146992, 182568546, 182568545, 161701101, 169293742, 243073148, 243073146, 277019009, 265120884, 232055813, 285824916, 225697967, 247248163, 129894858, 103301543, 165911471, 241716752, 176823311, 144170755, 163592684, 53625183, 53625183, 53625163, 53625137, 53625136, 53625139, 53625138, 53625123, 53625123, 53625124, 53625125, 53625134, 193747121, 193747118, 83432775, 99863547, 260092092, 95640725, 53616940, 285480697, 227026581, 270268648, 47684374, 175682071, 247278511, 247278511, 125835654, 247278361, 253521194, 164736640, 136957518, 100913455, 277067056, 88966791, 129484006, 129484009, 172701499, 172701496, 70558956, 181031271, 181031270, 286003832, 286003832, 286003827
144429950, 128851499, 153292509, 153292509, 164742532, 164742539, 225635539, 37727553, 204091975, 204091977, 199322513, 199322512, 161367467, 161367470, 41890987, 41891148, 40037950, 261770724, 40042448, 41885435, 41885435, 293738877, 293738875, 140909549, 195644873, 31357744, 31357728, 128278271, 165746269, 165746277, 165746278, 165746283, 165746284, 252112489, 199302118, 199302127, 199302110, 114618998, 111619867, 111619871, 69870895, 38594644, 38594646, 50510345, 40810701, 40810745, 273265625, 40819790, 184171920, 49979664, 288685546, 288685548, 288685550, 288685543, 261081140, 290179434, 287420687, 161439473, 40095839, 69973634, 69973634, 166501226, 166500560, 152714197, 30931554, 34618364, 168147416, 168147408, 168147396, 43325667, 43325670, 168380689, 168380689, 288988359, 168382590, 275390453, 289829518, 182887057, 48953280, 252127235, 154717467, 154717664, 154717664, 193361372, 193361372, 190728239, 154720169, 107999736, 154719127, 211950348, 14821497, 191927360, 219287601, 219287601, 219287972, 219287108, 219287108, 60860847, 189246997
253068971, 287782837, 287782838, 183522273, 183522053, 287102248, 287774602, 229593349, 193040946, 29001086, 131390866, 131390865, 235325753, 264594755, 288078072, 288078098, 284554750, 163193129, 163193131, 164645184, 129123482, 129123468, 285596894, 154917023, 154917025, 154917027, 154917031, 286087629, 285604590, 285604589, 232280990, 232280906, 232283257, 236142676, 236142396, 236142279, 31238029, 288803363, 284512029, 284512031, 284512030, 284512046, 284512047, 284512043, 284512041, 284512032, 259741099, 259741101, 54442982, 54442993, 245693909, 253505301, 253503906, 239860258, 286603862, 251259357, 168518920, 284442302, 284442304, 277831834, 277831833, 277831838, 277831839, 277831837, 277831830, 247894845, 247894852, 247894853, 247894851, 239322836, 180523429, 180523428, 180523428, 277829112, 277829114, 45461538, 236078549, 236078549, 236078585, 236078585, 285753238, 285753237, 285752896, 285752989, 175174534, 288615325, 45461495, 45461496, 45461500, 45461485, 45461486, 277819923, 277819916, 236072338, 236072415, 242517170, 183603480, 183603483, 234329557
294440294, 217902505, 42431495, 261404915, 115723500, 199989256, 259223148, 259223149, 259223150, 259223151, 171301142, 259221389, 259221388, 259221387, 183089187, 205665609, 156333778, 156333760, 156333753, 279213420, 279213420, 255858700, 255858700, 39784638, 163679652, 255571454, 237547968, 30420546, 30420600, 69732057, 42176098, 284249567, 194557955, 245711719, 150764700, 69164787, 210483542, 121641815, 69166617, 210469322, 210470527, 214425296, 183044489, 111513089, 120839665, 13865963, 275271867, 224607011, 69281785, 69281542, 49666769, 156269814, 176590133, 30149339, 48548163, 48548163, 203045932, 265079752, 40943115, 40943191, 69081085, 284004319, 284004320, 258670827, 258670964, 15808004, 245081799, 260896767, 122267339, 219158575, 40749021, 181655524, 285276713, 285276711, 250595773, 51846930, 245622079, 245622082, 245622083, 119858373, 247384340, 247384348, 131768891, 272969155, 93275889, 167373246, 92431842, 92431843, 285092252, 285092231, 229407317, 247401469, 278451352, 92716336, 152177774, 288106177, 164016827, 42743376, 186005934
88076497, 88076711, 169914601, 169914603, 275113496, 240882913, 287805387, 287805386, 96815755, 39856334, 165907574, 89679842, 119064271, 80392535, 274703225, 274703229, 274702356, 274702344, 109148052, 109148050, 109148050, 221636427, 288095757, 288095759, 288095753, 288095766, 118704619, 288214689, 13087281, 238884699, 263142323, 263142323, 263142322, 219390848, 23725962, 23725940, 288065674, 288065675, 46883328, 120193143, 120193143, 120193142, 191273630, 191273630, 118604758, 118604761, 118604760, 264487467, 264487468, 120197903, 251276119, 234012402, 282134775, 151561592, 151561622, 239370846, 280331600, 260519613, 148772985, 196782389, 196782373, 198863747, 182084880, 119080712, 275216732, 119219308, 95600755, 229061478, 229061480, 119221221, 281423658, 281423658, 182086247, 236412147, 95612013, 107069307, 107069285, 176483972, 148761432, 176484069, 119616934, 119209705, 131682242, 178084495, 169000640, 169000640, 242225915, 97014081, 249842583, 249842582, 25300905, 25300913, 215848648, 249844021, 249844099, 249844098, 249844097, 249844192, 292666790
120192158, 119053611, 93256592, 93256597, 120182943, 120182946, 154097612, 169373542, 30529326, 289959513, 272325980, 292325050, 292325051, 292326711, 241052784, 292326710, 184239378, 23723838, 163905156, 169667011, 169667016, 96752860, 240075662, 118806612, 119157048, 292907627, 292907625, 292907625, 292907618, 119022795, 119022799, 95537397, 118938606, 118938603, 273901952, 118809100, 275957595, 174784510, 175324620, 224386431, 224386430, 174759142, 174759148, 237664972, 275948367, 275948366, 170048537, 292386043, 278514505, 174247843, 206693395, 176107775, 176107774, 176110482, 176110490, 283271323, 29123850, 184169501, 144909073, 28851977, 294042309, 219909594, 8764196, 293782662, 278237401, 237693415, 237693417, 237693416, 219918187, 237693383, 237693384, 242208166, 236716717, 205131661, 175084778, 276899029, 278454888, 175096484, 175096485, 176211724, 202903893, 267165250, 267165252, 260442689, 260442831, 260442932, 201971587, 201971688, 201972375, 260441906, 31489498, 31489497, 184241961, 217790209, 251617086, 40602911, 174784522, 107169959, 280414000
225012164, 225012162, 28901892, 252826662, 174326809, 193315107, 193315105, 174326751, 174326751, 294166983, 294166984, 253082666, 48597353, 264131589, 264131588, 289775363, 222234191, 272152023, 272152024, 263623439, 263623439, 55948038, 239258484, 236404403, 208147649, 239259788, 267059427, 267059428, 287808827, 227834017, 292962421, 292962421, 120221691, 283230762, 29087882, 30166948, 282728585, 178808044, 178808041, 274197798, 274197798, 278017735, 221422520, 283016035, 29070629, 29070638, 286352769, 278266265, 177705845, 177705844, 177705843, 177705842, 92289294, 92289298, 201312104, 28800285, 38252476, 38252476, 280765131, 159253523, 234560277, 280511940, 280511909, 280512018, 280511407, 280511406, 9677468, 217916508, 242036816, 242036814, 242036815, 242036815, 242036811, 242036808, 253268939, 284454443, 284454443, 148344538, 217913481, 217913476, 217913477, 166616651, 293039974, 241288684, 217915081, 293037231, 279800711, 284906435, 160119136, 254569980, 240209207, 220516120, 261532169, 209709923, 209709917, 238260562, 238260568, 161374370, 286683155
160383096, 155602545, 156150218, 257947863, 156151329, 293370998, 190855194, 154253307, 154253758, 185858216, 185858229, 154254847, 159876360, 157579172, 237170494, 237170494, 237170495, 237170502, 237170501, 237170501, 237170499, 237170499, 237170498, 237170497, 237170518, 237170518, 237170519, 237170517, 263254759, 263254760, 204733437, 204733425, 160128036, 160128044, 160128001, 237173526, 237173525, 222490677, 267222618, 267222619, 293384915, 267220673, 254324840, 243922271, 243922273, 243922273, 261077809, 293132176, 293132183, 293132239, 293132240, 185802418, 220773839, 220773833, 229915963, 61698073, 61698072, 235999590, 235999591, 225559959, 225559997, 85451011, 85451010, 261231805, 261231806, 284932492, 117898254, 190284383, 284932644, 190284395, 128492032, 128492032, 117899953, 165665732, 175517091, 175517082, 175519718, 175519730, 284841378, 262684044, 284841676, 207823476, 207823475, 175521402, 175521409, 243321029, 243321024, 285091956, 176193798, 261591171, 176688728, 190928243, 220591146, 220591146, 220591145, 46937355, 159181361, 180627944, 171372204
191195938, 253882247, 254371936, 254371947, 254371950, 246916061, 140993554, 171374889, 221803114, 242382598, 242382592, 171373787, 272626754, 242618310, 175525834, 176708150, 276922256, 276922252, 276922234, 128505120, 128505120, 128505236, 128505233, 177009796, 177009850, 177010491, 126504399, 126504415, 292084363, 170333117, 170333136, 253665400, 191211292, 191211277, 191211300, 191211258, 292893625, 246902600, 130417118, 130417118, 293207724, 225487472, 225487471, 225487470, 272633165, 227458412, 189960790, 189960788, 242666455, 242666453, 172558900, 204611770, 208620482, 225759047, 225759046, 30620996, 30620996, 30620997, 30620753, 30620752, 30620752, 97179212, 97179197, 170905403, 220529156, 156186401, 192416342, 176994437, 30622955, 30623201, 119431342, 119431340, 119431341, 119431339, 220530913, 182013958, 176989010, 165613054, 190954980, 177293739, 145127343, 145127354, 177305506, 177305496, 30633020, 100503719, 176986394, 176986155, 176986154, 222073355, 222073354, 224524769, 44935526, 182106713, 182106714, 182106704, 182106706, 182106743, 182106755
44935863, 44935819, 44935802, 270174324, 156024998, 156025635, 261392275, 169060718, 176888480, 176682823, 234809523, 267526058, 257799702, 44931657, 44931541, 44931541, 158807163, 176679051, 176679050, 208463813, 208463813, 208463812, 208463811, 208463810, 222304485, 222304506, 293214268, 123280194, 123280240, 293216171, 258657804, 291252594, 291252595, 286102604, 286102605, 154378019, 154378146, 44943995, 44943995, 179348451, 44943150, 44943150, 44942973, 44942973, 284758595, 284758596, 179348802, 223420291, 242875621, 242875624, 229330369, 229330369, 229330368, 229330368, 211221820, 133165378, 244296812, 190670117, 190670126, 159338982, 159338977, 159338984, 159339438, 286319273, 261098607, 46915556, 261098116, 152935188, 293254526, 284513188, 268932270, 268932260, 286316768, 155991233, 191508518, 191508516, 253912354, 176820411, 224602292, 224602289, 253989088, 253989086, 219708892, 159047551, 159047610, 159047619, 159047630, 159047625, 159047634, 254758814, 191059145, 159045903, 159045898, 159045898, 159045908, 159045909, 159045918, 159045913, 44866294
