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Using Bootstrap in Joomla 4

Joomla 4 introduces a modular approach for interactive components

  • What is a modular approach?
  • The functionality is broken down into individual components, files. There is no one file approach as it was with Bootstrap in Joomla 3. This was done for efficiency and performance gains (send only the code that is needed instead of delivering everything in case some page will need so component).

How to deal with Interactive components

  • Load what you need per case! There are helper functions that will help you achieve this and, it is dead easy just call the function with the appropriate arguments.
Jiab77 /
Last active January 13, 2025 13:36
This gist will explain you how to enable an undocumented feature of PHP-FPM which will give a real-time performance stats.

Real-time PHP-FPM Status

This gist will explain you how to enable an undocumented feature of PHP-FPM which will give a real-time performance stats.

Everybody knows the famous phpinfo() and the page it generates, right? Then the real-time PHP-FPM status page design is very similar.


Some informations from the top are not displayed to avoid security issues.

Enable PHP-FPM Status

akirattii /
Last active July 14, 2023 22:12
memo: MySQL docker container settings for slow query log

Check running mysql container:

$ sudo docker ps
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE               COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS              PORTS                    NAMES
26137efa979f        mysql               "docker-entrypoint..."   8 months ago        Up 10 minutes>3306/tcp   container-mysql

Check docker container mysql version:

$ sudo docker exec container-mysql mysqld --version`
mysqld  Ver 5.7.15 for Linux on x86_64 (MySQL Community Server (GPL))
pthiers / PHP-Array.groovy
Last active November 14, 2024 13:35
datagrip php array extractor
* Available context bindings:
* COLUMNS List<DataColumn>
* ROWS Iterable<DataRow>
* OUT { append() }
* FORMATTER { format(row, col); formatValue(Object, col) }
* where:


This extension was developed as part of the jsonapi module for Drupal.


It is possible for a server to have mixed success and error responses when dealing with a single or multiple entities at once. For instance, when generating collections of resource entities there is a chance that the GET operation results in a partial success. That is because each entity can generate errors independently from the other. In such scenarios the server MAY respond to the request with a partial success response.

Servers and clients MUST negotiate support for and use of the Partial Success extension as described in the base specification using partialsuccess as the name of the extension.

application2000 / how-to-install-latest-gcc-on-ubuntu-lts.txt
Last active January 13, 2025 03:52
How to install latest gcc on Ubuntu LTS (12.04, 14.04, 16.04)
These commands are based on a askubuntu answer
To install gcc-6 (gcc-6.1.1), I had to do more stuff as shown below.
If you are still reading let's carry on with the code.
sudo apt-get update && \
sudo apt-get install build-essential software-properties-common -y && \
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-toolchain-r/test -y && \
rvl / git-pushing-multiple.rst
Created February 9, 2016 11:41
How to push to multiple git remotes at once. Useful if you keep mirrors of your repo.

Pushing to Multiple Git Repos

If a project has to have multiple git repos (e.g. Bitbucket and Github) then it's better that they remain in sync.

Usually this would involve pushing each branch to each repo in turn, but actually Git allows pushing to multiple repos in one go.

If in doubt about what git is doing when you run these commands, just

chrisallenlane / nginx.conf
Last active March 14, 2020 16:57
This is an nginx configuration that does the following: - Implements a RESTful API using CORS between `` and `` - Uses SSL - Reverse-proxies SSL traffic from port 443 to a NodeJS application running on port 8000 Adapted from this page, with thanks to the original author:
# Configure the reverse-proxy on port 443
server {
# general configs
keepalive_timeout 30;
listen ssl;
# ssl configs
ssl_certificate /path/to/api.crt;
ssl_certificate_key /path/to/api.key;
PaulKinlan / criticalcss-bookmarklet-devtool-snippet.js
Last active October 12, 2024 16:34
CriticalCSS Bookmarklet and Devtool Snippet.js
(function() {
var CSSCriticalPath = function(w, d, opts) {
var opt = opts || {};
var css = {};
var pushCSS = function(r) {
if(!!css[r.selectorText] === false) css[r.selectorText] = {};
var styles =;(?![A-Za-z0-9])/);
for(var i = 0; i < styles.length; i++) {
if(!!styles[i] === false) continue;
var pair = styles[i].split(": ");