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Last active June 16, 2023 13:13
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Plotting world population vs. global average temperature anomaly
Purpose: To study how world population influences global temperature.
Results: Standardised temperature anomaly closely fit standardised population anomaly.
Standardized green house gaz emissions (GHGE) do not fit standardized temperature anomaly.
Univariate linear regression of population growth and GHGE fit temperature well.
Conclusion: Population growth seems to predict global temperature anomaly, at least since 1850.
Humans seem to sources of temperature by themselves.
A lack of GHGE data and the absence of direct fit (from standardized data) prevent us from being more affirmative regarding the link between GHGE and temperature.
Data sources:
* Population:
* Green house gaz emissions:
* Temperature:
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.rcParams["figure.dpi"] = 300
def load_data(fp, column, rename=None):
data = pd.read_csv(fp)
for c in ["Entity", "country"]:
if c in data.columns:
data = data.loc[data[c].eq("World") | data[c].eq("Global")]
data.rename(columns={"year": "Year"}, inplace=True)
name = column if rename is None else rename
return pd.Series(data[column].values, data["Year"].values, name=name)
def savefig(ax, fp, **kws):
fig = ax.get_figure()
fig.savefig(fp, **kws)
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Load data
data = pd.concat([
load_data("population.csv", "Population (historical estimates)", "Population"),
load_data("owid-co2-data.csv", "total_ghg", "Green house gaz emissions (Mt of CO2-equivalents)"),
load_data("temperature-anomaly.csv", "Global average temperature anomaly relative to 1961-1990", "Temperature anomaly (°C)")
], axis=1)
mask = data.iloc[:, -1].notna()
data = data.loc[mask]
# Standardize data
mean = data.mean(axis=0)
std = data.std(axis=0)
norm_data = (data - mean) / std
# Plot data by year
ax = sns.lineplot(norm_data)
ax.set_title("Source: Our World in Data")
ax.set_ylabel("Standardised scale")
savefig(ax, "lineplot.png")
# Linear regression
for i in range(data.shape[1] - 1):
kws = dict(zip("xy", data.columns[[i, -1]]))
joint_grid = sns.jointplot(data, **kws, kind="reg")
ax = sns.residplot(data, **kws)
ax.set_title("Linear regression residuals")
savefig(ax, f"linreg_residuals_{i}.png")
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