161910902, 161910913, 135717106, 178799698, 105357467, 211516727, 243463770, 159054386, 159054375, 191317151, 191317150, 293066012, 237846370, 158758866, 176595441, 216031905, 254753192, 159310609, 159310604, 278838874, 161926651, 191088604, 245342239, 176574171, 261424359, 237613074, 237613076, 256469125, 237053833, 237053853, 237053854, 237053855, 237053851, 237053851, 237053845, 175654007, 175654008, 230125472, 291652291, 291652182, 23843915, 23843107, 242265222, 170761186, 170761031, 243033354, 243032653, 243032654, 170762069, 155789126, 176583503, 243034465, 243034464, 243034467, 243034466, 243034466, 223174344, 208472218, 292756666, 292756557, 191078888, 85460035, 85460034, 154562663, 183613903, 244244528, 191083999, 191084539, 191084531, 292112485, 288628838, 288628837, 288197882, 284904551, 233685445, 233685444, 123773338, 123773331, 123773330, 123773298, 123773300, 186706195, 286681406, 255684692, 286681181, 279630203, 279630029, 279631610, 127832314, 169674882, 169674867, 169674866, 169674875, 169674873, 169674878, 169674877, 169674876, 284889778, 288213638
258223668, 51041610, 51842411, 279611141, 161866671, 292384446, 292384511, 51050518, 150370740, 185848907, 288227281, 51843999, 254046900, 254046849, 272976709, 293384892, 189678024, 283274280, 283274184, 253734581, 294264114, 196358201, 284930408, 294281013, 294281004, 288392371, 253775484, 205257878, 205257404, 205257429, 205257662, 253464346, 259282284, 152979406, 168651152, 168651158, 294091809, 264389152, 264389343, 264389356, 264389248, 264389401, 264389401, 51086914, 233899397, 261588280, 261588334, 132056825, 132056820, 132056821, 276768042, 199249319, 179550065, 288991230, 288991231, 152471668, 255352065, 255352091, 254854430, 291547038, 167894046, 167894035, 288988274, 263262055, 120905304, 180396873, 180396832, 128743503, 87349277, 71956796, 123803623, 27579998, 8440947, 189732869, 294104721, 294104721, 123814401, 123814388, 123814385, 123814395, 123814378, 200033894, 260187509, 166493983, 220295341, 286833592, 294443244, 292984272, 292984276, 42433646, 258650825, 258651050, 252836535, 259223329, 185101030, 251701169, 251700942, 154379723, 255297494
257532546, 284757317, 260915934, 203426795, 261917883, 261918120, 170143329, 254449185, 203428643, 222016175, 262913542, 110050808, 276342388, 220917597, 257495916, 27014134, 276624642, 255020999, 258630175, 267086521, 228160561, 164981802, 152579772, 152579769, 287713493, 278009793, 206552649, 271924658, 223933339, 133900598, 252273148, 252273142, 125451162, 125451171, 124953312, 274195843, 274195185, 274194886, 36731245, 243715217, 159436837, 110307210, 110307200, 230699591, 230699590, 255476403, 235397122, 126139379, 126139380, 255783059, 262842674, 262842675, 253536752, 159264311, 159264310, 96494360, 96494373, 38795648, 261166197, 195730987, 288867965, 261166028, 261165947, 241791405, 200172054, 220518995, 240457121, 240457251, 181266585, 149676680, 131753968, 151665819, 182913111, 151665482, 129255656, 156720354, 275971522, 133214678, 256013728, 256013729, 256013478, 256013475, 176261991, 176261991, 176262166, 172805326, 240462644, 240462653, 240462320, 240462326, 240462325, 176259866, 240462114, 240462126, 240462128, 293737249, 293737250, 181263461, 157279228
236063463, 189600866, 236063577, 281238711, 293320072, 236066583, 220238857, 220237981, 262251062, 218540279, 253455370, 253455439, 253455433, 227731146, 227731147, 227731145, 227731148, 251579991, 251579994, 176536064, 285989993, 156711503, 193976129, 174491303, 249054951, 202713759, 196359843, 156730870, 156730700, 156730704, 156730685, 262238810, 288194368, 235979296, 184282654, 142263777, 196936033, 184786787, 184786772, 184786987, 184786944, 184787021, 38132327, 38132341, 240952763, 240952761, 272928911, 252382307, 252382308, 183141977, 196688870, 174553927, 174553924, 180624645, 191742465, 191742466, 290936975, 290936974, 244963917, 178412552, 178412558, 178412550, 174556213, 174556212, 247766726, 247766725, 247766724, 247766722, 247766721, 247766729, 247766728, 247766704, 247766713, 247766714, 247766715, 247766716, 247766718, 247766719, 168414502, 247186753, 247186720, 247186718, 247186717, 292349164, 292005724, 246251326, 246251414, 231751993, 231752014, 231752004, 281956898, 231752457, 231752514, 231752559, 196029276, 196029348, 196029350, 196029346, 196029358
171926201, 127024979, 128826039, 40784339, 49733681, 87375268, 204107391, 39653535, 23392624, 216223983, 216223961, 226088530, 268526425, 171918723, 151666889, 149100851, 237171490, 240201650, 237173957, 171924504, 89905640, 60712963, 285945770, 285945769, 243360588, 243360589, 287198120, 287198070, 287198055, 287198041, 287198010, 287198006, 287198003, 287197981, 287197960, 287197955, 278749299, 157582031, 254045680, 156750079, 175365475, 175365476, 272506975, 157344536, 209806956, 155850122, 272511531, 211338307, 175002979, 175002977, 283538624, 229479090, 216999695, 216999695, 220189948, 146919425, 198622529, 149420065, 149420067, 227672299, 283536644, 148394062, 48446294, 48446238, 287419007, 129280910, 91312475, 259283690, 156650764, 162271447, 162271448, 44990735, 44990741, 185563943, 277462908, 88818567, 211374978, 219839993, 189787138, 189787377, 275403415, 275403406, 32261034, 88814956, 150149081, 168869992, 278454966, 278454966, 278454967, 150148822, 150149616, 150149616, 150149232, 150150497, 150150497, 32263420, 147374198, 153964277, 153964278
266915198, 147935513, 257037993, 257038040, 172851290, 172851277, 172851274, 172851273, 274896692, 156955551, 130693274, 130693277, 115178008, 148728691, 274594045, 243547705, 87071809, 220555259, 211403711, 231989739, 134084080, 134084077, 280165999, 280166000, 169669356, 211404115, 156417427, 286996387, 286996441, 149816388, 149816388, 154987713, 156187746, 291233098, 148715517, 243284341, 277932153, 171894379, 246881117, 230527348, 239946973, 89825718, 89825724, 274321172, 239786440, 155748542, 219521281, 219521499, 219521674, 219521724, 219521834, 155748930, 205353319, 219527414, 155469792, 155469795, 42141001, 275834270, 133338891, 32700171, 258925852, 219520871, 126903152, 153276004, 151298015, 197469228, 197469583, 293223419, 132871393, 132871389, 132871390, 240325462, 240325376, 240325413, 156571160, 220385122, 283436182, 171805933, 171805935, 155161654, 155161656, 275618171, 155502667, 155502675, 155502676, 171809142, 171810550, 141684269, 257508081, 257508052, 87267082, 257508000, 257508007, 257507994, 271152138, 271152195, 271152194, 271152193, 257766001
157961584, 171814621, 171814435, 171814431, 171814425, 271152067, 271152037, 99043344, 171260140, 245438741, 257765171, 88107175, 153514464, 89763501, 89760193, 89760156, 279451569, 279451565, 151261167, 133324126, 153507509, 153507501, 258630340, 4588389, 169039642, 155496765, 258636724, 258636726, 148777662, 148777657, 129897130, 129897135, 171272177, 171272173, 171272174, 258635733, 118339287, 118339205, 185636514, 239538666, 185636478, 258711192, 258711211, 151372716, 202561450, 202561282, 254977276, 239534657, 239534657, 203048535, 271667077, 277859443, 277859441, 222945754, 171469792, 171469793, 226154492, 239833921, 239833882, 53619986, 8149372, 8149372, 58743204, 137892128, 237100800, 160179358, 160179356, 53609515, 171244418, 156502035, 156502042, 204047462, 204047973, 201798765, 157540965, 201800225, 204048417, 94544533, 255785875, 203491926, 180805454, 171495246, 171494226, 215462516, 260314707, 237602875, 237602871, 169789978, 288861089, 157033425, 151887477, 151887477, 157032921, 154834774, 189604728, 143320935, 89965004, 136231891, 171488356
23551490, 164379472, 164379474, 32151027, 237063237, 237063238, 240570702, 240570704, 233690798, 222703689, 230911085, 233687081, 233687072, 124537107, 125663122, 124540319, 125658378, 289663394, 125152929, 206915074, 206916293, 206916281, 129779057, 135899208, 182950058, 205572100, 129009485, 154482201, 187482075, 187482065, 266449513, 132467384, 266437804, 133740574, 133740586, 233660820, 233660852, 233660726, 235727534, 233893794, 233893760, 129766963, 129766962, 117892635, 230519768, 221293284, 221293316, 139464312, 231392405, 231392404, 129310200, 257322477, 257322479, 235971974, 235971974, 129311371, 256618967, 256618967, 256618773, 256618773, 129871753, 220545038, 220545037, 220545054, 138515636, 138515617, 180891685, 180891683, 262428722, 119408753, 199771841, 199771842, 199771837, 126266157, 224787268, 132124504, 247518343, 247518344, 242410973, 228018190, 237754332, 237753948, 237753948, 237753945, 237753945, 268485688, 164877418, 222531578, 222531577, 130888572, 292981063, 170177936, 170177908, 207906414, 207906404, 291265605, 291265585, 291263821, 242553139
242553137, 242553136, 203375953, 231037742, 231040093, 30415538, 128421048, 128421048, 276342446, 131072609, 258626046, 133888877, 241969627, 280360715, 280360713, 233766913, 224180723, 208680634, 208680634, 209898294, 266478239, 242515382, 293934048, 293934049, 279548142, 131451063, 131451065, 234050136, 293931670, 293931671, 290826259, 290826260, 263441502, 273548888, 234058290, 132532361, 132546408, 129483228, 129483166, 206266337, 206266321, 129974356, 191567346, 248754054, 248754054, 248754052, 204737071, 204736937, 233461145
144112346, 144112348, 155199020, 291010335, 291010325, 291010326, 291010323, 179339558, 179339559, 170681225, 291006089, 291006089, 29231005, 293914573, 164174610, 164174614, 131650457, 131650463, 160718921, 244295738, 160710766, 160707477, 156856685, 156856693, 145051484, 145051490, 256670064, 218667865, 227545162, 227545163, 156848300, 249922200, 249922197, 249922199, 291029605, 174959675, 174959675, 285491600, 251515897, 170974329, 170974323, 142142488, 182469175, 182469175, 293298591, 170978379, 150029803, 150029806, 222196585, 253260276, 253260250, 173983339, 291329524, 161292808, 178303150, 178304624, 240549604, 247883855, 247883854, 155094303, 170934879, 177130650, 177130602, 177130534, 161882985, 162753498, 162753512, 293306941, 293306738, 278053140, 278053139, 245087889, 203343341, 203343331, 152068463, 168971229, 216555817, 216555827, 231837753, 231837761, 220658713, 220658711, 51176822, 256806338, 256806334, 252210860, 283659777, 170174344, 205537944, 205537939, 205537939, 257682192, 257682211, 244378066, 29026127, 242154655, 242154654, 242154633, 242154674
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190284395, 128492032, 128492032, 117899953, 165665732, 175517091, 175517082, 175519718, 175519730, 284841378, 262684044, 284841676, 207823476, 207823475, 175521402, 175521409, 243321029, 243321024, 285091956, 176193798, 261591171, 176688728, 190928243, 220591146, 220591146, 220591145, 46937355, 159181361, 180627944, 171372204, 180628260, 191195938, 253882247, 254371936, 254371947, 254371950, 246916061, 140993554, 171374889, 221803114, 242382598, 242382592, 171373787, 272626754, 242618310, 175525834, 176708150, 276922256, 276922252, 276922234, 128505120, 128505120, 128505236, 128505233, 177009796, 177009850, 177010491, 126504399, 126504415, 292084363, 170333117, 170333136, 253665400, 191211292, 191211277, 191211300, 191211258, 292893625, 246902600, 130417118, 130417118, 293207724, 225487472, 225487471, 225487470, 272633165, 227458412, 189960790, 189960788, 242666455, 242666453, 172558900, 204611770, 208620482, 225759047, 225759046, 30620996, 30620996, 30620997, 30620753, 30620752, 30620752, 97179212, 97179197, 170905403, 220529156, 156186401, 192416342, 176994437, 30622955, 30623201, 119431342, 119431340, 119431341, 119431339, 220530913, 182013958, 176989010, 165613054, 190954980, 177293739, 145127343, 145127354, 177305506, 177305496, 30633020, 100503719, 176986394, 176986155, 176986154, 222073355, 222073354, 224524769, 44935526, 182106713, 182106714, 182106704, 182106706, 182106743, 182106755, 182106795, 44935863, 44935819, 44935802, 270174324, 156024998, 156025635, 261392275, 169060718, 176888480, 176682823, 234809523, 267526058, 257799702, 44931657, 44931541, 44931541, 158807163, 176679051, 176679050, 208463813, 208463813, 208463812, 208463811, 208463810, 222304485, 222304506, 293214268, 123280194, 123280240, 293216171, 258657804, 291252594, 291252595, 286102604, 286102605, 154378019, 154378146, 44943995, 44943995, 179348451, 44943150, 44943150, 44942973, 44942973, 284758595, 284758596, 179348802, 223420291, 242875621, 242875624, 229330369, 229330369, 229330368, 229330368, 211221820, 133165378, 244296812, 190670117, 190670126, 159338982, 159338977, 159338984, 159339438, 286319273, 261098607, 46915556, 261098116, 152935188, 293254526, 284513188, 268932270, 268932260, 286316768, 155991233, 191508518, 191508516, 253912354, 176820411, 224602292, 224602289, 253989088, 253989086, 219708892, 159047551, 159047610, 159047619, 159047630, 159047625, 159047634, 254758814, 191059145, 159045903, 159045898, 159045898, 159045908, 159045909, 159045918, 159045913, 44866294, 44866294, 161910902, 161910913, 135717106, 178799698, 105357467, 211516727, 243463770, 159054386, 159054375, 191317151, 191317150, 293066012, 237846370, 158758866, 176595441, 216031905, 254753192, 159310609, 159310604, 278838874, 161926651, 191088604, 245342239, 176574171, 261424359, 237613074, 237613076, 256469125, 237053833, 237053853, 237053854, 237053855, 237053851, 237053851, 237053845, 175654007, 175654008, 230125472, 291652291, 291652182, 23843915, 23843107, 242265222, 170761186, 170761031, 243033354, 243032653, 243032654, 170762069, 155789126, 176583503, 243034465, 243034464, 243034467, 243034466, 243034466, 223174344, 208472218, 292756666, 292756557, 191078888, 85460035, 85460034, 154562663, 183613903, 244244528, 191083999, 191084539, 191084531, 292112485, 288628838, 288628837, 288197882, 284904551, 233685445, 233685444, 123773338, 123773331, 123773330, 123773298, 123773300, 186706195, 286681406, 255684692, 286681181, 279630203, 279630029, 279631610, 127832314, 169674882, 169674867, 169674866, 169674875, 169674873, 169674878, 169674877, 169674876, 284889778, 288213638, 78063519, 258223668, 51041610, 51842411, 279611141, 161866671, 292384446, 292384511, 51050518, 150370740, 185848907, 288227281, 51843999, 254046900, 254046849, 272976709, 293384892, 189678024, 283274280, 283274184, 253734581, 294264114, 196358201, 284930408, 294281013, 294281004, 288392371, 253775484, 205257878, 205257404, 205257429, 205257662, 253464346, 259282284, 152979406, 168651152, 168651158, 294091809, 264389152, 264389343, 264389356, 264389248, 264389401, 264389401, 51086914, 233899397, 261588280, 261588334, 132056825, 132056820, 132056821, 276768042, 199249319, 179550065, 288991230, 288991231, 152471668, 255352065, 255352091, 254854430, 291547038, 167894046, 167894035, 288988274, 263262055, 120905304, 180396873, 180396832, 128743503, 87349277, 71956796, 123803623, 27579998, 8440947, 189732869, 294104721, 294104721, 123814401, 123814388, 123814385, 123814395, 123814378, 200033894, 260187509, 166493983, 220295341, 286833592, 294443244, 292984272, 292984276, 42433646, 258650825, 258651050, 252836535, 259223329, 185101030, 251701169, 251700942, 154379723, 255297494, 183788665, 257532546, 284757317, 260915934, 203426795, 261917883, 261918120, 170143329, 254449185, 203428643, 222016175, 262913542, 110050808, 276342388, 220917597, 257495916, 27014134, 276624642, 255020999, 258630175, 267086521, 228160561, 164981802, 152579772, 152579769, 287713493, 278009793, 206552649, 271924658, 223933339, 133900598, 252273148, 252273142, 125451162, 125451171, 124953312, 274195843, 274195185, 274194886, 36731245, 243715217, 159436837, 110307210, 110307200, 230699591, 230699590, 255476403, 235397122, 126139379, 126139380, 255783059, 262842674, 262842675, 253536752, 159264311, 159264310, 96494360, 96494373, 38795648, 261166197, 195730987, 288867965, 261166028, 261165947, 241791405, 200172054, 220518995, 240457121, 240457251, 181266585, 149676680, 131753968, 151665819, 182913111, 151665482, 129255656, 156720354, 275971522, 133214678, 256013728, 256013729, 256013478, 256013475, 176261991, 176261991, 176262166, 172805326, 240462644, 240462653, 240462320, 240462326, 240462325, 176259866, 240462114, 240462126, 240462128, 293737249, 293737250, 181263461, 157279228, 171926208, 171926201, 127024979, 128826039, 40784339, 49733681, 87375268, 204107391, 39653535, 23392624, 216223983, 216223961, 226088530, 268526425, 171918723, 151666889, 149100851, 237171490, 240201650, 237173957, 171924504, 89905640, 60712963, 285945770, 285945769, 243360588, 243360589, 287198120, 287198070, 287198055, 287198041, 287198010, 287198006, 287198003, 287197981, 287197960, 287197955, 278749299, 157582031, 254045680, 156750079, 175365475, 175365476, 272506975, 157344536, 209806956, 155850122, 272511531, 211338307, 175002979, 175002977, 283538624, 229479090, 216999695, 216999695, 220189948, 146919425, 198622529, 149420065, 149420067, 227672299, 283536644, 148394062, 48446294, 48446238, 287419007, 129280910, 91312475, 259283690, 156650764, 162271447, 162271448, 44990735, 44990741, 185563943, 277462908, 88818567, 211374978, 219839993, 189787138, 189787377, 275403415, 275403406, 32261034, 88814956, 150149081, 168869992, 278454966, 278454966, 278454967, 150148822, 150149616, 150149616, 150149232, 150150497, 150150497, 32263420, 147374198, 153964277, 153964278, 266915198, 266915198, 147935513, 257037993, 257038040, 172851290, 172851277, 172851274, 172851273, 274896692, 156955551, 130693274, 130693277, 115178008, 148728691, 274594045, 243547705, 87071809, 220555259, 211403711, 231989739, 134084080, 134084077, 280165999, 280166000, 169669356, 211404115, 156417427, 286996387, 286996441, 149816388, 149816388, 154987713, 156187746, 291233098, 148715517, 243284341, 277932153, 171894379, 246881117, 230527348, 239946973, 89825718, 89825724, 274321172, 239786440, 155748542, 219521281, 219521499, 219521674, 219521724, 219521834, 155748930, 205353319, 219527414, 155469792, 155469795, 42141001, 275834270, 133338891, 32700171, 258925852, 219520871, 126903152, 153276004, 151298015, 197469228, 197469583, 293223419, 132871393, 132871389, 132871390, 240325462, 240325376, 240325413, 156571160, 220385122, 283436182, 171805933, 171805935, 155161654, 155161656, 275618171, 155502667, 155502675, 155502676, 171809142, 171810550, 141684269, 257508081, 257508052, 87267082, 257508000, 257508007, 257507994, 271152138, 271152195, 271152194, 271152193, 257766001, 258406423, 157961584, 171814621, 171814435, 171814431, 171814425, 271152067, 271152037, 99043344, 171260140, 245438741, 257765171, 88107175, 153514464, 89763501, 89760193, 89760156, 279451569, 279451565, 151261167, 133324126, 153507509, 153507501, 258630340, 4588389, 169039642, 155496765, 258636724, 258636726, 148777662, 148777657, 129897130, 129897135, 171272177, 171272173, 171272174, 258635733, 118339287, 118339205, 185636514, 239538666, 185636478, 258711192, 258711211, 151372716, 202561450, 202561282, 254977276, 239534657, 239534657, 203048535, 271667077, 277859443, 277859441, 222945754, 171469792, 171469793, 226154492, 239833921, 239833882, 53619986, 8149372, 8149372, 58743204, 137892128, 237100800, 160179358, 160179356, 53609515, 171244418, 156502035, 156502042, 204047462, 204047973, 201798765, 157540965, 201800225, 204048417, 94544533, 255785875, 203491926, 180805454, 171495246, 171494226, 215462516, 260314707, 237602875, 237602871, 169789978, 288861089, 157033425, 151887477, 151887477, 157032921, 154834774, 189604728, 143320935, 89965004, 136231891, 171488356, 23551491, 23551490, 164379472, 164379474, 32151027, 237063237, 237063238, 240570702, 240570704, 233690798, 222703689, 230911085, 233687081, 233687072, 124537107, 125663122, 124540319, 125658378, 289663394, 125152929, 206915074, 206916293, 206916281, 129779057, 135899208, 182950058, 205572100, 129009485, 154482201, 187482075, 187482065, 266449513, 132467384, 266437804, 133740574, 133740586, 233660820, 233660852, 233660726, 235727534, 233893794, 233893760, 129766963, 129766962, 117892635, 230519768, 221293284, 221293316, 139464312, 231392405, 231392404, 129310200, 257322477, 257322479, 235971974, 235971974, 129311371, 256618967, 256618967, 256618773, 256618773, 129871753, 220545038, 220545037, 220545054, 138515636, 138515617, 180891685, 180891683, 262428722, 119408753, 199771841, 199771842, 199771837, 126266157, 224787268, 132124504, 247518343, 247518344, 242410973, 228018190, 237754332, 237753948, 237753948, 237753945, 237753945, 268485688, 164877418, 222531578, 222531577, 130888572, 292981063, 170177936, 170177908, 207906414, 207906404, 291265605, 291265585, 291263821, 242553139, 242553138, 242553137, 242553136, 203375953, 231037742, 231040093, 30415538, 128421048, 128421048, 276342446, 131072609, 258626046, 133888877, 241969627, 280360715, 280360713, 233766913, 224180723, 208680634, 208680634, 209898294, 266478239, 242515382, 293934048, 293934049, 279548142, 131451063, 131451065, 234050136, 293931670, 293931671, 290826259, 290826260, 263441502, 273548888, 234058290, 132532361, 132546408, 129483228, 129483166, 206266337, 206266321, 129974356, 191567346, 248754054, 248754054, 248754052, 204737071, 204736937, 233461145
awk '{ printf $8", " }' Oneway_roads_BRA.txt > Oneway_roads_BRA.ids ; sed -i 's/, $//' Oneway_roads_BRA.ids
# from
mkdir "$OUT"
sed 's/, /, \n/g' "$INPUT.ids" | awk '
/, / {
if(++delim % '$NTH' == 0)
file = sprintf("'$OUT'/'$OUT'-%s.ids", int(delim / '$NTH'))
printf $0 > file
sed -i 's/, $//' "$OUT/$OUT-"*.ids
<li>Roundabout 129258186 has reverse oneway tag <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 129258187 has reverse oneway tag <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 220527149 has reverse oneway tag <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 277649283 has reverse oneway tag <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 277654429 has reverse oneway tag <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 278759552 has reverse oneway tag <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 278760543 has reverse oneway tag <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 277122255 has reverse oneway tag <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 277174779 has reverse oneway tag <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 280648461 has reverse oneway tag <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 277425149 has reverse oneway tag <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 280632334 has reverse oneway tag <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 280632328 has reverse oneway tag <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 279165596 has reverse oneway tag <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 162258571 direction is wrong - reversing it <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 279184325 has reverse oneway tag <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 279184305 has reverse oneway tag <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 275588898 has reverse oneway tag <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 144640035 direction is wrong - reversing it <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 200916825 direction is wrong - reversing it <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 280569254 has reverse oneway tag <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 280569249 has reverse oneway tag <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 280559542 has reverse oneway tag <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 280559530 has reverse oneway tag <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 280559522 has reverse oneway tag <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 280550803 has reverse oneway tag <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 280550796 has reverse oneway tag <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 275561077 has reverse oneway tag <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 276412362 has reverse oneway tag <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 275565547 has reverse oneway tag <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 275571636 has reverse oneway tag <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 275576856 has reverse oneway tag <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 239480213 direction is wrong - reversing it <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 194789072 direction is wrong - reversing it <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 209631459 direction is wrong - reversing it <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 280632334 direction is wrong - reversing it <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 280632328 direction is wrong - reversing it <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 50214122 direction is wrong - reversing it <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout segment 131524047 direction looks wrong <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout segment 130731465 direction looks wrong <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 90534274 direction is wrong - reversing it <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout segment 115881281 direction looks wrong <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout segment 115881281 direction looks wrong <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout segment 289128035 direction looks wrong <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 131524047 ends at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 131524047 starts at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 130731466 starts at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 115573043 forks at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 115573043 forks at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 130731465 forks at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 130731465 ends at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 289610318 starts at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 289610318 ends at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 150325419 ends at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 150325419 starts at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 197530141 ends at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 197530141 starts at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 197530141 forks at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 198931880 forks at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 198931880 ends at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 255671924 ends at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 255671924 starts at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 255673980 forks at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 255671924 forks at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 255673980 ends at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 157840669 ends at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 157840669 starts at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 203669215 ends at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 203669215 starts at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 188503341 starts at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 188503341 ends at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 38132339 has reverse oneway tag <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 222586127 has reverse oneway tag <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 141985690 has reverse oneway tag <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 167924060 has reverse oneway tag <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 222407538 has reverse oneway tag <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 149832019 has reverse oneway tag <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout segment 192244346 direction looks wrong <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 231741463 has reverse oneway tag <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 102369382 has reverse oneway tag <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 205226896 direction is wrong - reversing it <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 205226893 direction is wrong - reversing it <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 270790897 direction is wrong - reversing it <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 38132339 direction is wrong - reversing it <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 204028383 has reverse oneway tag <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 290084256 direction is wrong - reversing it <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 181550492 direction is wrong - reversing it <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 205067658 direction is wrong - reversing it <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 205079107 direction is wrong - reversing it <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 185631347 direction is wrong - reversing it <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 185631286 direction is wrong - reversing it <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 242154542 starts at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 192244346 ends at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 192244346 forks at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 293776498 forks at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 293776498 forks at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 88214000 starts at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 50162490 forks at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 50162486 forks at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 88213996 forks at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 50162486 forks at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout segment 60356969 direction looks wrong <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 204042421 direction is wrong - reversing it <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 104798681 starts at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 104798681 ends at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 125234224 ends at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 125234224 starts at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 251151016 starts at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 251151017 ends at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 199876990 has reverse oneway tag <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 286080681 starts at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 286080681 ends at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 157801470 forks at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 157801471 forks at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 229360863 starts at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 229360859 starts at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 229360863 ends at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 229360859 ends at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 265088343 starts at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 274911333 overlaps <a href="">here</a> at</li>
<li>Roundabout 274895899 overlaps <a href="">here</a> at</li>
<li>Roundabout 257574148 overlaps <a href="">here</a> at</li>
<li>Roundabout 265088343 ends at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 274895899 starts at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 89934993 has reverse oneway tag <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 141985671 ends at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 95215281 forks at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 95215280 forks at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 141985690 starts at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 141985677 forks at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 141985688 forks at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 141985671 forks at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 231133252 starts at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 231133252 ends at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 231133250 starts at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 231133250 ends at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 244741046 forks at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 180205819 forks at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 244741075 forks at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 244741073 forks at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 180205819 forks at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 244741062 forks at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 180811247 starts at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 95215281 starts at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 95215281 ends at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 27217024 starts at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 27217024 forks at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 60356969 forks at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 60356974 forks at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 27217024 ends at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 93583303 forks at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 275141846 forks at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 93583307 forks at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 275141843 forks at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 93583311 forks at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 275141836 forks at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 275141840 forks at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 50655004 forks at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 97778024 direction is wrong - reversing it <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 89934993 direction is wrong - reversing it <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 122885852 has reverse oneway tag <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 239696098 has reverse oneway tag <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 159766487 has reverse oneway tag <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 116426300 has reverse oneway tag <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 35450637 has reverse oneway tag <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout segment 23859384 direction looks wrong <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 164024513 direction is wrong - reversing it <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 116426300 direction is wrong - reversing it <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 144640067 direction is wrong - reversing it <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 236729260 ends at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 46521177 direction is wrong - reversing it <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 46521178 direction is wrong - reversing it <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 243073147 direction is wrong - reversing it <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 48728842 starts at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 48728842 ends at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 247650999 starts at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 247650999 ends at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 122887540 starts at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 122887541 ends at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 122885852 ends at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 122885853 starts at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 122885853 ends at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 122887541 starts at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 122887540 ends at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 122887547 starts at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 122887547 ends at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 239696098 starts at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 122887552 ends at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 122887552 starts at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 236729260 forks at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 174445679 forks at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 239696098 ends at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 29423552 has reverse oneway tag <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 71664712 starts at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 71664712 ends at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 71664710 ends at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 71664710 starts at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 53625181 starts at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 202974900 direction is wrong - reversing it <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout segment 245124519 direction looks wrong <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 114619010 direction is wrong - reversing it <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 41091368 direction is wrong - reversing it <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout segment 16226002 direction looks wrong <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout segment 131594859 direction looks wrong <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 79733968 direction is wrong - reversing it <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout segment 16246459 direction looks wrong <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout segment 38818578 direction looks wrong <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout segment 245462994 direction looks wrong <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout segment 48586663 direction looks wrong <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout segment 85765012 direction looks wrong <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout segment 166625687 direction looks wrong <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 80118431 direction is wrong - reversing it <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout segment 16611255 direction looks wrong <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout segment 211818393 direction looks wrong <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 252981773 direction is wrong - reversing it <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout segment 245393713 direction looks wrong <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout segment 37227297 direction looks wrong <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 39196972 direction is wrong - reversing it <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 259738080 starts at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 159766485 starts at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 159766487 starts at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 159766485 ends at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 32347311 ends at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 226287206 starts at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 226287214 starts at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 226287213 starts at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 226287207 starts at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 142218715 ends at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 142218715 starts at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 40723527 starts at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 40723527 ends at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 30850155 forks at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 46676868 forks at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 46676868 ends at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 23859384 starts at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 23859384 forks at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 24252303 forks at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 23859384 ends at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 46677200 ends at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 46677200 starts at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 29140276 forks at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 29140121 forks at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 29140121 starts at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 211366748 starts at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 211366748 ends at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 37227297 ends at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 245462994 starts at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 245462994 ends at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 226454316 ends at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 226454316 starts at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 37227297 starts at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 120511942 has reverse oneway tag <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 120511943 has reverse oneway tag <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 96277037 ends at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 96277037 starts at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 253636189 starts at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 253636189 ends at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 255867156 starts at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 255867156 ends at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 48586663 ends at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 245134462 forks at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 256373566 forks at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 256373570 forks at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 245393714 starts at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 245393713 ends at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 245393216 ends at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 48953002 ends at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 211818393 ends at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 38818578 forks at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 256373567 forks at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 102173881 starts at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 102173881 ends at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 48586663 starts at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 181916641 starts at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 245393216 starts at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 31057853 starts at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 31057853 ends at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 31057836 starts at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 31057836 ends at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 85765012 starts at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 258903697 ends at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 47952463 starts at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 245124519 starts at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 166625687 ends at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 245134462 starts at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 256872239 starts at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 16226002 starts at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 256872239 ends at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 33194536 starts at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 33194536 ends at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 16246459 starts at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 16246459 ends at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 38818578 ends at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 258903697 forks at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 47952463 forks at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 16611255 starts at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 47952463 ends at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 85765012 ends at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 16226002 ends at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 286615116 has reverse oneway tag <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 30525118 has reverse oneway tag <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 169667005 has reverse oneway tag <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 221985789 has reverse oneway tag <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 281592884 direction is wrong - reversing it <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout segment 273198050 direction looks wrong <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 191019282 has reverse oneway tag <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 44931391 has reverse oneway tag <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 277672219 direction is wrong - reversing it <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 180483852 direction is wrong - reversing it <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 183517622 direction is wrong - reversing it <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 183517556 direction is wrong - reversing it <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 133116494 direction is wrong - reversing it <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 259386699 starts at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 259386699 ends at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 255734577 starts at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 255734576 ends at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 255734577 ends at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 255734576 starts at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 200295427 ends at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 200295427 starts at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 273198050 starts at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 273198052 ends at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 222465749 ends at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 191019282 ends at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 192072110 starts at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 280512133 starts at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 257675592 direction is wrong - reversing it <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 179763245 direction is wrong - reversing it <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 179763244 direction is wrong - reversing it <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 179763243 direction is wrong - reversing it <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 179753125 direction is wrong - reversing it <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout segment 153681536 direction looks wrong <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 179722343 direction is wrong - reversing it <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 179722344 direction is wrong - reversing it <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 179722070 direction is wrong - reversing it <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 179722071 direction is wrong - reversing it <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 179722064 direction is wrong - reversing it <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 179722065 direction is wrong - reversing it <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 179722063 direction is wrong - reversing it <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 230241222 direction is wrong - reversing it <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 141956933 direction is wrong - reversing it <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 220591750 direction is wrong - reversing it <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout segment 140993554 direction looks wrong <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout segment 242618311 direction looks wrong <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout segment 242618308 direction looks wrong <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout segment 242618319 direction looks wrong <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 204611771 direction is wrong - reversing it <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 204611772 direction is wrong - reversing it <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 179223413 direction is wrong - reversing it <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 179223414 direction is wrong - reversing it <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout segment 236490224 direction looks wrong <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout segment 236490230 direction looks wrong <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 182106691 direction is wrong - reversing it <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 182106784 direction is wrong - reversing it <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 188444822 direction is wrong - reversing it <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 179622272 direction is wrong - reversing it <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 179622280 direction is wrong - reversing it <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout segment 179622281 direction looks wrong <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 158253745 direction is wrong - reversing it <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 158253784 direction is wrong - reversing it <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 266052440 direction is wrong - reversing it <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 241981038 direction is wrong - reversing it <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 247327940 direction is wrong - reversing it <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 184616721 direction is wrong - reversing it <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout segment 140619315 direction looks wrong <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 227943901 starts at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 227943901 ends at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 227943902 starts at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 227943902 ends at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 282780279 ends at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 293571195 ends at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 293571195 starts at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 4354406 ends at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 4354405 starts at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 4354405 ends at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 4354406 starts at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 280512136 starts at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 280511818 forks at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 280512133 forks at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 280512133 ends at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 222017031 starts at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 222017031 ends at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 222465751 starts at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 222766313 forks at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 222766322 forks at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 280512136 ends at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 172591765 ends at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 172591765 starts at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 282780279 starts at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 280512028 starts at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 280512028 ends at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 176785397 starts at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 44931657 starts at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 268832089 forks at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 268832094 forks at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 268832094 forks at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 277126868 ends at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 277126868 starts at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 228466696 starts at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 228466696 ends at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 228466693 starts at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 228466693 ends at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 158938688 starts at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 158938688 ends at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 243210693 forks at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 243210721 forks at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 243210699 forks at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 44931541 starts at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 153681536 starts at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 140993554 starts at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 140957495 forks at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 43339367 forks at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 43339367 forks at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 140957495 forks at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 41573086 forks at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 261322588 forks at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 41573086 forks at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 261322589 forks at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 140619315 ends at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 43334470 forks at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 140619314 forks at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 43334470 forks at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 140619315 forks at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 242618320 forks at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 242618312 forks at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 242618307 forks at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 242618317 forks at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 242618307 forks at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 242618311 forks at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 242618311 ends at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 242618319 starts at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 242618308 forks at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 44932454 forks at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 242618312 forks at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 242618316 forks at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 158615856 forks at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 158615680 forks at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 158615900 forks at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 255222488 forks at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 158615856 ends at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 179622281 forks at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 231771883 forks at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 179622281 ends at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 160119129 starts at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 160119129 ends at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 160119107 starts at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 160119107 ends at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 160119104 starts at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 160119104 ends at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 159876360 ends at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 153681536 ends at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 198472590 starts at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 198472590 ends at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 219680580 starts at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 219680580 ends at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 292489675 has reverse oneway tag <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 292489677 has reverse oneway tag <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 291265603 has reverse oneway tag <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 291265596 has reverse oneway tag <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 129928422 has reverse oneway tag <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 100973150 direction is wrong - reversing it <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 276657696 direction is wrong - reversing it <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 266478243 starts at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 266478249 ends at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 266478254 starts at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 266478238 ends at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 266478248 starts at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 292489653 ends at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 266478244 starts at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 266478242 ends at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 292489668 ends at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 292489677 starts at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 291265596 ends at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 292489653 starts at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 292489675 starts at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 292489675 ends at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 292489677 ends at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 292489668 starts at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 292489665 starts at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 292489665 ends at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 291265603 starts at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 291265603 ends at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 291263869 ends at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 291265596 starts at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 291265582 starts at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 291265582 ends at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 266478244 ends at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 266478251 starts at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 266478248 ends at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 266478238 starts at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 266478254 ends at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 266478249 starts at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 266478243 ends at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 266478242 starts at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 291263869 starts at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 266478255 ends at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 266478251 ends at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 291265586 ends at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 291265586 starts at <a href="">here</a></li>
<li>Roundabout 266478255 starts at <a href="">here</a></li>
sed -e 's/^.*: Round/Round/' -e 's/([^ ]*way[^ ]*\/\([0-9]*\))/\1/' -e 's/(.*\(http[^ ]*\))/\1/' -e 's/\(http[^ ]*\)/<a href=\"\1\">here<\/a>/' Roundabouts_BRA.txt | awk 'BEGIN { print "<ol>" } { print "<li>"$0"</li>" } END { print "</ol>" }' > Roundabouts_BRA.html
3830498, 3830502, 3830500, 3830506, 3830507, 3830504, 3830505, 3830510, 3830743, 3830740, 3830746, 3830750, 3830748, 3830687, 3830686, 3830685, 3830684, 3830680, 3830818, 3830821, 3830820, 3848533, 3830811, 3830812, 3830813, 3830814, 3848514, 3100477, 2684395, 2684394, 2684480, 2684482, 2684483, 2684484, 2684485, 3847107, 2598962, 2598965, 2598966, 3862630, 3862629, 3862628, 3862627, 3862626, 3862633, 3862632, 3862612, 3862613, 3862614, 3862615, 3862610, 3862611, 3862616, 3862617, 3835351, 3835352, 3835353, 3835363, 3835362, 3835361, 3835307, 3836588, 3836591, 3836590, 3853925, 3836597, 3836599, 3851965, 3851963, 3833875, 3833874, 3833872, 3833887, 3833886, 3833863, 3833860, 3833861, 3833858, 3833859, 3833856, 3833857, 3833870, 3833871, 3833868, 3833866, 3833867, 3833864, 3833911, 3833917, 3833916, 3833919, 3833918, 3833913, 3833912, 3833915, 3833914, 3833892, 3833893, 3833894
3833888, 3833889, 3833890, 3833891, 3833896, 3833898, 3833939, 3833937, 3833943, 3833940, 3833947, 3833945, 3833951, 3833949, 3833922, 3833923, 3833920, 3833921, 3833926, 3833927, 3833924, 3833925, 3833929, 3833952, 3833953, 3833955, 3833957, 3833959, 3833961, 3833853, 3833855, 3833854, 3833841, 3833840, 3833842, 3833845, 3833847, 3833846, 3833833, 3833835, 3833837, 3833827, 3833828, 3833829, 3833830, 3728528, 3728529, 3728527, 3735485, 3735483, 3735482, 3735369, 3735368, 3735367, 3837206, 3719839, 3719840, 3833938, 3833936, 3833942, 3833941, 3833944, 3833948, 3833954, 3833956, 3725461, 3721521, 3721520, 3721523, 3721522, 2951511, 3410491, 3830508, 3830509, 3496820, 3496932, 3496893, 3389166, 2690094, 2698913, 2516821, 2284242, 2284244, 2284247, 2284230, 2284256, 2284261, 2605145, 3340929, 3064879, 3058944, 3339437, 2793540, 2733387, 2733386, 2607613, 2607612, 3228951, 3228950
2771615, 3908745, 3908745, 3908745, 3908747, 3908747, 3908747, 2274868, 2274872, 2274876, 2274879, 2274887, 2274890, 2274888, , 2351298, 2351299, 2351297, 2351251, 2351250, 2351255, 2351254, 2351253, 2351252, 2351259, 2351258, 2351257, 2351256, 2351263, 2351262, 2351261, 2351287, 2351290, 2351264, 2363614, 2363613, 2363628, 2363629, 2363630, 2363631, 2600041, 2363619, 2615477, 2615476, 2615478, 2615475, 2615494, 2615495, 2615492, 2615493, 2645051, 2645052, 2645054, 2632758, 2632759, 2632756, 2632757, 2632755, 2632784, 2632781, 2632780, 2632783, 2632782, 2612395, 2740371, 2740370, 2740369, 2740368, 2740374, 2740373, 2740372, 2740367, 3195450, 3195448, 3195449, 3195446, 3195444, 3195445, 3195443, 2348034, 2740542, 2740543, 2740549, 2740548, 2740551, 2740550, 2740545, 2740544, 2740547, 2740546, 2740557, 2740556, 2740559, 2740553, 2740552, 2740555, 2740554, 2740560, 2740561
2740563, 3886114, 1949505, 2633266, 2633264, 2633265, 2633268, 2633272, 2633303, 2380185, 2380173, 2352611, 2380127, 2360564, 2360567, 2360568, 3199357, 3199356, 3199359, 3199358, 3199353, 3199352, 3199355, 3199354, 3199349, 3199348, 3199351, 3199350, 3199347, 3199346, 3195364, 3195365, 3195366, 3195367, 3195360, 3195361, 3195362, 3195363, 3195372, 3195373, 3195374, 3195375, 3195368, 3195369, 3195370, 3195371, 3195377, 3195376, 3195378, 3195359, 3195184, 3195185, 3195186, 3761831, 2801289, 2801292, 3848647, 2792243, 2562105, 2209429, 2744492, 1386762, 2206392, 2911596, 3802674, 1355846, 2205718, 2205719, 3649129, 3649094, 3649086, 3656664, 3067754, 3067751, 3067745, 3067717, 3223267, 3127800, 3127799, 3807116, 3807118, 3807122, 3735441, 3735443, 3735442, 3735450, 3735426, 3646923, 3799953, 3799863, 3799860, 3799859, 3799869, 3799868, 3799866, 2757501, 2757489, 2757486, 2757472
3690647, 3690646, 3690649, 3690648, 3690651, 3690650, 3690653, 3690655, 3690654, 3690658, 3690657, 3690662, 3690660, 3690661, 366622, 366622, 3494118, 3864029, 3751782, 3751783, 3751781, 3751784, 3751748, 3751749, 3751750, 3751751, 3751747, 3751756, 3751757, 3751757, 3751758, 3751759, 3751752, 3751753, 3751754, 3751755, 3751764, 3751761, 3751760, 3751763, 3751762, 3751773, 3751772, 3751775, 3751774, 3751771, 3494226, 3494259, 3751820, 3816099, 3816101, 3864115, 3864251, 3864228, 3864227, 3864236, 3864237, 3107405, 2353864, 2353865, 2349644, 2355101, 2355100, 2355103, 2355097, 2355096, 2355099, 2355098, 2355093, 2355094, 2355090, 576397, 3482126, 2274891, 2351287, 2632773, 2632774, 2612373, 2612374, 2612375, 3127357, 2380185, 3127367, 3127366, 3127365, 3397449, 3199342, 3199338, 2360618, 2360619, 2360616, 2360617, 2360620, 3195345, 535121, 2399025, 2399025, 3895677, 3895673
3895675, 3895670, 3895645, 3895643, 3895642, 3895641, 3895624, 3480532, 3480532, 534995, 535035, 2569345, 2625321, 3512268, 3512268, 3512268, 3837768, 3837769, 3837707, 3837708, 2760006, 2760006, 2759312, 2759303, 2759305, 3838474, 3838473, 3838472, 2759306, 3838446, 3838447, 3838445, 3838458, 3838457, 3838456, 3838448, 3838455, 3838454, 3838413, 3838414, 3838415, 2457546, 907034, 907030, 907028, 907026, 2309669, 3399809, 3422938, 3422938, 3422939, 3422939, 3658607, 3658526, 3806231, 3658546, 3658544, 3806237, 3806233, 3658543, 3658543, 3658542, 3658541, 3658541, 3658528, 1732908, 1732908, 3826390, 3826390, 3826392, 3500841, 3500841, 3500841, 1697918, 1697918, 3806028, 3806030, 3806025, 3806024, 3806026, 3806020, 3806022, 3806033, 1351519, 2757508, 2757512, 2757465, 2757500, 3858159, 3858160, 3690652, 3864036, 3751746, 3751770, 3494224, 3494222, 3873518, 1938457, 3546702
2353297, 2353296, 3823242, 3797446, 3706272, 2905861, 2923370, 2923391, 2923391, 2913391, 2907384, 3889933, 3889929, 3889924, 3889925, 3889926, 3889927, 3889923, 2901399, 2057717, 2057717, 2057690, 2057690, 959313, 959309, 2900829, 2897103, 2900825, 2897104, 2904602, 2904599, 2910918, 2451544, 2941829, 2913170, 2057818, 2057818, 2057819, 2057819, 2057820, 2057820, 2995703, 2057750, 2057750, 2057751, 2057751, 2057781, 2057781, 2057783, 2057783, 2057788, 2057788, 2057789, 2057789, 2941601, 3857357, 3857347, 3857348, 3900842, 3900843, 3900840, 3900841, 3900726, 3900724, 3900725, 3900723, 3817007, 3427762, 3427759, 3658527, 3440266, 3901340, 3808755, 3808756, 3813061, 3813063, 3813062, 3823187, 3823188, 3823157, 3823318, 3791050, 3806021, 3806032, 1645825, 3818530, 3818536, 3889928, 3889922, 959316, 2965430, 959311, 959308, 2918269, 2057749, 3841861, 3841860, 3841859, 3655706
3655706, 3841854, 3842005, 3842003, 3842013, 3842012, 3842015, 3842014, 3842008, 3842011, 3842018, 3725186, 2383393, 2383395, 2383394, 2383397, 3902781, 3902781, 2383279, 2383286, 2383281, 3842055, 3842057, 3842058, 3879314, 3879313, 3879326, 3879325, 3879310, 3879309, 3774733, 3717446, 3717476, 3432035, 3359218, 3359219, 3272319, 3272319, 3272319, 3709864, 3709864, 3709865, 3709865, 3709868, 3709868, 3096144, 3902827, 3902826, 3902842, 3902843, 3902841, 3902846, 3902844, 3902845, 3902839, 3891758, 3891757, 3891755, 3891754, 3891753, 3891751, 3891741, 3891737, 3891739, 3891733, 3891734, 3891735, 3723078, 3723078, 3723079, 3730694, 3902854, 3185245, 3185245, 3185245, 3185245, 3185245, 3185245, 3713606, 3713605, 3748062, 3748062, 3713637, 3713638, 3713639, 2981345, 2981345, 2981345, 2981345, 2981345, 2981345, 2981264, 2981264, 2981264, 2981264, 3713752, 3713750, 2981240, 3674146
3731425, 3731428, 3431909, 3705293, 3705293, 3431911, 3431913, 3431917, 3718558, 3718558, 2972026, 2972027, 2972025, 2972028, 3718573, 3884110, 3884114, 3884113, 3736750, 3736767, 2937830, 2937830, 2937825, 3910560, 3897336, 3897337, 3910543, 3897328, 3897330, 3897331, 3897332, 3897333, 3910555, 3910554, 3910556, 3910547, 3910545, 3910551, 3910548, 2964940, 2964941, 3764446, 3764447, 3853352, 3853353, 3853354, 3853355, 3772085, 3853346, 3853347, 1846358, 3706136, 3706136, 3906147, 3721666, 3721666, 3776220, 3768553, 3460675, 3460675, 3460674, 3746803, 3746802, 3746801, 3746815, 3270206, 3835451, 3835451, 3835450, 3835452, 3270215, 3894071, 3725186, 3707724, 3707732, 3707732, 3746427, 3889646, 3889645, 3889648, 3715166, 3768593, 3898122, 3898121, 3898118, 3898119, 3898116, 3898114, 3889532, 3889531, 3889530, 3893796, 3893795, 3893792, 3893790, 3893791, 3893787, 3893780, 3893781
3893783, 3768145, 3897574, 3897571, 3707290, 3897580, 3897578, 3897577, 3897576, 3897553, 3897554, 3893740, 3893743, 3897561, 3897562, 3897540, 3897543, 3897549, 3897545, 3897547, 3893632, 3893643, 3893640, 3893641, 3893583, 3893582, 3893582, 3897468, 3897467, 3893599, 3893596, 3893595, 3893592, 3893590, 3893588, 3893589, 3893586, 3893586, 3031261, 3893587, 3897440, 3893584, 3897436, 3897433, 3897434, 3897429, 3897431, 3897424, 3893600, 3897420, 3893628, 3893629, 3893630, 3893631, 3897416, 3893624, 3897418, 3893627, 3897413, 3897414, 3893514, 3893518, 3780883, 3893516, 3707211, 3707211, 3893506, 3893504, 3707214, 3707214, 3893508, 3893522, 3893523, 3893521, 3893526, 3893524, 3707242, 3707242, 3308358, 3308357, 3308363, 3893502, 3893500, 3893499, 3893498, 3893496, 3769310, 3738193, 3738194, 3738187, 3897632, 3097524, 3897610, 3897609, 3897603, 3897606, 3897625, 3897624, 3897631
3897628, 3897618, 3897622, 3897620, 3712252, 3834412, 3908181, 3908177, 3908129, 3719890, 3908146, 3908149, 3908155, 3908153, 3908127, 3731522, 3731522, 3242879, 3908531, 3908533, 3727645, 3712315, 3890467, 3890465, 3890471, 3890478, 3890479, 3890476, 3890477, 3712382, 3890459, 3890462, 2913134, 3807349, 3807350, 3739440, 3807326, 3203659, 3203659, 3203659, 3203662, 3203662, 3203662, 3203661, 3203661, 3203661, 3203660, 3203660, 3203660, 3032242, 3728025, 3728021, 3728009, 3708223, 3746816, 3693023, 3704204, 3704203, 3704213, 3693025, 3693025, 3071286, 3723460, 3723462, 3723458, 3723458, 3723459, 3723459, 3857379, 3857380, 3857172, 3857174, 3857175, 3857169, 3857171, 3857180, 3857181, 3857183, 3857176, 3857177, 3857165, 3857164, 3857163, 3857162, 3857191, 3857190, 3857185, 3857184, 3857193, 3857192, 3857245, 3857246, 3857247, 3857227, 3857229, 3857228, 3857251, 3857248, 3857255
3857252, 3857259, 3857258, 3857257, 3857256, 3857260, 3807199, 3807194, 3807204, 3807202, 3807200, 3814784, 3814785, 3857149, 3857151, 3857150, 3814753, 3814761, 3814760, 3814763, 3814762, 3814765, 3814764, 3814780, 3814783, 3821576, 3821569, 3821572, 2773477, 2773479, 2773480, 2773483, 2773482, 3813563, 3813561, 3813532, 3813534, 3813528, 3813530, 3813504, 3813497, 3813490, 3813495, 3813493, 3813465, 3813467, 3813459, 3813461, 3813463, 3823246, 3823247, 3823245, 3823467, 3823466, 3823465, 3823464, 3823468, 2774372, 2774371, 3190479, 2774328, 2774330, 3457184, 3857475, 3857474, 3857473, 3857472, 3857468, 3857469, 3857470, 3857471, 3857460, 3857461, 3857462, 3857463, 3737918, 3816623, 3816624, 3862950, 3809240, 3809242, 3809224, 3809223, 3809216, 3809217, 3809274, 3824469, 3824470, 3824457, 3824459, 3824458, 3824450, 3824453, 3809211, 3824504, 3809208, 3809215, 3809214, 3809213
3867809, 3867809, 3521226, 3521225, 3521228, 2598230, 2598231, 2598237, 2598239, 2598233, 2598234, 2598242, 2598241, 2598240, 2600268, 2600265, 2600235, 2600236, 3907191, 3907191, 2170312, 2632781, 3301132, 3301133, 3301130, 3301131, 3301124, 2991783, 2991782, 2588019, 2588023, 2588021, 2588020, 2261259, 2633267, 2633264, 2633265, 2633270, 2631557, 2631641, 2631641, 2631442, 2631443, 2631440, 2631444, 2631439, 2631436, 2263129, 2631519, 2631523, 3857371, 3857372, 2598830, 2598831, 2598828, 2598829, 2598825, 2598822, 2598818, 2598832, 2586916, 2586915, 3106854, 3830420, 3830423, 3830419, 3830429, 3830428, 3830431, 3830425, 3830424, 3806255, 3830434, 3830432, 3830748, 3826355, 3826353, 3826351, 3826350, 3155271, 3905980, 2589172, 2589175, 2589174, 2589171, 2589176, 3826707, 3826710, 3826714, 3826721, 3806063, 3806064, 3725610, 3725610, 2589591, 2589590, 2589596, 2589595, 2589594
3809207, 3824502, 3809206, 3824503, 3809204, 3863297, 3863296, 3863289, 3863288, 3863295, 3863294, 3815648, 3348582, 3815600, 3348575, 3815792, 3815793, 3815784, 3815787, 3815789, 3815788, 3815791, 3815777, 3815779, 3815778, 3815781, 3815783, 3815782, 3815770, 3815775, 3815772, 3815726, 3815812, 3815820, 3864221, 3864220, 3864223, 3864222, 3864224, 3864225, 3800975, 3800878, 3800879, 3800876, 3802980, 3800877, 3802981, 3800874, 3800875, 3802977, 3800870, 3800871, 3800868, 3800869, 3800867, 3800864, 3802984, 3800887, 3800886, 3800885, 3800884, 3800844, 3802948, 3802948, 3802949, 3802949, 3800846, 3802950, 3800840, 3800841, 3802945, 3800842, 3802946, 3800843, 3802947, 3802947, 3800836, 3800832, 3800833, 3800835, 3802965, 3800860, 3802964, 3802967, 3800862, 3802966, 3800856, 3800859, 3802963, 3802962, 3800854, 3800849, 3800849, 3800849, 3802969, 3800848, 3802968, 3800938, 3800938
3800936, 3800936, 3800937, 3800937, 3800942, 3800942, 3800943, 3800943, 3800941, 3800930, 3800930, 3800928, 3800928, 3800929, 3800929, 3800935, 3800935, 3802927, 3800932, 3800933, 3800933, 3802929, 3802935, 3802933, 3800946, 3800946, 3800945, 3800945, 3802937, 3800944, 3800944, 3800951, 3802942, 3802941, 3800948, 3800906, 3800906, 3800907, 3800909, 3800910, 3800911, 3800899, 3800900, 3800901, 3800902, 3800921, 3800920, 3800920, 3800923, 3800922, 3800922, 3800925, 3800925, 3800924, 3800927, 3800926, 3800926, 3800912, 3800915, 3800917, 3800916, 3800916, 3800918, 3800918, 3800752, 3800755, 3800765, 3800767, 3800762, 3802861, 3800743, 3800751, 3802846, 3802840, 3802841, 3800711, 3802828, 3802827, 3802826, 3802821, 3802820, 3802819, 3802818, 3800816, 3800817, 3800818, 3800819, 3800820, 3800824, 3800825, 3800828, 3800801, 3800800, 3800802, 3800804, 3800806, 3800809, 3800813, 3800815
3800786, 3800787, 3800794, 3800792, 3800798, 3800799, 3800797, 3800771, 3800769, 3800774, 3800773, 3800772, 3800779, 3800777, 3800782, 3800637, 3800638, 3800633, 3800635, 3800634, 3800629, 3800631, 3800630, 3800625, 3800627, 3800626, 3800618, 3800612, 3800609, 3800610, 3800606, 3800605, 3800604, 3800603, 3800602, 3800601, 3800600, 3800599, 3800598, 3800597, 3800596, 3800594, 3800593, 3800592, 3800591, 3800697, 3800702, 3800692, 3800695, 3800694, 3800680, 3800681, 3800682, 3800683, 3800684, 3800673, 3800674, 3800675, 3800676, 3800677, 3800678, 3800679, 3800667, 3800666, 3800665, 3800664, 3800671, 3800670, 3800669, 3800668, 3800659, 3800658, 3800657, 3800656, 3800663, 3800662, 3800661, 3800660, 3800650, 3800651, 3800648, 3800649, 3800654, 3800655, 3800652, 3800653, 3800642, 3800643, 3800640, 3800646, 3800647, 3800644, 3800645, 3826537, 3826540, 3826543, 3826529, 3826531, 3826533
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